.SCH OSSE' 401 LINDEN AVENUE Pi.aity of Parkinaug Spce. WILMETTE 150-151 No WolinIg-Prompt DliIvwry g A WEALTH, 0F FOOD BRAN AWAITS YOU HERE Beec h Nut, Pekanut Butter Fresh and buttery- the bas s for aÀîfne sandwichIluncheof -even better combined with orange marmalade. Etra large 16-oz. jar 24cM LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FIUSH A delicious entree for either dinner or luncheon.. , IL. 29c H ALIBUT STEAK Bake in milk to a delicate brown, serve with broiled tomatoes. b. 7 CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI Brush the head trim and peel thie stalk, soak in Sait water for an hour, then 19Cl cook for 25 minutes, large bunch I7 ICEBERG, LETTUCE Crîsp and 9 f resh. 9 CARROTS New and sweet, fine shredded raw for salads, equally tasty when3 IO cooked and creamed . bh 1O "Everything looks so good, 1 want some of if ail" said'a young matron who came into one of our stores recentiy. W. know that things not only look good, >but tkey are good. They are aiso most attractively priced.- The bargains isted below are mereiy an exampie of the fine foods we carry at ail times. Thslow prices include delivery. BEEF, PORK AND VEAL Ground for 2 qf, ail ready toadd seasoning, chopped onr6ns, an egg or two and bake. lb. LLC L'bby Corned Beef Hash A splendid hurry-up entree-aII ready to heal- and serve-for an even better flavor, add a table-.I12o. spoonful of butter. iO25 TOMATOES For saiads, baking, broiling or frying. When broiling season with sait, pepper and sugar;, spread with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cracker crumbs and brown; u they're delicious. !Ab. tray 17C College Inn Tomato Juioe Keep if. chilled in the refrigerator- drink it three times3 > a day. 131/2-oz. tins for 2L5c CALVES SWEETBREADS A most delectable luncheon dish, either creamed or breaded and fried. l. 9 BONELESS VEAL ROAST Deliclous hot and even better sliced, cold. (b. LIC ELIERTA PEACHES The big, juicy, sweet variety. so good sliced and served with sugar and 'cream. basket of. 10 2 3c VALENCIA JUICE ORANGES A glass of thissweet, healthful juice each morning is as. beneficial as a series of setting up exercises. 3 do. 79c, NEW APPLES For a big1 sauce; or a, juicy piè. bowi of that rich new apple fat, I.IC Pompelan Olive Oul RIPE OLIVES, Ciant Size Here's a well-known product at a truly bargain price. Packed in Big, fat, meaty black ones-the kind that make one want more usable 4-oz. Rose Bud Vase.. and 'more. Alto 1/2-pint fin 29c. i9Cý 3 for 98c. pints 35c We Doliver go Yoa No Carr>'sug I. De Wl LMETTE 402 Lindon Avenue Wflmtt. 160-161 WINNETKA 718 EIm Stret Win.tlka il LAKE YIEW 3959 Broaedwy ROGERS PARK . 508 Jarvis Rogers Park $116 Ordm a rm~ghtle o Yur Dwo Ail Alng the North Shors AUGUST ,î6, 1934 Paramount Dog Food Why cook for the dog? This prepared food is better for him and does away with ail tiresome prepara- tions. 3 fo r25C,