6 WILMETTE LIFE August 16, 1934 -I MoToRs SERVICE Everya'hing for A utomobiles NEW BATTERIES Complete Service 721 MAIN STREETI Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 PERMIT US TO, PRÉSENT SOME. REAL PIONEERS__ Mathew Francis Photf> .4 feu, hundred of fthc Schneider rclationship enjoycd an oiffinqy lasi Sunldav afternoon and eveniny ut L'e. Sehnridcr's bcaîtifudllv .ituafcd Woodland -Tavern on ivrst Harrison sfreel. .-lîoufq those -verv mnach in' ezidence z'r eîqjht brothers and ti'o sisters, fithcii children of Mfr. and Ilr.s. Joscph .clneideir who se/tled ini Gross Point (z(cs/ il'iliiietth') j,. the late 40s. TheY took. finie off fro,,itflefriz'olit 'v t pose for- the obove pictitre. IPermit lis fa preselit standing,, frt (o right): Ed A4., Frank, WVilliami J., John G.. Joseph: .1., Peter, VlattJose ph ScIîae'fqen (a broi/wr- in-ýlaîî) (nid Anitan; scaied: Mlrs. Ed A4.. Ifrs. Frank. Mrs. Iial linJ .,.Mrs. Johni G..,JIrs. Jose ph A.,.lrs. Vatt, Vrs. Jlohnî Thalmîan and Mr.ç. JosC74 Schaefqe,î (the sisters ini the fam;ilv) and -111s. Antan Schneider. Ail of the brothers and sisters. ex-- cepting oniy William J., who lives in Glencoe, are residents, of MVinette. This remarkable pioneer family boasts C7 grandchildreni and a dozen or more great-grandchiidren, practicaliy ail of whom are residents of the north shore. The father, joseph Schneider, and his wife were hrought to this country f rom Germany when mere hahes in arms. J osephi's parents settied ini Milwaukee hut soon came to Wilmette via ox-cart. Both passed, away severai years ago at a ripe oid age. What, a Difference in LYAN'S ICE CREAM Fresh fruit flavors a nd make Ly- 4 , man's Ice Cream dif- ferent. . . in quality ..... a d whole- ....... some good- f' ness.«........ . .. I We wili deliver prom Mly at any time you specif y VISITING IN EAST Miss Betty Schm< 422 Lauirel avenue, who has be visiting her aunt of New Rochelle, N. Y.. at her coutitrv home in North Carolina, is niow vacationing at Virginia Beach, Va. Robert Buethe, 1351 Greenwood avenue, returned recentlv from Pur- due university where lie complete(l a summer course. He wiil be a senior at Purdue this fali. -o- Miss Flossie Hill and 'Mrs. Johin! Cameroîi of Fort Mvlers. Fia., are1 guests of the Lincolin C. Torrevs of 1341 -Elnmwood avenue. A. C. Youiiglerg of Hibbard road returnied Thursdav of iast week f romi a business trip to M\onitpeiier, Vt. The Best You've Ever, Tasted HOME MADE FULL CREAM, FUDGE, lb. 50c * a Trial bug l10c SPANISH KANDY. KUP130ARD 924 Spanish Court In No-Maji's Lanîd Wilmette 5423 Speed Boat Regatta at the Pair 'Suriday Action galore is promîsed vsitors to the World's Fair Sunlday, Auigust 19. with the staging of the third annual Hearst Gold Cup regatta, Anmerica's premier speed boat event wvhich is to be lheld ini the South lagoon. At preseiit every inati1onal champion ini ail divisions of this sport is entered. and a record field is ex-- pccte(l to appear iu the varions coni- tests, of five miles each. 1The \Vorld's 'Champion amateur, Horace Tennes. w~ho captured- the trophy the iast two years, and George Colemnan of Mianmi, Okla,, present hoider of the World's spec(l. mark for outboar(ls of (61.75 miles per hour, have a(lde(l their niames ta fthe list of (lenon pilots wiio ill be seen in tîlis classic regatta. Others wvho have noniinate(l thecm- scivQs ini the amateur coml)ctitionls are: Class A, Clinton Ferguson, \Vat- bannm, Mass. , Class B, jack Nlaypole, River Forest, Ill. ; Class C, G-eorge Kuehui, -Milwvaukee. Class F. Paul Hvatt, Brooklvn, N. Y. Professional (drivers witlî national Chanipionshîps to their credit wvho wvill vie for the many, cash prizes offered, include: Clas's A, Bol)Nle\er, Chicago>; Class B, Frank Vincent, Tulsa, OkIa.: Class C, .Jack Smith, Park HuIs, Kv.; Class F, Walte Everett. Tulsa, Okia. O.Choose, Umhot aaPas a ited If you need money now for any pur- pose get in touch with us., 0 We arrange loans 42in 24 to 48 hours, and offer a wide variety of re- payment plans extending over 1, 3, 6,*10 months, and longer. 0 Our charge is reasonable because it is figured only on the balance due, and just for the number of days you owe that omount. LOANS 0F $200 TO $300 AT REDUCED ]RATES PERSONAL FINANCE CO, 7*ÇChirch St., Evanston Wilmnette4020 GRE. MI>8 Speciol ThiS Week BUTTERED PECAN and 2 NEW YORK.. Quart brick..4? August 16, 1934