Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1934, p. 5

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August 16, 1934 WILMETTE LIFE T PREPARE FOR REOPENING :0F LOCALSCH OOLS More Than 7,000 Children 'tO Resume- Studies in, Public Sehools Septeinher 10 Public scliools of the four New Trier township villages - \\rilnette. Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe -ilopen for the 1934-1935 terni i\Fonday, Septemiber 10, %vith a total enrolhinent of approximatelv 7,125. New Trier High sclool lias the largest enrolliînent of ani. public __ sclîool iii the four villages.. There it is expecte(l tlat close to 2,300 stu- dents will report for the opening of the fall and winter terni. The inconi- ing fresliman class numbers about «(). For several vears the enrolîmient at New Trier lias l)een increasing at an average rate of one lundred stu- dlents a year. Winnetka Takes Lead \Vinnetka, althoughi its population ib. less than that of Wilmette, will u ave the largest total enirolîniient of aniy o f the grammrar schools. It is expected tliat 1,850 pupils will be at- tentlîng the. XViinetka schools %vlien the new terni opens., In Xilmiette tlhe antîcipated enrolîmient is 1,625. K11enilwortli, smallest, of the four villages, wiIl have about 450 puils atten(ling its public scIool, Josepli Sears'r Glencoe expects dlouble that iîuiniber. or 900. Plan Conferences At al of tlhe schiools teacliers' meetings will beclîeld tlîe week pre- cediîig thé opening. New Trier Higli Sclîool deans, departnueiît lîeads andl a(lvisor cliairinen %vill inect 1Iri<lav niiorning, Septexuber 7. anldthere wiil ba general tig for tlîe entire Newv Trier facuiltv Saturdav nîiorîîîng, Septemiber 8. Botli sessions vl tr at 9 o'clock, it is announced. Ili W\ilînette and(lKenilvortli gen- eral mneetings of the granmar schoo! factilties are scie(lnle(l for Saturday a iturnomn, Septeniber 8. Series of Meetings Glenxcoe wxilI have teacixers' mecet- ingt.s on ;el)teiiler 0, 7 andi 8. 111 tîhe \\Vinnietka schools a general faéttlt\- it.et ing on Friday moring. Septemn- ber 7, n-111 be toflo\%e(1 1 meetings of txe teachiers %vith tlîe prinicipals at tîhe thîree Ioxver sclîools andi (el)artinental meetings at tlîe Skokie scliool. Many Activities Enrich 19a4 Playground Season Althougli'the final check-up of re- ports on playground attendance lias not been made at the Recreat ion office, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, is announcing that eveni if thiere is not a record attendance rel)orted, the 1934 season just, past lias been one of the best seasons in p)oint of activity that the Recreation i b)oard bias conducted,. Becautse twelveý recreation assis- tants, assigned by the Illinois Emer- gency Relief, commission,, reported for wvork in the middle of tle sea- son, the activity of the playground wvas increased almost fifty percent. Dramatic instruction, wlîîcli b las been one of Mr. Davis' long sought objectives for the playgrounids, ivas available; and ini addition, pre-school leaders, for whom there have been needs at bt)th playgrounds, and band- icraft supervisors were senît out. As a result the handicraft exhibit and the closing programs were the mnost successfui ever conducted on the two jplaygrounds, it is announced. Schneider's: Woodland TàvernOpens'Saturday joseph Schneider . will observe ,the formai opening, of .bis -"attractive Woodland Tavern located:on Harri-> son Street, about a mile' west of Skokie boulevard, Saturday evening, August 18.1 Music for, the opening of this. excellent dine and dance place will be 'provided hy Mr. Schneider, and bis orchestra wbich bas been serving the north shore dance clien- telle for manyv ears. The Woodland Tavern is beautifully situated in a wooded area adjoining the Forest l)icfiic groups ini a wvell shaded grove. Mrs. John Segswortb, 1006 Forest avenue, who, witb ber daughter and familv, is spending the summer at a lake, 'In Indiana, is in WilImette this week. OW Seil It now fer yva- GOLD ation money! W have a governmnent lcense to bny old gold, platlnnm and mli- ver. No need to. go elsewhere- we wUI pay you ln cash or trade for new .ewelry. D. PAGLIARULO 1166 Wilmette Ave. WiI. 1061 IN NAVAL MANIEU VERS James: Baker, 347 Maple avenue. wbo was graduated in '33 from Northwestern and wbo bas just fin- isbed, bis'first year at law schoOl there,,bas been commissioned an en- sign and is witb the Illinois Naval Reserves now enigaged in battle ma- neuvers at Great Lakes with gun boats,, submarine chasers, patrol boats, and navy planes. He expects to be gone two weeks. James beaded his freshman law scbool class and bas been awarded a scbolarsbip for bis sophomore year in that scbool. Hie is a graduate of New Trier. You are sure Chocolate, 413 Lin den Avenue FFI" BEAU SH01' Fanqer Powder Wvi n 9 Blendinq Beauty Culture in ail ifs Branches mots C&EO B5AU I37CENTRALAV fo lIke this Wee k's Spociali Lime Ice and Vaailla 5 Regular 60c value (QUART) Wilmeffe 4120 _______________________________________ iii. __________________________________________________________________________________ Off ering. COMPLETE '4 A&UTO <'7 UN DER ON E MANAGEMENT We wish to annaunce ta aur Wii- mette friends the consolidation of Fourth Street Auto Service and Shawnee Servce Garage and the purchase of the Linden' Garage. This consolidation wiII make it pas- sible to offer better service in each of the three locations. Yourý con- tinued patronage AiI b. appre- ciated. SAM MARVIDIÈ GEORGE SCHAEFER AL RODE NKIRK m'1 l~ a- i:ii h a PEACOCK*S [CE CREAN SERVIICE, FOURTH STREET AUTO SERVICE' 516 Fourl'h Street - Phne WiImette 5446 SHAWNEE SERVICE GARAGE 515 Fourth Street ..Phone WiImel1'e 636 LINDEN GARAGE 332 Linde, Avenue - Phn. WiImeite 5430 Augùst 16, 1934 WILMETTE. LIPÉ

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