Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1934, p. 32

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Do ýyoune dhelpb' or a joten spend CLASSIFJED AD VER TISEMENTS Gênerai Notice- Clas:ified advertisements willI be charged:oniy Glencoe. inclusive, whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers toeiether WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rateý_ 2àcents a line. Advertisements run In Ail three papere. Rates-3IJNI-MLM CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average o!f ive words to.the lins. No black face type used. 20% discont on ail cash advertise- ments when brought te aur office at, 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 10% dieon on al advertlaements run four consecutive Issues. Deadline for Insertios_Ca3lled advertisernents will bese WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thusday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWB. Telephones- Wllmette 4300, Wlflfetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. ]IL), Greenleaf 4me or Sheidrake 1214-117. ANTIQUES MAHOG. DRESSER, SUITABLE F;OR dining room, from Ex. Mlansion, Ky. 1812. $35. Large nirror and hand- carved chair, same period. Two mid- Victorian lamps. Giencoe 833. 7LTN15-Itp BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE-HARDWOOD FIREPLACE logs, split and cut in 2-ft. lengths. Other sizes. by order. $14 CORD. $8 TON. DELIVERED Samples to be seen at 514 Birch St. Kindling wood. C. O.- D. coal orders. Black dirt. Manure. Rubbish remov ai. Any trucking or moving. E. G.HAGLUND WINNETKA 2108 16LTNl-ltp Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN. EXTERMINAT- ing engineer. Ph. Wilniette 3867. 16LTN15-tfc UPHOLSTERING, IN YOUR HOMNE. Davenport rewebbed, $6; chair, $2.50. Best references. Write A-139, Box 40, Wrimette, Illinois. 16LTN15-4tp CLOCK REPARINS CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, AN- tique dlock repairing. Learned trade lu Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and D'ld'a.> Will caîl. Free estimates. David Johansson. Pho>ne Diversey 2041. 2OLTN9-9tp FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE-EATING* & COOKING al))lS. 0ea bushel, 25e a peck Plunis ill be ripe next week. No deliveries. Otto P. Kempe, .418 Ridge Road, Wilmette, 111. 24LTN15-Itp) GARDENING EXPER. M-AN' WANTs TREE TLl niing aiso take (lowf trees. ()ther work around yard. lteasoitable. WINNETKA 3248 27 LITN 5-Il INSTRUCTION BEYE AND BEYE SCHOOL AINI Camp). Boys-Girls 5-15 y*eaiiýs, $30 a month. 8 granimar grades, accr~edited, High school studénts, also. write- Marcellus, Mlich., R. No. 1. 3t0LTNl-4tii PAINTING AND DECORATrING Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS ANDCANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bath room lenameied, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 Up. 5 rm. firs. washed, vamnished, $8. Stuccu finish, outside painting, porches $là. Windows, 50Oc. Refs. Free estimates. Materials furnlshed. MEL VIN Wilmette 3413 42LTNi5-Itp Decorate 5 Rooils $32 CEILING:AND WALLS COMPLETE.ý Ceiling cale. $1 up; kitchen painted $6 Up; bathrm. enameled $6; >rn. papered 45.50. Walls washied and starched $2.50. Oood mnateriais. furn. lst class work-i manship. Louis, Wilniette. 5034, Win- netka 2511. ______42L15-t p 1-AINTiNGd & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR ist class work guaranteed. Reasonable. SID OLSON WILMETTE 43à7 42LTS-4tp PETS __ FOR SALE-WIRE HAIRED FOX1 terriers. Registered puppies. Inter- _ national Champion stock you wili be proud of. $75. Phone Wilmette 2296. 44LTN15-ltp FOR SALP,-biALE PEkINGESE DO, fawn and black. 14 mnonths old, housebroken, gentie disposition. $75.1 Phone Highland Park 2105. 44LTN15-ltp Pu"S WISH TO FIND A HOME FOR A .kitten, 6 weeks old.. Housebroken. Phone Wilmiette 3580. 44LTN15-Itp PIANO TUNINQ Pianos Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED FactorY, Dealer, Acoustic Laboratory experience; good, references. E. I. VAN HARLINGEN Wllmette 1323 Wilmette Ave. Wllmette 2744 Chicago--4213 Lowell Ave. Kildare 86421 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- Pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chlck- erinc, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Faim- view. Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN13-4tp BEWING MACHINE REPAIRINGa SEWING MACHINIES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL klnds repaired. Establshed more than fifty years ago. Now located in WI- mette. U. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfc WICARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEF'T WITH US FOR. storage and repairs, but uncalied for: Black pony coat, $15; brown caracul, $20; gray caracul, $24; leopard cat, $29; Amemican broadtal, $24; black caracul, $28; raccoon, $25; Hudson Seal,. $50: gepnuine mink, $150; and many others worth four times their price. Aise 20 jaquettes at $10 and 38 fur scarfs at $2. Economy section,' Miller Fur Ce., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, open evenings. ___ 59LTN14-2tc FOR SXL-E-.NVý'S SIT S,SIZE40. Toi> (oats, tuxedo. In good condition. Reasoniabie. Phone Irving 7077. 59LTN1il LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidentiai service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HEIIP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WB INVESTIGATE REFERENCES 1WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agency WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite "U' Ter. 68LTN47-tfe EXPERIENCED HELP WB SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestie help, ah nationalities. No charge te' employers. References in- vestlgated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's -Empi. Agency 74# Elm St. Wlnnetka 3&99 68LTN25-tfc GERMAN GIRL, AGE 26, WANTS ibsitièn cook and gen. Ex*ellent refs. Reasonable wages. .S-H-A-Y Employment Agency 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 68LTN15-lte1 YOUNG SCHOOLTEC R Experienced with smali eilidren wishes ,position as governes.4.or nursemaid.* Phone Wlmette 509!). 6LTN15-lip CAPABLE PERSON WILL CARE for children in your home, by day or evening. Phone Wilmette. 4088. _________________ 6OLT15-ltp1 TRAINED NURSE WOULD LIKE position taking care of- chlldren. Beat1 N. S. Refs. Phone Winnetka 1530. 68L15-ltp -German, 29-3 yrs. former place. Swedish, 30-Cook,. ist floor. 1 Norwegian, 33-4 yrs. former place. German, 24-5 yrs. last place.- Reinihart's Emipi. Agency Opp. Elm lx. S. Sta. Winnetka 3399, 68LTN15-Itc SITUATION WANTED-MALE PAI NTING, CALCIMINING, WASH- ing by experienced reliable man. Also odd jobs. Good refs. Cail Ed, Wil- mette 2088. 69LTN15-ltp EXP. COLORE-D HOUSEMAN WISI-Eff work by the day or part time. -Refs. Uni. 7j46., 69LTN15-itp SOT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COUPLES Germian, 28-31-3 yrs. last place. Bohemian, 36-37-A-i butler 7 yrs. English, -27-25-2 yrs. Danish, 37-32--l%/ yrs. former place. Reihhart's Emipi. Agency 748 Elm Street Winnetka 3399 70LTN5-Itc Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKÂ 3329 RELIABLE IJELP AIl domestic positions NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 70LTN1-tfc COUPLE WHITE, EXCELLENT cook, College Homie Economics. Houseman, chauffeur. 3 yrs. experience. A-i references. Pho»Q Graeeland 0552. 7OLTN15-itp HELP WANTED-FEMALE A WHITE COOK AND A SECOND mnaid in Winnetka. State nationality. Recent references required for first- class cooking and competent serving. Write A-136, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 71L15-ltp COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good references. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN13-tfe WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. Phone Winnetka 3362. 71LTN15rltp EXPER. WVHITE MAID, GENERAL work. Good cook and waitress. 2 in faifily. $12 a week. References. 560 Greenwood Ave., Gleneoe. 75LTN 15-lte WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking. Good homie. Pholie KIenil%%orth 4766. ______________71 LTN 15-ltp %VHITIE G111L OR OA FOR care of child. Phone W%%ilmnette 2198 after 6 P. M. 71LTN15-ltl) IIELPWANTrED-MALE. AND FEMALE M~AIDS O LE RîGI'IERNOW FOR, GOOD) r'USITIONS NO RL4'GISTII1ATIt-uN CHARGE PAUL1INE'S EMP. AGCY. 4th & Linden Oîp. "L" Ter. 1 131k. Linden Sta. N. S. Line 73LTNi5-ltc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND'WELL RECOMMENDED Good Openings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Establlshed 25 years 799 Elm, St, Winin. 1047 73L[TN1-t'ft WANTED - COUPLE. GOOD COOK,l chauffeur and housenian. Must like chiidren. Must be thoroughly experi- en.eed, with good references. Phone Gleneoe 1458. 73LT15-ltp WHITE COUPLE, EXPERIENCED. only. iteferences required., Win- netka 82. 73L15-itî) FORSALE-AUTOS LINCOLN 7 PASS. LIMOUSINEÈ, LATE ' 29. 2 years in storage. Only 2 9,000 miles. ist cia"s condition. Cost $5.50. Seli for $500. Phone. Giencoe 1776. 77L15-1tp STUDEBAKER, 1933. 6 CYLINL>ER coupe. Fine condition. 2 new front tires. $435. Can be seen at, 615 Elm St., Winnetka, 111. Ph. Wlnnetka 1180. 77LTN15-ltp FOR SALE - ESSEX COACH - 1930. Good Londition. Phone Wilmette 3417.l 77LTN15-Itp, BIT ATION WANTXD-FEMALE THE LINDEN CREST See our Desirabie 2-3-4 room apartment homes Kroll & Smith, Agents 424 Linden Avenue wiimette ScO 92LTN14-4tu NO\VAVAl LfA 13L- __ __ ka very desiritle 7 and 8 min., 2 bath aipartnîents froni $110 tco $200 per xiio. Mrs. Wakeman. THE BÎLL-S REALTY, hic. 529 Davis St. Evanstom Greenleaf 1166 Wiimette 3740 92LTN15-ite EAST WIL2MdETTEý5RM.,SECOND floor duplex, elec., gas, heat and wvater furnished, $45 per month. Aduits only. Oth er* good values, bhouses and apartments, liisizes. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center Street Winnetka 965 92LTN15-Ilp Fine Snimall ApLartfl1eft IN BEAUTIFUL, BUILDING. LARGE living room with. m-a-dom, Kitehen and, Dinette, Tule Bath. Free refrig. Near "L." Price reasonabie. Phone Km-QIi & Smith, Wiimette 500d 92LTNIý5-ltc THPIE LINDJEN- MANOR 1H ]UBBÂRD WOODS 4-5 Room apartments;- «tAle bath, re- frg., roli-a-way bed. Reas. priue.. FRANK A. REID> 964. Linden, Hubbard Woods Wlnn. 1300 9ZLTNO-tfe CI-IEERFUL AND WELL-ARRANGED 2 room apartmnent. Large living rm., bedrm., tule bath and s9hower. Electric icer. The apartment 'is in A-i condi- tion at reasonable rentaI. E. E. Stuits Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winrietka 1800 rooms, exclusive front and back en- rance. $45 with heat. 1008 Oakwood Avenue, Wiimette. 921LTN15-tfc. LARGE ROOM WITH COOKING 1priviteges, for couple or - gentlemen. Nicely f urnished. Large sleeping porch if desired. Winnetka 2669. ______________________ 2L15-itp J-'LEASANT ROOM, LIGHT, AIRY. Priv-ate home on east side., Near trans- portation., Reasonable. 1009 Oakwood Ave. Phone Wilmette 824-J. ______________________82LTN15-Ilp ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM including fireplace and lav. Central location. Phone Witmette 2399 or 2427. __________82LTN14-4tp LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, suitabje for 1 or 2. Private home. Kitchen prîvileges. Reasonable. 1416 N'tvbella St., Wilmnette. 82LTN15-Itp FOR RENT-NICE LARGE FRONT room, wîth or without garage. Con- venient to main stations. Tel. Win- netka 3019. ________ 82Li5-itp ONE PLEASANT BEDROOM, ' block from transportation, 720 Elm St., 3rd floor, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2480. 82L15-ltp) NICE AIRY -ROOM NEAR-TRA NS- portation and business district. Phone Winnetka 3a-58. 82L15-ltp) PLIEASANT ROONM FOR GENTLE- Sman employed. 607 Main Street, Wil- mette. Illinois. 82LTN15-ltp PLEALSANT 1R00,11FOR RENTý,-NEAR transportation. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 3918. 82LTN15-lte FOR mENT-LT. HUKPGI. ROONS SMALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE IN SEast side home. Large open porch. oil ht., instant hot water. Convenient to transp, Refs. Wilmette 204, after i P. M.84LTN15-ltp' BOARD AND *OON KENILVVORTH INN offers you dlean homelike rooms, suites 1with bath. Excellent meals. Reason- able. 315 Cumnor Rd., Kenilworth 5491. 86LTN15-Itc APARTMENTS TO SJ4ARE ýWILL SUARE AIRARTÏME-NT -WITH eCouple, or two wonien. Caîl evnings. References required. Phone Wîi. 3367. 9OLTN15-ltlp FOR RENT-APARTMENTS WILMETTE'S Most Beautiful Building August- 16, 1934 WILMETTIE LIPE

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