30 aWILM VAL 6wRE aAugàstA1a6, 1934 RETRN ROM EUROPE, Mrs.. Burt Crowe and daughter, Barbara, 2M4 Raleigh road, Kenil-" worth , returned Saturday,, August 4i oh the Berengaria, saiiing front Cherbourg, from a European! tour. They visited England, Belgium, Hol- land, Gxermany, Switzerland, and France, and attended the Passion Play at Oberammergau. After arriv- ing in the States, they stopped at Rye, N. Y., to visit the Crowes' daughter,, Mrs., Laurence T. Knotts, and her family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle.Dunn, 225 Dupee place, have returned fnom a* vacation at' National Forest lodge, Ely, Minn., wbere they spent two weeks. ISU Shurman Av. UBL mu 4 .MURDER AT THE VANITIEII [ Dollar. Day Shoppers! WLW Power, Would. Suply Ity Of 15ON~ î Enough electrical. energy is- re- quired to.operate the giant new, 500,*- 000-watt WLW broadcasting. stationi -the 'most. powerful in the world- as is needed to keep the electric lights burning in the ho mes of the averageAmenican City of about 150,- 000 population. Proof of this fact is to be found in the records of the electricity consumed in the city of Knoxville, Tenn., cluning 1933. Ac- cording, to these statistics, residen- tial lighting in this typical city with itç population of 105,000, required l"'.925.000 kilowatt bours last year. The -new 500-kilowatt WLW will consume, 15,450,000 kilowatt hours of electrical .pëwer per year,. according to engineers in charge of its opera- tion. BACK FROM EAST Miss Frances Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, bas recently .returned from Hartfond, Conn., coming from Buf- falo to Mackinac by boat and then driving from Mackinac to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Moore of Hartford, with wbom she made the trip, biave been ber guests for several davs. The Charles W. Robb family, 816 Greenleaf avenue, whicb bhas been spending tbe season at its summezr home on Klinger lake, Midi., was ini Wilmette for severai days this week to attend the Fair. Mrs. Robb bas as her guest for a number of weeks ber sister, Mrs. Brooks Geibel of Lake- land, FIa. The Rev. Austin Pardue of Min- neapolis who was tbe guests of bis parents-in-law, the Charles Klotz, 550 Ridge, road, wbile bere to officiate at the recent marriage of Catherine Klotz, left Monday for Boston wbere he has taken a cburch for the remain- der of August and the finst week in September. Mrs. C. F. Ferre of Montclair, N. J., s visiting her daugliter, and family, the F. T. Steingrabers of 737 Cum- mings avenue, Kenilworth. Miss Ade- aide Irwin of Montclain and Robert Callard of Glen Ridge, N. J., are also guests, having arrived Wednes- lay. Mrs. Fred -Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, Kenilwortb, left Wednesday, notoring witb ber brother, George Varcoe and bis son, Earl, and ber sister, Miss Carnie Varcoe of Chi- cago, to Toronto, Canada, where they will visit relatives, for two weeks. 0o- Oswald Law ofManassa, Va., an- rived Wednesday to visit bis mother, M'rs. R. O.* Law of 323 Kenilworth. avenue,-Kenilwortb, and bis daughter, Jatie, who lias been, spending tbe ummer with ber grandmotber. Mr. and ýMrs. Clarence Steffens of Highland Park announce the, birtb of adaugliter at the Rogers, Park hos- pital August 1. Mr. Steffens was a resident of Wilmet tebefore bis mar- iage to the former Hielen Lorimer Df: Higbland Park. 0o Georgiana' Weedon, 265 Fifth street, wbo bas been visiting Vir. ginia Ruffner at Kalamazoo, Mich., "I return Saturday. The girls were classmates at the University of Ken- ýucky. Annamarie and ber sister, Julia Booz, 919 Forest avenue, were the xeek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. K L.ewis, Jr., and family of Wilmette tt their summer home at Lake Ge- Dollfuss Funeral -Procession Is &en by New Trier High Teache r miss Jessie Sentney W rites of «Conditions in Vienna s Miss Jessie Sentniev, a member of ethe faculty of New Trier High school, fis conducting a party of tourists -througb Europe, and their itinerary -brought them to Vienna, Austria, at the time of the funeral of the assassi- nated Chancellor Dollfuss. In a letter to Mrs. T. E. Lanneni, 11021 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, fMiss Sentney writes graphicalv of that event, giving details of the fun- eral procession and revealing to some extent the feelings of the people in that mucli disturbed couintr.v. Hcr letter, dated July 28, says in part: "The whole world is watcl ing eve ry move made in Vienna thlese past three days, and I know miv dear friends ini America are wondýerinig where I arn and if I arn safe. Yes, we are in Vienna and perfectly safe. How fortunate we were to see the long royal funeral procession today, but oh, how sad! Evervone in Europe walks to a -funeral., and it took ai-t most two hours for the procession toV Pass.a Ail Windows CIosedS '-Every bell in the city was tolled, which added more solemnitv to the occasion, although every Austriand wept tears as the cortege passed by. Tliere were.thirteen huge army trucks iNhich carried the gorgeous floôwers. t The carniage containing the body1 wvas drawni by six black horses. Gor-1 geously gowned cardinals, priests, t nuns, army officers, diplomatic corpss representatives, thousands of well groomed soidiers* in brilliant uniforrns, thousands of students in gay coloredF caps-red, blue, purple, green, 'etc.- added to the beauty and color of the sad procession. At every window ofa houses, apartments and business houses sad faces peered out, but no window could be open, by order of the police, for fear someone mightF drop a bomb. So we al had to viewM the procession through the window i pane, mnucli to my sornow, for I wanted to take some pictunes. Fear Next Hitler Move c "No one has been allowed to keep a shop open aften 8 p. m., and ail peo-d pie were asked to stay home and flot be on the streets, but even so, we did see people walking here and there. t. Although everything is outwardiy HOME FROM CANADA. Jim Lamb, 115 Woodbine avenue, is home f rom a motor trip to Canada witb bis grandparents from Wiscon- Sin. '1'ney weye away for six weeks and stopped at. a ranch in Alberta, Canada, at Glacier National park,, and at Watertown lakes. Tbey aiso spent some time in the Black Huis, S. D., whene tbey were the guests of United States Senaton Norbeck. Dr. Donald M. Gallie and. Mrs. Gailie, 1115 Eimwood avenue, and Dr. Donald M. Gailie, Jr.-, returned last Satunday fromn a ten-day trip toSt. Paul an d Minneapolis wbene tbey attended the annual convention, of> the Amreican- Dental association. -o0 Dr. and Mrs. J. A." Burnili, 812 Gneenwood avenue, returned home Fniday froîn a two weeks' stay at [roii River, Wis., whene they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lester Bryant of River Forest. 0o Miss Elizabeth Bunn and George Bunn of Springfield, Ill., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Paul McKay, 911 Linden avenue. quiet, everyone is at higli tension, and, jumps at the sligbtest noise, for ail Austnians are wonidering just what. wvill bappen. At least Hitler wili 'lay low' for the présent; but aill are fear- fui of bis next move. "We bad a great time getting bere. Left Venice at 7 a. m., expecting to arrive at .9. tbat night, but. instead, we were held up four houns, waiting for orders, finding that we bad to de- tour because of some Nazis blowing Up, abr)idge, making it necessarv that we go tbrougb jugo-Slavia, arriving hiere at 3 in tbe morning. The papers said tliat our train wvas the last to cross another bridge whicb was burned, too. So -%ve were lucky and are aIl fine and baving a wonderful trip." MOTOR TO FLORIDA Mrs. A. W. Witbrow, 1115 Ashland avenue, Marv Frances, John and Ricbard, accornpanied by ber sister, IMrs. Ernest 'M. Mundee and boys, Marshall and George, 516 Fifth street, have niotored. to Atlantic Beach, Fia., to spend the montb of August. They were joined by tbeir parents and anothen sisten, and ail are enjoying surf bathing and deep sea fishing. Mr. and Mns. VTictor Metzger and daughter, Frances, 419 Mapie ave- nue, are sojourning. this month in Colorado and spending much of their Lime sight-seeing. Tbey wiIl be- in* Denver, Colorado Springs, Estes Park and many other points of in-' terest. On their way home they wvill stop in Minneapolis for sevenal days. -o0 Susan, daugbten of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe of Shaker Heights, .Cleveland subunb, formerly of Kenil- worth, is the guest of joan Kctchani at hen parents' summer home, Wee- wvancha lodge, at Land o' Lakes, Wis. Mn. and Mnrs. Fred Wonkman and Fred, Jr., 222 Leicester road, Kenîl- wonth, are leaving Saturday, motor- ng to South Bend, Ind., to spend the wveek-end at the South Bend Countn club. -o Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly and daughter, Elizabeth,' 412 Cumnor road, Keniiworth, left Tuesday to motor to Akverill Lake, Vt., wbere they will take a montb's vacation. -o0 Miss Marion Condy, 1001 Oakwood avenue, neturned Monday from a ,'isit of five weeks with Mr. and Mrs. ,ilas Johinson of- Winnetka at their summer home, Epwortb Heiglits, I.udington, Midi. Mn. and Mrs. Paul L. Barrett, 801 Greenwood avenue, bave as their guests this week Mn. and Mrs. Elmer L.Keene of Sharon, Pa., fniends of, long standing. The Keenes are also ttending the Fair whule bere., -o Mrs. F. E. Davenport, 404.Gregory, avenue, bas just spent ten days at Fox lake' visiting ber sister, Mns. James Nesbit, at ber summer cottage. John T. Tracey, son of Mn. and Mrs. John J. Tnacey, 336 Greenleaf avenue, went east to New York last week wbere he bas taken a position. - Miss Peani Toose of Milwaukee was tbe guest iast week of Mrs. George M.* Christophel, 237 Green- leaf avenue. The Rev. Clarence Post of Clin- ton, N. Y., bas been visiting Lincoln C. Torrey of 1341 Elmnvood avenue. August 1.69 1934 WILMETTE LIFE .30