Iî;*u M im à r Auur6.13 Invitations Out for Fry-Farley Wedding Sept. 1 Invitations -have t)een îssued by \Ir. and Mrs. Emmiiet 'Fry, to the wedding of their daugliter, Miss -Marion Fry, to Preston Farlev, son of MNr. andl Mrs. J. K. Farley of Keiiil%%orth. The ceremiony wvi11 be pcrfornied at 8 :30 o'clock Saturday, Septemi- ber 1. at the First Congrega- tional church of Evanston with the Rev. Hugh l u-*iier BrowNv of- ficiating. A reception fol1o%%-s at the homie of the bride's parenits, 811 Clinton place. Evanston. The bride's sister. Elizabeth Fry, will be maid of honor while Miss Josephine Farley. the bridegroom's sister. will be bridesmaid, With five others who are Mrs:. Edward Fisher, Mrs. Lloyd Griffun of Chicago, Miss Helen Brewerton of Libertyville, Miss Betty Brown and Miss Alice James of WVilmette. Richard Macalister of Wilinette will serve as best mani. Mrs,. Richard Stafford and Mrs. Max Landphere of Evanston enter- tained at a breakfast. Suilday of last week. Miss Betty Brown gave a buffet supper and miscellaneous show- er on Suniday, August 12. On Tuesday, August 14, ýMrs. Lloyd Griffin enter- tained at a kitchen shower and buffet supper. Mr. Macalister gives the bachelor dinner August 30, and bride's parents are giving the bnidal dinner August 31. 1More Parties Precede Ufley-Hulbert Wedding ln addition ta the receiitly anntotiiiced entertaining preceding the inarriage «of Miss Mary Alice Utlev of Evanston and Bruce Walker Hulbert of Kenil- w%%,irtlh on Saturday of this wveek., are other parties. Toînighit (Tbursday), Miss Cecile Sterui is biaving a spinster dinnier wh'ile the hachielor dinnier is taking place. On Fri<lay evening Stedrnan \Villard wvill be host tc) the. nieniers of the bridai .party at a diniiier at.Villa Venice. On Wednesdav of thîs evening, Mr. and Mrs. John *Butler Utley, parents of the bride, gave the bridai dinniier at Shaw - pee, Country club. Dr. A. E. Pri tchard wvill1 read the service at the Utley borne at 8 :30 o'clock the evening of Alugust 18, be- fore a small assemblage. Sets'Weddin g.Day Miss Cecile Dorotby Stern of Evans- ton has set Saturday, September 15, for ber wedding day. Sbe will, at that time. be married to Llewellyn Bowen of 809i Elmwood avenue, \Vilmette, at 4:30 o'clock in> the Lady chapel of St. Luke'b church ini Evanston. Miss Stern is the daughiter of Mrs. Ehi Swayne Stern. Summer Bride Cohen Photo Simplicity mnarked thte wedding of' Miss Neil Louise Woodward, Ev- apistopi Girl Scout.director, and Dr. Thomnas Cha ries MlcCli;itock. of Wiliette Saturdai. aiternoon iiiEv,- ansto». The bride and bridegroopn zu'dl live at 728 Park aventie, WViI- met te. Georgia Lloyd WiII Be L. B. Wilkinson's Bride Miss Georgia Brinton Lloyd, dauigh- ter of. Mr. and Mrs. William Henirv Lloyd of Evanston is l)usy these days making final preparations for hler marriage to Lucian Burnbarn XVilk- inson on Saturday, September 29. The wedding will be in the afternooni at 4 :30 o'clock, in the First 'Metbodist Episcopal cburcb of Evanston, witlî Dr. James Madison Stifler of the Uni- versity of Cbicago oficiating. A large reception will follow ini Glenna hall. 1Miss Lloyd -lias asked ,Mrs. Charles Morgan Price, the former.Elinor Rew of Evanston, to be bier matron ot honor. Miss Betty Alger of Glencoe is to be rnaid of honor and. ber brides- maids will include M\rs. Charles XVard Dodd, Mr. Wilkinson's cousin, Miss Alberta Woôdruff, and Miss Hortense Page-Wood of Evanston,: Miss Hari- ette Green of Scarsdale,. N. Y., Miss Loyd's cousin, Mrs. Robert Lindsaý Scott, -Jr., of Winetka, and Miss Mary Louise Hays of Wilmette., Mr. Wilkinson bias asked bis twin, brother,' Enloe, to serve as best man.1 His list of ushers is as yet incomplete.9 Janet Hollister, 914 Elmwood ave- nue, Who bias béen spending tbe sun-i- mer at Camp Oak Openings, Sauga-1 tuck. M.\icb., will return home August, 23. Mrs. George Bird, 1010 Chestnuti avenue, entertained at a smiall bridge luncheon Wednesday'of last. week. T. C. McClinfocks, Go On Catherine Klotz Ho neymoon in Black His Last Saturdav afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock, in the rooms of theý First Congregational -churcb iin Evanstoi with Dr. Hughi Eluiier Brovcn offi- ciating, tbe marriage of Miss NelI, Louise Woodward of Evanston, and Dr.-Thomnas Charles 'McClintock of XVilmette took place. A sm;all recep- tion followed. A long gown of bine chiffon made with long sleeve s and a short train, a small bine biat, and a shoulder cor- sage, of gardenias ivere wvorn bytbe bride, who wvas unattended., After the reception Dr. and _Mrs. McClintock left irnmediately to ina- tor, to tbe Black Hilîs,- stopping In Beresford, S. D.-, to visit the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. WV. Wood- ,ward.* They will be, at borne ini Wil- mette after Septeilber 1. Out-of-towvn guests at the edding .included Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gard- iier of Beresford, Dr. George Hen- derson of Pittsburg, and Miss NelI MýcChesne- of Milwaukee. September I'Day of Weiss-Smith Wedding Miss Bessie WVeiss, wbo is the5 daughter of Mrs. A. H. Weiss of1 1045 Linden avenue, bas cbosen Sat-1 urday, Septémber 1, for bier marriage to Scott S. Smit h, jr. The wedding hour is 4 o'clock. The Rev. J. H. Gockel wvill read the serv- ice in St. Johin's Lutheran church, and after the cereuiony, the reception wiIl1 be held in tbe home of tlhe bride- groom 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smitb of 525 Lake avenue. Miss Weiss xvill have but one at- tendant, her sister, Miss Kathryn. If Norman Smith is to act as'best 'mani for bis brother, and John L,. Robert-' son, of' Wilmette, Charles P. Knowve of Park Ridge, and T homnas B. Dar- lîngton of/ Norwood Park ar e to v uisler. t c S Kansas City Couple , a a to Wed in Winnetka Miss XX înmfred Beatty, the daugh- a ter of Mr. and Mrs. WVilliam Henry t Beatty of Kansas City, ),Ia.,. vill be married quietly before a few friends in Christ, church, Xinnetka, to Maclay Lyon,ý the, son of Mrs. Maclay Lyon of Kansas City, Saturday after- noon at 4 :30 o'clock. They will bave no attendants. Following. the cer- eîniony a wedding supper for a few, n guests. will be served at the- home F of, Mr. and Mrs. James Witherell, J 128 Dupee place, Wilmnette.,S Mrs. Witherell, ber sister1 Miss u Jean Summers, and Miss Beatty, L? were scbool friends and Gammna Phi Beta sorority sisters at Northwestern university,' where Miss Beatty took her M. A. degree., This summer she F has been a student ini the school of Speech. at Northwestern. Mr. Ly on who, is on the stàff' of the Kansas a City Star will take bis bride to el Kansas City to live.B Becomes Bride in Garden Setting "ie garden of, the home of MIr. and 1\rs. Charles Klotz at 550 Ridlge road, Keillw\orth, as the settinig of a lo-vely weddi ng Saturdav, August Il. ,%-Ieii their (laughite'r, 3kiss Catherine. l)e- came the bride of Donald Lloyd Williamiis of Duluith. The bride'S brother-iîn-laiv, thielRe\. Austini Pardue of Minneapolis, officiat- cd at e service, at 5 :30 o'clock. Th'le bride m-as attractively goivie(i in ivorv satin, tailored, and made with a high cowl neck and long tra 'in. A veil of tulle and rosepoint lace fell fromn a wreath of seed pearls wvhicli held it in place. Her b)ouquet was of stately calla hules. H-er sister, -Mrs. Pardue, as miatron of bionor, wore a deep pink organza dress trimmed with pink taffeta. Her lat was of 'embroidered turquoise blue. Her flowers, pink roses an(l delphinium, were caught into an arm bouquet. The maid of honor, Miss Marie Louise Dillon, wvore a paler 4hade of, pink organza, a pink biat ivith Mlue fiowers, and carried a bouquet similar to the matron of bonor's. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Charles Klotz of R ichmond, Va., Miss jean Rawlins of Evanston, Miss Helen Smitbl of Winnetka, and the bridegroom's sis- ter, Miss Dorothy Williamns of Du- luth, ail wore a paler shade of pink orgatîza with, pink bats to match. rîîeir flowers were like those of the )ther attendants. The bride's, niece ind nepbiew, Nancy and Peter Pardue. made an attractive picture as thev vwalked (lown 'the aisie, the former, a-s flowver girl, ivearing a long skirted >ink organdv frock, 'ba.I)iflkand bue bandeau in lber liair, and carrv- ng a nosegay of Pink and bIne flowers. Peter, as ring bearer, wvore a pale blue satin suit. Mrs. Klotz' gowni was fashioned of printed chiffon ini toiles of h)ro%%i,. and shie wore Ibrovîi ®rchids. WVellington J. Browii of 1)uluthý erved as best man, while Frank< Rhame of Minneapolis, D)onald Howv- rd of Winnipeg, and Charles Klotz and Robert Gardnier ushiered. Mr. and Mrs. Williams left for a ioneymoon at the Klotz summer boule t Land o' Lakes, Wis, after whici, tey ivill go to Minneapolis ta hive. 4nnounce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Coole%- of 1129 Maple avenue, Evanistoii,-.an-, ounice the marriage of, their. son,, Philip Clyde Cooley, ta Catherine loan Spoden of St. Paul, Minni., at ýt. Matthiew's church ini St. Paul Sat- rday, ý ugust. 4. Tbe Rev. Vincent Judley officiated. "or Bride-fo-Be Miss Rose Flentye, 919 Central Lvenue,, was .bostess at a b ridge lunch- îoii Monday in honor of Miss Dorcas 3ranson. 1<ecldinqs + &qgmns+n-otices, Du JEAN TEN RoEcK -August 16, 1934 m F- ir ir F- - .--iL i ip p-