August16, 134 WA.FTàPir PP -NorIth Shore Weddings Friday of. this week, at 8 o'clock in St. Augustine's Episcopal church; MiÉss Clella McKana of Wilniette and, Robert F. Pence, son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Hi. Pence -of Evanston, will be married., A reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George È. McKana, follows. Northam-Schuler Miss Aithea Janet Northam; who for many years lived in Wilmette, will bc. married to Theodore Walter Schu- 1er of Chicago Saturday evening at 8. ini the. Ravenswood Methodist F.piscopal church, with *a reception at the home of hier brother-in-law and sistcr, Mr. and Mrs. Lerov Barkley Hanimoid of Hubbard WVoods, withi wvhom she hias made lier home. DeBerard-Lindmeier The marriage of «Miss Elizabeth Dcflerard of Wilmiette to Richard Lindmeier Of Oak Park takes place on Tuesday, August 21, in the home of lier p)arenlts, the Wilford WV. De- Berards of 802 E-,lmwoodl avenue. Driscoil-Rogan On Thursdav morning, August 23, at the Sacred Heart churc i in Hub- bard Woods, the marriage cereffiony %vill be performed for Miss MarV Driscoîl of Glencoe, and Walter É.1 Rogan of Chicago, at Il o'clock. A reception at the Evanston Golf club wvll follow,%. Miss Driscoli is the daughter cf the Martin I.. Driscolîs. WiII Serve as Hostesses at College Board ai Fair Su,îday, \Iil waukee- Do-%-ier (iax a t the \% oniaii's Colleg e board hootli at A Century of Progress, the hostesses will be Miss Jeannette Morrison of Ev- anston, Miss Clarmarie White, MNiss Ruth Ford White. and Miss Elizabeth Brown. N\oiit.Hcolvoke sends «Nloniday's host- esses, M. George 1. Spaulding of G;eîîcoe, Mrs. J. H. Jameson of Win- netka, Miss Dorothy Heinke, and Xlis,; Florence Huthi. Pembroke hias TVues- (lay. August 21. \Vi'netka hias tlîree' representatives Wednesday, Mrs. Heyliger deWindt, Mrs. WValter Fishier, and Mrs. Harry, Dunbaugh. Miss Marie Scholz cern- pletes the group of Radcliffe alumnae serving 0o1 that day. Randolph-M\aconi supplies the hostesses for Thursday, August 23. They are Mrs. W. A. Ed- wards, Mrs. T. P. Cross, Mrs. C. C. Walker, and Miss Hamaker. The following day Rockford college sends Miss Eloise Russell, Miss fJessa- nime Cobb, and Miss Eleanor Edwards and Miss BilIy Jane Highfield, of Ev- an5ton. Completing the week, Saturday, Au- gust 25, Simmons college is ini charge of the booth. Goucher Luncheon fo Be HeId ai Fair Friday Alumnae,,of Goucher col *lege will be hostesses at the Women's College board headquarters in the Hall of Social Science at A. Century of Progress on Friday, 4~ugust 17. Dur- ing. the morning Mrs. Emmett M. Wallace of Chi cago and Mrs. Henry J. Skipp- of Evanston will be in charge, while Mrs., S. Robert Shinn, Jr., of Niles'Center, and Mrs. Wil- liam E. Plummer. of Baltimore will serve during the afternoon. Mrs. Robert S. DeGolyer, president of the Chicago and Ndrth Shore Goucher club, has arranged a luncheon for 1 o'clock, in the Trustee's lounge. Alum- nae-And...endsw11meeàt at 12:30 EXPERT ERV, on Knitted Wear C E Frankl in or Boucléf Knitted Coats, Suits, or Dresses.. cleaned and blocked to your measurements. New garments steamed and blocked. Experienced blocker and modern fitting rooms at y our disposai. jTelephone Wilmette 3400.37 1 e SHOE E'LIN EuS, ,~c. 1215 Washington Avenue August. 16,.1934 WILMETTE LIPE