Awzust 16. 1934 WLLMETTE LIFE Namne W. >* Scott on. RecePtion'Committee for US. W.Vets' Dy William H. Scott was: recently ap- poiniteci to the reception commiitee for the United Spanish War Veterans' day to be held at A Cenitury of Prog- ress Saturday. T lie celebration will consist of an asseml)ly on the Fair grounds early iii the forenc>on fol- lovwed by the ad- vancing of colors. The invocation hv William McAllister, departmient c hi a p - lain ,xxill folloxv after xvhich Gov. M1 Y) Henrv Hornier xiii W'. H. Scott d1eliver the address of xelconie. Musical slections xvi l)ebplayed hy the First National Bànik of Chicago's orchestra. Remiiliscences of the Armv and îNavy of 1898 xiii he given by .Major Generai Preston Browvn, comn- mianding the Sixthi Corps arca and Ad- mnirai WVat T. Cluverius, commanding the Nintlî Naval district respectively. A sacred hymn wili bc sung and other belections xiii be piayed by the bank's crchestra. The main address of the day xiii hc deliverd some tinie in the after- noun 1)3 William H. Armstrong. com- inander-iin-chief of the United Spanishi \Var Vetera,îs. A recel)tion ill vii el(lfroin 10 to 110011 anid froin 2 to 2 :30 at the Illinois Host bouse. TIhle drill teamns ill exhibit from i1 to 2 iii the Court of Honor, and the prograni for the day xiii be pre- sented ini the Court (if States f roni 4:15 to 6. Thle celebration xiii conclude xith heniediction by Mr. McAllister and the retiring of colors and the sounding *of taps bv- Charles Maxwell, the (lepart- mneli'nitisician. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holdoxva, 723 Forest avenue, recentiy returned froin a motor trip of ten days, visit- ing Ephraini and Maxweiton Braes at Bailey's Harbor, \Vis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koch. of Libertyville accom- panied theni. -0- Miss Jane Thomas,. 1136 Chestnut avenue, entertained at an evening bridge, miscellaneous shower and buffet supper Wednesday of iast xeek in honor of Miss Elizabeth Pat- ton of Chicago who is a Gamma Phi Beta sister of Jane. --0L Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brockmýan of Cincinnati spent last . week visiting the Norton A. Booz famiiy of 919 Forest avenue. The Brockmans also visited the Century of Progress ex- positioni on their way to Michigan. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett and daughter, Nancy, 615 Essex road, Kenilwortb, lef t Wednesday, motor- ing to Trout Lake, Wis., where they wiil spend three weeks at Cardinais lodge. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Edward William and son, Buddy, of Knightstown, imd., wvere guests last week of Mrs. Wii- liams' sister and family, the Frank Barretts of 615 Essex road, Kenil- worth. 0 o- Miss Beatrice Samors of 410 Wash- ington avenue lias béen entertaininig fJor Sthe past few days, Miss [Lorraine Gueni- ther, who is a school friend of hers. Both girls are students at Jernings semnay t AroaII.Miss1Guenther m4ou...d mloi clemc airy EH to Babys tender skin rebels at harsh. matted, towels. But bath towels "fluffed dry" by modern Iaundry methods obsorb aIl moisture Without ehofing. this special method lifts the «pile and gives a soft. caressing surface. FANNED by currents of warm, fresh air ... as they roll over and over in the slowly revolving tumbler .. . your bath t *owets are fluffed to airy sweetness and softness in North Shore Quality Laundries. This. tumbling action loosens and tifts the pile, just as you fluf up a pillow to free the matted feathers. If gives y.Qur bath towels a iuxurious caressing surface. And every article you send to a North. Shore Quality Laundry receives the same. careful handling ail the way through. From the moment your clothes arrive until they are returned science, is. on guard to assure your satisfaction. Modern equipment,, up-to-date methods and meticulous care . .. these are the things you are assured at North Shore Quaiity Laundries. They mean longer life t'O clothes, sweeter washings and real economy. Why dontf you send a bundie next week as more and more north shore women are doing? NORTH DRIES Nelson LaundroLufd7North SoeLuil 1210 Central Avenue. Wilmette 618 N. Green Bey Rond, Highland Park Su6 Ghestnut St, Wmnnetkm Phone Wilnîette 1800 Phone Highland Park 177 Phone Winnetka 602 VweohLaundiy 806 Dempster Street, Evanston Phono ,University 2776 QualitY LaundaY Neluon Uvs, Lady 1709 Darrow Avenue, Evanston 1014 Davis Street, Evanston Phone University 462 Phone Une eruity 0112 i RTH, SHO.RE WOM' and TOWELS I t sweetness by NORTH SHORE QUALITY NORTH SHORE QUALITY LAUNDRIES offer a service fo meet every pockef- book end requirement. DAMP WASH Everything washed. Soft water end pure soap used. Shaken out end -es- sorted. Return.d, damp aJ ready te, iron. THRIFTY HYDRO Wearing apparel returned damp ready to iron. Fot work ironed. Bath towels. wash cloths fluffed. -Every. thing assort.d. FLUFF DRY Everything washed. Household inons ironed. Wearing apparel fluffed dry. SmalI additional charge for starching end hand finishing. ALL PRESSED Everything washed en& ironed. Ail ready to use or put oway. Shirts hand finished et smail additional charge in this service. %NI mal August 16,1934 WILMETT£ LIFE_