UY!I LIPTTP I:I~P August 16, 1934 jq* - - -. - --- - ______________________________________________ i h _________________________________________________ i ARRESTED AT THEATER Responding to a cali f rom the WiI- mette theater about Il o'ctock Sat- urday night, Police, Officer Arthur Hawk:nson. arrested -Charles Wil- liams, 29 y earà old, givng his ad- dress as the, Bismarck hotel, Chica- go, on a charge of annoying a wom- an patron. Williams gave bond for his appearance in police court Wed- nesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ARREST MAN ON "V" A call from the train dispatcher at the 'V' terminal Saturday afternoon brougbt the local police, wbo arrested Milo Markov, 2252 Wabash avenue, Chicago, who was creating a disturb- ance on an 'V' train. Upon payment of the costs the charge of disorderly conduct was dismissed. K Locksmithing EÀ& of al kinde yAUTO KBTS Madé frm Numbri S STAN LINDSTROM'S LOCK SHOP 122 Central Avenue WILMBTTB 3212 Mrs. Margaret Hoffmant> 9.2*, Is: Taken by Death Mrs. Margaret Hoffmnan, a pioneer residen t, of Chicago, mother' of Paul' A. Hioffman, 1638 Washinigton ave- nue, former Village trustee, passed away Friday, August 10, at the Swe- ish Covenant bospital.'She was taken ill sbortly after the 82nd anniversary of her birth, February 18, and did iiot regain her bealth. 1Mrs. Hoffman was born at Strat- ford, Ontario, February 18, 1852. With her parents she removed to-Chicago ini 1859, and was a continuous resi- dent of the city until ber deatb. In 1879 she wvas married to Paul H. Hoffman. an early Chicago dairyman, who died ini 1921. She was the moth- er of Paul. josephine, Robert, Claire, Lester. Lucille Camphausen, William and the late Arthur. Funeral services wvere held from ber late residence, 2714 Leland ave- nue, Chicago. 'Monday. Interment was at Forest Home cemeterv. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mi\rs.. Annia Berger, *50 years old, 91 Coutity Line road, Ravinia, was %ùen' il 1 in an automobile on Sheri- dan road, No Man's tLand, Friday afternoon. as she was on ber way home froni Chicago. Wilmette police were called and took Mrs. Berger to the County hospital. from which she had been discharged on the previous Monda,%. ';\ /\ /7 i~I The Wrilsn & Co. Exhibit Building on Nortberly Islanud in the hearteofthe Midway Cordially Invites. You To Its Exhibit Building eat the Fair We believe a viSit will prove both educa- tional and entertaining ... will show why Wilson & Co. has grown with Chicago e and helped Chicago grow. Here you wili see Wilson Certified Bacon being sliced and packed under the Wilson Exclusive, Quality-Controi Method that assures you what you've always wanted-never varying top quality. It is the only bacon that has earned the distinc- tion of being sliced at thé Fair. Guess how many slices a day-and win one of the 10 daily prizes. On the first floor y ou will -also find an informa- tion department-exhibit ofCertified Products- and the great food counter where you can buy Wilson's delicious hamburgers and ham, sand- wiches at moderate prices. On the second loor terrace, and on the Wilson Roof Garden, you may enjoy delicious foods, in- cluding'the steak sandwich and the steak dinner. Complete soda fountain also available on the roof. UNVEIL. PORTRI This portrait of Harold L. Gar- wood by Leslie Michaeison of Ch i- cago wcas presentedl recently to the Evaniston post of thle Anerican legion. Mr. Garztwood was a post comm-jander of flhe Evanston post. and until his deathf reccntlv scrved for iywii v ears as stiperintendent of buildings and yroupids at North,- zveste1 ru iii' 'ersit v. The portrait was unveiled by Presi- dent Walter Dill Scott of Northwest- ern university . Col. John H.- Wig- more and a capacity group of legion- naires were ini attendance at the pres- entation. The artist, with studios at 1432 N. Clark street, Chicago, is rec- ognized as one of Chicago's leading *portrait painter.s. THIEVES LOOT HOME Wednesdây afternoon of last week burglars entered the home of F. A. Spitznagel, 1 045 Illinois road, through the sun room, and secured as loot $10.50 in cash, a diamond ring and a revol ver. No dlue to the identity of the thieves bas been found. e * e Studo BIg. 1718 Sherman Ave., Evanston 'Mrs. H. *A.0Beachy 85, C..hurch LeadeDies Mrs. ýHarriette A. Beach, 1114 Ash- land avenue, died last Thursday at 1er home at. the. age of .85 years. Born at Providence, R. I., on De- cember 28, 1848,' Mrs. Beach spent' her early, life, there. After her mar- n age she -and her husband lived,.in Chicago. From Chicago Mrs. Beach' came to Wilmett9 nineteen years ago. Dr. H. L. Willett of the Kenilworth Union churci, who was pastor of the Memorial Church of Christ on Oakwood boulevard, Chicago, years ago when Mrs. Beach attended that church. conducted the funeral serv- ices, which were held at Mrs. Beach's late residence Saturday afternoon. Burial took place at Oakwoods cern- etery. For rnany ycars Mrs. Beach had, been active in the Baptist denomin- ation and in institutions affiliated with that church. She was a member of the Women's American Baptist Home Missions board and was in- strumental in the formation of plans which led to the building of the Baptist Missionary Training school in Chicago. Since coming to Wil- mette Mrs. Beach had been a member of the Baptist church here. She is survived by a daughter, Miss Annie S. Beach of Wilmette, two sons. Henry L. Beach of Wilmette and Clinton S.' Beach of Ravinia. three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Her husband, Elli A. Beach died, nineteen years ago. HERE FROM GREECE Miss Elizabeth B. Webster stopped for a short visit in Wilmette with the A. M'%. Rossman family, 1130 Chestnut avenue, on ber way to her home in Shenandoah, Iowa. She is returning to America after four years in Salon- iki. Greece, where she was a teacher ini the American boarding school for girls. Miss Webster plans in the School of Social Service at the University of Chicago this fail. Mrs. F. A. Goodhue and Miss Mary Goodhue, 245 Lindenlavenue, returned Saturday from a three weeks'.motor trip in which they covered 4,500 miles. They drove to Nova Scotia and Gaepe peninsula. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthridge and family, 917 Greenwood avenue, returned Sunday fromn a visit to Lake Geneva, Xis. Evanston Business College. Stenographie, Secretarial Bookkee p ing, Accounting and'Special Courses New'Term September. 4 -Registration'Beginning August 20 Day and Evening Classes W. H. CALLOW, Principal 4 August 1& 1934 WILMET.TE ýLIPE'* ici., re, ' . 1 1 a 1 1 Stuçlio Bldg.