Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Aug 1934, p. 11

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August 16, 934 WILMETTE LIFE I 1~ YALLEY WILL ADD,216 .MEN, Eighteenth Forestry District, CCC, Also Stations Four New Companies Four new companies have heen added tethe Eigbteenth Forestrv« district, CCC, and 216 men are to be added to the ten companies already quartered lui Camp Skokie Valley. -Glenview anîd Harms roads. The entire fourteen com- pallies will hie under command of Capt. John P. Crehan, Third Field artillery, wvho hias been ini charge of the Skokie Valley camp for several months. Tlwo of the ten companies at Camp Skokie Valley ill each be iucreased fromî 206 to 266 meni, and eigbt of the Cemllpaniies. under the new order, Nvill eaclh have 218 men instead of 206. ()ne of the fo>ur new conipanies %vill be stationed at -Melrose Park; ene at Des Plaines,(>one at Deer (rove. andl one at Park Ridge. Each coipauy %vill he assigned te local projccts in the sev- eraI sections, while the ten c mipanies at- Camp Skokie Valley are workiiug 0o1 the Skokie, draituage and reclamatien prcject. The conil)auv assigne(l te Des P laines muved lu, Atgust 15. 'l'lie Skokie Vallev camp, ini addition t4) the splendid record wliiclh it revealed iii its work progress reports, lias aiso aise attained an enviable reputation for camp (rganizati<Jn and mainitenance, it 15 <>îierved. C(aptaiin Crehan came to Camip Skokie V-allev %vith a record of acconiplisli- mient ini this (direction and(l jtickly ni- rtilled lu each ï-of the coempanies unîder his command a similar spirit, the effect of wvichi is nîanifest througlheut thIs -réat organization of voung nieii wi irkers. GIVES COCKTAIL TEA Sidlney A. Huguenin of Glencoe,. lîo bias been stayiug ith biis par- ents. Mr. and. Mrs. Pliilip Huguenin of Xilnette. entertained Sunday at a cocktail tea inu honor of bis wife and lier sister, Miss Margaret 'Wau7er, at whose home ini Sacramento. Cal., NI rs. Huguenin visited. Miss Xanzer %vil] return by plane the end of next iv e e k.f o NI rs. Steplien A. Cisir. vfeo Stephien A. Cisler. general superin- tendent of air andI railwvav mails services of Washington, D. CÙ., spent a week with Mr. andI Mrs. Edwin, L. Di )ucan, 225 XV'ood court, Xilmnette, on lier wv to Hot Springs,. Ark., last nionth. -o- William i)abncke and his family retuirue( last Meindav to Benicia, Cal., after speudîng two vveeks witb his niother, Mrs. Auna Dabncke, 2114 (;reeiiw~ood avenue. and his brotliers and.his sister. MIrs. Theo Breyer,, 725 Washington avenue, entertained the M.onday club at dessert bridge recently.inihonor of li1er sister-iîî-laàw,, M\rs. Albert Breyer of>Houston, T'ex.. who6 is visiting her. M Thousands Linger Long in Heat to0 Greet Rooseveilt Spontaneous enthusiasmrnarked the greeting accorded President Franklin D. Roosevelt as hie traversed the north shoie last Thursday after- noon on his long vacation journey f rom Washington to Hawaii and back. Great crowds asse mbled at, the Chi-, cago & North Western stations at Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenilworth and Wilmette, weIl ini advance of the scheduled time for arrivai of the presi- dential train, which was more than an hour late The crowds, however, en- dured the hieat and discomfort of the. delav ini patience and good hiumor, aIl anxiouls to catchi a glimpse of the (istinguishiec visitor. When at last the liuge englue. with its train of Pullman cars and diners, the Presi- dent's private car at the rear., carne otit of the north and mioved at a slow pace southward. a lusty cheer arose froin the assenmbled mîult itudes. and biats and, bauds were wave(l in re- spectful sainte. the heartiness of which coull(l tot be questioned. The Presi- (lent sat at the rear window of bis car, smilingly responding to the cor- dlial greetings and waving his hand in acknowlcdguîcnt. Bronzed froîîî his ocean voyage and outdoor life on his siglitseeing expedition throughi the scenic Nortli-tvest. lie appeared the picture of liealth and gav'e no evi- (lence that the l)urdefls of state were l)earing heavily upon hlm. The train gone, ithe crowds. satis- fied with their glimipse of the Presi- 'dent. ielted (the m-ord is used ad- vise(llv) avvav. and life in the north shore villages restluie(l the even tenor STRUCK BY CAR M rs. Irvin L. Porter, 900 Ashland avenue. is coinvalescîng at lier hoei fromi a broken coflar bone and bruises received last Fridav evening, wlien Oie Nvas struck bv an automobile while walking uear Ridge' boulevard in Evauston. Slîe .as taken to the Edge- %vater hospital for treatinent and later returne(l to lier home. Mr.s.. W. Lee Crowe and lier daugh- ter, Miss Addie Crowe of Owosso, Mich., left Saturdav after a five weeks' visit w~ith M-\rs. Crowe's son and famnilv, the Burt Crowes, 234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth. Thev stayed here during most of the ab- sence of Mrs. Crowe and Barbara who were on a Europeani sojourni. - Mr. ai d Mrs. Albert.J. Nystroni, 714 Central avenue, left Tuesday to motor to Bellevue, Iowa. 1 T10N - BATTER1ES 1207 WASHIMGTON AVE. <(.miM t 0-etEpHN. oCo) Watch A&P windows and ada for many other Fresh Fruit and Vege- table values this week-end. For real economy and almost endiessa variety visit the produce section of your nearby A&P store today. ICEBERG MED. Head LetIuce 2 Z -17c HOME GROWN T«omatoes .*2LS15 CALI FORNIA Carrots .** 3 BUNCHES 10e SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOURP KGz25c GRAPE-NUT FLAKES 2 -Z Post Bran Flakes 2PKGS.1 9CMaxwell HouseCoffee LB. 33c Grape-Nuts SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER- 2-LB. JAR25 RAAH SALAD DRESSING JAR 2 SPARKLE GELATIN DESSERT 4 PKGS. 19,C HURES ROOT BEER EXT RACT BOTTLE 23C IONA BRAND PEAS NO. 225 CANS SUNNYFIELD FLOIJR BAG24s GRANDMOTHER'S WH ITE BREAD 16 oz'6 LOAF 3ROLO 1 7c 12 Oz.1~ TIN DELICIOUS Fig Bran PG.13e FI.ischmaonn's Yast . CAKE13C A rmour's Cloverbloom Stewing Chkus NORTHERN, Tissue DERBY BRAND COOKED Cormed fleel Bunte 's (>7, Home Made SWEETS RIS ROAST 1sf l'o 5th A. 7 Special 59c. . PKG. I18C La France Powder. PKG. 9c BORDEN'S CHATEAU Cheese 2 G 29 Bordons American, Pimiento, Brick, Liai- LB. l7 burger, Swiss or Buffet Choose PKG. I17 EVEREADV FRUIT 2 15-oz.à C Cocktail 2CANS 2 FINE GRANULATED BEET CLOTH Sugar 10 F55e YUKON CLUB ASSORTED ~ 3 24-OZ. BeVeltgS' BOTTLES25., PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT SHREDDED wneat 2 PG 23C e e eIbo & August, 16, 1934 WILMIETTE. LIFE

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