August 9, 1934 WILMBTTE LiFE .SHORIE LINES, Dear MIQUE: Guess I'm supposed to be taking a vacation, but 1 began Io nging to pepper some copy paper with puns; so I rum - maged around in tbe closet at the ld homestead and f ound the portable type- writer-which may (or may not) prove a blessing to bumanity. Anybow, while whacking the keys, I'm a living defi-1 nition of a busnîan's holiday . . . yep, that same old sweet-sour- agony of trying to get music and rbytbms out of a tinny typewriter. After ail, every busman is entitled to a busman's holiday to sec if be retains any semblance of the busman be was wben be began his holiday. Have failed to pick up many fresh ideas. StilI I did hook a few fresh fishi at Fox lake. Yep, tbose bluegilîs were f ully several incbes long. If placed end to end, they would extend to . . . well, they would extend considerably before I finished telling about 'em. I accidentaI- ly yanked a garflsb from them thar wa- ters-and nearly passed out f rom astonishment. WVhat a f unny looking critter a garfish is! At first, I attributed it to soinething I had et, but the other anglers-beld me down in the boat and told me there is sucb a fish. Wbichi makes me and Frank Buck~ pals. He handles the land captures wvile I get rare spécimens from the xýaves. Bumped into the. nigbt editor tbe other, evening. Arn enclosing a picture, he let me take of bim at midnight. He's holding a tbree-pound black bais which he caughit after dapk. The night editor doesn't show up very plainly because he*s in one of bis black moods-and hesides be's been taking a vacation from thle bathtub. Whien interviewed, hé re- vealed be's SQ tired of telephoning tbat he even refuses to give tbe tub a ring. Rushed up to Elkhorn the otber day and found that my pa was the center of a Wisconsin tragedy. He went to a card party up there . . . and wvhen the tumuit and the sbouting died, he found that be bad won a prize-a inger wave. But he had already waved goodby to the one-time luxuriance of Ah, Wisconsin, howv barbed are thy, jests! Regards to ye editorial staff. And s0 ends a busman's holiday. (Won't some- onellease bide this typewriter where I can't find it ? Tbat's the only human thing to do0!) -R.. W. N. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. joseph A. V. Turck, 522,Linden avenue, and son, Norman, bave recently returned from a montb's stay at Watch HilI1, R.ý I. Betty Turck is at Colorado Springs, Colo., as theguest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Becker of -519 Linden avenue. Mrs. A., A. Newman and small daughter, Nancy, from Ft. Lauder- dale, FIa., have been visiting.for the past three» weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nat M. Kahn, 1510 Highjand avenue. Miss Rose and.Miss Laurie Dabani- an of Detroit, Mich., are spending several weeks visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Haig Kashian. 1107 Greenleaf avenue, and attending the. Fair. --o- Miss Mary Fritch arrived Monday f rom her home in Quincy, Ill., to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann, 811 Park avenue, for twe weeks. Purpie 'Gridders to "Play ýSix G;ames at Homne Stanaj1 For the second successive year Northwestern university's. football' team will play the. majority of its gaines at home. Last year ail but one game e plàyed in Evanston. Next faîl only two of the eight gamnes will be played away from home. They are Stanford at Palo Altoon October 13, and Michigan at Ann Arbor on November 24. Illinois, Iowa and Notre Dame, three teams that played in Evanston last -fail, will return again this year. The other homeG games on the sched- ule are Marquette, Obio and Wiscon- sin. The latter team will appear on the Wildcats' schedule for the first time since 1929. Marquette hasn't appeared on a Northwestern football schedule since 1905. The schedule is one of the most difficuit faced by a Northwestern team in a number of years. Four of the five conference teams on the schedule finished in the first division in the Big Ten race Iast year. The non-conference teams are ail of high caliber. Marquette bas, long been a formidable opponent among schools of its ranking while the records of Notre Dame and Stanford speak for themselves.' .GETS RAIL CONTRACT Clyde P. Ross of Kenilworth. lias just ýecured a contract from the Sea- board Air Line railway for the con- struction of a large, fireproof loco- motive coaling and sanding plant, wbichi the Ross and White company will build immediately near Atlanta, Ga. VISITS IN VILLAGE Howard A. Hindley, son of the Rev. and Mrs. John G. Hindley, 1035 Lake avenue. visited in the village Tuesday with a group of boys from St. John's Camp. He is conducting thern on a tour of A Century of Progress çxposition for. a few days. Mrs. C. T. IPipley and bier daugb- ters, Barbara Ann and Mary Patricia, have just returned to tbeir home at 631 Linden avenue, from a six w'eeks' trip to Yellowstone Park, Vancouver. B.C., and Alaska, coming home by way of tbe Canadian Rockies. -- The John P. Harrises of 944 Sher- idan road, have had as their guest for a month, their aunt,,Mrs. M. E. O'Brien of Kansas City, who is the sister of Mrs. Harris' mother, Mrs. 1,. E. James, who makes ber home witb ber son-in-law and daughter. _-o-- Mrs., A. M. Tompkins, and ber daugbter, Mrs. W. L. Rhoades of Bloomfield, N. J.. left, Friday after a visit with Mrs. Tompkins' daughter and family, the Roger Briggs, of 1314 Greenwood avenue.Tbey were on the wav home from a tour of the Can- adian Rockîes and the West. Mr. and Mrs. George Gauger, 229 Linden avenue, leave, Friday of this week for- Big. Sand Lake club in' Wisconsin. Mrs. Gauger will be there for. about three weeks, and Mr. Gauger for two weeks.e 0o Maur .ice Reibold, 419 Linden ave- nue, left Saturday, July,28,. for Camp Hastings, Lake Villa, Ill., where he, wilI spend tbree weeks. Maurice is occupying the same cabin as Hobart Gary of 714 Central a'venue. Miss Elizabeth Kelly, 412 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, who bas been visiting in Berkley. 'Cal., the past month will return Saturday. Mrs. Chester Foster of Gary, Ind., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Elliott, 824 Ashland avenue. shop pers say of the bar gains off ered weekly i Your Home Paper 0 ".Approved values!1" Approved by the pocketbooks of thrifty shoppers throughout the community. Again this week you'I1 find a lot of them listed here in Your Hom e Paper that will have the'approval of the thrifty purse. You'1l find thinga of a timely nature well as advance f ail merchan- dise mentioned in the messages of OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISER PAGE ADVERTISER iianis EIertrie shop 8 Bice, F. A.- .. Bishop, A. & CO. Blann PharniarY Braun Bros. 411 CO- Burnis ToggerY ... .. . . . .38 . . . . .17 44, Cover IV ... . .. . CItindler .. . .. .. . . .. Chilcago AcadeinY o1 Fine Arts. .1 Chicago & North Western Ry..210 Coffey Auto Repalr ......... 12 Co-Op, The ...... ..... Evanston Arademy of Fine Arts. 16 Evanston Business College ...0 Everetts -18 Fcltman &Curmie ........ Fiwst Cburci of Christ, Seiontiat. 8 Great Atlantic Pacifie Tea., Co. Il Household Finance Corp. .. 12 Hub, The ... .. . .. . .. ... .l Ilinois Bell Telephone Ce. .. Indlana Safe-Wfiy Linos ....81 Indienl Trail Tea Boom ........19 Jewel Food Storeà ............. 18 Libcrty Loant Corporation ....84 Llndstrom's Loek Shop ..... 8 Longmeadow Farm ..... . 8 Lord's . . .. .. ...... .. 22,23 Lyman Phawmaey ...... ,.49 Mlarshall Field & Coe ........1 3Murine Ce . ............ PAGE North shore BaireCo. ..... 42 Niorth Shore Quality Laundries .1-2 011 of Sait ................... 34 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer...... .37 peacock le@ Creans.........1 Peansylvanlm. 011 Coe ...........3si Personal Finance COrP-........S8 Playarres ..................... S Publie Servie Ce. . ... . .....S Quinlan & Tyson .. ... 34 flenneckaw Drug Ce S... ... Reuseh Wa.rehouse ........42 Ridge Avenue Phawnaey ........S9 Bochdaie Ix* ...........S gohloessews .......7 Scott, Wm. a ......... Cvew IV gnlder-CarneI Dwug Store ....... 9 Spanlsb Kady Ku0oaAd....... 8 Standard 0 O . ........Cver 111 Valencia Theatre ...8...... Vars ty Theatre 1 ...8 .....le Vfflom Country Club.........1S Vogue Seh001................ .l Wequetousshir Hotel ...........l1 Wfeblute...............18s, 27 Minmette Beouty S8h....... Wilmotte Coal & Naterial Taft................ ..Cevew IV Wilmette Confeettomery....... .. & WilmetteSMate Bank . .14, Covew N Wllmette Theatn .............. 89 Wortlens..................... 2 1' * *. that's what 1 August'9, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE