42 WILMBTTB LIFE August 9, 1934 i i * I FOR SaàLE-IIOUSES Distinguished Architect Built this beautiful 14 room English Tudor brick bouse. -Ever-y modern feature., Decorations ln perfect tante. 5 tMe baths; iate fioored porches; per- fectly equipped basement with recreation room; fine heatlng plant wlth Domestie hot water ln oil furnace. Exqulsiteiy landscaped acreage; Walled garden; Pool. Please do noj ask for Information by telephone. Qw~ner requests that we take you personally through this place which represents a large Investment but can be sold today for $115,000. Mrs.-Fuller & 'Winnetka 3603 Wrn. Pickard 746 Elm Street 111LTN14-ltc YOUR FUTURE HOME FOR ONLY $1,000 cash. The former owner's mis- fortune may be your gain. Large living room, with sun room adjoining (red tile floor), open fireplace, 3 large bed- rooms and heated sleeping porch, two tile batha, bot water oil heat, garage attached, to be sold for almost one- third ts former value, $12,500 and re- member oniy $1,000 cash, balance as rent. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 718 Vernon Avenue Glencoe 777 111LTN14-lt«- CHARMING HOME English, Brick 8 rms., 4 baths, oil ht.. large lot 90x165 ft. Near lakte. Owner wants immediate offer. Mr. Newhall- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 X1LTN14-ltc COMFORTABLE '8 ROOM HOUSE, sleeping porch, garage and garden. East aide. 60 ft. corner lot. Conven- lent te ail transp., sehools, and churches. Offered by owner or will ex- change for Wilmette or Evanston. Write A-129, Box 40., Wilmette, 111. 111LTN14-ltp VILLAGE 0P WILMETTE NOTICE Examination of Candidates for ap- polntment to the Police Department wili be held ln the Council Room of the Village Hall, on Monday evening, Au-, gust 27, at 8 o'clock. This examnination is open to ail able- bodled maie citizens of Wllmette be- tween theages of 23 a.nd 35 years. WALTER C. FARRAR, Chairman Committee on Police. L14-2tc Wilmnette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility .wth its Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnished Without Obligation Telephoh-ne 521 Main Street, Wilmette Phones WuIMEM 32 UNIVHrrIY 7317 JUST RENOVIZED! This" English beamed>, house In Éast Keniworth han lcomfort- able roonis, 3i baths and extra lav- atory. The Interlor' and ekterior have been completely conditloned and it Is ready for Immediate oc- cupancy. Wooded. corner lot, 100x 175. 011 heat; 2-car garage; mod- ern plumbing. Within three bloclks of transportation and al echools. A real buy at on!>' $22.000. NORPH WESTEÉRN RErALTY & BUILDING Co. 528 Davis Street University 9500 111LTN14-Itc INSPECT these beautifuliy reconditioned homes ail ready for your occupancy: 299 Vernon Avenue, Glencoe English brick, 10 jrms., a baths 717 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette 7 room brick, wooded lot Attractive irives and special terms BUY LIICE RERT Shown by appolntment or open Sundays 3 te 6 OUINLAN & TYSON. Inc. 1571 Shermian Avenue University 2600 11îLTNI4-ltc $8,500 Just the small comfortable home you have been looking for. Nice yard, lots of trees, 10w taxes, economical to main- tain. Located ln east Wilmette, 6 rooms, 2 car garage. Also for rent at $75 per inn, Caîl Mrs. Hollister. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis Street Greenleaf 1166 Wiimette 3740 111LTN14-ltc VALUE PLUS Beautiful well built home near lake, wooded lot, 6 rms., tile bath, oil ht., priced at 40% of cost. >(r. Voss - BAIRD & WARNER. Inc. 523 Park Drive, Keniiworth Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 111LTN14-lte DRASTIC REDUCTION ENGLISH IBRICK IN rXCLUSIVE section surrounded by'/.cholce homes, 4 bdrnis., 2 baths, sun -0rch and sleep- porch, h. w. (011) heat, garage, wooded lot, 75x150,1 price reduced to $17.000. THE BILLS REALTY, mnc. 718 Vernon Avenue Glencoe 777 111LTN14-1tc- 8 rnu. Eng. Brick, 2 tule bathis, cil heat. $ 17,000. Rentai....... .. .. $135 6 riii. Brick Bungalow, .oil heat. $9,000. Rentai..................... 80 Atti'. 6 "Il. frarne, oil ht. $7,500. MIlS. LANG. WINNETKA 1194 _________ 11LTN14-ltpi WINNETKA. 5 BEDROOMS, 2 baths, 2 porche, large grounds, 2-car gar. MUST- SELL. $15,000.' TERMS Write owncr, A-128, Box 40, Wilmette, Ili. 11LTN14-ltp Exceptional bargain HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE $3.000 CASH Call Wlnnetka 407 111L14-1tis WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES PRIVATE PARTY RAS CASH FOR 6 room North Shore -house, or may buy lot. Phone South Shore 5035 or write. A-124, Box 40, Wllmette, Ill. 1l3LTN13-2tp WANTED TO BUY WIll pay $12.100cash for 7 rm-. house In Highland Park. Must have nice yard. and' be wlthin walkIng distance of sehools. Brick preferred. Write A-126, Box 40, Willmette, Ill. 113LTN14-l-te WUS E isAUmDMOBULESAUE BUlL? DUICNWILL EUID THEU TheNewest B UI1C K A NEW CAR-A RECORD LOW, PRICE FOR- IUUCK 93 horsepower - 85 miles en hour 10 t. 60 miles an hour in 21 seconds - 15 miles per gallon NORTH SHOR 'BU ICK CO., mnc. lu"-3 Davis Shtret Est&bfU@hed 116 S. Fmt Stw..t Evantea USHigLimW iPark FOR UAIA-VACAI I HERR. IS A> SNAP! WB OFFER FOR TMMEDAE AE a lot -in. Hubbfird Woods7 eîast ]of Eglectrie. R. R. 97 ft. frontage., irregular shape, nt $15 per ft. This 1la a snap. Act qulckly. McGUIRE.& ORR 530 Davis Rt., Evanston Gre. 1089) 404 Green Bay Rd. Kenllworth 229. 316 Park Avýe., Glencoe Glencoe, 13 114L14-ltp To purchase at the right price a choice 50 ft. heaviiy wooded lot ln N.B. Wil- mette. Owner wants cash to use ln his business and will sacrifice. Eddine-ton & Allen.In c. End 1L" 410 Linden Wiimette 403 _________________ 114LTN14-ltc EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTIJNITY TO purchase Ideal property ln section where the values are definitely moving upward. Owner has advised to accept any reasonable offer. Don't pass up îthis ad. We will talk business. Write A-131, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 114LTN14-ltc FOR RENT-SUMMER COTA<r- 7 RX. MODERN SUMMER COTTAGE, at Petite Lake, Illinois. 3 room cot- tage at Buffalo Lake, Wis. Good flah- Ing. Phone Wllmette 729. 116-A-L14-ltp REAL ESTATE WE OFFER FOR SALE FIRST MORT- gages from $3,000 to $20.000 on lm- Proved Evanston and other North Shore property where security on today's valuation ls from three toeleght times amount of the loan. 40 years of dependable service. McGUIRE & ORR 530. Davis St. Gre. 1080 127LTN14-ltc UVAL ESTATE LOAN99 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO l5 YEARS We are ln a position to represent you in obtalning'Insurance Company Loani at veryr low rates., SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1LOAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanstn University 0283 Rogers Park 0271 I 27A-LTNIlO-tf. FIRST MORTGAGES ON HOMES T<O build, modernize. refinance. Reaé. rates. 12-year loans. No renewals.-ýoi renewal charges. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 105 W. Madison St. 1 Randolnh 2234) 127A-LTN12-3tp EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE 8 ROOM FRAME COLONIAL. NEAR sehools and transp. in best location In Aurora. Will seli or exehange for North Shore property. Phone Wilmette 1793. 128LTN14.4J..p FOR SALE-HOUUEHOLD GOODE EARLY ENGLISH DINING ROOM suite, Robert Irwin make, il pieces. Cost $1,100. In splendid, condition. Refectory table, 8 chairs, velvet cush- ions Owner moving away. WVill sacri- fice at $375. No dealers. For inspec- tion phone Glencoe 1451. 129LTN14-ltc TWO 100-POUND REFRIGERATORS Rear dodr for fillifig. Perfect condition. Cheap. Caîl Winnetka 3836. 129LTN14-ltp STICKNEY BEDROOM F'URNITURE, 3/ bed, chiffonier, desk and chair, book case, book stand,. costumer. Excellent condition.. $85. Ph. Kenil- worth 72., 129LTN14-ltp FOR SALE -6 ROOMS 0F FURNI- ture Including Oriental rugs, u .prlght piano, books, vaculum cleaner, fiat top office desk, etc. Phone Glencoe 1505.> 129LTrN14-ltp WHITE BATHROOM CABINET WITHI mirror, sets in. wall. $3. Solid mah. rocker $5. Walnut occasional table $5. Ail good condition. Phone before 10 a.m., Wilmette 2152. - 129LTN14-Itc WHITE ENAMEL DRESSER '$2. Rowing machine,, like new, $2.50. Acorn range, porcelain throughout, heat cnrlspacious, -hlgh oven. Phone Vilmette 852. 129LTN14-ltp BEDS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. Chairs, victrola, gas stove, love seat and dresser. Phone Wllmette 4797. 129LTN14-ltp GREEN DRESSER WITH MIRROR for chilld' ro Pon-Wlmtt FOR, UALE-HousEHOLD GOOPB g ubic ft. Copelà.nd ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Winnetka 2168 129Ll4-ltp 2 SMALL MATCHING ORiIENfAL rugs. 2.6x4.9.. Reasonabie. Phone Wil- mnette 5050. 129LTN14-1 tp MAHOGANY DTNING ROOM TABJJE, 4 chairs. and china cabinet, $15. Phone Winiietka 2797. 129L144ltp LARGE HUMPHREY AUTOMATTC gas heater, good.condition, $25. Elec- trie vibrator, $5. 2 hose reels for $1. Phone Winnetka 1863. 370 Sheridan Rd. 131LTN14-ltp WTD. TO BIpY-MIUCIE&L,%PtEOUS S$ $OLD CLOTHES $$ $ Will buy men's used nuits, shoes, overcoats: also fur coats. Best prices. Prompt- service. A. MARTIN UNI. 0347 1Z2LTNS9-tfp Golclman-Jnlnk Dealer 1119hest prices paid for junk. Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 132LTNS-tfp WANTED Sil radio for boy's room. Cheap. Phone Winnetka 851. 132LTN14.itp Leslev Frost to Found Book House at Rockford Lesley Frost, the daugbter of the IîOet. Robert Frost, bas been apnoint- ëd to the Encrlish department of the Rockford colIeze facultv, 'and wil have as one of - ber first duties the founding of a college Book House and literarv center on the càmpus. Tbe ,lew Book House will be known as "Maddox House," in bonor of the fnrmer president. Dr. William A. ' ;ddox. and will bc in his ol<l home. Miss Fro,),t. who isalmost as welI 1nown in literary circles throughout file nation as her famous father. is emninentlv oualified to act as an adviser for the proiected bouse. Her awn book store, The Open Book. in Pittsfield. Mssbas. hecome famowu, for its lectures and readings, in whichl suci (tilgIi~h(lwriters as W'alter de la Mare. Robert Frost. DoroDtliN ('anfielci. Padrais Coltim, Carl Sandà- b)u ri-. and Vachel Iind(saN, took pairt. M\is;s Frost was also the originatlor of the first Book Caravan which travcle(l over New EIi'iati(1; an ilivi- tation to take a boo0k store arotun( thie worlcl «onl the S. S. Franconia followed this succcssful venture. GUIDE LECTURE TOUR' A guide-lecture 'to ur on "Primitive and Civilized Peoples" will he given for tbe general public at Field 'Mu- seum of Natural History Tuesday morning, August 14, at il o'clock. At the same bour on Wednesdav, the subject will he "Animal Croups-": 0o1 Friday, "Minerais and Prehistor Life," and next Monday, "Plants." In addition to these special tours there are general tours of antbropological, botanical, geological and 'zoologiéaI exhibits twice daily, except Saturdays and Sundays, at 10 o'clock a.m. ýand,3 o'clock p.m. No charge is made for these tours, wbich are conducted by staff. lecturers. Parties assemble in.- side the nortb entrance. AIl museumn visitors are entitled to participate. JULY CHOICE A novel of life'in a Lancashire cotton town during the boom and slumrp in 1919-1920, entitled IIan'est in the North« by- James Lansdale Hodson, was the juIy choice of tbe Book Society in England. Alfred A. Knopf announices that be will publisb it in tbe United States on August 13. Mrs. Fred Workmian, 222- Leicester road, Kenilworth., entertajned ber ýýA-ugust 9,1934 42 ' WILMETTE.LIFE