Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Aug 1934, p. 26

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cxc a tivites 'n S cial Crces Bu JEAN TIBN BROECK Dessert Bridge Last Summer Party for Woman's Clul At 1 o'clock on the afternooi of August 22. mnembers and friends of the Womnan's Club of Wiimette are cordially invited to attend the last of the series of summer parties for the bene- fit of the building fund given under auspices of the ivays and tneans committee, of which M.'rs. Ciifton L. Darling is chairinan. Miss Rebecca Fitch is chairman of this dessert bridge, and among lier assistants are the following: Mrs. WVilliam A. Durgin, who bias charge of refreshments; Mrs. Gordon Han- nahi, in charge of decorations; Mrs. A. G. Ackermann, wvho is chairmn ofprizes; .rs7H ,,-ýE.-Smoot, vho lias charge of table reservations, Mrs. Ge orge E. WValk and Mrs. NV. A. Richardson. who are directing tbe sale of tickets: Mirs. A. L. Christ-% Who bias charge of publicity for the~ aif air. Qther 'active menibers of Miss Fitch's commiittee include Mesdames Raymond Rapp, Franak H. Gu-% George F. Tuif, Ludwig Skog, Roger E. Williams, J. D., Dingle. G. T. Hellmuth, H. E. Holdoway. The club will be appropriately, decorated for the occasion wbicli miay be said to be a "Welcome Home" event for our president, Mrs. A. E. Klunder, wbo lbas been on a summer tour of Alaska and the Pacific north- Wvest. Delightfui refre-sbments are promised and attractive prizes pro- vided. so corne and enjoy the partv. Virginia Sandberg Is Fiancée of David Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens Sand- berg, 375 Palos road, Glenicoe, an- nounice the engagement of their daughter, Virginia Florence, to Dav- id Payson Hicks, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George lira Hicks of Gien- coe. The engagement was made knowvn ednesdav at a gardeai tea given ini honor oýf- Miss Sandbergs bouse guest, Miss Elizabeth Provine or Urbana, 111. Miss Sandberg pre- pared at Briancliff, N. Y., attended Smith college and was graduated ini June from the University of Illinois. whene she was a member of Pi Beta Phi -sorority. Mr. Hicks also attend- ed the University of Illinois and wvas a member of Phi Kappa Psi. To Marry in'August Mr. and Mrs. Wilford W. DeBer- ard, 802 Elmwood avenue,, Wilmette. announce the engagement of thein daugbter, Elizabeth,' to Richard War- ner Lindmeier of Oak Park. The wed-> ding will be a smahl ceremony at the. home of the bride on August 21. Mr. and Mrs. Lindmeier will make their home in Earnkirk, a boy's scbool near Chesterton, Ind., wlbere they, are both on the staff. To Be August. Br ide EisIlizabeth DeBerard is ell- fiayed to Richard WVa.ner Liind- ine'er of Oak Park, lier parents. M.ai Mrs. Wi/ford fi. DeBer- ard of 11'ilm.ette annownce t/ais vceek. August 21 is liep- 'ieddiaig S day. MisseBerard, af 1er leaqiii Dr. Quirk's Travel capup in t/he r Black Hi//s joipied lier miot/wr atI their sainner camup at irGleelk, Colo. Handicapped to Benefit by Sale in Hubbard Woods Mrs. Herman Felsenthal. 1123, Chatfield road,- Hubbard Woods. will open lier home Friday of this week for an all-day clearance sale to be conducted on bebaif of the Industrial Work Shops ini Chicago.. The shops, aion-profit making in character, are, promoted entirely for charitable pur- poses. IIandicapped individuais are taught sewing, and in this way beconie at least ini part self -supporting. Uniforms-. smocks, aprons and bed- spreads are among the garmients and articles made by those whonm the shops assist. Ail these items will be on sale Friday at reduced clearance prices, with transactions on a cash and carry basis. Mrs. Robert, Feisenthal -of Glencoe wiil have charge of the sale and wil be assisted by Mrs. Herman Fel- senthial, Mrs. Charles B. Stumes of Glencoe., Mrs. A. J. Weisberg. of Giencoe, Mrs. Laurence F. Greene- baum of Winnetka, Mrs. Adolph Drey of Winnetka, and Mrs., Fred- erick 'Pick of Highland Park,' and Mrs. Gilbert Loewe of Glencoe. Guesis of Honor Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch lheld, an' informai at home Sunday evening at-their residence, 1033 Elmwood ave- ' nue, iii honor of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Fitch, who is stationed at Fort Yiley,, Kas., and their son-in-law% a'nd «aàughter, Mr.. and Mrs. Raiph H. Rehbock of Seattle.. Miss Fitch, who was on a.week's leave, left Wed- nesday to return to the, post.F Garden Club Is Given' Pracfical Talk on Bu'lbs At the meeting of the XVilmette Garden club, of which Mrs. C. P. Berg is president, Friday afternoon, August 3, at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Roberts, 808 Greenwood avenue, XViI- mette, Harry* C. Pifer, president of the -Evening Garden club of Wilmette-, gave a practical and interesting talk on "Buibs, Forcing for Winter Bloom." l)ased on his own experience. He liamed tbe varieties of tulip, nlar- cissus. bvacinth. crocus, and anmaryllis wbich be had been most successfral in forcing for winten bloom and told the mnethoris be used. Mrs. Charles 'Vanl Deursen. assisted by Mrs. J. P. Vounig andi Mrs. T. E. McýIroy. Iaad i-harpe of the garden discussion wbicb followed. Mrs. John F. Weedon. wlho as nrozraan chairman of the clb. and \Irs. Donald Gallie were the assisting h oste sses. Tuesdav. August 7. the following membhers donated fnom their gardens the flowers wvhich the Wilmette Gar- rien club sent down to the bootb. at the North Western station ini the citv for the Chicago Plant, Flowen, a'îd Fruit guild to distribute among the poor and the sick in settlements and hospitais: Mrs. E. H. Burge, MIrs. Harvey A. Bush. Mrs. Lee, Eniglish. Mrs. A. E. Gebert, Mrs. Naoni Hamilton. Mrs. W. A. Kend- rick. Mrs. WVilliam KixMiller, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, Mrs. Roscoe Roberts, Miss Saliy Vernon. and Mrs. John F. Weedon. Mns. J. Hardy Weedon is the ciub's chairmnan for the guild and every two weeks during the spring and summer appoints one of her comn- nuittee to arrange for tbe collection of, guild flowers for alternate Tues- days. Those wbo bave cpllected this season are: Mrs. Burge, Mrs. Hamil- toni. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. John F. Weedon, and Mrs. C. E. Wells. The election of officers wvill take place at the Septemiber meeting of the club. Sunset Ridge Plans Junior Dance Aug. 25 Suniset Ridge will hold its second and last junior summer formai danc- 'ing partv on Saturday evening, Aug- ust 25, from 9 until 12. The first party -of the -season on Junie.9, was a great success with an attendance of more than two hundred young people from Evanston and the north shore. Preparations are being.made for a large attendance at the second party. Tbis iJs the third season the' club bas sponsored. these junior. events wliich are under the, supervision of Miss Jessie L4. Pocock.': Music will be 'by jack' Chapman anld bisorchestra. Gives Pienic Supper .Miss, Betty Marshall, 1040 Elm- wood avenue, gave a'picnic supperc Mondav ini honor of Mr. and Mrs. 8 Ralph H. Rehbock of Seattle and v Miss Elizabetlý Fitch of Fort Riley,, Kas.9 Add to List of Prenuptial, Parties for Sally Clark Siîice the announicemnent of the approaching niarriage of Miss Sally Clark. daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Underwood Clark of 418 Ninth street, Wil- mette, to 'Bentlev McCloud. Jr., of Kenilworth. several pre- nuptial festivities have been added to the list. A linen shower was given M.\ondav. at which Miss, Edith Laphamn of E--v- anston ivas hostess. On SaturdaN. 'MIiss Patsv Bovîston of \Vilmette ivili entertain at a bridge luncheon and hanrikerchief shower. and oit Sunday, August-49. the bridegroomi',s uncle and aunt, Mr. and MNrs. Robert Olinsted, Jr.. of Gliencoe. -will enter- tain at tea. Miss Virginia Rietheimier of WVinnetka will give a treasure hiunt and miscellaneous shower Tues- day, evenîng, August 21. On Fridav. August 24. after the rehiearsal, M.fr. and Mrs. McCloud will be bost andi hostess to the immediate fainilie., and a few intimate friends at dinner at Indian Hill club. The Younîg couple will leave shortlv after the wedding on Atigust 25. to( motor to Detro.it, From there tliey will take the boat to Buffalo and then spend a ten-dav honevmoon at the Lake Placid club, Lake- Placid. N. Y. Mrs. Harold Tideman. Alpha Phi Presideni The Alpha Phi Alumnae associa- tion had a summer picnic at the home of Mrs. J. Fred McGuire in Winnetka Monday. At that time the election of officers took place, making Mrs. Harold Tideman of Kenilworth presi- dent; Miss Elizabeth Freudenreich of Kenilwortii. vice-president; Mrs. WilliamIn . Searles of Evanston, treasurer; Mrs. Alvin Bowe of Ev- anston. secretary: Mrs. Ted Burgess of E vanston, Panhellenic representa- tive. Mrs. Sherman Barnett of Glen-, coe, Quarterly correspondent. Bridge Club on Jaunt The evening bridge club, composed of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rollin Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rensch, Dr. and NMrs. Walter Scbur, Mr. and Mrs. Johni Emrich of Glencoe, Mri and Mfrs. CI 'ifford Ives and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Ackermanin, is planning a trip to Sterling., this week to visit Mn. and Mrs.Fster E. Fike; former r.esa- dents' of Wilmnette,. and inembers of the club. s Hosfess Miss Dorothy Brooks, the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Broýoks of 832 Sheridan road, entertained a large number of fniends at her home Sun- iay, among whom was an out-of-tow'n guest. John Higgins of Atlanta, Ga. August 9, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE

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