14 WILMETTR LIFE August 9, 1934 and/or investments........... 1,877,339.65 Total Deposits ............... $l9Mp030lAl1 Bis Payable ....................................... .Noue Re-Discounts......... ............ ................... Noue Dividends Uixpaid ............................. Noue Letters of Credit................................. Noue Bank Acceptances.............................No~ Other Liabilities..................................... .None~ Total Liabilities................ ...... $29112,992.23 Mfemorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: Loans and Investments Pledged: U. S. Government Securities Noue Other Bonds, Stocks and Securities... $5,M8.00. Loans. and Discounts ..........* -.. *..Noue Total Pledged (Fxcluding Rediscounts) Pledg.ed: Against U. S. Gov't. and Postal Saving Deposits . .................. $Sa.oo, Against Public Funds of States, Counties, School Districts and other Subdivisions or Municipalities .................... .Nou. Against Deposits, of Trust Departments (Federal Reserve Member Banks only) None Against othe~ Deposits .......... ...... Non* Against Bor owings................ Noue With Auditor of Public AccountÉ to qualify Nn For other Purposes N.......... on. Total-Pledged..... ....... ... $5,880.o $5,88.00 State of Illinois .- Coupty of Cook Ç *. - 1, W. D. Le ary, Cashier of the Wilmette.- S tate Bank do. solemnly swear that the above statement is trve to the best ýof m.y:. knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown'abovr correspond with the items and'amounts sh own In th; tOpoirt dé to the Auditor of Pitbbic Accounts, State of Illinois, pursua q. Subcried nd wor tobefreW. D. LEARY, C Ifiér. , Subcrbedan swrnto elreme this 5tb day of Jujfiy 'VERA PRIEBE, -- --- (SEAL). Notary Pubid. I ERADICATE. SKEETER LAIRS I These pictures illustrate in a rather force fuli monner the effective minethod being pursued bi' the North Shore Mogsquato.Abatemektt district in evadicat- inl brecding places of the Aedes Vexans and various other m~osquito tribes. The sçtagnianlt pool'of urater was ini a section of the obstru.cted imiddlefork of the Chicago river near the Cabin-in -the- Woods on Sunset Ridgé road before il was cl'eared to insure a quick rmn-off of water, as depicted in. the acconî,êaiviing 4o8o. FOR LEGION AUXILIARY The Peter J.. Huerte r Anierican Legion auxiliary 669 is sponso.ring a card ,and bunco party for Saturday ev;ening, August, 17, at 8 o'clock, just ,west of the Ridge. Mrs. Helen.Fischer is chairman1 of the. event, with -Cath- erine. Rudd, Catherine Witten, Cath- erinie Coty, and Pauline Bleser -on 'bei committee. Miss Marion Hedrick, 304 Mel- rose avenue, Keriilwortb, spent. last week-end at a bouse pa3rty at Pbelps, Wis., as the guest 'of the Misses Doris ahd Atalie Caesar of Big, Sand Lake club. Wiliiam road', wFio visited bis, Grahamî,, 1100 Mohawk is'-ih business in Cleveland, family four days last week.1 IN EAST Mr. and Mrs., Kenneth Borgen, 729 Washington avenue, left Wed- nesday to drive first to Canada and, t-hen to Newport, 1R. I ., where Mr. Borgen, who is a nimeber :of the U. S. fleet reýerve, baàs been ordered to report for a ive-weeks' training cruise. While Mr. Borgen is at Newport Mrs. 'Borgen will stop off at Framinghamù Center, near Boston,ý to visit Mrs. Charles Long, the for-. mer Gladys White of Wilmette. Mrs. John L. Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth, is luncheon hostess today to her bridge club. - Miss Laura Tbickens of Menasha, Wis., is the guest of Miss Nancy Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth. WI.LM-ETTE LIFE August 9, 1934 1 r 1 ' iý Ofiiai Publication *Report of teCondition of The Wilnïet*e State flanuk Iocated at Wilmette, State of Illinois' at the close of busi- ness on the 3th day of June, 1934, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of Illinois pursuant to law. RESOURCES Cash, Due Fromn Banks and Other Cash Resources ....$1A04,045M2 SU. S. Governmet investments ................... 169,400.32 Investments Guaranteed by U. S. Government ...... None Other Bonds and Securities ..............3U»,57.45 Loans on Collateral Security.................... 133,694.59 Other Loans ......................................6.398.69 Loans on Real Estate............... ................ 156,M9.67 Overdrafts................ .......................... 33928 Other Real Estate ........ 87,2«.87 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ............... 150,001.00 Customners' Liability under Letters of Credit ....... Noue Customners' Liability account of Acceptances............ Noue Other Resources ..................... f977.93 Total Resources ....... ................21 ,9 .3 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ........................... $ 100,000. Income Debentures and/or Capital Notes ........ 75.M0.00 Surplus Pr.. t................ I I I I50.0m.00 Reserve Accounts .................................... U95.32 Demand. Deposits .................................. 1,15454025 Time Deposits...................................... 72S,761.16 Due to Banks ................................... . Noue Total Deposits Secured'by pledge of boans a nd/or invesiments........... $ , 2,961.76 .j 1 14.