8 WILMETTE LIFE August 9, 1934 ON VACATION TRItp >1Mr. and> Mrs. John A. Schreiber and d.caughter, Catheribe, 320 Abbotsford. road, Keniilwortb, Ieft Wednesday, for a. week's visit at Wawasee, lake, Ind., and a week at Douglas, Micb. Mrs. Warner Cary Lewis, 201 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, entertainied at a bridge breakfast Friday. K Locksmithing E of. ail id yAUTO KUTS S Made frein Numbers STAN LINDSTROM'S LOCK SHOP 122 Central Avenue WILMETTE 3212 The Newesl' and lest Books You'I find theni in our RENTAL LIBRARY SPANOISH KANDY KUPMOARD 924 Spanish ÇCourt la Ne-Mau's Land Wilmette 5423 The Bible end Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and Ail1 Christian Science Literature may be rend, borrowed the Reading Rooni. SEA, SCOUTS PLA4N SUMMER CRUISE Sea Scouts of Ship 26, Winnetka, uil board the North Shiore Area coupncil's schoonier-yacht A/bat ross on August 17 for a 12-do1, cruise of Lake Michi.qan. In the above ficture, Apprentice Scouts Jiim hdiards and Bob Garrctsopi are watching G. W. Shiptan, commander of Albatross, lav off a muniber of possible cru ise courses on the chari. J. F. Roos. skipper of the Winnetka unit, is at thje iight. Ports which are expected to be visited on the August cruise include Mackinac, St. Ignace, Beaver island,* Harbor Springs, Menominee, and LOAN pLANS 10 MMEMNT PEINS If you are .tooking for a quick, easy and proctical way of set- tling.old and current bis... coll on us. W. wilI tend you the *xact amount of cash you re- quire on a Plan that wiIt satisfy you and fit your income. W. make Furniture, Auto, Co-Maker or Endorsed Note and Combi- nation Loans. PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY 708 Churchý Street, Evanston Wihnette 4042 Greenleaf 6081 First Churci, of 'Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, 111. Manitowoc. Schooner Abbatross is sailing the lake thr"oughout the, suni- mer with crews from north shore and other communities. Considered one of the finest pieces of Sea Scout equipment iii the country, she is staunchly constructed and com- pletely equipped for extended cruis- ing, and accommodates a crew of twâvee. LeRoy Seizer to Wed Michigan Girl Aug. 22 Miss Helen KaiSets, daughter' of Mrs. Anton Kapets of Ironwood, Mich., will be married, Wedniesday. August 22, at the Holy Trinity church in Ironwood to LeRov Selzer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Seizer of .1601 Walnut avenue. The cere- mony wibl be performed by the Rev. P. Petranek at 9. o'clock Xednesdav morning.. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Fran- ces Selzer wvibl be maid of honor, with Miss.Ann Kapets, sister of the bride, Miss Jean Selzer, sister of the bride- groom, and Miss Mary Strook of Chicago, as bridesmaids. .Jack Kapets of Ironwood. the bride's brother is to serve Mr. Seizer as best man, and the ushers will be Edward May of Wilmette, Phillip Kapets, brother of the bride, and Tony Moliau of Iron Beit, \Vis. After a wedding.tnip in northern Mlichi- gan, Mr. Selzer and his bride will reside in Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hutson, 1112 Elmwood avenue, returned. Friday f rom a week's visit at Macatowa, Mich., where they were guests of Miss Ina Clark. Mr. Hutson's cousin HarmonL. Hutson of San Francisco,. was a guest and returned to visit the Hutsons at their home in Wilmette. -o- Mrs..Alonzo Glass and ber daugh- ter, Miss Stella' and Mrs. Byron Blish of Racine, Wis., were recent guests of the Louis Jones familv of 325 Richmond road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Blish is-Mrs. Jones' mother --o- Mrs. Frederick d'Aix, 307 Mebrose avenue, Kenilworth, is entertaining twelve guests ,at a bridge luncheoni today. other authorized or purchased ut ILocal District Gets Large S/tare of U. Se- L oan Fund The district which includes, Illinoîs and Wisconsin was beniefitting from 1353 per cent of the funds of the Federal Home Loan Bank, system in use on Tuly 1, according to a report just made by the Federal Home Ioain Bank of Chicago. The total loans in force in aIl twelve banks amounted to $85,748,354. of which $11,299,317 %vere in this district. ~Thé money is used* by building and loan associations and federal savings and loan associations to finance home owners iin their localities, and efforts on the part of these local institutions to stimulate demand for home repair- ing and remodeling. bans are showving their first notable resuits this nionth, it is pointed out. The First Federal Savinigs and Loan Association of Wilmette is affiliated with the Federal Hiorne Loani Banik system, and announices that it is now prepared to assist local home owners in financing home construc- tion, remodeling or straighit aniortized, rnortgages. Its secretary. Carl E.. Clifton, Jr., at the offices of the local Chamber of Commerce, will suppl *% full information on any angle of home financing. Hold Lutheran Day at Pair August 19 Sunday, August 19, wvibl be Lutheranl Day at A Cetitury of Progress ini Chicago. The plan is for ail to attend ser- vices at their own churches iin the morning, then to go- to the fair and attend the Lutheran twilight service at 7 o'clock in the spacious court of the Hall of States on the shores of Lake Michigan. The service will last from 7 to 8:15 o'clock. Addresses wvill be given bv Dr. T. F. Gullixsoni and D)r. Ross Stover. The service wvill coniemorate Luther's translation of the Holy~ Bible 400 years ago. The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor of the, Wilmette English Lutheran church, has tickets for reserved seats and will be glad to give them to those who wish to attend this service. They inay be secured- at his. home, 521 Seventh street. Rev HAVE SON The Rv Oscar Thomas OIson and Mrs. Oison, 1018 Lake avenue, an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Paul, on August 3, at the ILvanston liospital. Mrs. Williani Graham, 1100 Nio- hawk road, Kenilworth, entertain#-b at a bridge lunchteon Thursday of last week in honor of Mrs. Walter Ries- uner of Armore, Pa. Mrs. W. W. Holmes of Nules Ceuter was assisting hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Riesuer and their son, Louis, were houseguests of the Grahamns., -o-- Miss Anu jeannette Klapperich, 412 Central avenue, and Miss Frances Haines of Chicago motored last week to Colora do Springs to be gone sev- eral weeks. Miss Marie, Virginia Klapperich Ieft with friends last week for Yellowstoe and Estes Park an(I on the way back will stop at Colorado Springs. Re x Martin. 921 Tenth street, re- turned recently from a visit at Port- age Point, Mich., where he was a guest ofDorothy Smythe at hier par- eut's summer home, fis brother, Robert,, spent the week-end at Ephraim, Wis.,* visiting the D. E. Spence family.of Evanston. -0- Mrs. Myron West, 916 Greenleaf avenue, entertained her bridge club at Juncheon Monday. SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNVAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. AUGUST 12, 1934 Subject: SPIRIT READING ROOM - 1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednemday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wedcneuday 9 Aý. M. t. 7:45 P, M. Saturday 9ÀA. M. to 9 P. M. E E THE PUBLIC IS OOBDIALLY INVITN TO ATEND THE CHLIGH SEVICES AND MIIT THE READING RODM Àugust 9,ý 1 , 934 W.1,LMETT'E LlFEý re *)j