Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 6

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WILMBTTE LIFE August 2, 1934 WIlmette Team Tda'kes Troýphy in, Annual N.. £ Life-Saving Con test D e!eats Glencoe in, Thrillintg Events Last Sunday The second aniual life saving con- tests held at Club Vista Del Lago in No M.Nan's Land. last Sunday after- noo n. a ttnacted a large cnowd that taxed tht capacity of tht club grounds as vieIl as its accommoda- tions. Onlly twa b.eaches wene rep- resei1ttd. Wilmette and Glencot. Tht Wilmette team woan tht meet and, trophy by a score of 30 points ta j21 for its adversary. 0f tht first five events, howeven, Glencot won thnee, and it was anly by winning bath first and second ini tht final event that the Wilmette teain se- cured its victary. The Glencot team cansisted of jerry Miller and Howard Lyi*'n. The Wilmette teani was composed of 'Chuck" Boyle and Bill Mackie, tht latter tiot regulanly employed at the beach. Tht nuits provided that ont member of a team miust be a regularly employed life guard of tht beach nepnesented. GIemcoe Takes Lend (;ltncoe stanted off by wînîing tht first event, tht 60-foot cross chest carry. pneceded by a 60-foot swim, and nepeated ini tht second, the 60- foot head carry, also' precededl by a 60-foot swim. WVilmette gat its nevenge b%. îaking tht next. two events,_throwing tht life preserven for accuracv and the 50-yard fineman'sý lift race. But Glencot caine back ini tht next -and1 went ta tht front by winning tht 60- foot swim. fully, clothed. This brought thetetamis ta tht final event, antificial respiration,, with Glencoe leading with thnee events Won ta twa for Xilmettt. In this number1 Wilmette wvon bath finst and second, making tht score 36 points ta 21. points for Glencot. Park Board Geta Trophy Tht Wilmette Park board was awarded tht trophy, ta hold for ont v'ear an until it is lifted hx, saine1 camptting team. Each miember of tht winning teani wvas awarded a gold niedal. Tht special featunes developtd a couple of real thrillers. Tht Central A.A.U. I-mile race for nien wasj appanently won by -Harold Dash, afi btht Je wish People's institute in 291 minutes 2-5. seconds-, Càrl' Nel-1 son, wearing the colons of tht Lake1 Short Athletic club, .vas second and Jot Bnock, also of tht Jewish Peo- plt's institute, finished third. How- even. Nelson pnatested tht decision, claiming that he«was washed off the course. and tht matter is yet to be * decided by tht swiniming comimittet of tht Central A.A.U. Thnilling Boat Race Tht star boat race by "Sheridan Short members furnished aniotlW thnilling finish.. Getting off ta a very bad stant thte"Geiîni" crossed tht line ini 1 haun and 30 minutes, nosing t)nt tht "Ala Baba" which, by aIl tht signs.,and unden the conditions pre- vailing should have been tht winnien. However, tht "Gemini" was skippered by tht Pinie brothers, who have been consistent winnens duning tht sea- son, and, neyer yield an inch toaa rival. At a dinnen fan tht yachtsmen fol- lowing thteévent, tht Bauer tnophyt wvas presented ta the Pinie brothers.t The canoetitlting eventý for sans of, Vista Del Lago members was won by Bill Baker and John Fauer, bath of Wunnetka. A surprise featune of the afternoonv wasý an exhibition of stunt flying byc "Doc" Tr owbridge, an amateur flyer of p-rts who gave the vast crowd' many a thrill. Although the air Was exktremely bumpy, he perforned al manner of 'difficuit and hazardous feats at a height of some 5,000 feet, earning cheer after cheer from the spectatars. 1Miss Evelyn Kennedy. Central A.A.U. fancy diving champion, gave an exhibition which brought salvos of applause,' from the throng. .David-C. Leach. 1417 Forest ave- nue. swimmning instructor at the Union League club. was in charge of tlie contests and exhibition s. Three Injured in Freak Crash on Skokie Highway: Saturday evening at a few minutes before 6 o'clock an automobile acci- dent on Skokie boulevard nean Vil- mette avenue was reported ta the Wilmette police. A car driven by E. L. Reibold. 36 v-ears aold. 670 Hinnian avenue. Evanston. goin on Skokie boulevard at a speed said, to be 40 miles per hour, gat out of: contraI for some reason as yet un- explained. It crossed from the outer' southbound traffic lanie ta the north-i bouind lane and collided with a car' going north. driven by Stewart B.- Nyt, 30 years old, 1315 Wilcot avenue, St. joseph, Mich. The impact almost completely wrecked bath machines. Riding with Nyt twas Miss Gayl Allen, 23 years aid, giving tht' same1 addness as Nye. She was cut andi bnuised, injuries ta the left tyt, knet, and tots being tht most seriaus. Howard GilI. also of 670 Hinmian avenue, Evanston,- iding with Reibold, rtctived tht mast critical injuries,, ont side af his face and ont eye being badly cut. Reibold complained of injuries ta his back. Tlhret caddies whani Reibold had picked up along the raad were uninjured. Reibold, GilI and 'Miss Allen were alI takenta tht Evàanston hospitalý in police ambulances. The cars wvere towtd ta garages. Doctor Closes Office During Vacation Jaut Dr. Maude Sands lias clased her of- fice in her home at 1024 Central avenue until August 15, whtn she will resune practice aften a.short vacation. With her twa hanse guests, Miss Edele Basil- li and tht latter's brother, Jack Basilli, who are frorn abroad, she left WVednes- day inorniing ta motor east. Thev will go first ta Ottawa,. Canada, ta visit il former school friend of Miss Basilli at Lausanne, Switzerland. They will then drive throughi tht Catskills ta New York where Dr. Sands will set them embark for home on tht Eunopa on August 12. She Will then. return home, arriving August 15. During the stay of Miss Basilli and her brother, they were widély entetaintd. VISIT INWILMETTE Mr. and Mns. M. T. Schwin of Chi- cago visited tht latten's parents,. Mn.1 and Mns. 'George C. Lowell, 15331 Highland avenu e, ,for several daysi last week. Mes. Schwin is assistantk manager of the home ecanomics de-1 pantnient of Genenal1 glectric Hot- point - equipment 'and lias just comn- pleted'a four months' business trip in the wtst whene she gave demonstra- tians in cooking salesmtn's classes thnoughout four states. Mn. and Mrs. S. C. Wanden, 511 Tenth street, neturned home last week-end from a ten-day boat.tnip on the Great Lakes. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue, James T. Venekiasen, minister Our worqhlp service ls held at il o'elock. The minister wilI preach on the therne, *Whatsoever Rie Saith unto You." We cordially invite you to wor- shlp-iwlth us. Ils Erma Rounds, director of miusic. has prepared the following prograrn for the worship service: Prelude, "«Medita- tion," Tschaikowsvky; solo, "Seek .Ye the Lord," Lynes; solo, "Open. thé- Gates,"1 Knapp, Mfr. Edward Otis, "olo- Ist; postlude, "Fugue ln E fiat" (13th %fa.s), "Mozart. Our Bible sho meets at 9 :30 o'cloc-k and there fis a place for scholars of ev- ûry tige. Our- Aduit Bible class mneets at 9 :45,1 and we will study the concludlng lesson In "The' Life and Letters of Peter." We invite you to study with tis. The pastorý will be glad to be'of pas- toral service in case of need. Phone Wllmette 3876. English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf Wilmette "A House of Worship"l rhe Rl1v. David R. Kabele, pastor ~UN>AYSERV1ICES Early service .... ...... a. m. Suinday school .. .... 9 a. 'm. Second service . .... . ... l11a. im. The Woman's society wlll meet thi-, afternoon <Thursday) at the parsonage at2 o'(cock.%i- Mr. Charles Arquette will Next Sunday niorning during the Sun- day school houir we invite you to vlew the third part of the pictures on the'11fr. of Christ covering the opening-events in Christ's mninstry. The pastorq sermon theme for next Sunday morning will be "Christ's Plan for Church-.Making."1 The Church council will rneet Tué4- day, August 7, at 8 p. m. The Lu ther league will meet Wednes- day evening, August 8, at 7 :30 o'ciock. We invite aIl thc',young people to enjoy this meeting with us. Our chuirch open-, wide its doors and in the nàime of Jeïus bidq you WEL- BaPtist Church Wilmette and Foi-est avenues 11ev. George 1). Allison, pastoir. On Sunday morning at 1l o'clock,,this9 church welcoxnes the niinister of First Congregational church, Dr. John G.,, Hindli-'y, to its îulpit for a series of HAVE VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Waldorf and t wo children left for Manhattan, Kansas, this week after a month's visit w.ith Mr. Waldorf's parents, Bishop E. L. Waldorf and Mrs. Waldorf of 941 Sheridan road. Lynni Waldorf, who was formerly *footballi coach at Stillwater, Okia., will coach football this year at tht State Agri- cultural college at Manhattan. Thei Rev, A. B. Wagner and Mrs. Wag-' ner of Crystal lake were also at the Waldorf. home the past week-end.* M rs. Wagner is the former Et eli Margaret Waldorf who was marri ed1 in june., Still' another week-endi guest was Miss Mary McCormfick of Wichita,. Kans., on her way to Newv York on' a buymng trip. HAVE PARTY, Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Kusinertz, of« Illinois. road were ententainied at a panty at their home by a group of, friends fast Saturd ay evening ini lion- or of Mrs. Kusmnentz's birthday. To-. day Mr. and Mns. Kusmnertz and son,1 Russell, will leave for a week's out-1 ing at Dellwood, Wis.1 fi ve mnessages. eloslng September 2. -Mims Ernily Roberts will preside at the organ and Miss Grace Parmnele will be soloist.- The public is cordlally lnvited to attend. On Saturday, August 11, the Adult Class, C. Herbert Jones president, will have It s nidqummer outlng. Mrs. John Davis 18 chairman of the committee. >The Sunset club, Joel Dickinson presi- dent, will have a picnlc ln a short timie of which members will recelve du- notice. St. John's Lutheran Wihniette and Park avenues, Wilmttte Rev. J. H. Gockel, pastor, D :5 a. M.--First service. 9-3 a. mi.-Sunday school and Bible classes. jIl a. nm.-Second service. The Sunday services will be con- duvted by Mark Kluender of Meirose Park, a graduate of Concordia semni- nary, St. Louis. Tht subject. of his ser- mion will lie "n the Cornfields on the Sa bbatlî." During the next ten days the pastor I will be in Chattanooga, Tenn., speaking 'at the' convention and summer confer- ence camip of the Dixe. district idf the Walther 'league. 1)uring the Sunday school hour the secqond of a eerles of six illustrated lec- tures on tht liTe of Christ wiIl be pre- sented, 'John's Irntroduction of Je.sus." These lectures wlth sldes in full color prov'ide an excellent review of the Gs pel -tory. Methodist Church Rev., Oscar Thos,.,Oison, D. D., »iinist-r The nilnister's sermon theme for *the Il oclock worshilp service next Sunday morning wil libe "The Christian Para- The iymusic for the service on Augu.st 5 ivill lie as follows: Organ jireludes- "The Procession-........... .. .DÉuboi! "Solemn Prelude"-....... .. ..... Noble 1Miss Marie triel Offertory solo: "Christ Went Up intû the HuIs'..... ...............Hageman Miss Ruth Braun Organ postînde:. "Alleluia"... Duboim D.William S. Boyard of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopa) ehurch will lie in the pulPit Sunday, Au- gu.st 12, and Dr. Harris Franklin Rail of Garrett Biblical institute will preae-h August 19 and 26. Tht Church school has discontillued its regular sessions until the Second .Sunday in September. The woman's Year Book is now in procesS of Preparation. Al m1enbers of the clîureh are urged to notify the cbureh office of any change of addres.'- or telephone numnbers. Federated Advertising Club Plans Golf Event The Chicago Fedenated Advertising club tvill hold its first golf tour-. nameént of theý 1934 season at WNi- mette Country club on the afternoont of Wedtuesday, August 8. Tht golf commnittet has lined up an interesting pnogram and a' very impressive anray Of gifts is assured, both for the golfers who shoot aven, 100 as ivell as those accustonied to keeping close to. par.1 Plans, are be- ing made to have some l outstandling golf celebnities pirticipate1 in th-t touinament as guesta of, the ad- vertising club. The namles will be announced later. Reseevations are to be made by telephoning Mrs. Anderson, Cbicag' Fedenated Advertising club secnetar-v. at Franklin 0700. VACATION IN EAST Miss Mabel.'Park, business mnan- ager of thé Wilmette ýpublic schools, will leave for the east next week on herý annual vacation. She plans to visit her home town, New York City. CHURHNW August 2. 19..34 WILMETTE LIFÊ

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