Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 5

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August 2, 1934 - WIIMUT'ru I iu~. * p______________ 5 More Warraws of Local School Now A wait Redemption Holders of 1932 educatiorial, war- rants of the Wilmette public schools have been advised, by the school office that the 1932 warrants from F-229 up to and> including 61 have been called for payment. Persons holdifig these warrants are heing urged to present them for payment at the office of 'the township treasurer, F. A. Andrew, in the Xil- mette State bank building, 1200 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette. .AIl of the 1931 warrants of the WVilmette Public scbools have been called and interest on them stopped several months ago.. The school office reports, however, that $3,000 worth of these warrants have not 3-et been cashed. Inasmtich as they no longer bear interest, there is no advantage to the holders ln waiting longer to present them for pavmenit, it is pointed out. The 1932 educational warrants which still remain uncalled for pa>y- ment are those from E613 to E2265. Practically aIl of these are of smnail deénominations, the school office re- ports. ___________ Otto J. Marten Dies .at.Battie Creek, Mich. Otto J., Marten, father of Henry A. Marten, 623 Laurel avenue, died- on Monday at Bate Creek, Micb., at the age of 66 years. lu recent years Mr. Marten had been in the oil busi- ness at Mount Pleasant, Mich., He was formerl'y active in. Republican politics lu Missouri, having served as treasure r of St. Charles county, near St-. Louis, three times. He also was cashier of the. St. Charles Savings banik at St. Charles, Mo., for nine- teen years. Besides the son lu Wilniette, Mr. Marten is survived bY tlîree other sons, Elmer J. Marteîi of Chicago, W. J. Marten of Tulsa, Okia., m Otto J. Marten, Jr., of Sani Antonio, Tex., one daughter, 'Miss Frauza Marten of Tulsa, seven g Ia dren and two sisters. The funeral services are being lield this miorning (Thursday) at St. Agîtes Catholic chuirchi in SpringfieldI. mo., witlî burilIat St. INarv',s ccumerY Springfield. Conrad Graf, Pioneer Barber, Passes -Away Conrad Graf, w~ho for a number of ycears owned and operat.ed a barber Police Nab Two Men shop on Ridge road a short distance north of Lake avenue, died. last Fride% Stripping Automnobile morning at his home,.2450 Dakin street, Harold Anderson, 24 years old; giv- Chicago, at the age of 78 v cars. ing bis address as 3123 Lawndale Mr. Graf, wvho was born lu Switzer- avenue, Evanston, and Albert Alex- land, had been in this country nearly ander, 22 years old, 1462 Wilmette j ifty years. He wvas a resident of \Vil- avenue, Wilmette, were arrested at mette for, ten years before rroving to 1 o'clock Wednesday morning as they Chicago. six vears ago after the deathi w ere engaged ini stripping the Ford of bis wife. -For manv vears lie iad automobile of Henry rL, Miller, 1504 been in the barber business. Highland avenue '. The car had been uvin hmarsencile, left in the driveway at the side of Survivig h m are wùseonac hirn the bouse. The noise of tîîeir oper- fv agtr n w s n dThethlr-ar ationg awakened neighbors who noti- teen grandchildren.Tecide r fed the police department. When Mrs. Martin Kuntz- of Chicago, Mrs. arrested the men had removed one Adelaide Thrane of Kenilworth, Wal- headliglit and the spare tire, and had ter and Edwin Graf of Chicago, Mrs. put tbem in their own car. They Nickolas J. Engels of Wilmette and the were working on the other headlight N when the police arrived on the,.sceie. -l'le men were taken to the Police station and detained until 4 o'clock A N N. Wednesday, «when tbey wereý taken DO NOT before Police Magistrate John J. cut Urms siiorter than 13 Peters on a charge of larceny inche« during Auguat. l'ie license on the car used by the SA ORLW nien wvas issued to Harold Anderson, SA ORLW 3123 H-artzell street, Evanston, ai- th@rughly once or twice a thoighlieclaimed to live at 3123 week - not oftener - Làiglit l.atlii le aeuesprinkling injures ràther l.awdal aveue.than helps. MNr. and Mrs. Lorenzo ik, 7 Sheridan road, KDilkst , enter- MILLm'I HARWARE CO. tained twelve guests at a bridge Wilmette 3M0 dinner Saturday. Firs t Ohurcli of Christ,. Scieni Tenth Street and Central Avenue Walmetti SUNDAYi SERVICES-1l A. M. WE-DNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING--S'.P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-94:45 A. M. AUGUST 5, 1934u- Sujet:LOVE READING ROOM- 1148 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday> 9-. A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible end Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ài Christian Science Literature IDEy be remd, borrowed the Reading Roooe. other authq or purchai tist iorized sed et' ON FISHINO tIIEF Clarence Manchester, 555 Brier Street,, Kenilworth, and bis nephe w, ,David Elmgren jr.,' 551. Brier Street, left Thursday of last week for Crivîtz, Wis., where theY wiII spend two wýeeks fishing. The Newest and I l est Books 1 1 TMI. DTIME TAé%LOft.Wspi iH Nash Suitg Ma& te Order KANDY1 $18.SO &" $2230 924 Spa 81 Expert Repairing e - no LIRemodellnz and AlterationsliNe 1117 GREENLEAF AVE. Wilm 1PHOME WILMTIm .J@44 Misses Elsie and' Alice Graf of Chi- cago; The -funeral services were. held Mon-. d4ay afternoon in a. chapel at 3834 Irv- ing Park boulevard, Chicago. Burial was at Memorial Park cemetery. .Mrs. HerbertV. Mesick, 331 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at a bridge luncheon Tuesday ln honor of Mrs. J. M. Martin of. Two Harbors, Minn., Who is the guest of the Walter Andersens, 127 Robsart road, Kenil- Worth. mortgoge interest, taxes, bis or 1 ï2 O4 womtbwhile purpases ... colt at Our ofietdy. Our service is prompt end courteous. àFURNITURE LOANS AUTOMOBILE LOANS CO-MAKER LOANS COMBINATION LOANS PERSON'AL. FINANCE COMPANY LY MAN"SICE CREAMi Distin guishe\d. By Its Superior Flavor Flavor ... lots of it....with rich, creamy goodness that.only fresh cream and natural fruit juices can give . and made according to the pripate formula of Mrs. Lyman.* Special Foursome Package. serves four. 25c SÇpecial This Week MAPLE PECAN, 'VANILLAA and CHOCOLATE, Quart Brick '22e We. zill deliver pro mfdly at auy time Yom specify 708 Chureh Street, Evanston THSE PUBLIC 18 CGIIDIALLY INVITU> TO ATTEND THSE CRURCI SERuVICES AND VISIT THE READINO 10DM YouIlI find them in our RENTAL LIBRARY, KUPROARD penieb Court MAféWirLaud mette 5423 Auggsit 2, 1934 1 ' 1 1 WILMiRTTýp- Wilmette 04Z Greenleaf Mi

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