= = 1JL Mr- à r4r A nî.mber of îîortla shore boys are s/"eîding the suipipmer in thea Canadiasi itorth 2zood.ç at Camtp .Ozwkoii.-e, apte Iuasudred miles fropi Port Arthur, Opit. The r amp is owned by V L. "Ditke" Childs, athietic director at Neu't Trier 1-fitlh school. Canoe trips are a big feature of the BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED camp. The picture at the right shows a Nr n.Ms .F canyo group of' no rth shore boys on sucli a M.ad -Is .F Ncanyo trip, cooking breakfast over their. camp M~ Catalpa place. Wilmette, an- fine. Reading.from left to right thev nounce the engagement of their are: Ralph Rladlin, Harry 'Miller, Ed daughter. Gladys, to Carl C. Engels] Galloway. -Howvard Seesel. Peter Wei-,o 2 ig out vntn jack Wright, and Frank N\«yle. Oit these. trips the boys ofteuî seec Mrs. George W. Mabler. 424 War- mloose. deer, and bear. ThIe ambition of wvick road, Kenilworth. lias been en- every boy' is'-to. ride a moe These' tertaining .Mrs. Howard Bowman of aninmals are qiehrneswîî St. Louis' and Mrs. Frederic WVard mingi uiwte hr s wieswn and lber soit froni State college as mnii»deep ïaexcetin. I ine \orlds Fair guésts- during tlhe past 'l'lie fishing is, xetinlyfiei eek. Mrs. M-%aher's cousin, Mrs. Baril lake and the surrouinding lakes. 'd% .Bok o t oi.a Salmon trout, lake trout. pickerel. wal sp endiR.gBthe smmfr St. Li. eyed pike, and Great Northern ,pike sedn h umrwt ir aboutnd. Ben ShambauÜgh (leit). a junt- -o i(>r, is shown with his day's catch. '-Mfr. and Mis. J. W. AIder and _______________fatmilv. 931 Gneenwood avenue, have ENTETAINAT INNE I een at their summner place on Big lake, in Vilas countv, XVis., for a Mr. and Mrs. Walter I)oering. 1335 nuniber of weeks and are now back Chestnut avenue, entertained at din--in Wilmnette. ThieY expect to return ner Xednesday of last week ini lioni- to Wiscoinsin for at least part of the, 'or of '.\r. and Mrs. George Streitf of :nonth of August. St. Louis, who,.with their sont. George,0 Jr.. spent ten days with the I>oerings. Nir. and Mrs. 'Maurice Aldrich of, MnI. Streîff. is Mrs. Doering's brother. Toledo, Ohio. will stop ini Wilmette The Doering's younger daugKhter. for se vrldy bu uut1,t Betsy Ann, who is spending the - - ** rAl dnis abotheand fam-, mer at Camp Holiday at Haickeilsack, i, t1r.Adiisboh nd;m uvy. the Edwin R. Aldriches of 1510 Minn., will return Septeniber 1,xîet vne.wiemtrn throtigl Chicago oit their waY to 'l'lie Rev. Leland Daniorth. 333Ioa Warwick road, Kenilworth. net trned Tuesday from a four weeks' outing W\illiainî Vhittier, 5 1 Kenilworth ini Wisconsin. Mrs. Danforth ne- avenue. returned to, Kenilworth turtied a week earlier. TheY were the MW.edniesdav of Iast week fnom a six guests ofý the William O> . Beits of'f week., tour, of, Europe., With a. Keailworth at their summer home il ru fXwYnkr i iie Tomahawk. Wis., and of the Car nln.HlaiFnc.G mny Huicks at Trout Lake, Wjs. n nln.HlaiFac.Gray Auistria. Switzerland., and flelgiumf. 1)oal an EilAndrsn. r. Miss. Mantha Lee Bozeman of 1Mo- the sons of Dr. and M-vrs. .E. -A. 1' me, I.. is the hlouseguest of Miss Jane Andeson f 82 Linen aenue ar Helen Norman, 018 Greenleaf avenue. spending the summer at their par- Mi BzmnadMs omnwr ents' 'summen place at ýVeblake, cMissmBzates andRockfsr'Normaege. Xis.. and wiIl not return týWTilmett 1e _________________________________ until schiool opens ig September.V 0 VTUE EVANISTON ACADEMY PaulGathrcoa of 4110F FINE ARTrS Mns.PaulGathncoa of 411An Accredited Art Schoot Thornwood avenue, is' Ieaving Friday CARL SCHEFFLER, Director with bier baby daughter, Peggy JO. Full and Part Time Courses and bier son, Forrest James. for a Day and Evening Classes sumrv acation witb bier family il Children's Classes Pontage, Wis. Mn. Gathercoal ilI S ChurdaySt. re. 101 be with bis fami1y, week-ends. U4Cae tjr.17 w*- August 2. 1934 ýýWILUfEtirp,