46 WLET IEAga ~I3 yfOR SALm-HOUBES FOR qALE.-.-HOUSE SACRIFICE ONCE SMALL ESTATE IN A ýBLUE MON, UNIQUE 7 SPACIOLYS ROOMS, 2 TILE batbs, ehower stal; 'built 5 WILL' A PROPERTY SUCH AS THIS years> ago. Investmient over be available. Located ln" one'of the $ 40,000. Illness force-, owner ekcluç;lve sections of Glencoe on.a .ridge to sacrifice $22.500. 3ir. Iln- 'high and dry, sloping down over 30 feet ington- and bac'k over 400 feet to Skokie Coun- BAID &\V RNE , c. ryClub course. Beautîful views over, Club grounIs as well as into nelghbor- 346 PARK AVENUM. <L :eE ng estates (for ln this particular place, Glèncoe 1554 Ri»el.,ate 1855 lots run well up to 2 acres each). 11I I.TXNI3-lte ]Wlanked and backed by wonderfui YoUÏ- FTREH( eoi:i-' t ONLY pantings and.with Iany large Ems, $1,t)OO cash. The formner t4'wner's mis- Maples and -fruit trees, and onie Oak fortune may be your gain. Large. living over 200 years ôld. The bouse is tule room, with sun room adL(joinling (r-ed construction, bas 9 roonis and 31/ baths tile floor), open firepla<'e,. :l arge 'bed- --comfortable and cool-heated by 1iot rooms and heated- sleeping î>urchî, two Nwater and oll. The possibilities hiere are tUle baths, hiot water oU *îeat, garage- wonderful; plenty of rooni for tennis attached, to be sold fo)r almos)t lel court, standard size pool and large third its former-valu.'. $12,500) andi e renches of lawn. Soul Is good. Owner member only $1,001)cash, b1alanve a. has no present need for such a place. rent. There are so many fine tblngis about lhis property, inciudlng the price. that. THE BILS' lac. it should be "een to be really appre- 7018 Vernon Ave. (Ucncoe 777 iated. 4 BDRMS., 2% TILE B.'s, 2 PCHES., 2 Iseto yaîonmn car garage, near lake, schools & E transp. Very reasonable. Make offer. .. Mage & .I£ssociates Phone Winnetka 269. 111 13-ltpI DRASTIC REDUCTIONExlseAgn ENGLISH BRICK IN EXCLUSIVE 334 Park Avenue, 0.lencoe. M.I section surrounded by choice homes, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, sun porcb and sleep- porch, h. w. (o11) heat, garage, wooded lot, 75x150, price reduced t'> $17,000. -T HEFBILLS REAfITY', lc. 718 Vernon Ave. (lencoe 77î NEIVLY DECORATED) 110.l"SlE .in North Evanston. itargaiii. Phione Wilmette 3:144. 1 11 Ll N 1tI l Country Atmnosphere BROAD LAWN, OLD TREES, O - ly gar-den; red brick, white clapboard, green Mslîtters, spa- cloue roorns; 8 rmis., 3 baths, sunrm., slpg., porcli, brfst. rmi., recreation. rn., attached, gar. Built in 1930. Beautiful home prlced for quick sale. Mr. Rorch- BAIRD & XVARNER, Ilc. . r23 PARK DRIVE, KENILW4 )RTH Kenllworth 4785 Rogers Park 615-1 ________________ 11LTX1 3-1t" Brick Bungalow, 06,500 East side Wllmette. Ternis. WILMETTE RHALTY CO. 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 19.2 ___________________ 11LTNI 3-Ilp SELLING OR TRADING NOW, 3 cholce modern 9 rooni, 3 bath bue for smaller, on North Shore. F. WVan-ý ner, 19 S. La Salle St. State 511il or Keênllworth 5111. 1llLTN13-lp Wilmette's Only Fireproof Storage Warehouse Offers Security Efficiency Responsibility with its> Moving, Packing and Storage Services Estimates Furnished Witbout Obligation' Telephone DENzs c M -Phones-- (!i'ie79è6, Winnetka 1977, Uni. 3856 -11lLTN13-Ite 4,57 ASH STREJET WE HAVE INQUIRIES FOR NMOD- CORiINER HRDNRDe LC rn homes, 6-8 roonis, ranging i frorn lake. The outstanding offering prices up to $15.000. If you desire to on the Norti. Shore today. 10 room, 3sed your property, pleaqe see tus at haths; solid brick tile-roof residence. onlce. 2-story detached garage with 4-rooni McGUIRE & ORR apartnîent. Large grounds, attractive landscaping , fine trees. Clear of in- ;)30 Davis St. Gre. 1080 cumibrance. IVill be sold at les than 404 Green Bay Rd. Kenilworth 228 haîf cost to owner for qulck sale. 116 Park Ave., Glencoe (Ilencoe 13 Silown by appointrnent onîy. 13LTN13-ltc I\IcGIRE ORR PRIVATE PARTY HAS CASH FOR 6 McGU RE & ORRrooni North Shore bouse, or may buy (ELXCLUSIVE AGENTS) lot. Phone South Shore 5035 or Write 40 years of dependable service A-124, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 5:11 Davis St., Evanston (Ire. 1080 113LTN13-2tp 311; Park Ave., Glencoe (Ileneoc 13 1 4ÔI Creen Bay Rd. Kenilworth 298 -FOR SALE-VACANT 111TN13 -t ----GEORGIAN - _ L. 0- LGJENCOE COLO IAL Oft SL-25F BUSINESS LOT 10-11001, OWNE\FR-B'ILý'I' 84 R ICV1K ont Park Ave. just west of 'e,-non: and stone. tile roof. in choicîe section M2 pr'sl$0 tf.2fs ) od near lake. Wa1928 ;ipria. 60df ut1 od FINEI.Y (O3T1'TE 0 .l 1 >ERN c UIE & in aIl appointments. Ist fl.: living' c U R & O R roonm, breakfast rm., kitchien and lav'a- 5 ', ) Davis St., Hvanston (Ire. 1080I tory. 2nd fi.: 4 bedroonis, 2 baths;- 3rd 316 Park Ave.,. Glencoe Glencoe 1*1 fi. : servant nm. and bath. ' -car attaclied___ î4T :-l garage.T E- > T A day's market. For inspection. appt. ST !'ý ACRE, NEAR LAKE,A- caîl m. Bri~'n.joins expensive residence, be8t sr THE B1ILLS RE".A ITY, lac.1 roundings. Once sold for $15,000 cash: now $7,300 on' terins. This is a choie>- 5219 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON I building site and an invcsýtTnînt of l-ela'1166 Willnette :>710 i ment. _______ illTNI3-ltc SMNITH & GOSS W \HITE BRICK HOUSE 725 Eli St. Winnetka 3500 1 0F I'NISUAL CHAR-M IEN LECOE 4LTN13-ltc. with 7 large roonîs, 2 hatlîs, gas and oil heat. Excellent 1oc. amiongnsio- REAL SATE LOANID cmn homes. Carpets inlutdd. Owner; 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS authonizes us to et'it prive i2 and<le >er.i 3 TO 15 YEARS at $17,000. We are in a position to represent you i l ulr& \V .Pcad a n obtaining Insurance Company Loana 7441 Elim Stree-t Winnetka 3'603 ve1lwrts tl1TN::î 1 SMART & GOLEE, Inc. E READY- FOR YOU LOAN DEPARTMENT TO MOVE INTO. A IIEAL'T[IUI. 1564 *Sherman Ave., Evanston 07 English brick home. Nothing to do< ivriy08 RogersPak07 except enjoy living here. 101 moins. 3 127A-'LTN1O0-tfe batliq. Library. powder-room. SlsFRTMRTAE NHMST ceabin" bedrooni. Sl*owni by appoint- build, modernlze. refinance. Reas. ment, or open 3 to 6 Sunday. Vour rates. 12-year boans. No renewals9 ors whole family will enjoy an inspection. renewal charges. 299 VERNON AVE.., PCO IRST FEDERAL SAVINOS QUINAN &TYSO lac105AND LOAN ASSOCIATION QUIN AN TYSO , 11C. 05,W. ýMadison St: Randolph 2230 .1 571 Sherman, E . anston Jniv. 2f00j 127A-LýTN12-3tî> 11 ILTN!3-1 t, WHEBETRM AUlUMOSILES ARE BRUILT DU[CK WML DUILD THEM4 The Newest B UICK -A NEW CAR-A RECORD LOW PRICE FOR BUICK 93 horsepower - 85 miles an hour 10 to 60 Miles un hour in 21 seconds - 15 miles per gallon NORTH SHORE BUICK CO., Ince IUS-33 Davis Street Estabflshed ilieS. First Stree Evanst. 1*U*Highlanmd PaM& WE OFFER FOR SALE CiFIRkST MOT- gages froni $3,000 to $20,000 on iîni- proved Evanston and ot'her Noth Shore property Where security on today' s valuation is from. three1 to eilght ties amiount of the ban. 40 years of dependable service. McGUIRE & ORR 530 Davis St.1 Gre. 1080 127LTN13-Ite FOR SALE=~HOUBEHOLDGOD BOY'S ROLLTOP D-SK AND CHA-lIRÏ $7. Duette cleaner, $2. Standing ad- justable health light, $5i Mahogany straight chairs, $2 each. Piano bench, $2. Green Olsen rug, 8x1'0, $7. And odds and ends of household goods- china, glassware, antique guns, books and pictures, aIl cheap. 1457 Asbury, Iione Winnetka 242.6. - I29LýTN'.13-ltp, AIMOS'P NEW. 28-INCIH %WF. Phone Winnetka 3185. 131 i,N :-lt;> wTrD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS $ $OLD CLOTHES $$ $ WIII buy men's used suits, shoes, overcoats;- also fur coats. Beat prices. Prompt service. A. MARTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN39-tfp Goldnan-Junk Dealer Hlghest priceg-pald for junk. Wllmette 0417 Wlnnetka 3-720 -- Wanted- REFPAR-ABLE ,CHOICE itL. GILSBEDROOM FI RNITURE. Tel. ecig' inta1642. 1 321.TiN 13-Ilt; NIrs. Arthur' Bonnet. 1157 RLohsart place. Kenilworth, entertained at a snxail luncheon Mondas' of last week at the Drake ini honor of Mrs. J. NI. Mar-. tin of Two Harbors, Minu.. whîî i-, visiting in Kenilworth. Mary MNacalister and l'leanor Briggs of Wilxnotte left Mondas' of last %%-eek to spend the reinainder of the season, at Nagawicka camp which is affiliateci with the St. johi' camp. -o- MIrs. Craig Ketclîam, Mrs. Ralph H-awxhurst, Mrs. John O*Connior of Kenilworth. and 'NIrs. Charles I.iddle of W~innetka left MNonday to spciîd. w~eek at Kego club,.Piouid.cr unctil. -NIr. and Mfrs. WilIliam G. Jones and MIrs. L. A. Warner of Nasliile. Ternu., speut the week-end visiting the Roy- M'arquardts. 218 Woodhine avenue. The%-, iere on their way to Neenah. W'is. Mrs. Naomi Hoîlt of New York leit vlonday after 'spending three weeks vis- ting her aunt, Mrs. William' Whittier. 51 Renilwortb avenue. Kenilworth. Mrs. -Toit was on lier way.to Seattle' A-rthutr Bonnet, Bill Stebbins, and Burton Smnith, ail of Kenilworth, lft Th.uirsday of last week to spend the reniainder of the sumîner at )waconze camp, Baril lake, Canada. Mrs. James Houston and '-rs. Alico, Iaberkorn> of Chicago,c&sins of N. J. Wergenthaler, 210 Catalpa place, were uests at the Mergenthaler home for ;veral daYs Iast week. il ti H gi WILM 521 Main Street, Wilmette ETrE 32 ' UNIVERSITY 7317" WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALg-HUSE frOR SALE-OUSEHOL OSOODU Orrington Section edoen ofl, lè edfrto A ClftARMING.COLONIAL IN A SEC-_ $9.50. Small cedar cabinet,' hold 10 tion of beéautiful homes Just 'a block garments, $3.95. Also laiTIps, gateleg from the lake. A beautiful.1st floor table, drapes, etc. Ail v'ery reas. 915S plan-large réception hall, -living rooni,.Dempster St., Evanston.. lBt apt. solarium,' dlning* room, and kltchep. 2nd 129LTN13-lti) fi. 4 family bdrms., slpg. porch, 2 baths, FOR SALE - RARE OPPORTUNIT . wlth 2 servants' rooinis and, bath on Several exqulslte hand carvedneedle- 3rd Il. Large grounds, 2-car garage, point chairs; Marquetry hlghboy. Really a remarka.ble opportunity at t he French commode:, taupe.chieille rug, .Price Of $35,000. Caîl Mrs. Mead. 101/2x23 ft.; several scatter Orientai THE BIL4LS REAJ/1Y. Ilc. ugs;,&-et of rare old Englisb 'chaifis. 529 Davis St. Phonie Wilmette 302M. 129LTN.,-ltll Greenleaf 1164; Wiliiette :17401;0HILDS GREEN BEDROOM SET. ____________ I urxî :-î . cbilds white wardrobe, stroller: inia- - -hogany twin beds, dresser, and rocker. i,4AC E A LAKE Phone Kenilworth 3841, 624 Abbots-, % CR 0 F BEAUTIFUI.WINET fo'd__Rd., Kenilworth. 129LTN13-lti) ka property with Cherry and apple ARFC REED BABY BtiÏGY. trees, lllacs, and large stately cînîs. At- play ipen, dity bed, chest of drawer.-z tractive, roomy, well-built bouse of R aii Whirl Dry WVasher. Phone Win- roonis nnd 2 baths. $14,000. Or s-eli Off iietka 1385. 129LTN1 3-1 te 40 feet and -have the bouse on go.d lot nt $8,000. This is one prize offering BOH.-N REFRIGERATOR. PORCELAIN lined, good condItion, 100 Ilb. capaclty, Mrs. Fuiller. & WTîri. Pickaî-d $12. lîone Winnetka 665. 74f) Elm Street Winnetka 101 2L - I 111TN13-1tc 'TIIOR IRONER, LARGE SIZE, (-,001- WANED onidition. Phone Wlnnetka 583. WKg TO EUY-HOUSE 19L3-t WANTED-5 OR 6 ROOM flOUSE INi__ Wllmette. Must lie bargain. Give' FOR SALE-M ISCELLANOUB ,ail details, taxes, etc. WriteFrn'NDW E'S LoHs Kuh. 101,IlSo.LaSlleSt, Cica ýGIRLS'AN OE' Kuhn,1901,il Se LaS LSt., hicgo.ltp ;scbool, aft., sport, e'.e. ('oats, ______ 13LT11-tp qeatrsberets, blouses, knickers. W1, ANT _$2-5,000 TO $50.000 floiME-S IN1 Bov-*s coat, 7. Rug, 9xl2. Electrie vibra- Kenilworth or' Winnetka. Prefer in tor.-. W'ininetka 2934. 1311LTN13-Iti) best section with good sized lots. il EVANS MOTOR-BIKE, BRAND clients will buy soon. F. Wanner, ji q h .S. La Salle St. State 5111 or Kenil- ew hs not been drîven 5 miles. wort 511. i 3LNl3-tîî20% *discount for cash and Immediate - - - sa. Phi. Winnetka 2349. 11Li-It w1aPf H07,71 . - August 2,.-1934 i