Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 45

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August 2, 1934 _____________WILMETTE.__________________4s buy ing, eds, bureaus,, and a billion.ohe thin-gs. FOUR aENT-otOOMe FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSEREEP. ing If deAlred. Near transportation, Reasonable. Phone, Wilmette, 4866. 82LTN13-ltp LARGE PLEASANT ROOX NEMI, school and transportation, garage aVailable. 859 Elm street, Phone Win- netka 1325. 82L13-ltp 1 ROOM AND SUNPARLOR, NEWLYW decorated. Furnished or unfurnished. 1102 Central Avenue, Wllmette, Ill. Phone Wilmette 3851. 82LTiq13-1t1 PLEASANT ROO.M, LI1GHT, AIRY. Private home on East side. Near transportation. Reasonable. 1009 Oak- wood Ave. Phone Wilmette 824-J. 82LTN'I13-ltp 1.URNTSHED ROOM IN QUIETRE fined home, for.gentlemen employed. References required. Garage. Tele- phone Wilmette ý471. 82L.TN13-ltp LOVELY AIRY ROO'M, IN PRIVATE home,- adjacent to bath. Gentlemen preferred. Garage available. Near' transp. Phone Wilmette 2442. _________ ____82LTN13-Itc FOR mENT-LT. HUCPQ. ROONis I(;HT HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping rooms. Large, well fur- inished, hot water, gaii and light. 1230 .Wilmette Ave., evenings. 84LTàN1Ç3-ltp 2 NCL UNSE OMCM plete with light and gas. Three blks. to Howard -L". Very reasonable. 1815 (Chase Ave., Chivago. Ph.' Briargate 6811. 84LýTN13-ltp 2 OR 3 LGE. LIGHT AIRY Rîoo'.1S- in eaet side home. Lge. open porch., Conv. transp. References. Cali after .1 P. M.- Wilmette 204. 84LTNî;3-Itp LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR LIGHT housekeeplng. 2 people. Nicely furn., close to transp. 1218 Wilmette Ave., after 6 P. M. 84LTNl3-ltp BOA» AMD 1800M IN B E A UTIF UL KENILWORrH, near good beaches.New England type inn, Home-like rooms, suites wlth bath. Excellent meals Moderate prices. Ken- ilworth 5491. 86LTN13-1t(- FOR RENT-APARTUE?4TS VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CHEER- fui 2 rm. apt. wlth large bdrm, tule bath and Ahower. New elec. refrig. and gas stove. Completely redecorated. Reas. rentaI. E. E. Stult.s Realty Co. 460e Winnetka Ave. Winnetlça 1800 92LTN13-1ttc, IN GLENCOE, ATTRACTIVE 2 ROO.N kitchenette apts., tile bath, elec. refrig., large roonis, in modern bldg. R. M. JOHNSTON & . 340. Linden Ave. Wilmette 444 92LTNI3-1tc- TWO UNFrjRNISHED APARTME1-NlTS. ALSO ONE FURNISHED APARTM%'T, including Frigidaire. Apply at 819 Oak St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 407. 92Ll3-ltp VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFURNSISHED apartment, 2 or 3 roommi4. Humphrey Bldg., Winnetka. Aiso weii located office. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328. 92LTN4-tfe 4-ROOM APÂRTMENT IN THE LIN- den Crest. Ail beautiful outside rooms. East and west exposure. Free refrlg- eration. Reas. ent. Phone Wilmette 500. ICroll & Smith, Agents. 92LTN8-tfc * THE LINDEN MANOR HUIEBARD WOODS 4-5 Room mapartments;, tue bath, re- frit.. roll-a-way bed. Reaa. prie«. FRANK A. REID $54 Linden, Hubbard Wood@ WInn. 1300 02LTN$-tfe MODERN 5 ROOM FLAT WITH bath; sniaii store in front. 336 Ridge Rd., Phone Wil mette 2622. 92LTN13-ltp FOR RENT-FURNISHED APT$. MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED or unfurn. apartmenit, newiy dec- Oated. Centrai location. Reasonable. Phone Wiimette 2399 or 2427., î O3L1VN10m4tp WILL SUBLEASE 41,ý RM. FURN. aPt. In the Linden Crest. Desiable South & East exposure. Rent eas, Ph. Wllmette 600. Kroil & ýSmlth. 93LTN8-tfc TR.1 RMI. FURN. APT. WI'ÙH kitchen and bath. Hot water lit., bot and cold running water.ý East side, fn. tmansp. ph. Wllmette 3082. 93LTN13-lte 2 ROOK-MS-, P'TR-N. FOR tHOUSEKEEP- ig, lat floor. Toilet and lavatorY, Private entrance and pomch. East loc. Reas. Ph. Wilmette 676. 93LTN13-ltp 3 FURNISHRED ROOMS AND PRI vate bath for two aduits. No chul- dren, . Private entrance, and garage. $30 month. Ph. Wlmette 707-RL 94 1'FANTrED To RENT-APRAfRTMENTU AQUIET-dCHRÉÎIST ýI A NPERsoN would like a nice reas. kitchenette over garage or ln basement. Phone Bohannon Emp. Agency, Wllmette 1170. 94LTN13-ltp Really Lovely Place! ONE ACRE 0F EXQUISITELY LAND- scaped grounds with creeping bent iawn, fiagstone terrace and large trees. Beautiful bouse with 9 rnis., 4 baths, oul heat. Furnlshed at $300 and unfurn. at $250. Colonial house with pillared porches, . !)mms., 3 baths, garage. Central loca- tion. $125.' Mrs. Fuller & \Vî. Pickard 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3603 97LTNI 3-1t'- CURRENT RENTALS EVANSTON, 5 bdrms., 3 bats . . .$100 WILMETTE, 4 bedmms, 2 batbs .. . $100 WINNETKA, 4 bdrms., 2 batis. . .$135- KENILWORTH, 4 bdrms., 2 batbs.$100 THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston GREenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3"440 ________________ 97LTN13-Itc NEWLY DECORATEX) S RM. HOUSE in North Evanston. Reamonable ent. Phone Wllmette 3344. 971LTN13-Itp 6.ROOM LBRICK- 3 BIiRMS., SCREENEID BACK PCH.. H. W. oit bt., modern bath, fine lot, rear yard completely fenced. Gar. House 14) yeares oid. $75. Immnediate p)ossession.Nei-Howard Scbool. Severai Others at various prices. Eddington & Allen, Inc. Exclusive Agents 410 Linden, end "L" Wilniette 407 ________________97LTÀ%13-ltc Attractive Brick Colonial MODERN 8 ROOMS, SOUTHEAST Winnetka- 2 baths and lavatory. Breakfast room and porch. O11 beat. Fridlg. and stove. Ping-pong rooni. Garage. Near scbools and tansp. $150. Winn. 2918 or Uni. 6421., 97LTN13-ltp 6111. BUNGALOW FURNACE HT. 2-CAR GARAGE. $40 C. H. Brethold \Vil. 65 __________________ Q7LTN13-Itp EAST WINN TI<A Beaut. 10 nm. Col. 314 bs. Oul heat, 2-car gar. F'umn. or unfurn. $250 9 rnis., 3 ts. Oul heat. Rip, rts. $175 Garage Apt. 6 rnis. 2bs. Oul lit. $50 WILMETTE 10 rnis. 3 bs. Lovely lot $1 NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street Univemsity 9500 CHOICE NEW RENTALS 12 rnis. ; 4 bs. ; Ind. .11h11 Club grds. $250 9 rins.'-4 bs.; iav.; oul; 1kenil. ..$200 10 rnis. : 3 bs.;ý lib. ; oil ; Wtka. Hts. $175 9 rnis.; 3 bs.; lav.'; nr. Lake, Glen. $140 9 rnis.; 3 bs.;-1lg. gi'nds.; Hub. Wds. $115 7 rnis.; 3 bs.; 2 pchs.; Hub. Wds. $100 8 rnis.; 2 bs.; slp.pc.h.; 2 cars; Win. $85 7 rnis.;, 2 bsa.; sun pc.; Glen. . $75 9 rnis.; kg. lb,; Choice Eaist Wtka. $6~5 OTHERS FROM $40 TO $1.000 HEINSEN REALTY CO.- 660 Center St. Wlnnetka 254 BRIC HO~E INNORTEAST Glen coe, 4 bedroonis, 2 baths, sun yiorch. bot water heat. garage, large lot.- In A-I s4hape. Rentai $90 pen montb. T'HE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 718 Vernon Ave Glencoe 777 97LTN13-lte ATTRACTIVE RENTALS Wil., 6 rnis., 1%/, bathis, gar. .. $75 'Winn., 7 rnis., 2 baths, near ;chl-,. and transportation . 1 . . -$145 Gî1enview, 8 rnis., 3 baths, brick . .$125 ALSO MANY OTHERUS ALL, SIZES. AND PRICES BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 523 PARK DRIVE. KENILWORTH 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Kenilworth 4795 Glencoe 1554 Rogers Park 6151 Briargate 1855 97LTN1l3-ltc WILMETTE, BRICK, M6DERN, 7 rnis., sun pcb., 2 B's., (ohl) elec.ref., stove, 2 c. g. Phono Winnetka 965. 97LTN1-ltp rou eNiaT-HOUSES 5 bdrmsB., 3 bath., *porches ........&3 4 bdrmns., 3 baths, attr. bouse -,ý. . $125 4 bdrmts., 12 baths. Englilh hse... $110 4 bim., 1 bath ................... $75 GRACE E., GRANT 397 Park Ave. Giencoe 844 971LT13-Itp ATTRACTIVE HOME RENTALS B. Kenil., 4 bdmms., Mod. Ht-...$85 E. Menil., 6 bdrms, Ige. grounds ..$100 E. Winn., 2 bdrmns., Sun & Sipg. pc. $65 E. Winn., 4 bdrms., 3 baths, oil $1 Many other attractive entaIs to offer E. E. STIJLTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 97LTN13-ltc CHARMING HOME, 5 BEDRMS.,2 batbs, porches, acre of ground, choice location. $135 a month. OTHER ATTRACTIVE RENTAL-S FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED Frances J. Winiscott 902 Spmuce.St. Winnetka 1267 97LI'N13-ltc BEAUTIFEL 10 -RM.HOIsE -NR. lake; every convenience, $200. CHARMING 8 RM. BRICK, 3 BATHS, oul ht., $110. ATTR. 8 R.M. HSE., 2 BATHS, GIL ht., $85. COMFORTABLE 6 R11. HSE,, EAST Winn., $50. '%RS. LANG WI.NNýETKA 1194 97LTN13-ltp) 10 mnis., 21,4e B'.,, slp. pch., (ohi> .'" $125 8 rnis., 3 B's, slp. pcb., (oul)....... 125 8 rnis., 3 B's, slp. peh., (oil) ..... 115 10 rnis., 2 B*&., slp. pch., (oul) .... 190 7 rnis., 2 B's, slp. pcb., (ol) . 80 7 rnis,., 2 B's, sip. pcb., 2 c. g. . 70 7 rni.s., 1 B., HAHB, 2 c. g..5 5 rins., Bung., HAH . 40 6 rms., Ist fi., Duplex, Northfield 30 4 rins., Heated, 2nd floor Duplex 30 Other good value.- furnished or unfur- nished, aIl sizes. - B.. H. BA1ýNETT .526 Center St. Winnetka 965 97LTN13-1 tp 5 ROOM BUNGA1LOW AND GARAGE at 1400 Willow Rd.. Wisin. Furnace heat, fieplace, porch. Apply at 716 Em. St., Winnetka 1387. 97LTlX13-ltp 5 rms., Bung., fumn., Gar.. 117 ft. .$40 6 rm.s., franie, 3'B. Furn. 50 ft.. 45 7 rnis., Brick, 4 B. H'W., 2 c. g., 58 ft. 50, 6 rnis., fr., 3 B., 2 pchs., HW ......5 6 rni.. Col.,, 3 B., HW., 50 ft ....... 60 6 rnis., Fr., B., 2 pchs., HW ...... 65 6 rnis., 3 B., sun pcb., HW.. gar... 7 0 6 rmis., White Col., HW.. gai'., 50 ft. 75 7 rnis., Brick, gar., large lot ....80 7 rnis., Brk. Col., 4 B.. 2 Bs., 11W. gar. 90 8 rmis., Brick. 4 B. 11W. gar ...... .100 8 ri. Eng. Brk., 4B. HWH(ojl) 5Oft. 125 8 rnis., Brick, 4 B. 3 B's., 2 c..g. .... 150 THE BILLS REALTY, hIc. 718 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 777 97LTN13-ltc- COUNTRY HOME 6 rnis., and sunrni.. attached garage on 2% acres Gas heat. Near Sunset Ridge Golf Club. Sept. lst. $60. per nîonth. LEWIS T. DODDS 1700 Wiliow Rd. Winnetka 1111 97LTN13-ltc FOR RENT: SIX-ROOM MODER'N Dutch Colonial bouse witb 5-acre tract, large lawn, beautiful landscaped. IIibbatrd Road between Lake Ave. and Glenview Road, Wlmette. Hot. water heat. Garage.. N. W. ateam. Ncorth Shore Electric and Skokie Valley Line.. Three bedrooms, , bath, large living rooni, fieplace, screened side porch, dinlng room, kitchen. $65,00 per month. Éxtra vacant land can be utllized for income. Address, Owner, 316 N. Ridge- land Ave., Oak Park, Illipois.. 97LTlN12-2tp 6 RMS.2 B.'., 2 PCHES.. GAR. $60. 5 bm., 2 b.1s, 2 pches., oit heat, gar. $7-5. Phone Winnetka 2$9. 97L13-ltp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 8 rmii., atone Colonial, 3 baths, o11 heat, large screened pomch, % acre on prlv. rmadl overlooklng golf course, 1288> West- more oàd, Winnetka. 97L13-ltip WANTED TO. RENT--HOUSES HAVE MANY REQUESTS FOR 6-7 room bouses, froni $50 to $100 pem mo. GRACE E. GRANT 397 Park Ave. Glencoe 844 99LT13-1 tp WE WILL TRY JUST AS HARD TOÔ get you the riglit place to live whetbem you pay mucli or littIe. Let us work with You. Oall Mis. Kastrup. Wlnnet- ka 1977 or Glencoe 796. .Beni. E. Gage & Associates 334 Park Ave. Glencoe, 111. 99LTN13-1 tc -1 5.10 Davis St. 404 Green Bay Rd. 1 316 Park Ave, (Glencoe .Gre. 1080 Kenilworth 229 Glencoe 13 INQUIRIES, F01R HOUSES TO RENT ARE COM- lng into our office ever.v day. List your property with us and let us find the ight kind of tenant for you. NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 58Davis Street UnivPrpity 9500 99LTN13-lte WA NTED-HOUSES .1 bedmooms and 1 bath to 6 bedmoonis and 3 baths We bîave many d4-.lrable clients wtth Kood references. One, wants 5 bedrms., 3 baths. $175 a mo. Cail usnow. REAL ESTATE SERVICE 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 99LTN13-lte SMALL HOUSE. 2 BEDROOMS, FAX- ily of 2, October first, write compiete description. Arthur Pausnitz, 4211 N. Paulina Street, Chicago. 19 LTN1 3-ltp 6 OR 7 ROOM HOLTRE IN S. E. WliL- mette. 011 burner. Not more thain $70. Sept. 1 st occuuancy. No agents. Write A-123, Box 40, Wiimette, 111. 99LTN13-lte WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HoualES FAMILY 0F 3 WANTS SALFUiÎt- nlsbed house for achool year, ln Win- netka, Kenilworth, or Wilmette. $80 to $100. R. M. .aeger, Winnetka 1998. 1O1LTN13-1 tp MOVE IN! THIS HAST KENILWORTH ENO- iish beamed bouse bas Just been com- pletely redecomated Inside and out. Lo- cated on lovely, wooded corner lot, 100x 175, the bouse bas il1 attractive rom 3 batlîs, exktra lavatory, àqun parlor and open porch. Oil beat; 2-car garage. Near Sears school and trmnp. Three blocks.New Trier. Prlced for lmmnediate sale at $22,000. Weil financed whth rea- sonable dlown payment. Inspection by appointment. NORTIHwESTEFRN REALTY & BU7ILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 9500 111LTNI3-ltc BANK SAYS GET BERT OFFER around $18,000 on 9 rm. Glencoe bouse. Beaut. corner lot, near lake. 4 bdrme., 2 bath. on 2nd fI, bdrm., and bath on 3rd. Garage with 2 rooms above, One of the bestbuya on the North Shore. Write A-122, Box 40, Wilmette, lu. 1 WANTED lmTOmRE-HOUSE WANTED HOUSES FOR RENT WILMETT'E-KmeiLwORTH WINNETKA & GLENCOE Kenilworth Realty Co. WILMETTE 966 99LTN13-ltc WE ARE HAVING CALLS FOR homes in Wlnnetka a.nd Giencoe. List Your fail rentais no*. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 718 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 777 99LrN13-lte 9 ROOM.%S, EAST KENIL. OR WIN- netka. 'Modemn Garden. Good sîze lot. Client can pay good ent. F. Wanner, State 5111, or eveninge Keniiworth 5111. 99LTN13 ltp WE WANT TO FIND A SMALL hou.se in Wllmette. Wlnnetka or Glencoe for $75. Reliabie family of 3. Mrs. Fuller' & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm Street Wlnnetka 3603 99LTN1 3-ltc 7-8 ROOMS V'ERY RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS home on North Shore. Rent $75 to $80. Cail1 Greenleaf 4060. 99LTN13-ltc NOTICE TO HOME OWNERS WE ARE HAVING MANY CALLS .for homes of six to eight rooms avail- abie for fail rentai. It wiliIb. to your advantage- to ,list your bouse renta), with us at once. Our compiete service by competent ex- perienced salesmen la at your com- mand. If you' desire results1 see us at once. Me GURIre R rir FOR 3ALE-OfOUIM y Ir * il MI 11, Ir lu le

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