WILMETT.]E LIPBE SAugust 2, 1934 Heeinvestmn nhousehold gosssallwhe CLASSIFIRD AD VER TISEMENTS Olseo., inclusIve whose names appear la um e lophonedlrectory, or wlm are regnEnt aubecribeute ither IWILMEI'I'ULIFEWINANErU TAIX or GLENlMCON NEWS. Rate- Ucet a lino. Adetismetsa i lail tlweepao R MINIMUMX CHRANRGE ONMDOLLAR. Average of ùlys voris te the lino. No black face tMmeused. UM lemoat on ail cashadvertlae- ments when brought to our ornas at 12333 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 581. Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 14% <lss.umt, on. ail advertlmementa rua tour oonuecutlve Imas. Deadimne for Insertons laaaifled adoTleie"nts wpIll b. ,- WILMETTE LIFE or ail throe paporu; Wedneuday 9 P. IL for WINNBTKA TALKC and Thuraday à P. I. for GLENCOE 1<ZWU. Teephs.: WIlhntte 4300. WiInftka 2000 <Wlnntka 500 after @ p. IL. Gre.lêIW 4M0 or Shelirake 1214-.1217. LOB? ANb POUND LOST:, BLACK LEATHER BRIEF case contalnlng perfume in original containers, also sales book and cosme- tics, betwoon Kenilworth Village Hall 7nd New Trier Hlgh school. Phone Wil- mette 2925. 3LTN13-ltp LOSTEVANTON HOSPITAL PIN ln Glencoe. Return' to Helen Gregler, rare of Lindenthal residence, 678 Long- wood Ave., Glencoe, 111. Reward. 3LTN13-ltp LOST - WHITE GOLD OXFORD glassos, on Linden St., Winnetka. Re- ward. Cail Winnetka 1131. 3LTN13-Itp *UILDJNG AND CONTRACTINQ CEMENT CONTRACTOR AUl kinda of cernent and brick work Leaky basemhents repalred JIOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15LTN10-4tp * CLOCK REPAsitiNSg CLO)CK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL4 AN- tique dlock repairirl'g. Leariqed trade ln Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and Vlldua.) WIlI caîl. Free ostimates. David Johansson. Phono Diversey 2041. 2OLTN9-9tp NURSING IF YOU ARE NOTr WELL CALL YOU1t dietician. Registered Nurse. Baby's food adjusted. Nursing by day or houx'. Reas. Phono, Wilmette 3009, 41LTNl3-ltp PAINTING AND DECORATING PAINTING & DECORATING Flrst class work guaranteod Reanonablo prices. C. W. Anderson Phone Wiltnette 4621 42LTN11-4tp WE FURNISH QUALITY IJECORAT- lng at rock bottom prices. Exterior and Interlor painting wlth the finest matorlals. Work guaranteed. Best refer- ences furnished. ]Be sure to get our esti-: mate. Lakesido Deôoratlng Co. WII- mette 5034. 42L13-ltP Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK. Rm. wallpaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. à rm. tiré. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outaldo painting, porches $15. Windows, 50c. Rot s. Free est imates. Materials furnlished. MELVIN Wilmette 3413 42LTN13-ltp FaTm FOR SALE-BUFF COLORE») COCK- er, spanlol puppy, pedigreed. Glencoe 198. 44L13-ltp WIRE HAIRED PUP 8 MONTHS OLD). Pedlgreed. Weil tralned. WIllI sacrifice. Phono ,Wilxnette 4325.' 44LTN13-itp. FOR SALEr-ENGL ISH BULLS, REG., ,femalos. Gentle disposition, dark brindle, 6 mos., reas. 1851 Milton Street, Northbrook, 111. Phono 121. 44LTN13-itp, PIANiO NN EXPERT PIANO TUNINO $3. RE- pair work guaranteed. 22 years Chick- erlng. Boston. H. C. Thomas, $17 Pair- view. Park RMe 699-R. 45LTN13-4tp Pianos Tuned & Rcgulated WORIC GUAIRANTUIED Factory, Dealer, Acoustlc Laboratory oxperlonco; good rot oronces. E. I. VAN HARLINGEN Wilmette 1323 Wilmettp Ave. Wilimetto 32744 Chicago-42lS Lowell Ave. Kîldaro 8642 45LTN31-tfip SenWING MACHINE REPAIRINS SEWING ' MACHINIES A ND V AC U UM CLEANERS, ALL kinds repai. ýd.Establishod more than Ilfty years ago. Now locatod ln Wil- motte. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. 53LTN29-tfe WEARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storago and repairs, but uncalled for: Black pony coat, $15; brown caracul, $20; gray caracul, $24; loopard cat, $29; American broadtail, $24; black caracul, $28; raccoon, $25; Hudson Seal, $50: genuine mink, $150; and niany others worth four times their price. Also 20 jaquettes at $10 and 38 f ur scarfs at $2. Economy section, Miller Fu~r Co., 166 North Michigan' Ave., Chicago, open evenings. 59LTN11-3te LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gro. 3200 65LTN36-tfc SoITUATION wANHTED--FEmALE EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIAIZE IN IIIGH GRADE domestic holp, aIl nationalities. No charge to omployers. Referencos In- vostigated. Under State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 6SLTN25-tfc EXPER. AND RELIA BLE WHITE woman wishes day work of any kind. 83 a day. Rots. furnished If deslred. Caîl Wilmnette 2719. 68LTN4S-tfp COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL 'Pauline's Emp. Agency .WILMETTE 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite "L;' Ter, __________ 68LTN47-tfe WHIT - WMAN ISHED AY work of any kind. Good 1'iundress, exp. on shirts. $3 per day. Aiso cater- ing .50c an hr. Rets. furn. If desired. CaIli Wilmette 3753. 68LTN13-ltp EXPîERIENCED G ER 11 AN -GIRL, good cook, iooklng for position-gen- oral houseWork. Good ret. Phone Shel- drake 9709. 68LTN13-ltp KXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, 12 yRS. oxperlence on the North Shore. Cloan- lng $2.80 per day. Phone Wilmette, 4313. e8LT13-Itio EXPBRIENCEb WD "-WAT day work. 35e an hour. Bout of rets. Phono Morton Grove 1709. DOMESTIC 1rLP Reliable Efficient SHAY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Established 20 yea rs Two offices ln Chicago 109 EK Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 68LTN13-lte GERMAN, 35, WANTS GEN. 4%/ YRS. rot. Reinhart's Ernpl. Agcy. Wlnnetka 3399 68LTN13-ltc GERMAN, 37, WANTS GEN. 3 YILS. last place. Reinhart's EmpI. Agcyr. Wlnnetka 3399 t 68LTN13-ltc GIRL WANTS WORK AS MOTHERS helper or taklng careo f children. Phono Kenllworth 2246. SL.TN13-ltp SITuATION WANWD--FEALEK R.ELIABLR A N D EXPERIENCIED girl, hlgh school graduate, %,Ill care for children by the day or hour. Phone Wilmette 1891. 68L13-tp EXP. COLJORED GIRL SEEKS POSI- tion. as maid. General housework and cooking. Refs. Ph. Greenleaf 9237. 69LTN13-Itp NORWEGIA-N, 24, WANTS GEN. 2 yrs. ref. Reinhart's Empi. Agcy. Winnetka 3399 68LTN13-ltc EXP. WOMAN WILL DO LAUNDRY and cleaning by day or hour. lst class references. Phone Walmette 3009. 68LTN13-ltp YOUNG WOMAN, COLLEGE GRD- es position "~ governess. Fond of chil- dren. References. Phone Glencoe 1826. S6811113-ltp SWEDISH, 30, WANTS GEN. 4 YRS. ref. R3einhart's Enipi. Agey. Wlnnetka 3399 6SLTN13-ltc SITUATION WANTED-MALE EXPER. COLORED MAN WANI'S position as houme and dining rooTIL manx. 71/2 years in last place, best of ref. Call Robert Strickland, University 6318. _____69LTN1ý'-ltlp HOUSE CLEANING, LAWN WORK, painting, calcimining, windows wash- ed both sides 8c each, odd jobs. A-1 N. S. refs. Ph. Wilmette 2088. _____________69LTN10-4tp Garden and Housewvork WANTED BY EXP. MAN BY DAY or- hour. Phone Wlnnetka 1552. mir. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Carlson's Empi. Agency 804 ELM. STREET WINNETKA. 3328 RELIABLE HELP' SAil domestie positions 14O CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 7OLTN1-tfe TWO COLORED AND TWO WHITE c'ouples with A-i North Shore refer- ences. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY Over Walgreen's Highland Park 2520 170LT13-1 ti GERM. COUPLE, 29 A;N.D 31, 41,ý YRS. ref. Amn. and English, 25 and 27, 1%2 yrs. ref. Bôheniiian, 32, 1%/ yrs. ref. German, 35 and 37, 3 yrs. retf. Bohernian, 30 and 32, 214 yrs. ref. M11any other couples, white and colored, 1 to 21/2 yrm. ref. Reinhart's Empi. Agency Opp. N. S. Station Winnetka 3399 70LTN 13-lte HELPWATDFML COMPETENT, EX PERLE XC ED white girl for gen. hsewk. 3 in fain- ily. Must like chiidren. References. Ph. Wilmette 762. 71LTrN13-lte' PA UIINE'S-VI LM ETT1E POSITIONS OPEN FOR EXP. 2MAIDS WITH GOOD REFS'. NO CHARGE FOR REGISTRATION Pauline's Emyp., Agency 4th & Linden« Opp. "L" Terni. 1 Blk. Linden Sta. N. S. Line 71LTINI3-1 te WHITE GIRL FOR GEX. HSWK. $ per week. Phone Wilmette 3910. 71LTN13-ltp MAID, GEN. HSWKX, WHITEPROTi- estant. 2 aduitg In tamily. Elec. washer & ironer. Large, room and prlv. bath. $6. Ph. Kenllworth 617.* 71LT£N13-l te HOUSEMAID, 25, TO 30. WHITE. Côoking and, general housework., $7.00. Stay nights, Cail Winnetka 1696. .7iLTN13-itp GIRL FOR GENERAL HdUsuiWOREK and tû assist ln care of chlld over 3., Rets. Phono Wlnnetka 2379. 1 ~7lLTNl3-lti. COMPEITENT WHITE HELP WANTED) with good roforences. Applyir n person. ALL EMPLOYMENT, SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Gloncoe 251 71LTN13-ttc PULL OR SPARE TIME WO>RK; good pay; no selling; requirements- porsonality plus acquaintanco on north shore. Pleasant and * dlgnified work. Phono Winnotka 3440. 71LTN13-ltp WANTED - COOK, HOUSEWORKER. SWhite, young and experlonced. IXo laundry. Long rots. Must b. fond 'of small cilîdren. Phono Glencoe Soi. 71LTr&-ltp BEAUTY OPERATOR ALL AROUND. NXPERIENCED ONLY. Phone Winnetka 822. 71LT1-ltp HLP 0WANTRO-MALE WANTED CHEVROLET, PLYMOUTH OR FORD salornion to seli Chevrolets on -the North Shore. Must be capable of sell- lng an average of 6 cars per. month. North Shore 'Chevrolet, 611 Main St., Wilmette. Mr. Stewart. 72L13-ltp WANTED-USED CAR SALESMAN, exp. only. $20 drawing account, 8% commission. 840 Genessee Street, Wau- kegan, Ill. Ph. Waukegan, Ontario 7710. 72L13-ltp NELP WANrTzED-MALz AND FEMAIS DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RECOMMENDNZD Good Openings at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 73LTN1-tfe ONE FRENCH SPEAKING COUPLE. with excellent references. 2 ln fanilly. $110. Imnnediately. FRED'S EMPL. AGENCY 8 N. F'îrst St. Highland Park 2520 73LT13-1 tp COUPLE, WHITE, COOKING, GEN. hswk., gardening. driving. State age, nationality, and salary wanted. Write A-125, Box 40, Wilmette, 1 , I. 73LTNI 3-iteý WANT1ED-A NUMBER 0F _ SOLICI- toù to canvass house t<> house,;, Wil- mette and North Shore homes. Good iayinjg article. Phone Wilrnette 2635. 73=T13-ltc FOR SALE-AUTOS '29 Chevrolet coach Cheap (P>od condition Privxite party. Winnetka 3096 77LTN 13-1 tp 10-DAY Used, Car CLEARANCE SALE Prices Ctit Fromi $25.$200 Late Model'Cars 193.1 Chrysler 1933 ('hevrolet Coupe 1933 Pontiac Coupe 1933 Pontiac Touring Sedan 1933 Pontiac 2-door Sedan 1933 Buick Sport Coupe, 6 WN. W. 1933 Pontiac Sport Coupe 1931 Plymnouth P. D. Deluxe Sedanî DRIVE DOWN TONIGHT North Shore P>uick Co. Maple Ave., 1/2 Blk. S. Davis, Evanston Trade or Ternis tan be ariranged 77LTN13-Ite VALUES '33 Chirysler Imp. 6 W. W. sedan ..3900 '32 Chrysler Imp. sedan... ... ... _$700 '31 Packard Deluxe 6 W. W. Rdstr. with radio..... ......... ......-$650 '34 Chevrolet Demonstrator, Liherai Dise. University Motors, Iic. CHEVROLET DEALERS 2522 W. Railroad Ave. 1 Gre. 1818 12Block S9. of Central St. 77LTN13l-lte- FOR SALE-A $75 CREDIT ON NEW Chevrolet car, priced to save you money. Act, qulck. Phone Wilmette 1097.77 N1-t 10 RE-POSSESSED USED CARS; Fords, Chevrolots, and Plymouths. WiII be sold to-hlghost bldder. No rea- sonable offer refused. Automobile Dis- cbunt Corp., 840 S. Genessee St., 'Wauke- -an, 111. 77L13-ltp FOR REN-ONous ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED, RO<)M lncluding fireplace and laiv. Central location. Phono Wllmette 2399 or 2427. MAHOGANY FURNISHED ROOM, priv. bath and porch, 2 closets, beau- tif nI nelghborhood, noar lake and transp. Phono Winn. 2144. 82L13-ltp Attractive Room Near transp. Lady preferred 1109 Gage St. Winnetka 867 82LTN13-ltp à