August 2, 1934 WILMB.T.TB: ~L IF~B~ Hw aou ixing up flic house? Beeni thinking about it?, Now's the timfe tO* get I)usy. General contracting is My business, with no. job too large or too small. Here are a. few Of the things 1 do: First,,I dean and paint your. gutters; then add a ot. Also gutters repaired and new ones put up. Cernent walks and driveways, basement decorat- ing, carpenter work of ail kinds, new roofs and a0secalty), tin .decks I)ainted, tuck pointing and brick work. of ail kinds. RALPH ONiETH You may think that to make1 a nice room in the basement1 or attic wiIl be costly. After getting my price you will probably find that you can afford to have the work done. Tell me your home troubles and see them quickly disappear. Quick service, al Work guaranteed, a definite quotation, 50 you knov% the full price before wve start, free estirnates. Terrns can be arranged. 1136 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette RALPH OHNETH Phone WilmetteS FOR WINTER COMFORT use SILVER FLASH BROU. OIL CO. R F DEPEL Phone WILMETTE 831 FOR REAL CAR PERFORMANCE use SILVER. FLASH G A SOLIN E 3 Service Stations in Wihnette, 1 in KeniIworth' STAN LINDSON COMPLETE BARBER JOHN bMYHRS SHORTY *RIGIITWELL LADIES' HAIR CUTTING and TRIMMING SHORTY ANDMYR 1 Electric Place BARBER SHOPWilm.tte 5304 Devfoted Parents * do nof allow their children to. be injured and perhaps permanently. harmed by wearng improperly fitted shoes. J. J. ScHNEIDUU Bring your children to be fifted by experienced shoe men. 'Many doctors who know eecommnend SCHNEIDEROS BOOTERY 1 i133 Central Avenue Wilmette 800 "Let's Pe Into the,,FaýII Hat Bo.x Mmm . .sleek satin fams fur feits so smooth... and, oh, those Iuscious velvetsl Whaf charming "top- pers" for any autumn wardrobe. The id's off ...corne, Iet's have a good look now. GLADYS au LANG iElie 1163 Wilmtte Avenue J(ait DOROTHY KLUNDER Wilmette 1160 Perfect Workmanship and Perfect Service CL. ROGERS S11OR1E LIN CENRN 1215 Washington Avenu' Phono Wilmelto 3400 SpecioliZiiig in SCHOOL BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES FINE STATIONERY9 TOYS GREETING CARDS Pay us a visit when you are planning a r ~Party; w. carry tallies, favors, cand les and Dennison goords. MSS. F. K. FREUND WILMETIE STATION ERY and CIFT SHOP IJS5 Wilmette Avenue Wilmetto 3051 On These Hot ýSizzling Days Your home would have béez rnc ooler if il were weII We are prepared to quote you on Board -Banket -or Reflection Types of Insulation PHIL J. HOFFMANN For More Thon 40 Years HOFFMANN BROTHERS 1208 Central Avenue "Wilmette 131 ,Augùst:2,,1934 Wl LM R.-TTIE:-nil PV