fl7I LMTTP IIP Ags ,13 a.a - Sha~wnee Country. Club's Lido Party Sets New Standard of Swmer Entertai-nment Outdoor Dining, Dancing, and Ten- nis Matches, Draw Large Crowd Trhe litre of a perfect soft sun- tuier evening combinied Nvith the breathless beauty of nîyriad soft lights and the 'ex(juisite charnxi of gorgeously gowiied %vonen to imake the Lido party 0on Iast Saturday evening the imost per- fect social function of - ShIaw- nee's history. In the silvery flood of au carhy full n1100n1ssole three hunidred dancers swaycd to the undulating rhythrns of Herb Mintz's concealed musicians as the subtle melodies were wafted over the lawn-carpeted floor on the green before the clubbouse. In the fash- iabeattire of summer fornxalitv, the guests presented a picture of ro- mantic charm and grace seldorn wit- nessed in places other thani the truc Lido on the shores of the Adriatic. And bow ike the Lido was the set- ting! Not nxuch imagination wvas called to bring the Bliie Sea to vision. The dark, mystic bIne waters of the lake stabbed through with glints of silver cngendered the samne soft and subtle influence as itrolhed, seemningly ini time with the music of the dancers bencath a perfect Italian suminmer Smoon. A dclightful dinner, served at tables lighted with the soft hues of flaxen lanterns, sbarpened every enjoynient 1and gave to it aIl the romantic appeal of an intiniate repast iin the swan- dotted Bois de Boulognie-clear skies the canopy-star-dotted skies that twinkled and seemed.merry. As an interlude the tennis iiatcli fitted perfectly into the scene. J osé Ahonizo, the faniions Spanisli Davis Cup colite nder., andi lus partner. Dick Sternberg. the north shore ace. tied the teami of Lee Sinith. Slha%- nee's -pro" and Joy Cohui, the former national junior champion, byv a score of two sets to two, before a fashion- able gallery. The mnatch wvas uni- pired by Walter Kocbs. who recentl% 1was umpire at the National Chan1- pionship Clay-court tournameuil and wbo, as a guest of Mrs. Dick Howell, volunteered bis services , Men the umpire previously selecte(lvas un- able to attend. Prof essional artists gave to the party the ast toucb of.glamour. Slim, ithe, and beautifulhy costumed danc- ers did fairy-like improvisations to the dcligbt of the guests. Ensembles of rare beauty tripped fanitasticallb un the soft glow, and delighted tbe gatberinig to the utmost. With 'a single gesture Shawnee bîas accepted the vogue for outdoor din- ing and entertainnient. Praise was unanmmous and the desire. for a repe- tition of the, lavishy delightful func- tien was expressed 'by everyone un attendance. It was indeed most gratifying to witniess such unusual success. Neyer, can it- be recallcd, bas there been a 'More delightfully beautifiul club party, neyer before has a club function been se unanimously well accepted. It may be trutbfully said that a new standard of summer entertainirient bas been set at Shaw- nec-a new standard that will hence- forth make Shaý;nee a 'more vital consideration iin the social life of its Anîong the inenibers wlio enter- tainied parties were Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Barrett, Robert Berger, jr., R. M. Bohix, B. K. Brown, Pierre Bontecou. Carl J. Zippricb, O.*H. Cliftoîî. Mrs. George W. Eddy. F. C. Englehart, E. R. Green, E. C. Howard, R. E. Howv- ell, Mrs. W. H. I.ane, Mrs. Frederick Lucas, J. E. McLatcbie, Miss Vir- ginia Nelson. R. A. Scliakel. NW. Z. 'Tucker, and Johin Tbiornburni.-Coni- tril)uted. Glencoe Composer Is to Spend Month inEast, ýMiss Susannahi Armstrong, 861 Bluff street, Ghencoe, is leaving this week to spend August un New York Citv, and September at the MacDowell Art i>t colony, Peterboro, N. H. .LI Julie Miss Armstrong, who is well kniowni as a pianist, composer and teach- er, won first prize for a song.cycle, an,' second prize for piano suite ini the coim- position contest of the national biennial convention of the honorary sorority. Mu Phi Epsilon. This is the third con- test of the sorority iin wbich Miss Arm- strong bas won honors, among thein twve first prizes. Four oi hier piano compositions. Slumher Song," "Hunting 'Song," *Belis," and "Chinese Dance," recently wvritten for cbildren, have justbeen pub- lislied by H. T. FitzSinxons compan% of Chicago. Miss Armstrong is Ini charge of the theory and compositicul classes at New Trier High school. She will return.early in October to resumne lier private piano teac.hing and hier Nvork at New Trier. Invite Public to Art Exhibit and Tea Students of the art department (if Northwesternl university will bold ail exhibition of the work done. in drawin- and painting during the sunîmer ses- sion- under the direction of Professor Clara MacGowan at the Art studio. 1889 Sheridan road, on Monday after- noon, August 6, from 3 to 5 o'ciock. Tea wilh bie served during this period. At 4 o'clock Miss MacGowàn wihl speak on ""h Aesthetic Emoti on and Art." The niembers of the facuhty, students. and the publhtic are cordially invited to attend. Guest'of Honor Miss Elizabeth Jones of. New York arrived Tuesday' to spend a ýweek visiting a Vassar classmate;,4 Miss. Elizabeth Eckbart of 206 Cu'-lëer- land avenue, Kenilworth, who will give a small bridge luncheon at In- dian Hill club today in honor of ber house guest. -'Comp.ser [Vith fizye firsi prizes azvardcd licr for colitests ini colOsit ioni s/'onsorcd bvi. Mit Phi Jipsiloni. hou- orary imusic sorority, M iss Siisani- îîalîA.rmstrong as u'muîî'uig distic- tioni as comnposer, piaiiist, aiid teach- cr-. She zîilI spcnd the mnit/s of * liil st <id septeilibe>' iiiflhe cast. Winnetka Is Locale for Tri Deit Dessert Bridge. The North Shore alliance of Delta Delta DJelta will me et, for a dlessert bridge Wednesday afternoon, Aug-' ust 8, ai the home of Mrs. Ernest C. Davies of 206 Sheridan road, in- netka. Officers and board rneiebers f romi the four alliances in the Chicago district met Monday nighit at Cooley's cupboard in Evanston for a dinner given in honor of several nationa4 officers uîow in Chicago, and also for Miss Pearl Bonnisteel of Evanston, a -fornmer national president who lias been serving as national treàsurer for the past three years. Miss Bon- nisteelis retiring from the latter office. Amiong the guests were Mrs. J. D. Grigsby, the new national president, formerly of Denver, and now on ber way to Washington, where she wil unake ber homne; Mrs. Alexander Grant of Minneapolis, Mrs., Russell Richardson of Cincinnati, vice-presi- de-nt, and Mrs. Amie L. Parmelee of Evanston, the editor of the. sorority's national -publication the "*Trident." Womans Club Party The hast of the summer parties for the benefit of, the Woman's Club of Wilmette and sponsored by its ways and means committee, of which Mrs. C. L. Darling is chairman, takes place Wednesday, August 22. The event will be a dessert bridge with. table prizes. The hour is 1 o'clock. Miss Rebecca Fitch, chairman of the bene- fit, 'will have a meeting of the mem- bers of her committee gt the Wom- an's'9 club Wednesday morn ing, Aug- ust ~, at 10 o'chock. E. j. E1lli so0'n1, J r. W.eds. Eastern Girl in New York Aug. 4 M iss Fra.nces Amiehia Karsch, dauigbter of-..Mr. and Mrs. Johnî H. Kars.ch of New York, wviIl be inar- ried' at bigb noon Saturday at, the Plaza hotel in New York to Earle jeromne Ehison, Jr., the son of M[r. and Mfrs. Earhe J. Elison of 1221 Lake avenue, Wîlinette. foriuerhy of WVinnetka. Miss Karsch is a granddangliter of. thue hate Bernard Karschî. She was graduated from Sarahi Lawrence college, Bronxville, N. Y. Mr. Eh- lison wvas graduated f rom the Uni- versitv of Michigan iin 1930, and was a nienber of Zeta Psi fraternity, serviiug as president of bis chapter. He is now associated witb Xarner Brothers Pictures, Inc., in New York. MNr. and Mrs. Ellison are ixot go- ing east for the wedding inasinxch as the. bride and bridegroonx arc comîing here on their wedding trip. '.Thev wilh arrive in Wilinette Sun- dav nxorning and will be with the Ellison seniors until Wednesday, %%«lien tbey . leave. for Mackinac Iland and the ixorthern lake region. Mr. Elison and bis bride will uiake tlueir home, un New York City. State Garden Club to Meet at Fair Augcust I1I Serving as hostesses ai the August meeting of the Garden Club of Illi- nois, wihl be Mrs. Langdon Pearse. Mrs. Beverly Williams, Mrs. Walter Eckert, Mrs. William H. Colvin, Mrs. David O. Dunbar, Mrs. William T. Church, Mrs. Charles A. Lenz, and .Mrs. T. J. Knudson. The meeting will be beld Monday, August 13, at the Ilorticultural building at A Cen- tury of Progress. A meeting u.f.,the board of directors, huncheon on the balcony overlooking the gardens, and a garden tour constitute the day's prograni.' Mrs. Mark 'Cresap of Winnetka and Mrs. Warren. W. Shoemaker of Ghencoe, are members of the boardh. Fete Catherine Klotz A number of pre-nuptial parties have been added to the list in bonor of Miss Catherine Klotz, wbhose marniaâge takes place Augusi 11, among theni the hosiery sbower Tuesday evening ai' whicbý Miss Caroline McElwaini daugbter of Bishop Frank Arthur McElwain and Mrs. Mc'Elwain of Evanston was 'hostess. Miss Helen Smith of Win- netka gave a luncheon at the Black- stone Wednesday, before taking ber guests to a matine performance of "Fresb Fields," at the Bhackstone theater. On Friday of thisi, week Mrs. HarWood Warriner (Frances Chamberlain, a bride of ibis sun- mer) will entertain at a handkercbief shower and bridge tea. cctivï-ties a^iSocial ice By JEAN TEN BROECK 34 w à &0 m im a a im 1 ML. a ir im à,&Mým August 2,'1934