August 2, 1934 vvAL.m~ I IC Lirfl 31 Engeged çnooses zepremo>er for'Her Wedding » Miss Tugaw, the dauigi-. ter of Mr., and Mrs. W. C. Tugaw of 414 Isabella street, lias chosen Thurs- day evening,. September 6, as the date for ber marriage to Richard M. Westbrook, the sonl of *Mr. and Mrs. F~. S. Westbrook of Evanston. The. wedding will take place at 8:30 o'clock at St. Luke's Episcopal churchlu i Evanston, with Dean Gerald G. '%oore à officiating. A reception for ail the guests attendîng the ceremony wil follow in the parish house. Later a supper for the bridai party will be given at the bride's home. \i Carol Tu)-aw wilI be niaid of hionor for her sister. Miss Dorothy Spillatie and M.\iss Virginia Buck o;f Wilnmette. NMiss Jane' De Boit of Eýv- anston, and Miss Vivian Wedgwood oi Appleton, Xis., a cousin of the bride, have 1.een, chosen as brides- inaids. SEdward Xestbrook wvîll serve his .11. and Mr.ç. H. IV. f les. brother as best man. The ushers are 1422. Lindeni avenue, I'iiiettc, aii- to be Ruggles Westbrook. altso a l nounce the engageenit of tileir brother, James Harden of Evanston. daîtglter, Gertrude Louise. to Edgqar Baird Markham of New York anç l tr So! o.a .!' n is Jack Kennedy of Omaha. ..Sctof-/1laliqo Plans for a number of parties p e- ~ îun<tc ceding the wedding are still indefinîte.; but one shower for which the date bas already been set is that to be given for the bride Thursday, August -In Dramnatic Recifals 23, by M.\rs. Dryden Eberhiart of Ev- IlnosH iH ue ansiton. a liosH s os Hope Summners of Xilmette (Mrs. James WVitherell) is one of several meïnbers of Zeta Phi Eta. school of Altliea Northam lto Be speech sorôrity at Northwestern uni- sitv, vho have been requested to give Married This Month ;a sies of dramatic recitals at. the Illinois. Host house at A Century of Miss Althea janet Northlim former- Progress during the first two weeks ly of Wilmette, and who nowmake ienluAiitist. Tuesdax', August 7,' Hope horne ith lier hrotber-in-law and sis- Suminiers will read Sonmerset Maug.. ter, MIr. and 'Mrs. Leroy Barklev Ham- hain s. conîedv, "The Circle."_ Miss mon(I of 1427 Scott avenue, Hubbard Charlotte Dakin, on the faculty of Woods, will be marrie(1 to Theodore the Scliool of Speech at Northwest-, WValter Scliuler, son of IMrs. ern unîversity, is giving a recital this Charles Newton Schuler of Chicago, week, and others will. be announiced August 18. The service. to be read ni' later. rhle programs have been ar- the. Ravenswood Methodist. Episcopal ranged primiarilv. for the entertain- clitrchi at 8 o'clock itn the eveîing 1)vient of nleliilers of wvonen's clubs the Rev. Allison A. McCracken, %ill throughout the state, nowv visiting he followved 1wl a reception at the Hamn- the Fair. mioud home. \frs. Carev Culbertson, honorary Miss Dorothy Klunder of \Vilnîette lhostess at thie Illinois Host hîouse for is to'be Miss Northam's maidi of honior. the summer, îs an associate member and lier niece, Phyllis Hamnîond. il1 of Zeta Phi Eta. Trhe last meeting of be flower girl. Reginald Scliuler,- as the orgaiiatiotî%vas held July 21, his hrother's hest man, andi Leslie Lar- at the home of Miss Isabell e iove- son and 1»j dale in KeII1L4gU dil jack McKay of Evanston, as ushers, wvil complete the wedding part-%.* Mr chuler and his bride aetkn :a wedding trip toNew 1-îîiglatid. where they will stay for a tinie hefore nmakiitg tlieir homre in i cago. RecentItv Miss Klunider aîd -Miss I)o-.rotlby MoIli were joint hostesses at ait evetîing kitcheti shower at the for- iter's home in honor of Nii-;, Northarn, antd Stunday. Attgust 12, three of the bride-elect's s(rority sisters, Miss' Eliza- hthGregory. Mrs. Natalie Huitan a-nd Mrs. Dorothy :Murphy. will en- tertain at a' miscui'aiieous shower and tea in Ravenswood. 0. E. S. Bridge A luncheoti and bridge party in connection with Wilmette. chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be hehi at the Northwestern Golf club on1 X-\edniesday, August 8, with Mrs. Mary Churchill at hostess.. Lunch- eon will be served at 1 o'clock. "Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann of 811 Park avenîue, and Mrs. Orville D. Jones of 1615 Forest avenue, Wilmnette, are ini charge of reservations.., we are the originators of the nation-wide fammus ,-¶1 03-pç. OUTFIT $87.50 hand mQnoq rammted complote. Thousands of brides-to-be have enjoyed the compliments of friends for the beautiful lin. en% thev accumulated thrnugh the Trous- seau ,Savlnqgs Club Plan (flot instafl- znents>. Why n "ou? See these quality lineng on display to appreciate their value, or *rite for descriptive booklet. TROUSSEAU LINEN OUTFioTTIERO, INC. 190 North Nîchlgau Ave. Sixth Floor, Lake-Michigan Building Sara Jeain Cosner, 339 Kenilworth àvenue, is leaving Kenilwoérth. Saturday. She will ac conipany William Smytbel atid bis daughter, Marjorie, to theïr, Miss Helen, Baker of. Brooklyn, N. Y., is the guest of Janet McNulty, of 720 Asbland avenue.. -11-r om i o iag UriII, ÂVilct., _ _ and be the guest of Dorothy Smhythe. b4IDIAN TRAIL 41 TEA ROOM Mrs. O. W. ILowry, BilIy, and Anti, SJDYDINKEBIBS, " a*0. of Holland, Mich., are the guests of Served trom 12:3o to 4 p. Mrs. Lowrys parents, the Philip Hu- Tea from 8 to 8 p.. guenins.of 506 Lake avenue. &07 Chestnut street Wlunetk. 17« Friday'and Sat urday. OnJ FRUIT-ICED LAYER CAKES 2-layer cakes, iced with f resh e ifruit iila e1 DANISH COFFEE CAKE Choice of a splendid assortment BUTTER COOKIES, Lm. 21e 2fr SANDWICH ROLLS ~j~f For hamburgers and frankfurters.... 2' Gz. .2P *AKED LIMA BRKANS Prcpared with saIt pork. LbI.. ............I13 SKIDNEY BEAN SALAID 2 With crisp fresh ceer.... 223 Bake Sitop-Sireet Ploor WI[EDOLD's-EvANsTorN On Devis Street WiImefte il100 'ME N TA LIK ABOUT end WOMhEN TOO y Parficularly since. Vernon bas -REDUCED ITS FEES. l'o prices thaf are in most instances Iow.r than those cbarged. by mediocre courses thal atlract players only because. of the Iow rates. Now yo'u can play this mai-velous golf course as icheapest course thaf offers. nothing comparable. r~i I .conomically as th. NEW TEMPORARY LOW RATES Monday to Friday, 18 Hales ....... . 50C Monday ta Friday, AUl Day ......... 75c, Saturday A. M., 18 Hales.......... 75c Saturday P. M., or Al Day i........ 1.00 Saturciayo after 4 P. M ............ 75c Sundayi 18 Holes, before 7 A-... . 1.00 Sùndlay., 7 fo 12 Noo 1n or AlilDay. 1.50 Sunday, 12- Noon fo 4 P. ,M. or Alil Day........... 1...........0LS Sunday, 4 P. M..... ............. 75c COU, NTBRY eCLUB Jut I ~ usdlea mat f Doerp.ld Mari-orime Tug'ew, August, 2, 1934 -,v ir ic