WILMETTE LIFE August 2, 1934 Clark-McCloud Wedding Day Is to Be August 25, M ims SaIly Clark. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uiuler- wood Clark,.,bas choseîi Satur- day, August 25, for lier -wedding day. She wilI become the bride of Bentley G. McCloud, Jr.. o of Mr. and Mr§. Bentley G. Mc- Cloud of Kenilworth. The wed- ding takes place at 4:30 o'elock in the garden of ber parenits' home,' 418' Ninth street, WiI- mette. Miss ,Elizabeth Quinlaî of XiI- mette will be maid of bonor, while the bridegroom's two little cousins, Suzanne and Mary Florence Olmsted of Glencoe, will act as flower girls. Robert McCloud will serve bis brother as best man, and Benî Kilt- * ridge of Fairfield, Conn., George Kingsley of Kenilworth, and Hinman Bisbee cf Evanston will usher. A number of prenuptial parties lias been planned in Miss Clarke's honor, anlong them being tbe luncheon at whicb Mrs. Ralph Danforth of Ev- 41 anston wilI be hostess onFriday; the kitchen sbower and tea on Saturday, given by Mrs. Sanford Holden of Kenilworth and ber twin daughters, Jane and Helen. Miss Mary Jeanne Tansill of Wilmette: will entertain at a bridge luncheon and hosiery sbower on Friday, August, 10, and Miss Elizabeth Quinlan is giving a bridge luncheon on Saturday, August 18. The dates are not as yet definitely dete rmined for two events ini bonor of the bride-to-be, the bridge lunech- eon and accessory shower 'at wbich Mrs. Thomnas, Wigglesworth of Ev- anston (Dorothy Grahamn) will be hostess, and the luncheon ivith Mrs. Mark Cresap of Winnetka and Mrs. Hugh Foresman of Kenilworth the joint hostesses. Mr. McCloud and bis bride will live at 613 Sheridan. road. Evanston. CIeU("cKana -WiII Wed Robert Pence Augusi I17 Friday evening, August 17, is the datce vhich bas been1 set for the wed- ding of Miss Clella McKana,' daugh- ter of Mn. and Mrs. George E. Mc- Kana, and Robent F. Pence, the son' of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pence of Evanston. The ceremony.will be read by the Rev. Dr. Huberf Carleton at St. Augustine's, Episcopal cburch at 8 o'clock, and will. be, followed, by a reception at the home of the bride's parents, 1053 Linden avenue. Miss McKana will have buùt one attendant, Miss Carolyn Cazel of Wilmette. Robert Bell of Chicago will serve Nir. Pence as best mari. Gives Shower Miss Elizabeth Freudenreich, 314 Abbotsfond road, Kenilworth, enter- tained a group of young women at a personal shower and tea Sunday ini honor ci Miss Betsy Day cf Evans- ton. Home From Wedding Trnp Jose-pine Co mfor4 Bride Anderson-Gunthorp ______ - ~~of Benjamin Sianger We d n to T k Moffett-Russell Phfoto Airs. Dean Lake TrazIer recent- ly lias returned from her weddiy trip" to .1'ackinac Island a'nd is now at /tolite i Evanston. Be fore lier marriage onit uly 7, Mrs. Traxi.er zeas MViss lizabeth Mic helot o> Sel Wedding Day M\iss Marjonie L eone Fuermiann. of Evaniston is to become the bride of Morgan H. Nelson of Glencoe on1 Saturday jevening, August 18, at 8 o'clock, in the garderi of the home of the bridegroomn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. GýustaýV Nelson of 7ý Green BaN road.I Misýs Fuermarin is the daugb- ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Lýeon W. Fuer-. matin of Evanston. Announ ce Marriage- Mn . and Mrs. Raymond E. Taylor of Riverside announce the inarriage of their' daughter, Carol Louise, to Owen George Anderson, Saturday. July 21. Mr. Aniderson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Ander- son of 565 Willow road, Winnetka. Mn. and Mrs. Anderson have taken an apartment in' Evanston. With only the immediate fanîily and four of the bride's most intimiate friends present, a simple wedding ceremonv vas performed at St. Augustine's Episcopal church early Tuesday morning, when.- at 7 o'clock, with the Rev. Dr. H. L.. Cawthorne officiating, Miss Josephinie Comfort hecame the bride of Benijamin Sianger. Pink and white roses and as- paragus fern were used ini decoration. Duchesse rosepoint lace from lier mother's weclding dress was unt the sleeves of the jacket of the bride's white satin afternoon dress. A white bat and a corsage of sweetheart roses conîpleted bier ensemble. Miss Martha White of Datia, mnd., maid of honor and the bride's only, at- tendant, -wore 'a white bouclé suit witli matcbing lbat. She too, had a corsage of roses. Edwin Comfort. the bride's brother, acted as best man. During the wedding cereniony Thon- as H. Fullerton, organist at the church, included on bis program, "O Perfect L.ove," and the wedding recessional, wbich had been played at the wedding of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Comfort gave the wedding breakfast for the niembers of the hridal party at tleir home, 812 Prairie avenue, after the service, and immediatelv a fterwards M r. Slanger and bis bride departed on their wedding trip to Glacier Park. They are to live at Big 'rimber, Mont. Ufley-Hulbert Wedding Day WUii Be Augusf 18 Miss Mary Alice Utlev. daughtcr of NIr. and MNrs. John B utler Utley, of Evanston, bas élecided upon Satur- day, August 18, for lier marriage to Bruce Walker Hulbert, son of Mrs. C. E. Hulbert of Kenilworth. The we(l(ing will be a small one at thec farnilv residence at 8:30 o'clock in the evening. Thîe bride's two attendants will lbc ber cousins, Miss Patricia Oliver of Evanston and Miss Betty Howland of Beverlv Hilis. Stedmani Willard of Kenilworth is to be best uman, and Richard, Jobnston,, Jr., of .kenilworthî and the bri(le's brother. Jack Utlev, are to usher MlNiss Oliver wvas hostess at a mis- cellaneous shower and tea on Jutly-2',' in h1onor of Miss Utley. On August 4, Mrs. Ira B. Kirkland, Jr., of Evails- ton is giving a hosiery shower, - Miss, Rboda 'Minkler of Evanston is to lie bostes s at a kitchen shower Aug-&îst 8. A linen ,shower and cocktail party on August 11, will have - Miss jeanette Crater of Evanston as its hostess. Miss Cecile Sterni plans to give a spinster dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Ut- ley will l)e host and hostess at the bridaI dinner at Shawnee, Country club, Is Hostess' MNrs. Harry Kinxbark,,1'312 Cee< land -street,' entertained at luncheon Tuesdav and will be hostess again on Fridav.; Place This Month At 5 :30 Tliursday afternoon, August 30, in St. Luke's chapel, Evanston. Miss Vera Andlerson and John Gunthorp vil cex- change their wedding vows. A dinner for the two familles %vill be served at the Edgewater Beach hotel follô%ving the serv- ice. The bride-elect is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Anderson. who moved last month from 937 Spruce street, Winnetka. to 121 Cen- tral Park avenue, Wiliiette. M 1r. (Gunthorp is a son of M.%rs. Alice G. (;unthorp of Evanston., Mrs. Burt Anderson of Chicago will serve ber sister-in-law as inatron of honor, and Richard Gunthorp will be bis brotber's best manî. The brides- rnaids-will be the bride's sister, Miss Sylvia Anderson, and Miss Agnes« Erickson of Xinnetka. Tavlor Sani- uel of Chicago and the bridfe's hrotli- er, Burt Anderson, wvill usher. Mrs. Carl Anderson of Xinnetka, aunit of the bride-elect, gave a linen shower in beir honor june 28, and July 25, Miss Erickson hiad a kitchei. shower. Saturday a fternoon, Au - gust 11, liss Xinifred 1OcIli of ;leiî- coe. is to give a l)ridize partv. âild Atigust 18, Miss Jane'Blessing oi j Ev- anston will be hostess at a formi dinner dance at Shawnee Countrv club) for Miss Anderson and Nir. ('iu,.- thorp. Is Bride Mathew Francis Photo Miss JosePhine Go,» fort, daliçh- ter of flic Jose ph Copinforts of If-ilnete, was ,narried to Betjnjami -Slaiiger of B%,q imber, IMo&., rarly' Tuesda imoriîtq o us .tek.' Their wëeddipigftrip is to Glaiîer Park. . August Z, 1934 WILMIETTE LIPE - mi la