Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 28

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WILM~TTB LIPS August 2, 1934 - - -- m - Evanston Junior League to Give Foulies in GlenCOE Such important details as dt dates and. place for the juniol League Follies, the miusical re- vue which will be the leagute', major undertaking next fall were settled at a meeting oi the committee in chargè- lasi week at the home of, Mrs, Mitchell Harper in CGleiiview%%- Laying aside vacation pleasures foi the nonce, a group of thirty miemnber5 joined in several hours of planning and discussion and camne forth with the announcement that the show will be run for three nights, the dates be- ing Thursday, Friday and Saturda%3 November 1, 2 and 3. As the placé for the event they selected the Ceen- tral school auditorium in Glencoe.a Colonial building with accommoda- tiens for an audience of 1,100. WNit-h these preliminaries out of the way, Mrs. John J. Louis, who is serv- ing as general chairman, and her aids turned their attention to the consid- eration of the countless other details going into the making of a succesZfti production-the casting, rehearsals. costuming, promotion, programns and the like. Mrs. John Eliot Warner, chairman of the program committee, was able te report that her group is already busily at work and will continue in- terviewing merchants for advertising throughout the summer. Auiong those who have turned advertising solicitors for the time being are: ,Mrs. Louis Tilden, co-chairman of the committee, Mrs. John Herdic. Mrs. Donald Lourie, Mrs. Wallace Thompson, Mrs. Franklin O'Brien, Mrs. Lewis P. Murphy, MIrs. Ken- neth Burns, Mrs. Eliot Johnson. Mrs. Muscoe Burnett, Jr., Mrs.' Me1%,in Cassidy, Mrs. Thomas Chace. Miss Betty Slaughter, Mrs. Rene Trave- letti, Mrs. Donald Walker, Mrs. Ad- disôn L. Gardner, Miss. Betty 'Piit-- mani, Mrs. E. M. Stevens, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Walker, Mrs. Watts, Mrs.. L. Edward Hart, Jr., Mrs. Charles C. Dawes, Miss Mary Barry, Mrs. John Searle and Mrs. W. W. Kingsburv. The search for performers will soon begin with Mrs. William Stahi in charge, assisted by Mrs, John Turner and Mrs. H. H. Windsor. Jr. Iu addition to the members. them- selves, the êommittee is on the look- out for a number of 'men te complete the cast. The first rehearsal caîl is already set for October 8. In addition to the above among those who attended Monday's meet- ing were Mrs. Johnl Blunt, Jr., finance chairman;, Mrs. John A. Cooke. mu- sic chairman; Mfrs. John Whitman, wardrobe mistress, and.her assisstant, Mrs. Philip Biggert; Mrs. George, Schulz, chairman of ushers; -Miss- Alicia Barber, publicity chairman, and Mrs. Richard Uhiemau'n, memiber-at- large of the committee. ý. Following the morning meeting the group had- luncheon at Glen Viev Golf club and then enjoyetd a swir in the club pool. July Bride a Carlos Photo Louise Covingtop& Haynes of Grceiizich. Connt., who formerly e Iived in Winnetka, catwta the north shore îvith her Parents, Mr. s and Mrs. Hasbrouck Haynes, to be, married to rEduard Ainar Twcrdah! of Eztiestoit, oit mlv 28. T/te re- ception was inilte Percy B. Eckart honte. Sherman 'M. Goble, Jr.> +0 Wed Kenilworth Girl Mr'. and Mrs. 1. B, Connor of 615 Brier. street, Kenilworth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Constance Caverly, to Sherman M. Goble, Jr., ýon of Mr. and Mrs. Sher- mani M. Goble of 511 Ash street. Xinnetka. The announcement wvasmade Sun- day evening at a buffet supper given at the Connor home., No date has been set for the wedding.. Miss, Connor attended Milîs col- lege and the-University of California at Los Angeles, when her family lived in the West, and Northwestern uni- versity after they- moved east. She is a miember of Kappa Kappa Gam- ma sorority. Her fiance is a gradu- ate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Boston. Gardon Club Progjram, The Wilmette Garden club of wvhich Mrs. C. P. Berg is president, will mheet Friday, August 3, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Roscoe, 1 Roberts, 808 Greenwood avenue, Wil- mette.: Assisting hostesses wil be Mrs. John F. Weedon -and Mrs. D. c M. Gallie. Harry C. Pifer will s peak on "Bulbs, Forcing for Winter Bloom." A twen'- ty minut-e garden discussion will fol- low, led by Mrs. Charles Van Deur- sen.c Mrs. W. G. Mitchell will have il charge for the club of the collecting f of fiowers Tuesday, August 7, for a the Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit e. guild. 0 Sisferhood Has: Gala Summer Party August1 Next- Tuesday afternoon at 2, thq Moraine hotel, with porches over, looking ravines and-lake, will bi the background for a festive socia event on the northi shore. The da3 is the occasion of the annual suni mer Iparty of the Sisterhood of thi North Shore Congregation Israel, th( occasion when it provides a gala after. noonK)i for its members at the same tini that it augments its funds devoted tc charitahle organizations and philan. thropic enterpri7es. Bridge an(] keno, refreslnîents, an' handsome prizes are the inducements tht Sisterhood offers its members and theii guests. 1Mrs. Herbert I.evy, 67,0 Grove street Glencoe. is in charge of table reserva- tions. Arden Shore Family Loses Everything in Fire; Needs Aid DI saster has corne to one of Arden Shore's families in Chicago, ini the wake. of devastating fire, which has completely destroyed everything.they, possess, the household furnishings and ail of their clothing. Local Ar- den Shore committees ail along the north shore are jumping to their res- cue and are appealing directly to*their friends, the public, to, contribute whatever they may have to- spare from theirown homes or wardrobes. As a central place of collection, Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman will open her garage at 601 Laurel as a storage place for any donations. They are to be left there on Tuesday morning, August 7, to be collected by-a truck and taken into Chicago. The Wilmette Arden Shore com- mittee, through its chairman, Mrs. Frederick Tilt, sends out her plea for any little thing, which when added to other small gifts, may add greatl% to the needs of this stricken family.- 'Any piece of furniture, dishes, mat- tresses, rugs, bedding, towels, cook- ing utensils, in fact any essential ar- ticle for household.use, is needed, as is clothing. Articles for boys from 9 to 16 years of age, for a taîll girl of 16, for the mother, who ig small in stature, and for the father, who is taîl, will fill im- mediate need. .Tuesday morning is' the day for contribution, and an.y little article will be received with deep gratitude, the Wilmette committee stresses. N1orried .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gore, Mit- chell, 1009 O-akwood avenue, Wil- mette, announce :the marriage Fni- lay, July 27, of their daughter,- Flor- ence Anita, to Charles E. Lowes, J r., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lowes, 380 Woodlawn avenue, Glen- coe. The young couple have taken an apartment at 7730 N. Ashlaând ave- nue,' Chicago. Mrs. Lowes attended the National College of Education and Mr. Lowes the Evanston Acad- emy of Fine Arts. Both are graduates of New Trier high school. On Comm ittee for TCatIiolic League's ke Lecturle Series AI rs. Sidney Beechi of Glen- ycoe,,general chairmian of the fait le and winter, lecture series to l)e le sponsore(l by the North Shore -Cathofie Woman's, league, last le -veek announced the niaines of '~those w'ho wvill serve on lier coin- rnittee and assist %vitli ail ar- Irangements. e The Glencoe i' embers of the 'coin- ir mnittec include Mrs. Frederick E.- Clarke, 573 Grove street. aind Mrs. GFrancis J. Sherivin of .51 Cresceiit -drive. From Winnetka those, servitng wjtlî Mrs. Beech are Mrs. Harry WV. Beyers, 794 Locust street, Mrs. An- thony Eiden, 806 Foxdale avenue, and Mrs. Leo Doyle, 680 Locust street. Mrs. ýPhilip J. Griffin, 1433 Scott ave- nue, is the Hubbard WVoods mein- ber of the committee. *Mrs. Robert J. James is represent- ing, Evan ston, and froni Highîland Park Mrs. Beech has choseri Mrs. John A. Clark, Mrs. Harry E. Mill~, *and Mrs. Edward A. Green. The league will. present on1 alter- nate Tuesdays from October 23 to De- cember 4, a group of outstanding educators, priests and lavmnen wf;bo willspeak on subjects of timelv in- terest. The first lecture ivili 1be e.held rat the home of Mrs. John A. Clark in !Highland Park, with the Rev. Samuel cKnox Wilson, S. J., Ph. D., president of Loyola universît'y, as speaker. Wedding Reception Held în Percy Eckhart Home 1Attractive in a gowvn of white or- ganza with a short train, wearing a white horsehair hat trimmed with valley liles, and carrying an ex- quisite bouquet of white roses, sweet peas, and valley liles, wvas Miss Louise Covington Haynes, who be- came the bride of Edward Ainar Twerdahl of Evanston last Saturday. Her only attendant, Miss Elizabeth Eckhart of Kenilworth, wvas, gowned in yellow Italian cut-work with shoes to match. Her blue straw hat and her bouquet of talisman ro ses and blue delphinium completed her out- fit. Thomas Twerdahl. served his brother as best man. The ceremonv took place at ,4 :30 oclock in the afternoon in St. Mark's church in~ Evanston, which was graced with white ros es and palms. The Rev., Victor Kennan. of Freepôrt, Ili., o$ciate at t. service which was followedý by a reception at 5 o'clock in the home, of the maid of honor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eck- hart of Kenilworth, where palms and roses were used abundantly as dec- orat ion. A number of guests came. froni out of town for the wedding. After a short honeymoon the bridé and bride- groom. will be at home in St. Jo- seph, Mich. The former is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hasbrouck Haynes of Greenwich, Coiîn., former Winnetkans. Mr. Twerdahl is from Evanston. ctvities 'n ScliCrcles By JEAN T7M BROBCK August. 2, 1934 ,Wlt.ME-T'TE:LIPE

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