*August 2, 1934 RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Francis J, CroWt and daughter, Jeanine, 623 Lake av' nue,,,returnied Suniday from a tv weeks' motor trip east, spending week in Ne,.% York and- in Atiani City.- Mr.. Crowell's 'miother, Mr Elisha Crowell, returned with the and will niake an indefinite stav. Robert Nelson, 621 Cumnor roa, Kenilworth, is visiting Robert Hilli Winnetka at his Iparents' summn home, Ferry Hill lodge, at Land Lakes. \Vis. His sister. Doroth spent the week-end visiting at Lakol resort near Eagle River, Xis.: The Missess Barbara and Niario Blackman of Moline. Ill. arrive Wednesday to visit the Arthur V Allens, 803 Chestnut avenue, Mfaria entered the Illinois State Golf toui nanment at the Evanstonr Golf club. -0-- WILMETTE LIFE,2 mou ei a tic, rs. 0f er 4a )n V. Mrs. Katlîrvn Klenxm, .210 Catalpa place. and Mfrs. Katherine Herberholz, 147 Prairie avenue, spent the week-end at Muskegon, Mich.. as the guests of MNrs. Klemnis mother, Mrs. Ida Deck - er. MNr. and Mrs. James J. Guinan, Mar- ian, James, Jr., and Anne, 417 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, left Saturdav b I motor to I.eland, 'Mich., for their an- nual vacation. -o-- Mn. andlIrs. Leon Ellis, -107 Ciimi l)erland avenue, Kenilworth, enter tained at a sinall cocktail party Satur day preceding the dininer dance ai Stinset Ridge club. .r. and Nfrs. John . ld,24. Oxford road, Kenilworth, recentli visited their datughter, Charlotte, wh( is ai' Camp Oak Opening at Sauga. Ni . iclh. _-o- \1r. and \Irs. WVilliam 1. Fishier &;loria and Patricia, 1637 Spencer ave. nue. retturned M-\onday f rom a thre( week< ;,visi te, NMuskogee, OkIa. jack, O*Coiinor, George Woodland and Donald Kîmbali of Kenilworth lefi Friday on their annual camoe and fishing trip te) Hudson Bay. -Ni. anadMN.s. Luther Benson, 212 ý\oodbinc aveiiue, returned Suinday f rom a week's outing at Di amond Lake, Il iclh. Mrs. Ina C. Darlinig,'256 Kenilwonth avenue, Kenilworth, entertained hier Chicago bridge club at luncheon Tues- day. 0o- 11r. and Irs. Claude Sandens, 236 Cumnon noad, left Kenilworth Sundav motoring to Springfield, Ill., to spend two weeks. -0- Mrs. George Newton of New York left Sunday after a' visit with Mn. and Mns. T. E. Moritz of 226 Warwick r)a(l, Kenilwonth. Mr. and Mrs. William White and daughter, Canol1, 714 Cumimings ave- nue, Kenilw orth, returned Saturday from a boat trip to M ackinac Island. Jane Law of« Manassa, Va., is $pend- ing. the summen with her grand- mothen, Mrs. Robert O. L.aw, .321 Kenilworth avenue, Keinliworthi. --- Mrs. Clarence Disosway. returnied to lier home in Dallas, Texas, Tuesday after visiting Mrs.. Hanry E. 1)ennme, 1530> Greenwood avenue. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wever, 357' Cumberland avenue, Kenilwonth, re- turned from a trip to Glacier park ,recently. r 14 At6ta an~$1(c~ NORTýH ýSHORE WOMEN, are.sending. tIeir kusbanjs', SHIlRTS: TO NORTH SHORE QUALITY LAUNDRIES M EN gef a real thrill in putting on a-crisp, clean shirt Iaundered in a North Shore Çuality Laundry. If colored, the colors are true and brilliant. If if is white, if is spot- Iessly immaculate. Collars are ironed with smooth 'edges and points that lie fiat. Buttons are sewed on. Snags and rips are mended. Each shirt is starched just righf. In connect ion with on. of our Iaundry services the Iaundering costs only a few cents. complote of shirts r, i NORTH SHORE ÇUALITY LAUNDRIES of6er a service te meet every pOicetboik a nd requiement DAMP WASH Evarything washed. Soft water end pure soap used. Shako. eut and as- sorttd. R.tutned damp ail ready to 'ton. THRIFTY HYDRO Wear;ng appamii retfutned damp ready: te ire,. Fiat wetl itned. Bath tewels. wash ciotha fluffed. Everything asserted. FLUFF DRY Everythintg washed. Housah.l inomns irened. Wearing apparel fluffed dry. Smail àdditional charge for starching q» and hand 1finishing. AIL PRESSED Everything washed and itened. Ail teady to use et put away. Skiais h.nd finished at smail additional charge in this service. NORTU, SIORE LAUNDRIES Nelaon Laundw7 Rellable Laundwy 1210 Central Aveniue, Wilmette 618 N. Green Bay Rond, Highland Park Phne Wilmette 180 Phone Highland Park 177 French Laundlry 806 Demputer Street, Evanston Ph... University 2776 Quailey Laun:lry 1709 Darrow Avenu. Evaniton Ph.ne University 4620 North Shore Laundry 566 Chestnue Street, Winnedia Phne Winnetka 602 Nelson Dvon.Laundry 1014 Davis StreetEvanston Ph,.. Univermity ,ii2 I