Our Fi rat Fail Showing of Millinery Gives Yeu Adoance Fali Fash ion. Notes S3.95 AND UP Berets and tams set the pace for Fall-and here's the first large col- lection that we've seen. Feits, vel- vets and silks-if it's a beret or a tam it's the newest fashion for Fali. Every Member of Field 's Famous Family of SHOES is Specially Priced for Auguat Fielcos, Felmars, Arch Preservers, Young Modemns. . . Children's Arch Preservers and Field - Natures as well as Officiai Scout Shoes Aristos, Fielcos, Arch Preservers and Comfopedics for men-every one of them is specially tagged for the xnonth. 0f course, the new Fall %hoes ar e included as fast as they arrive. FIELD NATURES *2 .40 UP These will keep Infants' and chil- dren's f eet strong and healthy. 212- 5%. $2.40; 6-8, $3.25 ; 8k1,$. MEN'S OFIELCO SHOE A FELMAR Brown T-strap with Ciiban heel. L ightweight crushed calt with kid trim. .04-90 The newest fashionajoi >n -to offer thrilling values in the AUGUST SALE 0F WOMEN'S COATS The choicest furs of the catch . .. lower labor costs in the summer months... the first of the new 'woole.ns ,. . . here are three of the reasons why we say that you'I1 be smart to purchase your coat during the August Sale. And of course the big reason is that the prices are so attractive that you can scarcely resist them. -The two coats we 've shown are examples of the dozens and hundreds that you'll find in. stock- and every one specially priced. A new flu weight of black1 caif. me- dium Iast with serni-soft box toe-for- ail occasions. 1. Strook flama cloth is perfect for the college girl because it'sdurable- atid smart. Wood brown. kolinsky collar. .$97.50 2.hIis winter dres s coat is, of Forstmann's new coating witb a luxurious cross fox collar. Sizes 14 ýto 20 -. black or brown .$... 8. AUGUST 2. 1934 h. r~