Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 18

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Dra. Zia, Bagdadi Will Speak at Baha'i Temple "G;od's' Heroes" is the' subject of tlic talk to be given in. Foutndation hall, Baha'i House. of Worship, on .indâen a venue and Shieridan road, ýVihliette Sunday aftertioen, .August 5, at 31:30o'clock. D)r. Zia Bagdadi of Chicago will bcthie speaker. Sev- eral gromips of visitors fromn the Pacific coast and f roihie East have l)een at the temple this week. Guides aire present eadi (1ay to show the builditng andI expiaini theie iodel of thc temple te- visitors during the hours between 10 a. ni. and .5 p. mu. INVITED TO SUMMER HOME 'l'le \Wilmnette ()ptîîniist clubi)hîa ac- c'i)te(i the invitation oif August C. Pear- son. Jr.. 'to lie lus guests for a (lay, Vv'e(iles(lay, Auigtist 8, at lus coutntry homte ou the Fox river. l'le tietibers are aniticip)atinig a tiiist ffeasant outiflg. The lueurs are to be sp)ent ini fishing. lioitimmg, )asebali and other sports. BACK FROM WISCONSIN Mr. and Mfrs. Peter S. Barton., 257 Kenilwerth avemne. K eihwltort i, t'e- turiied home MVNfiday of last week, motoritîg from Bailey's Harb)or,, ý-lere- tiîey spent several (haxs at \fax%%-el- ton Braer. E vRE Tlr'S Th largeat, mont popular Resort in te North Woods. Flshing. bathing. Wonderful food. American plan. The liait squlpped muttaes. sauh wltb bath. bot an md urunng viter,. Aide toilets. zâzîdservic eEdueed rates. write toar to Tom MmuoTr, Eqi.%vu, WiUsmu Th.e, Plrie brothmers in thieir Star sloop "Geinii" continued their string of victories, b w nnngtwo races Over the week-end. On Satuir- day, iJuly 28, they wvon the last race of Sheridan Shore's -13- series, which also gave themn first placeý for that series of four races. Xith three firsts and one eleventh place they gathered. a total ot 62 points. The Stockton brothers' "*\Valrtis" and Commodore We -- v Bownian's «"Smiack" are tied for second place with 57 points, whîle Johnit Denison's *'Htuniier 11"' is iolirth ivith 55 points Prizé- for this series, as well1 as for the "A" and "C" sertes anid,thie Suni- dav Red. White anîd Bine series, il be presented to the skippers at Sheri- (Ian Shore Y'acht clubs animal wintet i)arty. 'l'lie race on Saturday 'vas heid ini a lie a%,%-nortlîeast biow which hiad car- ried axvav the startitig 1)oy off Wil- mette hiari)or, necessitating a start off the end of the breakwater. Most of ýthe twelve l)oats had reefed their naîisails. but several shook them ont hiefore the start of the race. Shortly a'fter rouinding the souith -mark Toril Waage's "XNeo" lost lier niast and wvas tomve(l iniby the Coast guard. -Neo" hlad heen tied with "Gemini" for irst place ini the "B" series and t bis un ifortinate accidet .put theni ontlit f the ruinning. Four Disqualified I4ettr l>ats were disqualified for being mver the line at the start, nanieiy. "Silver Spray," "*Hernies," "Tw%-itkle l)itto," and Pegasus.ý. 'l'li restit of Saturday's race ~a as follows: Second, 355, Htlntmer Il-JIohni Denit- suit-Fr-ed Fr-ench. 1'hrdSOU (a r ilSaîî oss-H-al FIl!- Ott. 01W? PROFEm/ONAIL ci ART /CHOOL L' e 1H lmAMERICA ACCONPLI/HHENtt CHARACTER PRE.-TIGE A Real University of Art: Four Units ln COMMERCIAL A RT 8C HOOL., VOGUE OCHOOL 0F FAUHIONi AND 1 N T 9R 1R DECORATION RAY BCHOOL'0F ADVERTI8 RAY UCHOOL OF PHOTOGRA A bu*iness-like, practical Institution specializ the prof essional requirements: Commercial * Drcss Design and Styling, Advertising,*Phot<g Interior Decoration, F3shion Illustration, Ind Art. lncorpnrate Design and other subjectsp in t Art and Advertising.... cago's Outstanding School. 25 Years in 1 d1 e a 1 Location. Enviroonient unsuîf Reservations Now for Sept. 4-10-17-C 116 So. Michigan BIvd., Chicago, Del Laleviw Building Opposite Art nsi m> îs F. RA y, Pre~s. RtTi, VAi RAY. Sheridan Shore ý One Mrs. 'l'lmuîas Roswell.Co3,'ne. 307 G;olfers of Team League iNc. \\oodstock avenupe, Kenilm-orth and1 A IRT N l Iarcelie'\'enniemia of W\innietka WiII Play at Glenview J)v ll te ýtiest -f j~An Brad- The next match of the 1934 season kPHY1 shaw ofi Oak Park at a. bridge lunchi- for the North Shore Teani league of ziuîg in ieel, iTles(lay. golfers will be hiel(l Tuesday, Atigust il Art 7, at Gleniview with the following1 *g uuLnhflL flIW teamns participating: Illinois v'S. p X SUNBUR -RELIEF set Ridge, Skokie vs. \\estnîlore- p rtailin UC ui Chi- .9uburn hm no terrors for those who use landI, Bol) O'Linik vs. North Shore, Same OIL of SALT-it cools, soothes, aids heai- Biegte vs. Evanston. The result p:ssed. ~ and comforts almûst instantly. OIL of Biraxilg ogwym )cf. 1 IL ialiquid. Aliquid bette-it fti qf S. relieveS Pain quickIy Equally wonderfu determiniing the final outcomie ofa for Burns, Scalds, Cuis. Brulses, inset et -o ffleglfehbtdb h stitute Bite«, and sore, tired, acbing, burning feet. sao ffn ofehbtdb h . 4 0sc eo At AUl Druggists--SatisfaclVU Guai' teams in their matches se far this anteed or Money Back. 'vear. COME'TO WEQUETONSING RATES MODERATE WONDERFUL MEALS Twenty-seven hole golf .course .Season J une l5th Sto Sept. 2Oth Write for descriptive f older WEQUETONSING HOTEÊL WEQUETONSING, MICH. L. G. DAVIS, Manager' REBEKAHS TO MEET Wilmette Rebekah lodge w ill hold ~ i social meeting at thîe Odd Fellowvs halli 1 Wedniesday, evening, August 8. Motiday, evening of tItis week the officers oi iRebekah llo(lge, District .3.,.were, en- tertailned at the home (if Mrs . N.* j N1ergenthaler, 210 Catalpa place. Mrs Mergenthaler. is president; of the thirc' district. Vee Cermi of Pittsburgh. Pa., is the guest of Polly(Grove. 1-4)8 Ash- land avenue., SA go W^Y DETROIT .9 Sheur& 84.st CLEVÉLsIl il rm. 8 R0 a W USUN Cam15 épe Aul*Uss6 17 Th ree New Ofilcers Are Assigned to Camp Skokie Three* newv officers have reported for active (hutv- at Camp Skokile Vallev at Harins and GIenivie%%v rOadýý. since thc hast issue wvent t0 press. Thley are as fohlows. Capt. Charles D. Niotson., FA- IRes. to Co. 639 CCC: lst l.t. AIIQIî P. Wescott, FA-Res., te Co. ()17 CCC; Ist Lt. Scott A. Runnels. Inf.-Res. to Co. 619 CCC. l'he first two namied are froin Chicago. Lieutenant Runnels is froin Colomna, \Vis. Prior to beîng assigned to Skokie they had seen duty with tlîe conditioning com- panies at Fort Sherida. CAMPERS ENJOY SWIMS E.veryý camper ini the Skokie Vaiie% CCC camp is pleased with the new order which_îrovides that fifty men are, îerrnitted to go to the Vilmette beach each evening for 'a cooling swim. Arrangements are als'o being ma.de te have a truck, go to, the beach Sunday rnorning. Mrs. G. E. Youngnîan, 730 Hibhard, roa(I, Who hias been spending the past six weeks at hier summer home ini -Hayward, Xis., lias corne back for a week. She wvas accompanied by- lier sister, Miss K. A. Haggart, Who makes hier home witli the Youngmans. --o- Mr. anîd Mrs. Robert Walshaw, 1128 Isabella street, left Saturday, motor- ing'to.Canada where they will spend three weeks at Quebec and Montreal. Ask Motorists Yachtin to Check, Cars News in Safety Lane, Evanlston's fifth annual 'Safety lane for checking up on the various, sa-fety Fourth, 354, Walrus-W%. T. Stockton- features of. automobiles will be con- C. Ly'sIe Smilth. ducted from August 6'to 11, inclusive. Fîfth, 725, Sniack-Wesley Bowmian-on rigtn*vue ewenU- C~harles Galloway. o rigonaeu ewe n- Sixth, 681, Glidet' Hsl Reeve-Ade- versity place and Clark street. The laide Waage. lane wvill be ini daily operation f roni Seventh, 556, Biue Mist-Don Berg-10a .to8pn.udethdicin Man-C. .1Jenkins. 1of. .the urep.o ci.den tepdreetion On Sunday, julyv 29, Sheridan of the bueaustof poicedeprtent. Shore lheld the third race of te f th .e vnl, dpiceretravringin "6White" series off the Vista del I,ago Fcoope ratint, i te EviongSafe ini connection ivith the latter's anniual tvcourainci ndthe ChiagsonMotor water carnival. This race wvas also -vctni n h hcg Noo Won hy "Geniiiii" wvhichi captured the club. Mr. and 'Mrs'. Harry L. Bauer trophiv. Safetv lane, whiich is available at The wind was strong southeast whiich no charge to ail mnotorists, comprises shifted suddenly to strong southiwest a thiorougli checkup by traiined and the trip three times arounid the x nechancs using the latest scientific triangular course caused many bus- equipmnent for testig purposes. tered hiands and strained muscles. Seveit features are checked in the After the race the skippers andcrews test, whicli takes about teti minutes were entertained at dinnier by the per car. These are the brakes, lighits, Vista del I.ago at wvhicli tinwi the steering, wheel alignnienlt, hiorn., Bauer trophy w~as presented te the. windslhîeld wvîper,'and( rear view miur- Piries. ror. Order of finish Suniday, July 29. Check on Defects First, 652, Gemiini-S.,C. Pirie, Jr.-,.l Cars successfully passing thle test M. Pirie. thie first time throughi are issuled an .Second, 3r,-5, Hummner H1-John D>ent-O..sikr;toe ain dect s(n-Fred French.0.K tce;to hvn dfcs Third, 500, ('arol-Hal -El-'liott-Ed receive a checkup card with tlhe de- Bi 461if,, (oaK.Hry ihe- fects noted thereon. If thiey lave Fourth, Î1 oa -airRcti-adjuistments nmade, thiev imaygo Julian Spotswood* h an gi *Fîfth, 725, Smaek-Wesiey Bowmai,,n-Ithrouglhe aeagi and receive Boynton.I the O. K. sticker if successful on this Sixth, 802, Pegasus-Charles Pajeau- retest. Maee and Gathany.I Seventh, 412, Twinkle Ditto-Chas. Because of tihe alarnîing increase Floyd-Chas. Gailoway, ini automobile accidents. andI death'. Eighth, 704, Alil Baba-Chas. Xnlght-, during the present vear over last Toni Waage. vear, and the part plavçd by defec- Ninth, 356, Silver Spray-Bob Kendig- !v asiiacdnti shpdta Fred Price. tv asi cieti sloe la Tenth, 377, Hernies-John Halsted-Al more. drivers than ever hefore wvill Bingiam. put their cars thrtoughi the ]aile this Elevt'nth, 556, Blue. Mist-Don Berg-. er înan-C. R. Jenkins. year. A~s in. previous vers nvita- Aiguilla, Nereid and Walrus did not tiotis have bet'ii sent to all surrtiund<- finish. ing comimunities to participate in the Next Saturday Sheridan Shore I Safetv lanie alonig with Evanistoît 'car Y'acht club Wil hold its annua; ivii~îers. Last vear ov-er 2,0001 c ar s womien s race. fin this evenit the la- ,%-elt tlhroughi the tests' and it is ex- dies, carry 1 or 2 men as their crew peçted tliat' about 5,000 car.; will býe who are' allowed to offer advice, but! lesteil thlis vear. mnax not touchi the tiller. _______________ Aukus.t. 2., 1934 W-IL.M*ETTE LIFE

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