Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Aug 1934, p. 16

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Paul T. Gilbertt Jr., Is Given New Scholarship Paul T.. Gilbert.. Jr., of Kenilworth, bhas bee' awarded one of thé ýNolap scoarships for his junir year at Notwestern university. Holders 'f this scholarship are required to main- tain an average of. 6.00 or bettel-. The recipient, througbout, bis freshman and sophomore years, bas niaintained a straigbt "A" average, the equivalent of 7.00. He is a member of the Wranglers, and was elected last May to Purple Key. He is also on the varsity track team. GUESTS IN WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Wilson and sons, Earl and William, Mrs. Maud Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Coon, ail of Lockport, Ill., were Sunday guests of the Albert A. McKeighan family. 1025 Greenleaf avenue. Joined by the family of William- McKeighan, '1615 Walnui avenue, the party enjoyed an outing ini Wasbington park, witb a picnic lunch- eon. Miss Virginia Wilson, wbo bad spent a two weeks' vacation with Miss Esther McKeigban, returned borne witii h er parents. TROTH ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. A. -F McC anney, 200 Catalpa place, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys; to Carl C. Engels of 923 Ridge court, Evanston. ENTERTAINS GUESTS Mrs. Royal D. Smith, 706 Elmwood avenue, the past week-end entertained Mrs. George Landee and daugbter, jane, from Moline, 111. Miss Lan- dee ie the fiancée of Mrs. Smitb's son, Stanley. Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom, 1334 Elm- wood avenue, bas as ber guests for a number of weeks ber mother, Mrs. George D. Wilder of Whitman, Mass., and ber sister, Miss Gladys B. Wilder of Boston. 0o- Mr. and Mis. Albert E. Gebert, 1526 Greenwood avenue, and daugh- ter, Betty, returnied Saturday from a two weeks' vacation at Pelican.lake, Wis. Mrs. . W. J. King, 611 Forest ave- nue, will entertain the Tuesday Bridge club at luncheon at Skokie Country club, Tuesday of next Week. for QUALITY SERVICE. PRICE Kaspar"Shot, Repaur 1204Wilmettp Avenube 1207 WASHUNsweON lAVE. Il<lm.a .. esg~gouU selý 32L..142 Double Dip CHOCOLATE SODAS Made with our delicion. bome made chocolute - DELICIOUS' 1CR CRBAM 17cP« P«33c WILMETTE LIFE August 2, f934 Former New Trier Boys 1%ganize New Qrchestra A group of north shore boys, students n and graduates of New Trier Township Lt High. school, prominent in. tbe New~ 4 Trier band. and orcéhestra and senior -music club, bave organized a new dance e orchestra. The group is beaded by Peter d L. Gilbert, a graduate of the class oi a1934, and first trombonist of the. band E and orchestra. Other memnbers of.the orchestra are: John K. Mathison, pi- ano, Robert Walker:(concertmeister at New Trier, 1934) violin.; Robert Rob- ertson. Blute and piccolo:, Paul T. Gil- bert. Jr., clarinet and piano; Raymond 1Westergren, trumpet: Leonard Larsor, 1drum and traps, and Bruce Karnes, E saxophone. 5 VISIT IN KENILWORTH ï Mrs. Marguerite W. Gody, ber son, tThomas, and a friend- f bis, William 1 Bell, of Washington, ailrived Tuesday, *having motored bere to visit Mrs. 1 Gody's sister and ber family, the How- 3 ard Hodgkinspf 421 Abbotsford road, 1Kenilworth. Mrs. ýHodgkins and bei daughter, Helen, motored to. Oconomo- wvoc Saturday, taking their houseguest, Virginia Jones, home. FROM JEFFERSON CITY W. D. Dallas of Jefferson City, Mo.. arrived at Curtiss airport last Tbursday f rom bis home town. He came in a Stinson S. This was Mr. Dallas' second trip to Curtiss field in two weeks. PURE OIL AIRPLANE An aviation representative of the Pure Oil company arrived at Curtiss airport last Friday in a cabin Wacc painted in the Pure Oul colors, blue and.wbite. Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee, 1229 Chestnut avenue, Doris, Jack, and Ed- ward, are'leaving this week for Banff in tbe Canadian Rockies to spend the month ôf August.,During their absence tbeir bouse will be occupied by Mrs. Fred' E. Harwood and family of Ev- a"tn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawes Smith of Chicago announce the birth of a daugbter Monday, Juhy 30, at St. Francis bospital. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal'D. Smith, 706 Elmwood avenue. The baby. is the Royal Smiths' first grandchild. -- Dorothy Massig" 1622 Wilmette avenue, is the guest of, Janet Bertram, 1221 Gregory avenue, at- Kentuck lake, Wis. The girls are staying ýt the summer home of Janet's uncle, William T. Osgood of 1225 Gregory4 avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor of Kenilworth Ieft July 27, for Lake She- bandowan, Ontario,,,,where they wilI spend a week as the guests of Mrs. Leslie Gooder of Winnetka who is summering there. -spoclai Vaceation -Rates for Claldren I7tru4ction, Croup Rkides, Entertaisiment LOfîGMIEADOW, PAÀRM Oin Hibbsrd, Ya-affe souda of Winnetka Rd. Telephome: WIImettetfi q,, 1/ ~ -~ à AVATIO N L Transfer Murray Hall r Bill Lear Visitor to Alaska for 2 Years at Curtiss Airport Murray Hall, who was well knowni B BilIear of Lear Developments, at the north shore airports as ., partentof ommece nspctor or *ýirpane radio manufacturers, this area, has- been given another NwYr iy a iio tCr tranfer Abot ayea agohe as!tiss airport on Sunday, Julv 22. Wbile tranfer.Abou a ear go h wa at the airport Lear fleW a new Stin- transferred frôm Chicago to New so ein eogigt h hcg York. Now he is to be stationed lu Anviant blnig h hcg Alaska for two years. Flving a new.1Avaionl corporation,. operators of Stinonhe toped t Cutis aipor !'Curtiss field. Sls eon, h sedatou is airport Lear. vhose headquarters were at latist Bieek non his w ato bis wthis field before he moved -to New dues.Bi W nt on hoaloso as York City, recently purchased -a new Department of Commerce inspector, plane wifth a coruisng ed ofap- now is employed by Pan-American paewt riigsedo p Airways. He is flying south out of proximately 160 miles per hour. The Miami.ship he hought is powered hv a Ja- Miami.cobs motor. rWayne King Is Curtiss t. Field Caller on Friday1 Wayne King, who basn't been do- ing so mucb flying this season, last Friday was a *visitor at Curtiss air- rport, where be keeps bis Stinson. tThe noted orchestra leader, who long b -as been known as an aviation enthu- siast and wbo bas owned a number of planes, recently returned from, a vacation trip to California and is back at bis old stand at the Aragon hallroom. H. S. Darr Makes Trip Hto the Stinson Factory H.S, Damr, president of the Chi- cago Aviation corporation, operators of Curtiss airport, flew to Wayne, Mich., early Wednesday mornîng of hast week and returned Friday morn- ing. Wayne. is the -home of. the Stin- son factory, and Darr went there on business. The Chicago Aviationy cor- poration is the distributing agency for Stinsons in this area. Brings Damaged Plane toCurtiss for Repairs Earl Sark of Cookeville, Tenn., wbo is frequenthy a business -cahler at Cur- tiss airport, was back again last week. This time be brought bis Warner Travehair in to bave the landing gear and a wing repaired. The ship was damaged wben Sark bit a rock in making a landing. He uses bis plane for -barnstorming stunting tours in Kentucky and Tennessee. Flics to Kansas City to Pick Up Passenger Jim Roth flew to Kansas City from. Curtiss ýairport Wednesday ofi last week in the Stinson belongings to Danjçh Peterkin, Jr., to pick upt Waldon- Shaw, Peterkin's father-in-g law. Roth is the pilot wbo flew Mr.c Shaw here from California in Shaw's Hammond several weeks ago. INSPECTORAT CURTISS Several ships. from neighboring airports were at Curtiss field hast.i Friday. The occasion was the regu-1 lan visit of the Depantmnent of Com--. merce Inspector C..F. De Laseaux. 1 ARMY SHIP AT CURTISS A Northnop Gamma, Army trans- r port sbip from Bolling field, Wash- ington.- D.'C., was at Curtiss airport oven the week-end of July 21 and 22. TOWS ADvE.RýT1siNG Jack Faulkner has b e en doinge some aerial advertising with bis auto- C giro, wbich he keeps at the Curtissc field hangar. 1ecpae designed by Walter . ecwho was the designer of ai! I the Travelair..models, wvas manufac- tured in the oldTravelair factory at WVichita, Kans. A simihar plane is one of those entered in the forth- coming London - to -Australia race. Lear sôld the Stinson he formerlv owned about three weeks ago in New York City. New Aeronca Collegiate Here From Cincinnati A new Aeronca Collegiate was flown to Curtiss airport last' week from the Aeronca factory at Cincin- nati by one of the company's sales representatives, who brought the ship here for demonstration purposes. The Collegiate is a two-place side-by-side cabin monoplane w i th a cruising speed of about eighty miles per hour. Officiai1s Inscet New Round Wing Airpiane Department of Commerce officiais from Washington, D. C., were at Curtiss airport last Thursday to in- spect the new round-wing Nemetb fflane and to watch it in flight. Dwigbt Morrow, veteran flying in- structor, took the plane up on a demonstration flight. Morrow b as heen piloting the plane exchusively on the various test hops. Flics Texaco Company Stearman From Detroit Aubrey Keif, one of the Texaco company's- aviation representatives, arrived at Curtiss aîrport last week ini the Texaco 14. a Wasp-powered Stearman. He came from Detroit by way of Grand Rapids. Some work was done on the sbip at the Curtiss shop, inchuding installation of a new temperature gauge, new windshield glass and a general cheaning up and checking. Army Shins Return to Base After'Maneuvers After finishing their participation. in aerial maneuvers at Fort Sheridan two armhy sbips, both Thomas Morse O-I9,s returned to Scott field at Beleville, hast week. The ships were used to, tow targets for anti-aircraft practice. During 'the period of the maneuvers they were stationed at Curtiss airport near Glenview. FLIES TO MARION AGAIN H. B. Griggs made another trip to Marion, Ind., hast week in the. Gen- eral Househol.d Utilities Bellanca. One of the company's plants is ho- cated at Marion. The Bellanca is kept in the -Curtiss airport hangar. August 2, 1934 WILMETTE LIIFE

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