WILMETTE LIFE August 2,1934 MR. and rs.TF. C Vncetad Mr. -ndUrN TO-.,VcenSt a r* daughter, Miss ,,Bettyý, Who have, beçn spending several weeks witli Dr., an_ Mrs. M.( R, Barker,. of 7301 Central avenue, Wilmette,. will leave Satur- day for their home in Sacramento, Calif. Miss Betty enters'as a junior the University of California, in Ku- gust. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Gilroy and danghters, .flizabeth and Joan, of South Pasadena, Cal., were the guests last week-end of the John Hoars 'of 2512 Iroquois road. The family re- turned to California Tuesday. 0o Mrs. C. D. *Ewer, .1111 Asbland avenue, has been entertaining-Mrs. George R. Truax of Springfield, and Mrs. William J. !Bristol of Oak Park the past week. lu e>1ý;RRUER% TAULOR Furs Remodoied R.asonabty Suite anmd C<mtmta&dt. eider. $50» and up> Shop 29,, 40 N. Michigan Âve. Chicago Phone SuIertor U2 NORTH SHORE GIRLS ENJOYJVIlSCONSlN CAMP i K Locksmithing Y Mao.frets Nouba., Au STAN LINDSTROM'S LOCK 'SHOP .1222 Central.Avenue WILMETTE 3212 B~EAUJpL"SHOP Finqer Efu JPowder Wavinr19 BlendÜi~c Beauty Culture in ail1 ifs Branches A group of north shore girls wbo are attending the Joy Camps on Lake Raymond near 'Hazelburst, 'Nis. Reading from left to rigbt, back row: Miss Jane Scalbom, 67 Park drive Glenview, who is head of the arts anII crafts department, Joan Hyatt, daughter of the joseph C. Hyatts, 885 Valley road, Glencoe; Barbara Hypes, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hypes, 480) H-azel avenue, Glencoe; Kathrvn Brossard, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brossard, 919 EIm place. Glen- coe; Marcella Harrington, daugliter CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Love" will be the subject at the services in First Churchi of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sundayv morn- ing, August 5, held ini the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Nancy Wilds, 244 Oxford road. Kenilworth, returned Wednesday of last week from Ephraim, Wis., where she visited' Margaret Potter of Evanston at her parents' summer home. Nancy entertained Sunday at a beach party in bonor *of ber bouse guest, Patricia Moit of Chicago. HEATINO SERVICE C. -ail Makea WINNETKA 375 Oliver Hanume Day. or Night You should try th'is Week's Special 1 r EngIish Tofee with Rqspb.rry ;,Ce 45C~ Regular 60c value (QUART). PEAC.OCW SI 413 Linden Avenue WiImette 4120 of J. J. Harrington, Adams ,street, Glencoe. Front row, Jane Drucker, daugbter of Mrs. Mary Drucker, 1125 Mohawk drive, Wilmette; Norma Glass, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Glass, 1049 Bluff road,' Glencôe; Virginia Smith, daughter of the Alfred B. Sniths. 888 Valley road, Glencoe; Margaret Wal- ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton Walter, 511 South avenue, Glencoe; Nancy, Phillips,* daughter of the Richard Phillips, 780 Grove street, Glencoe; Marjorie Anti Hubachek, ,Truth" wvas the subject cif the tesson-sermon in ail churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 29. The golden text was, "Lead me in thy truth, and teach me:-for thon art the God of my salvation ; on thee do I wait all the day" (Psalms 25 :5). -Amoiig the citations wvhich coin- prised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "O send out thy light and tby truth:* let them lead me; let tbemn bring me unto tby holy bill,. and to tby tabernacles" (Psalms 43 :3). The lesson-sermon also Ïncluded the following passages from. the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Trutb and Love enligbten the understand- ing, in wbose 'light shahl we see lighýt;- and this illumination is re- flected spiritually bSý all wbo walk in the, light and 'turn away from a false material sense" (P. 510). ONHIKE IN EAST, Lincoln C. Torrey and bis son, Dick, 1341* Elmwood, avenue, are en- joying a hundred-mile hike over tbe Presidential and Franconian ranges of the White Mountains in New Hamp.shire accompanied by the form- er'sý brother, Dr. Norman L. Torrey of Swarthmore college.- They visited Niaggra Falls, Toronto, and Mon- treal on their eastern trip and expect to conclude their travels at Portland, Maine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Huba- cbek, 634 Washington avenue, Glen- coe; jean- Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Freeman, 955 Vernon ave nue, Winnetka; Helen Spooner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles WV. Spooner, 434 Grove street,' Glencoe; Joan Allen, daughter of the J. D. Allens, 985 Bluff road, Glencoe, and Miss Polly Spooner, Helen Spooner's older sister, wIio is on the couniselor staff and assists in riding, camp crait, and water sports. Triple Automobile Crash Has Aftermath in Court An automobile accident at Shieri- dan road and Lake avenue Sunday afternoon will bave its denouement in police court Friday. E. G. Rouse, 2000 Lincoln Park West, Chicago,' driving a La!Salle car north on Sheri- dan road. stopped for a red light. J ust béhind was a Buick car driven by Miss Rose Bell. 910 M Ichigan avenue, Chicago, 'who is connected with -the Chicago Sanitary district. She also had stopped for the red light. Behind these two was another car driveni by Sahrad Kerkocbian, 814 Foster avenue. Chicago, wvhich crashed into the car of Miss Bell and knocked it against that of Mr. Rouse. In the ensuing argument Kerkochian. it is said, offered to pay for repairs to the two damaged cars if taken to a garage of bis selection. Owners of the cars would not con- sent to this, and as a resuit the two signed complaints against Kerkoch- ian, who gave bond for bis appear- ance in court.. STEAL TOOLS, BATTERY <Tbursday night of last week, bur- glars broke into the garage of North Shore Chevrolet Sales, Inc., 611 Main street,' gaininig entrance tbrougb a side window. The loot consisted of tools to the value of $60, and a bat-. tery taken from a truck. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Doering, while on their way back to St. Louis after a boneymoon in the east, visited the Walter Doerings of 1335 Chest- nut avenue, for several days. Tbey left. for St. Louis Monday. I [CE CREAN August 2,.1934 ý,WIL.ME.T,,TÉ :LIFE