August , 934WILMETTE I-LIFE i Optimists TakeStanüd Against, Unelean"Movimes At its weekly meeting Tuesday the Wflmette Optimnist club ratitied two r esolutions adopted-at the recent inter- -national convention at Toronto, Can- ada. The first condemns the shoWing..:f indecent and salacious pictures in the theaters, and pledges of Op- timist 1interniational in a cleanup. cam- paign. The other is directed to ýthe press, încluding newspapers, imagazines and periodicals of ail kinds, requesting that an immediate stop be put to the toc' prevalent practice of making heroes of criminals ai id ail manner of underworld characters. Aider *R. Tighe, presidentr of the local club and a delegate to the convention, asserts that the. organizae lion !s definitely committed to efforts to bring about a reformation that will' insure cdean pictures and a clean press. FETED ON VISIT MNiss. Edith Manger of Greeni Bay, NV*is., spent lastweek visiting Janet Bensoî, 212 Woodbine avenue. The girls were roommnates at Beloit col- lege. Several of Miss Manger's Kap- pa Delta sisters entertained at a îiunber of parties in her honor, in-. cluding a progressive dinner, a splash pàrty. a trip to A Century of Prog- ress, and a lungbeon. -\Ir. and MIrs. Harr%- E. Sn-;o)ot anîd datigliter. Betty Jane. 731 Park avenue, returiîcd last wveek f rom a threc eeks* trip to Tucsoni. Aniz. Russ.e]] Cooke, *jr.. of Charlotte, N.C., fornerly of Kenilworth. is visiting 'the Frank R. Youngs. 333 Citnior road.. Keîilwortli. MNr. and NIrs. T. E. Moritz, 226 Warwvick roa<I, Kcnjilwortlh. returnied List xvcek froin a cruise to Buffalo, M\ackiinac. an(l Georgian Bav. -o- -Nîr. and Mrs. John W. Darley. 618 Bn1ier street, Keillvortli. entertained at a dimi er parts' Sunday. J aie Crawvfor(l of Se\-Ille. Olbjo. is viiîgLucie 1ix, 236 Oxford roa(l, Kètilworth.; MNr. ain(dMr. Valter Shattuck of bridge club at dinner TIiesday. Mrs. Harrv Crooks, ô615 Cumnocr roa(l, Kenilwôrth, entertaiîed lier uuiltiîig club at lunicheon Friday. Bryan D1avis of Detroit1 after a. week's visit with rici, (623 Forest a-enue. left Suîiday John iZipp- -o-11 -Mr. and M.\rs..Harry- Crooks, (615 Cuinnor roa(I Kenilworth, motored to Ottawa, Ill., to spend the week-end. Mrs. Ella:Stone Dies; Services H-eld Saturday *Miss Ella Stone, who for the past seventeen years had made bier home witb lier sister, 'Miss. Hettie, Stone, 519 Washington avenue, died tbere of a cerebral hemnorrhage last Thurs- day.. The two sisters Wil- mette f rom Chicago. Miss Ella Stonie was'born in Hagerstown, Md. She was 60 years old. .Surviving bier, besides the siàter ini Wilmette, is an-. other sister. Mrs. J. V. Piazza of Chicago. The funeral services were lîeld from the residence Saturday afternoon. and burial took place at Oakwoods cemetery. Mrs. Sina M. Johnson Taken by Death July 29 Mrs. Sinia M. Johnson died last Sunday at lier home, 1022 Eleventh street. Mrs. Johinson was born in Norway on January 18, 1843. She is survived- by, two daugliters, the. Misses Olga M. and Hilda Johinson. The funeral services were held on WVednesdav at a funeral chapel at 3301 Fullerton avenue, Chicago. Burial took place at Mt. Olive ceme- terv. HENRY RUSNAK DIES Henrv Rusniak, a brother of Sam- uel Rusniak of Wilmette, died last Tbiursdav at bis home, 2925 Pine Grove avenue, Chicago., Mr. Rus- nak, wbo 'vas 62' vears- old, had been eîîgaged in the furîiiture manufac- turing and retailing business in the citv for 42 vears. He is survived by his wvidow, Mrs. Lena Rusnak, twvo sons, Irwvin and Seymour, one daugbter. Florence. two brothers, Samuel and Herman Rusnak, and three, sisters. Mrs. Sarah Rosen- baui, [rs. Rose Messinger and Mrs. Bertha Herst. The funeral services were beld Iast Friday after- nioon at a chapel at 3021 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, and burial was at Aust ria- Hu ngarian cetnetery, J ewish WValdheim. R. N. A. MEETING The next regular business meeting Of the Royal Ne ighbors camp will be hiel(l Fridav-, evenîing, August 10, at 8 o)'clock --,ttŽ«t'1re Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Thomas Grisamore, 411 Lake avenue. was luncheon hostess to bier bridge club Tuesday at the North Shore Golf club. G OL» 8eil it. now for va- GOLDcation moncyT jvc bave a goverament license to buy old gold, pIatlnurn and sil- ver. No need to -go elsewher- ire wiIJ pay you la cash, or trade. for îîew jewelry. D. PAGLIARULO 1166 Wilniette Ave. Wil. 1061 Monmey a. Cea. Up Old Dliii WilI a cash Then consider the Household Loan Plan. Loans of $30 to $300 ban hbelp- are available to families keeping, refi na nce house, who have sufficientincome to akeregula- monthly, repay- your debts? xents over 20 months. Only Sig- natures required are those of hus- bandandwife. Quick, courteous, businesslikeser vice. Reasonable cost. Visit, write, or 'phone the offices Of 2nd FI., 1737 Howard St. l4th Fi., 105 W. Madison West of teL9, Chicago Chicago Phone: Greenleaf 2550 Phone: Franklin O088 I PHILADELPNIA QUAKER - Puffed Wheat2 WILSON'S CERTIFIED ROBERTS JUSTRITE :- Veal Loaf Bread e LA6$ Dessert .4* Q8 Dates . e .Ke 19%t 254t .IMLLY SEÀ1N Candy'.. 1LU. CANNED Hominy .5 "L.25s, VAN ILLA EXTRACT Dr. Price',s ' TL25e WHITE HOUSE MiIk ...4 TAL23s RAJAH UALAD Dressing *JA 5f. 0 0. Ia.0z 25e oz 5c PKGU. 17e 25e L. 150 SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR YUKON. CLUB (PLUS BOTTLE DRPOBIT> Bottled exclnslvelly for the Great ,&&P Tes Co. by the flydrox Corp. LA S IONA BRAND CANS Fine Qualiy ets SPEIALFRIDAY ANO SATURDAY ONLYl CH ICKENS il. 17c, AND MANY OTHER FINE VALUES THIS WEEK-KNDI GEORGIA ELDERTA FREESTONE PEACHES 4'uLS. 2.3C Fine for est ing, slicing or premerv- ing. Get smre today at this very special Iow price. WVATCH TOUR DAILY PA- Pars VOR OTHEN VINK VALUES THis WZIC. Standin ' Rib Roast ýof Beef CHOICE CUIS . 19 SiH AND lA 7TH RIB LB.*4s Pot Roast of Beef CHOICE lA CUTS.e.*LB. 14 ECONOMY *1O CUTS..L. PINEAPPLE JUICEý 1-00D STORIS .03 August .2,,1934 . 11