WILKETTÈ LIPE August 2, 193.4 Directs Play to: Be Given on August 9 Miss Bushnell, drarnatic instructor at the Village Green playground, is directing a play called, "Princess and the Swineherd." It will be presented August 9. The characters are as follows: .The princess, Marjorie Etienne; ernpress, Marion Zorzi; the swine- herd, Grace Engels; the king's at- tendant, Marion Hens; maids of honor, Lorraine Napoli, Henrietta Pape, Eileen Borre and Virginia Sargent. It is to be given at Village Green piayground. AIl are 'invited. - Alice Meyer, Village Green., Alice Tells What One Finds on Treasure Hunt Every Saturday we have a treasure hunt. We have to get ail kinds of things. Last Saturday we had to find the following things: a dog, three cherry stones, two worms, one glass of water, one brick, one feather, one bobby pin, one raffia needle f rom Vattman park, one piece of coal and one match.-Alice Borre,. Village Green. Boys, Girls, Are Proud of Their Track Ribbons The chiidren of Vattman and Vil- lage Green piaygronnds had a track meet Wednesday and Thursday, Jnly à5 and 26. There were lots of events to enter, such as the dash, running broad jurnps, standing. broa.d- jump, high jump and bail throw. We are ail proud of our ribbons.-Ml\arv Woodbnry, Village Green. Annual Tennis Tourney for Seniors This Week The annual tennis tournament wvas held this.week. The tournament was open- to senior boys and girls. A local-tournament at Vattman was played and the four who wvon went over.to the Village Green to play in the finals.-Aiice W~agner, Vattman park. COVER JARS WITH ROPE PAPER Many of the chiidren at Vattmani are bringing'. jars and twisting. a rope paper to cover' thern. They twist it with egg beaters. The jars are varions shapes and sizes. They use rnany, shades of coiored paper and they combine some of the colors. Whenever one is done it is sheilaced. We will have many pretty vases.- Marjorie johnston, Vattman park. IT'S ."TOUGH," DOLORES 1 get hay fever in the summer at the beginn ing of 1Angnst, which, en'-. ables 'me to corne to the park regu- lardy du.ring -Augnst. 1 get asthma terribly because l'mn a month breath- er.-Dolores Lnndy, Vattman Park. CHILDREN VISIT BEAC H Friday, July 20, the childréh of, Vil- lage Green went. to the beachi in the truck. and in Mr. Davis' car. When we were going home there were sixty- five in the truck.-Joan Contre, Village Green. 1It Was a Hot Day, But iGirls Play,.Bail Anyway, What a day .and what a game! It swas Tuesday, July 24, wh.en the girls, dof Vattman went up to the Village dGre.en to have their sixth basebaîl sgame. It was very, very warm and aIl the girls went nnder a sprinkler up at Village Green before the game started. It was much cooler, ai- tbough it felt rather uncomfortable b einig so wet. We oniy played three innings on account of the da>y being s0 warm.. Vattman, won, 27. to 9, that being four ont of five games for Vattman senior girls.-Beatrice Leal, Vattinan park. Vattman Park Children Are Busy Making Vases Evervone around Vattman is mak- fing vases. You take crepe paper and 1twist it by hand. Some one at Vaf t- cman got a clever idea and bronght 5an egg beater to twist it, and it does it in haîf the time. The botties are of different shapes. Some are jelly jars or peanut butter jars.-M\arcia Anderson. Vattman park. Village Green Holds a Wiener Roast Thursday Last Thursday Village Green play- gronnd had a Wiener roast. There were over fifty children there and several teachers. The teachers were: Miss Bierer,- Miss Buehler, Miss Bnshinell,, Miss Hoagland, Mr. Sinco and Mr. Mackie. They roasted wien- ers and marshmailows, and aIl had .a good. time.-Marie Coutre, Village Green. Vattm.an Senior Girls Make Purses of Boucle1 The senior -girls of \'attmani park are ail interested in crocheting purses of boucle' and jars o f crepe paper rope. A fewv of the girls are through with thieir purses but most of them are stili vorking liard. The paper rope for the jars is woutnd by an egg beater.-Dorothy Davis, Vattrnan park. NEED ONE MORE. VICTORY V'attînan and Village Green played kickball. There are seveîî games during the summer. Vattmai. has won three games and Village Green two. If VTattman will win one more we ivill have the champîonship.- Lucv Xilles, Vattman park. IN SAND CONTEST I anm going to be in the saîîd model- ing contest. Lots of children are going Io be ini it. The sand modeling contest is 'to be held at the beach on Friday, Augt$st3.-James Schaefer, Vattman park. LIKES WILMETTE PARKS I arn covering a jar and it is very pretty. 1 arn making a basket too. I like, the parksý better ont here than iin Chicago.-Doris Carlson. Village Green. ORGANIZE BALL TEAM Vattman park has organized a basebaîl team called the Midgets. Thper ,'lav on ria v--T,)a ,,vi- GOI NG TO BEACH FRIDAY Vattman park. We are going to the beach Friday. VILLAGE GREEN WINS Mr. Mackie is going to drive the On Jnly 26 we'had a kickball game truck. We have a lot of fun when' we against Village Green and Village go to the beach.-Eileen Borrej NVil- Green won,-Colette Lundy, Vattman lage Green. [Park. I i TUE.-JUNIOR-LIFE For the Children and bu the Children of Wdlmette VISITS COUSIN'AND PARK I. amn visiting my cousin-, David Leach. We corne over to the park every day.. I used, to çome to the park when I lived here in, Wiimette. 1 arn very glad, I arn coming to the' piark while 1 arn in Wilette..Jack Morrîs, Vattman park. HELEN TELLS WHAT SHE DOES I have made. a paper mat and a picture frame. We wentý on a treasure hunt Saturday morning. We are go- ing to have a sand modeling contest. 1 went to the beach yesterday.- Helen. O'Neill, Village Green. KICKBALL GAME We had a kickball game with Vatt- man park. The game took forty-five minutes. We won, but it was a hard game to win. The score was 8 to 6 in our favor.-Patsy Welter, V illage Gree n. PLAN PLAY AT VATTMAN At Vattman park we are going to give a play. The name of the play is "Mother Goose's School." It is going to be a very good play.-Mary Elizabeth Bacon, Vattman park. MODELS DUCK IN SAND The juniors, intermediates and seniors are practicing î for the sand mo(leling contest on August 3. 1 amn .making a duck.-Marian' Hens. N'il- lage Green. MAKE PURSES AT PARK At the park we are making purses. They are made out of bias tape. They are v'ery' pretty. I arn going to make one out of Pink and white.-Lorraine Winkle, Village Green. MAKE POCKET BOOKS We are making pocket books. The older girls are making them. Stella Koller is nearly finishet.-Dorothy Etienne, Village Green. Smash 23 Records in Big Track Meet (Continued froni Page 8) 1 firýt place; Mlarian Hens, Village Green, second place;- Ruth -Iestjian, Vattman park, third place-; Mary Woodbury, Village Green, fourth place. Winner's tinte: 7 seconds. 50-yard dash-Girls 14 a.nd 15 years old: Dorothy Davis, V%"attnian paîi<, first place; Blanche. Kreusch, Village (;reen, second place; Alice Wagner, Vattman park, third place; Beatrice Leal, Vattman park, fourth place. Win- ner's time: 6.5 seconds-. 50-yard dash-Boys 14 and 15 years old: Douglas Huck, Vattrnan park, first place; Roger Lynch, Village Green, second place,, Eric Samuelson, Vattman park, third place; Lowell Peterson, Vatian park, fourth place. Winner's time: .6.7 seconds. 'Standing broad jump for boys 10 and 11 years: Ray Ambler, Vattman park, add 23 records first place; AI G uritz, Vattman park,I second place; C'har les Cederberg, Vatt- nian. park, third place; Carter, Hadley, Vattman park, fourth place. Winner's distance: 6 feet, 34 inches. Standing broad jump for girls 10 and 11 years: Ma.rtha Sesterhenn, Village GIreen, first -place, Peggy Butler, Vatt- mnan park, second place; «Mary Eliza- beth Bacon and Doree Hamnond, both Vattman park, tied for third and fourth places. Winner's distance: 6 feet, 2 inches. Running broad jump for boys 12 and, 13 years old: Robert DeVinny, Village Green, first place; RarI Borre, Village Green,' second place; Howard Bohnen, Village Green, third place; Art Cic- chini, VillageGreen, fourth place. Win- ner's distance: 16 feet, 31/2 inches. Running broad jump for girls 12 and 13 years old: Lucille, Heerens, Vatt- man, park, first place.; Marion Hens, Village Green. second place, Mary Woodbury, Village Green, third place; Ruth MeStjian, VaIttman park, fourth place. Winner's distance: 14 feet, 4 inches. Running broad jump for boys 14 and 15 years old: Douzlas Huck, Vattman park, irst place; Roger Lynch. Village Green, second place; Eric Samuelson, Vattman ni rk, third place; John Mitchell, 'lie Green, fourth place. 1Winner's distance: 15 feet, 51/ Inches. 'o park, first place- Blancehe Kreusch, Vil- lage Green, ;secotid place; Beatrice Leal, Vattmnaf park, third place; Ailce Wag- ner Vattman park, fourth place. Win- nere distance: 16 feet.. 75-yard dash for -girls 10 and il years old: Martha Sesterhenn, 'Village Green, tirst place; Peggy Butler, Vattman park, second place; Patsy Welter,. Vil- lage Green, third place;, Mary Arns, Vattman park, fourth place. Winner's time: 10.3 seconds. 75-yard dash for boys 10 and il years old: John Brandt, Vattman park, flrst place; Alfred Guritz, Vattman park, second place., Carter Hadley, Vattman. Park, third Place ; Robert Arns, Vatt- man Park,, fourth place. Winnerýs time: 10.8 'seconds. 75-yard dash for boys 12 and 13 years: Robert DeVinny Village Green, first place; Howard 1ýohne n, Village Green, second place; Earl Borre, Village Gýreen, third place; Warren Peterson, Vattman park, fourth place. Winner's time: 9.3 seconds. 75-yard dash for girls 12 and 13 years old: Lucille Heerens, Vattman park, first place; Marian Hens, Vil- lage Green, second Place; Mary Wood- bury, Village Green third place. Win- ner's time: 9.6 seconds. 75-yard dash for boys 14 and 15 years: Douglas Huck, Vattman park, first place; Roger Lynch, Village Green, sec- ond place; John Mitchell, Village Green, third place. Winner's time: 9.2 .eronds. 75-yard dash for girls 14 and 15 years old: Dorothy Davis, Vattman park, first place; Blanche Kreusch, Village Green, sqecond place; Alice Wagner, Vattman park, third place; Beatrice Leal, Vatt- man Park, fourth place. Wýinner's lime: 9. seconds. Playground bail throw -for boys 10 and il years old: Carter Hadley, Vattman îark, first place; Ray Tripicchio, Vil- lage Green, second place; Ray Ambler, Vattman Park, third place; Richard Farmer, Vattman park, fourth place. Winner's distance: 133 feet, 8 inches. Playground bail throw for girls 10 and Il years old: Peggy Butler, Vatt- man park, first place; Dorothy Ortegel, Village, Green, second place; Harriette Jones, Va-tman park, third' place; Florence Jaenes, Village Grepn, fourth place. Winner's distance: 90 feet, 4 inches. Playground baIl throw for boys 12 and 13 years old: Robert DeVinny, Vil- lage Green, first place: Earl Borre, Vil- lage Green, second pflace,; Arthiur ('le- chini. Village Green, third place; JIohn Hopp, Vattman park, fourth place. XiVin- ner's distance: 167 feet, 5 inches. Playground b)ail throw for girls 12 and 13 years old: Lucille H-eerens, Vatt- man park, first place; Maretiy Ann 'Miller, Village Green, sf<cond place; Doris White, Vattman park, third place: _%nn Borre, Village Green, fourth place. Wili- ner's distance: 95 feet, 7, lij,ýhes. Playgrounid all throw for boys 14 ahnd 15 years old: Douglas Huck, \'att- nian park, first, place; Eric -S'ituelsn, Vattman park, second place:, jailes Badger, Vattman Park, third place; M.\arcus, Meier, Village Green, fourth plac~e. Winner's digtance: 202 feet, 1 i nch. Playgroundi bal throw for girls 14 and 15 years old: Blanche Kreusch, Village Creen, first place ; Dorothiy Da- vis, Vattman park, second place; Bea- trice Leal, Vattmnan nark, third place; Alice Wagner, Vattman park, foiîrth place. Winner's distance: 135 feet, 4 inches. Running high jump for boys 10 and Il years old: C'harles Cederberg, Vatt- man park, and John Brandt, Vattmnan park, tied for first place;. Richard Mc- Curk, Vattman park, third place; John Bauer, Vattman park, foui-th place. Winner's height. 4 leet. Running high jump for girls 10 and Il Years old: Martha Sesterhenn, Vil- lage Green, first place; Peggy Butler and Nancy Henderson, both Vattman ak, tied for second place; Harriette Jones, Martha Leach, Doree Hammond, alVattman park, tied I or fourth place. Winner's height: 3 feet, 9 inches.. Running high jump for girls 12 and 13 years old: Lucille Heerens, Vattmani, first place; Betty Ericson, Vattman,, second place; Mary, Woodbury, Village Green, third place.; Anna Borre, Vil- lage Green, fourth . place, Winners height: 3 feet, 8 inches., Running high jump for boys .12 and 13 years old: 4obert DeVinny, Village Green, first place; Earl Borre, Village (Green, secondà place; Arthur Cicchini, Village Green, third1 place; Warren Peterson, Vattman park, fourth. place. Winner's height: 4 feet, 3 inches.. Running high jump'for girls 14 and 15 years old: Dorothy Davis, Vattrnan park and Blahche Kreusch. Village Green, tied for first place; Alice Wag- ner, Vattman park, third place; Bea- trice Leal, Vattman park, fourth place. Winner's height: 4 feet, 3 inches. Running high jump for'boys 14 and 15 years old: Eric Samuelson, Vattman, park, first Place, Douglas Huck, - Vatt- m-npark, scodplnce; Harlow Trip- lett, Vattman park. third place; James