If and u'hen you need Prescription Service, we are ready to serve you just as your physician would desire, and always with equal- intelligence and cire. At any time, for any need, just. telephone us and we'll cail for, fil and deliver your prescription promptly without extra charge. You can trust your Local inde pendent Pharmacist. Fitch Shampoo Si: 44c Squibb's Milk of *soc Mrenne'. ar Magnesia, 50c, r iiI~ Milk of Maisia Sz4rem <c .34 75c aize - 51tsC D.0I 1ira...........17 AcidinePowderAid for Digestion Tasei., 7 Pariogen TabletS, a iso o C Anusol, 6%a $ siz e . . . . . . . . . . .SE O . . . .. < Absorbine Junior, 94 e Regular 35e Single Edge fC S bib's OilanA&r $1.2$1- sie;îiz............9 Alien"s Foot Ease, ~ ,JO79 ergen'a Lotion,89 35c size .............27..........3 6co,7 9 c 7 5 cs p t t u b ei z e . . . . . . . . . . A nalgesic B a i, 1-oz , ats ptC ea s. T s u,13 6 c __ _ _ _ _ _ _ HiflOs -si.. 39qc boxr................ BATHING CAPS to close out jHnynAmnCeu TENNIS BALLS, SOc, 35c, 25 c vals., your choice Il Oc-60c - Spading,..... 3for $ IL 02 I p s p s I p I p Mulsified Coconut Oil Deo#lorant "Bil Shampoo, 50c asize, 3-oz. 37 "Bi, Aspin Tablets, 100 8'sI2 90 s.e......... .....39c Eno -SaUts e8 4c. Atophan Tabletsi, 71/g rain, $1.50 1 00 1 <E Baby Talc, 25e Size g ~Babaso1 Shaving J A Sumnner Necessity 19 Cream, 5Oc size . 39. T o C Antiseptic Liquid, cD .L ns ooh 5e 1 50c size, piut ...3 9 C r L oPow der Six5c25 Lysol Antiseptic, SOc, 7-oz. size43eNo ze a re m x3 ig Kernel" Bird Seed, .aempfer'a............ Pebeco Paste, 25C tube ............ Astringosol, $1 slze.............. 40Ctube ......... Iodent Paste, soc tube ....... Pyrozide Tooth fC Powder. $1. : - Im Neet Depilatory six 44C Dw ýDe odorant ixe39c M RENNECKAR DRUG CO. 1138 Central IAvenue Phone Wilmotti 28 BLANN-PHARMACy 4410 GeenDy Road (Koniworfth) Phono Kemilworth 3MN SNIDERmCAZEL DRUG CO. 1167 Wilniette..Aven,. Plhon Wilm<tte 4 RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY' MIlURdge Road Phon oimette 314 LYMAN, PHARMACy. Un" LidAvenue Plumono Wiett.4« AUGUST 2 1934 SPECIALS! Se Propmlylactie Bnmsh 39e bc< Tek Tootk Druash ...39c 15e Tintez ..... 2 for n5e Dr. West BruaL, new ...Sc 50c Hind'Js AImond Lotion, 39c $1 Chautex Mouth Wash 79e 3kc Revelation. Powder .. Zc PsyflinnSeed fuflJb. .27e 2Se BI-A» ........ 7e .23C .94e .32c .39e 79c INSECTICIDES 60e Rit, pi n t.............3 Me Petermau Amit Food ..49e 35e Peternian Roacli Food, 29e 60e Peternian Disc'y, qt. .49ec Uce Flytox, pin.t........47c Enoz Moth Spray ........ 79c 25ç Apex Motia Cakes.,..19e SOc Apex Moth Caikes.... 39c CotyPowder HAY FEVER Estivin ...... ... .. &5< Asthnador Cig ..... 49e 35c Pages inhaler........8 50c KidderPs Pastles..3C $1 RLin Cqpsules........Un.c Z =hri Jeli, tube ... 4U Ephedrift inhalant%1-.. plain ............... s Cownpomd . 79« Perfurne 98C DEODORANTS 35c ItunDeodomant..29e 40e hou-Spi .... . 49 Me Aunolin Powder .....<S 30C Spiro Powder .... 26e FresL Deodorant .....sec soc EK*-Odor ........39ej 50e Zip Cream ....... 42c 56c X-Bazin .......39e e0<Hock Deodorant .... 39e gà"Àlulll Six# O&VCe nu ý l 1