WILMETTE LIPE JuIy 26, 1934 « I I I J I NEWS 0F THE CHURCHES I I I English Lutherani Seventh street at Greenleaf ÀA Houée et ..Worshlp" The Rev. David Rk. Kabele, pastor SB7NDAY SEiRVICIFS Early service ..........._.8. M.. Sunday school ....-. ... 9 a. m. Second service .... .....Il a. ni. Duting the Sunday sebo.'ýl hour w are studyluR the lite cf Christ through pîctures. Nuect ~'I morning we @hall study the childhood of Jesus and John's -introduction cf Jésus. We invite ail to attend and enjoy 'this session with up. The Woman's society will meet next Thursday, Aureust 2. at 2 o'clock at the parsenage. Mn.. C. Arquette wiii pre- .ment the topic, '"Who Is Responsible?" We invite tifl the women te meet %,lth us. Plan te attend our services. regularly. They.are heipful. educatlonal, practical and Inspirational. Our one and only purpose lo te save seuls for Christ. We teach and preach the Word cf God lu itS« truth and purlty. To ail who would kn' Jésus. we bld welcome.- First Con lregaztional John G. Hlndley, ninister 'Wrhat Is Coming?" ViiIi he the suh- ject ot.the sermon by Dr. George D. Allson at the Il o'-lock union service ln this church next Sunday. This will be the final eue ot the lnterestlng and '-salah and the Issues etf Our Imes." tlnuely messages which Dr. Allison has been givlng on the general theme, Next month the Baptist and. Congrega- tional churches unite te meet ln the Baptist church with the Reverend John O.Hlndley ef this church as preacher. Walter Tenney is the sololet fer next Sunday's service. .The organ numbers, by Miss Emily Reberts, will be: Prelude. Adagio -Expressive froni G Miner Concerte. . . . .Camidgé *Ptiude: Grand Choeur Dialogue- The Beginners aud Prim-ar>y depar-t-1 ments of our Church. school, wlll con-1 tinue te meet at. Il o'clock for a one- heur session under the supervision of Mrq. John D. Stevenson. Thé Juniors, Inltermiediates, ,and Seniors are iu recegs iîntil Septembeu> 9. Miss .Julia Carroll is in attendance at the Tower Hill conference this wee k, repuî'senting our' High School départ- ment and Yôunk People's Fellowship.4 First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue Jamnes T. Venekiasen minister - .-t the worship serv ice at il 'elock, the miiister ivili speak ou the theme, "The Cost et Prayiug.", We invite you te, worshlp wlth us. Our auditorium ls cool; the service Is shortened te suit the summer gseason. We try te bning help- fui encouragement. and inspiration. The music for the service .ivili be as follews: Prélude, "Baracolle," Rtaeh- maninof ; solos, *II Sought the Lord," Stevenson, and "'Arise, Shinct, for Thy Llght 19 Come," MeDermid, by Mr. Ed- ward Otis i postlude. "Credo," Haydn. Miss Erma Rounds Is dIreçtor. Our Bible school mnuts at 9 :30 o'eIov-k for ail agesý. Our Aduit Bible class mneets at 9.:45, and we are studylng the lite and letters et Peter. Our thenue this >eekc will ho; "lThe Pire at Pentecost." We Invite you to study wlth us. The pastor will be, gladte render pas- toral' service, lu case et need. Phone WIimette 3876. St. John'$ Lutheran Wllmette and Park avenues, WIlImette Rev, J. H. Goekei, paster 9:15 a. mn.-Flrst service, 9:;30 a. m.-ýSunday school, and Bible. celasses.1 10 :46 a. m.-Preparatory service. il :W a. m.--Seoond oqrvtoe, wltk HoIy Communion. The erles ef sermons on the Lord'M 1Prayer wiIi be concludeïl, »ext Sunday 1 with à study of ,its doxology: - For Tine la the kingdom ' a.nd the power, and the -giory forever. Amnen."1 In theIlî o'ciock service Holy Com- tory service beginning at 10:45. Those desirlng to partake of the Lord's Sup- lier wIli announce their Intention at the parsonage on Frlday afternoon or eve;- ning. Durlng thé Stundiy'achool hour the first of six stçreopticon lectures on the life of Christ wlii be 1presenteaà. The titie of the first lecture Is **The Ch'11d- hood of Jesus." .These llustrated.pres- entations are of .lnterest to young and old allike. Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and Forest avenues Re%. George, D. Allison, pastor Tionight. Thursday, this congregation hoids its annual beach party for young and old. Familles, are asked te bring their own basket suppers, se that no charge> or collection wilI bie necessary. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs have kindly given the use j>! their'beach and recre- ation room for- this occasion. and the. sopclal committee has planned for a good time for- everyone. The time is 6. o'clock, but later corners wilI bie welcome. Frank Guthridge is chairman; with Arthur Scott, Earl Carlson, Frank Sutherland, tirs. fldward Xleier, Mrs. 1-. N. Kerr and Miss Winlfred Dingle as tas4si.stants. On Sunday xnmorning at the Fir.st Congregational church, Dr.. Allison preachesthe closing sermon of a series, which hais aroused genuine interest. His theme is "What Is Coming'?- and the background of history in Old Testament Urnes will be used for predletiens in regard te the future. During August and on the flrst Sun- day in September the Union ser-vices will be helfi in the Baptist church, witli the Rev. John G. Hindley in charge. Mrs. Emily Roberts will be organiest and Miss Grace, Parînele soloist., Sev- oral groups have held sumimer gather- lng.s of heipful comradeship. On August Il the Adult cI:Es& will have an outing, under the direction of C. Herbert Jcýnes, president, and Mrs. John Davis, chair- muan of social committee. -The thankg of the trustee.,- arle cx- teuded te tose whose faithful gifts. have enqbledus to maintain* a promýt paynipit of obligations,. They co0unt on the same loyalty during the August vacation ef Pa.xter (eorge D.- Alli.son. We have been able to maintain oulr contributions toward the work ofouiur rissinary iu West China, Nlims Enina Brodbeck, and to pay lunrnonthly our- share of the expenses of varions Bal)- tiqt charities and philanthropies a«t home. Methodist Church Rev. Oscar Thomnas Oison, *D. D., minister l'le minister's sermion themie for the 11 o'cl0ck worship service next Sunday morning ivili be "The' Authority of Jeszus." The nmusic for the servi<qe this Sunýtday> will lie as followsý: Org-an Prelude: aro Handel, "Fountain Reveriel' . Fletcher Miss Marie Bni Offertory Solo Mis-, Ruth Braun Organ Postlude: "Toccatta"..Beelîman The Church scheol ha.,; discontinued Its regiular sessions untiI the second Sunday in September. The mlnistpr will ,be lu the pulpit the ,'ext two Sundays. Dr. Harris Franklin Rail ot Garrett Bi blical, institute and Dr.- William S. Boyard of tbe board of' education oet the. Methodist 'E4piscopal ehurch wlll preach. duning the remaining. Sundays oft August. The Women's Year Book is 'now in the -process qf preparation. Ail mcmi- bers o! the church are ur#ed te notify the church office ef any change of sad- dreqs or telephene nunuhers4., Don Matthieson, of . Linden, Wis., and Lincoln Knudtson of Coon Val- ley, Wis., left last Monday after a two weeks' visit witb their uncle and aunt, Mr. and- Mrs. E. B. Knudtson, 1141. Chestnut avenue. Mnisters' Institute O0pens at Chicago U. Inaugurating -a week of study and dictission of probiems facing the_ ministry,--severai hunldréd ,seiected ygices representing the maýssed choirs of the* Choral Directors Guild of Chicago will participate in a great communit.v service of worship at the University of, Chicago -clapel. .59th street and Woodiawn avenue. Mn day evening, july 30, at 8 o'clock. The service of worship opens the tijird Pastors' Institute. sponsored b)v the Divinity ScIuool of the Universitv of Chicago, the Chicago Theologicai Seminary, and the Disciples Divinitv I 1-buse. Dr. Charles Cia.yton 'Morri-1 son, editor of "The Christian Cen- tury," wiii. preach the sermon, on-the ;ubject of "The Crisis iu Ch ristianitv.", The service will be open to the public without any charge. The - iassed choir,, iv ill pre sent four- ciassic ivinis: the Hallelujai chorus from Bieethoven's M.ount (À Olives" wiil be directed by Cari Cra- yen, of the Park Manor Congrega-! tional church; "Open Our bs. 1 MacFariane, wiii be directed 1wy Dwight L. Cook; "The Heavens Are Teiiing," from "The Creation" hy Haydn, wiii be'directed bv George L. Tennev, New First Congregationai church, and the, Halilijali choruis from Handei's "Ml\essiali" wili bc un - der the direction of George Cariso n. Ebenezer Swedisi Lutheran church. Designed to give pastors fresh î'iew points audý to discuss the probiems facing the churcliès, the Institute wvili continue. through Saturday, August 4.1 Nine courses îviii be off ered. during the week. Last year there were -234 pastors and their .vives. represcnting 18 denominations and 32 states and. Canadian. provinces, at the Institute. Special tours, lectures, and conference lave been arrange(i for the aftérnoons and evenings. Mr. and Mrs. NV. G. Lekipes and son, W~alter, Jr.. of Harrington, Del., arrived Snnday to visit Mrs. Lekipes sister and fanuil. the Robert Lee %Megowvens- of 197 Oxford road, Keniiworth. Mr. Megowen's mother, Mrs. L. O. M\egowen of Aitou,Ili., is their gnest. -o- Mlr. and Mrs. George Edward \Vaik. 1240 Lake avenue, who liad been on a six weeks' business 'and leasure trip throngh' the east 'ne- tunned to their homie on Tuesday of iast wcek. They visited relatives in Atlantic tityand Philadeiphia. -o Miss Clana and Miss Xar):. Meten of 114 Fonrth street, who have been spending thein vacations siuîce Juiy 8, in Colorado Springs, are retnrning to Wiimette this week-end. Thev' have been gnests- of Mrs.'. Ella Cod-1 ner, formerly of Wilmnette.1 0o Mr.- and ~1s William E. Starr (Caroline Schwarm) of Decatu, 111.,1 attended themniaige of the latter's brother Robert Arthur Schwanm,.,of Wilmette, and Miss Jean Currie of 'Maywood. which took place iasti Saturday. Mrs. Jacques de LaChapeile, 1321 Abingdon ýavenue, entertained at a' bridge luncheon iast Monda3' in, honon of Mrs. Taylor Ward. -0- Mrs. MI. W. Wheeiock, 132 Oxford1 road, Keniiwortb, wili be hostess ati a lunicheon and bridge,.foursome this Friday.t «"What Is Cou..ng.." Sermon Theme-at Union Services *XVN'hat Is Coming?" wilI bc, the subject of tbe sermon to be given by Dr. George D. Allis'on, minister of the Wilmette Baptist church, .at the union summer- services to be held Sunday morning, july 29, ini the Fir.st Congregational church.. This wiIl be Dr. Allison's flnal ser- mon in a. series on the general thenie, "Isaiah and the Issues of Our Times." During August the two churches wilI continue union worship in. the Baptist- church with the Rev. John G. Hindley, minister of the Congre- gational church, as preacher. OId Settiers to HoId Annual Pienie Aug. 6 l'le Ôth annuai Cook countv oild settiers' picnic wiii be heid in the grove ini Riverview park M-Notday-, August 6. The affair is, as usual, hieid tnder. the. sponsorship of the Chiicago Turn Gemeinde. Everybody is invited to attend this onting, but menmbership in the association is iimited to persans. oi.yr 40 years of aize Who have been continuous resi- dents of Cook county for 25 years. The, program incindes garnes and races for the children a two-hour concert, entertainment,,dancing, etc., to say nothing of refreshments a-pienty.. A feature wiii be the song, -Dar- ling, L Arn Growing Old," by Andrew Spechit of Morgan Park, 87 years old, wvho will sing as the oldest settiers are competing for the dance prizes. Mr. Specht is a brotheroef* August Specht, 1136* Greenleaf ave-, ne, Xiimette. M r. and Mrs. Bentley McCi.oud and their.son Bob of 338 Keniiworth avenue, Keniiworth, returned last Saturday from a three weeks' visit at the Lake Placid club in New York. MrI.. and -Mrs. Robert Stout of Omnaha, who accompanied them, were their week-end guests on their re- turn. Nancy McCloud, who lias been spending the past month at the M'ar - wick Woods camp, Piurn Lake, Wis., wiil be homne today. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Wr. T. Noiiev. of R-'iclhmond, Va., are: the guests 'of, the George Benson family, 210 Mel- rose avenue, Kenilworth. Kathrvn, Benson wiil return to Virginia Beach with them and with their daughter, Peggy, who has been Miss Kathryn's gnest for several weeks. M rs. Richard Mulvey, Mrs. Sainuel Darst of Wilmett e, and Mrs. George Racineof Winnefka ieft Wedniesday morning to motor to Traverse City, .Mich., to spend a week 'visiing the Frank McClursof Wiimette at thleir summer home. ýMrs. M. C. Hecht, 1042 Greenwood aventie, entertained at a bridge lunch- con Tuesday in honor of Mrs.,, F. Roberts of Ciaremont, Cal., wh% s i visiting the Fred Spinneys in Xii- mette. ~-Mrs. S. J. Higginbotham and hier two children, 1947 Thornwoéod ave- nue, wiil return. August 1, from a visit with lier mother at Huntington, W. Va. Mr. Higginbotham took them down and will go for theni. july >, 1934 WILM.ETTE,,.LIPE,