WILMETTE LIPE JuIy 26, 1934 .'* ____________________________________________ AM USED AND DISGUSTED Juiy 22, 1934 Editor, WýiLMJETTE Lu'E:. 1 bave read with, mingled amuse- ment ana disgust the two letters of Louis, A. Suekoif condemining the po- lice force and Judge Peters for bis $2 fine for parking without lights, and proinising to deduct the item from lus Commlunlitv- fund contribution. 1 wonder wliat lie would say if somieone bad bit his car iii the rear, causing a fine repair bill for lîis and the other fellow's car. withu perbiaps fatal results to someonie? !Funnty iuow a fellow cati canonize Boiling Sun Stops CCC Work in Skokie With a record breaking officiai temiperature of 105 degrees Tuesday afternoon, the arnîy of CCCworkers in the Skokie reclamation project were forced to take a balf holiday. The boiling suni and hot wind wvich rolled in fronu the parched areas to the west proved too nucb for the seasoned workers. The young men faced an added handicap ini their work ini being corn- pelled to labor ini ditches and exca- vated areas, wbere, tbey declared, the officiai reading of 105 degrees wvas mild tenîperature compared to the hieat whicb they encountered. Plan Radio System to Aid North Shore Police Conferences biave been held recent- ly by officiaIs of iiorth shore miuni- cipalities looking towvard the installa- tion of a police radio system a s an aid to greater efficieuîcy of the different police departnients. The systemn as outlinied is intended to bring into active cooperat ion the departmneuts fronu Evanston on the soutb to Lake Forest on the north. WVhile the of- ficiaIs of most of the towns included are favorable to the plan, the matter of expense is just now acting as a de- terrent to its adoption, and..it is not likelv that any definite steps will- be taken ini the inîmediate future. It is stated tlîat while the installation would greatly increase the value of the police service in the various vil- lages, it wvould also increase the cost because of the added personnel re- quired.. However, tlîe plan will eventuallv be put into operation, it is con fidentl1Y propiîesied. 'l'ie Rev. J. C. Bean and Mrs. Bea.i (Catherine Bickhanî) of Kemp-, ton, Ind., are the guests of Mrs. Bean's parents, the, Dr. Nfartiii.Bick- hiams, of 429 Nintlî street. Mrs. C. Rollini Smith, 1728 High- land ýaveniue, entertained -the Birth- day club Wýednesda3y, july 18, at à bridge luncheon in lhonor of Mrs. ýClifford Ives? birtbday. MNr. 'and \Mrs. Norman. Betts, 'Rich- ard, and Barbara, and Miss Marjorie Bell, 1025 Thirteenth street, returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit to Waupaca, Wis. -0- \Irb. Dwiglbt Harris, '629 Central avenue, entertainied bier bridge club at a dessert luncheon Tuesday. 0o Mrs. Donald Elrod, 2011 Thorn- Wood avenue, enteÈtained bier. bridge club at luncheon Tuesday. himself for a public offense lie would condemn ini others.. He should have coinplimented the officers and judge Peters for doing their. sworni duty, but it seemns he conteniplates further unligbted parking and furtlier (leduc- tions froin the Conimunity ftiid-fini- ing the poor for bis own derelictîin. Here's appreciation for tlhe activi- ties of the officers and lii(ge Peters.' Bring inaIl mil 1ghte(I parkers andî those who park wvith> lights on tlie Ieft side of the street. WVilmette flhIist be inade safe for the carefull motorist. R. E. Bruns, 751 Nlichigani ave nue. man Sleeps on Sidewalk; Found to H ave Pneumonia A mani about 52 y ears of age, giv- ing bis namne as Joe Waldron, 6617 S. Racine avenue. Chîicago, wvas found bv local police officers Tues- day afternoon asleep on the si(leNvalk at .Main and(lIsal)ella streets. Taken to the police station lie wva. given quarters for the nighit., About 4 o'cîock XedîîesdaN. morning an of- ficer ivas attractcd by a noise iii the cel room and upon investigation notetl that the nîan w~as ill. Dr. M. H. Seifert, health cominissioner, wvas calle(l andl found \Valdron suffering froin iipeuinonia. Hie w~as iunnie- diately taken .to the Evanston Iios-- pital. When brouight to the station Xaldron said lie as uiot i1, tliat be neyer bad felt l)etter, and was simply resting wlieni found. He ex- pressed adesire, to remnain at the station for a couple of days for further rest. Chicago police are as- sisting local officers to reachi relatives of the mantini that city. Mrs. James Burrilî 812 Greenwood avenue, returnied Fridav froin Granîd Rapids, Micli., %vlîere slie as called by the illniess of bier niother, Nirs. Dan Youngs. --o- Mr. anîd Mrs. Frank Oelericli (Helen Spillane) spent thîe week-end visiting Mr. Oelericbi's grandfatlîer at bis summier bonme at Lac (lu Flain-1 beau, Wis.1 ,Society Photos Appear in Standard Oil Ad In this issue is a srkigphoto- graph of Miss Ruth Seanor, popular s ociety. girl.* But instead of, appear- ing in. the news columuls, the picture is to be found' in the advettisement of the Standard Oil company which is featuring, proininent younig %oînen in a. series of advertisements. This series, of advertisetnents, loiv- ever, do not cali attention to the lat- est fashions, but' to the fact that wonîen bave discovered an intelligent way. to carç for the fanîilv automio- bile, and it is due to the fact that they have taken over this task that service stat ions bave l)econle lrighit and attractive. Today th.e ivonan motorist leaves everyth ing to tlhe nen at tlhe Stand- ard 011 station. They secetlîat the car is greased wlîen it netds i t; that it bas gasoline and oil. \Windowvs arc polished and other little details arc quickly.and expert ly 'donce. Arnong proninent votung wonien who will be featured in tis se~ries of advertisenients ' vill be -NIrs. John Barnes, Pr inccss Aleka Rostislav,' Miss Frances Canfield, Mliss Nar- jorie Janney Rohev and Nlrs. FErnest B yfie Id. Chess and Garden Club Members Get Instruction Thé Junior Chess and Gardenî cnil) has secured the services of Mis1ss El- leu Joiues to helpý the nuenber> Ill .completing the designing and painting of tlhe outdoor angel chess set. tlhe inarkers for the evergree1ný and shrubs at the municipal waterworks and for the painting of bird bue and other garden ornaments to beau- tifs- the waterworks Irenlises. A i)riz.e is being offered for the best combi- nation design for a smàall niart iii homse and weather vane to be, placed on top )of the electric liglit pole at the foot of the Lake avenue bathlln beach drivewvav near.the beach lîhouse. Ilhrough our Iactoty cmn nection wè can furnash any kind of duplicfirng and triplicating formns in books or pads for sny purpose-at low cost. A A V, A b >t ¶&[[I IEûK CAFÉ (II[CKS AND Manifodding Books Mr. 'and Mrs. WiIlis D. Nanceamv 1054 Clîerokee road, entertauned at I P 1OMOJ tea Suniday in honor of 'Mr. and Mrs. rAT,~, too~ W~alter Riestier of Ardmiore, Pa.. whl with their Son, Lewvis, are- gue..ts ol th acfamily. Lloyd Hollister Inc Mrs. F. C. Harnîs of\\Whta.1232 Central ýAvenue, Wilmettt Kans., is the guest of lier son anid Telephone fanîily, the -Marvii larîn, of 102() Miamîi road. WILMIETTE 4300 WINNETKA 50b> Il "BEGLE HISELF"Presenl'ed.by BRAUN BROS. Service SEion 1 owA Div -ili N« PE j WVhenever vou hear the startling- "bang"' of a W~ilmette KnIot blowout, you get a bad scare, -don't vou? That's iswot because you think: "htif ith2ha been 1y" 12122 Central Avenue 1909 Latke Avenue 5600Greecnl>ay Rtoa< 'Ehai's oni>' natural.' But take proper precau- PhOflt Wllmette 3-412 Ojust Wvstof Ridge) Phone Kenilwortl 4'd "# < tons and it WON'T be vou. Hnw? By.equip- Phone WI'mnette 5148 ping your car with FIRESTONE TIRES. Thebe Wllmette Avenue il-ld Ritdge Itoad (Sout.heast Corlier), W.il!. à5405) superior tires 'have gumA.ipped, higbtretêh cords inside that give added tafetv and mijicage. Get NorthEvanston sone todav! Rerember-FIRESTONES COST NO NIORE. 3odern Garage, 2532 WV. lailroad Avenue, Phonle tunveristy 5470i N BIRO SILVER FLASH DRAUNDROSService Stations VI SIT AT LONG LAK<E M4r.,-and M\,rs. Williami T. Lanle and Ann, 1130 Asbland avenue, will motor up to Long Lake, \Vis., to spend the week-end visitilig MIrs. . R. R., Lip- pincott of \Vilmette at lier summer home. Tbey . ill bring badck their, son, Bill, vhô bas been spending the past four',veeks îvith the L.ippincotts. Mr. and Mrs. .A. E. Hall, 1725 Lake avenue, eiltertaine(l at a b)ridge sup- per Satnirday in hbonor. of the lirth- days of Nirs. Hall. NIrs. William Hedgcock. andl Mrs. Harrv Linidsev. Mir. and(l Nrs. Kniighit Blanichard1 ot Xilnîiette ivere anuiong the guests. NIrs. Fraink Hilffmiati. with lier son., Franik, Ir., 1311 Niaple avenuei. re- turnie(lNIonlv ronu a \vcek .. isit at Escaiiaba . NIicb ..\%-lier(, tbe . vis'ite<l the R. 1-I. I )ot\.,illa;a othier soni, Henry Httiati. Mrs. Cli iton 8roxu n ami lier H iC- ten m i'nrtb s' old <ilatglit er Nanicvof Plain .uêld. Ill.. arc gliesi> of NIrs. MVluaiS. I aincanudlier fauniilv of 2(18 E-igbteet h tli rt . S r>. Janes drove tol'laiuutiel< lIast week to get tlieni. 'j. CJ4~C~ juiy 26, 1934 WILMETTE LIPE 1 4 b