Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 3

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J uly 26, 1934 ___________________________M. = A 1 rABr- WTI I......... 4' j j; 'I North shore garden enthusiasts wbo are bothered'by weeds ini lawns and flower beds, weeds whicb tbey ca nnot identif.y and the eradication of wl ich seems impossible, bave their attention called to the program of the ' North Shore Garden center for Monday, July 30.& The výarions conunittees, organiza- tions and individuals sponsoring this new undertaking point ont once more that attendance and participation ini al activities of the center are for every resi 'dent of the nortb- shore. No membeiship is required, no-fees nor expensts of ans' kind are eni- tailed. Programs, exhibits and in- struction are free to ail. Plan War on Weeds Monday's meeting will be devoted éfntirely to the general- subject of weeds, and bas beeh planned by a committeé of the garden department' of the N\innetka WVoman's club, under the cbairmanship of 'Mrs. Ralph Mon- moe Snyder. The members of Myrs. Snlvder's comntittee are Mrs. Beverlv Vedder, Mrs. Lamson D)ate and Ml\rs. J. D. Wigglesworth. A competent speaker will be o(M hand at il o*clock to discuss the spe- cific problems involved. in weed eradi- cation, -and to answer questions. Pot-- ted specimens of weeds found 'along the north shore will be on çisplav.,1 with names attached an(l infornmation regarding their eradication. Northbrook Joins Shore Plan Group The North Shore. Planning comn- mission met at Winnetka Mondav night and transacted routine bus*i- ness. R. L.'Anderson. the assistant secretary. reports, that .a- base mnap of the -areas ini New Trier township outside of incorporated villages. lire- pared by WiTndes &- Marsh, ivas presented and carefully* inspeeted. Thiis nap does not cois titute a pîan or any' part of a. plan. lbut is <les- ignated soleley for the convenience of the. varions committees ini carry- ing on their vork. llie acquisition of Nortlhbrook as a memiber of the commission ivas an- nounced. and the following rep- iCail Referend um Ag on'Taàx Rate Li'mitation 0-F STUDY BY* GARDEN CENTER Speaàker WiII Add~p~~tn in, Winnetka on Subjeet of -Weed Eradication iAutomnatie Rail Gates Placed in Operation Th e n w au o a i s f t 'gates Wilinette avenue and Central ave- nue crossings, were put into op er- ation Tbursday of last week. These are the first gates of this type -ever instalied, and are said to possess safety features not heretofore em- ployed. Sbouid the installations ai- ready made operate satisfactôril,, the saneý type of gates will be put in. at'the Lake avenue crossing. The signal stations which bave 's0 long sheltered gatemen, and mechanism Wiimette and, Central avenues ig* relnove(l Tuesday. CAR. HITS TR Thursday of last wee Nevin, 345 Eider lane, was driving bis car west avenue, he ran against Shore train- at the Centr crossing. His car was da- no one was hurt. A 'cros m an was on'duty at the ti new gates were being adju the motorist faiied to hbeed I. i ngs, it is reported. And some again go West But go somne place thougb East or -South \And.get a bit of Rest There has been found in Classifie. Apleasant place to go, Oh. just. the place that satsfied Your Soul.and pock.t book, you know. WILMETTE, 4300 ai YOUR Service / a a ÉCONOMY SHOP NMEÉDS Economy Sbop is grate fi for the generous and immediate re- sponse to its request for this and t hat. Anything thatcan be spared wifiIlie welcome, but the pressing nieed at this time'is for furniture of any kind., May the shop bave that piece you want to get rid of ? Sonîcone will be glad to have it. -Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, chairmanl Note: Econorty shop às eonducted by the Woman's Club of Wilinette. COUNTY RAIDS LIQUOR SPOTS Lieut. James M.eyering Leads, Police in Drive to Stop No Man's Land Selliang On order of Lieut. James ecr ing, connty police invaded No MXan's Land Tuesday an& arrested five proprietors of liquor dispenlsing places against wbom complaints liad been Iodged'by the WVilnîette Home Owners' association. The charges against those arrested were sel ling liquor iif dry territory and Qperatiiig- without a county license.. Thev are: William J. M.\urphyl. 142U Sheridan road; William De 'Metre. Tenth Street and Sheridan road; Harrv Pi- nocci, 936 Spanish court: FÉrank Lulias, owner of the Lakota b-ar- becue stand. 1426 Sheridan road; Tom Anton, owvner of The Cottage, 1440 Sheridan 'road. Pinocci operates a liquor store, selling liquo *rs for consumption off the premises. Thle others operate barbecue stands. Make Investigation Officiais of the Home Own-iers' association state that thev so,îîe timie ago became aware of tihe fact that the law wvas being openlly flaunited in No Man's Land. and deternune(l to do something about it. The first thing was to secure evidence. and a quiet investigation wvas instîgated to determine just how uide spreýad the violations were. This inivestigation substantiated the rumors . as did also. (Continued on Page 5) Carlos Photo L 4KrdJ. I eler, imanager of Sch iii! anid.Nord, Thme Village (~cacrç.witl, main office'sanmd Ph, ad ,,in Vilynette, îwa.çclectcd prcre.ji~t of the Mlinoisç .Associa- tipi: (of Cleaners and Dvers ail the .tail c onfl'cntionii m-d l<,st 'k iii Mr. Keeler lias heen particularly ac- tive ini the past vear, as secretary of he state organization. ini devising a coide for the cleaning and dei* m- dustrv under the NRA provisions. His %%vo-rk necesstating several conferencei iii Washington with NRA officiais. mette Chaàmber of Commerce and a nîemher of the Wýilmette Optimist club. Study Poisonous Specimens Among the specimens wvil l e* the noxious Canada thistie, and pôi>oi: uîy,- under' glass. so that ithose Who are Susceptible to infection Mwill l>c protected. Statc. lawvs noiv compel tle detsrnction of thèse particular plants. and lavs as \vell as weeds -%ill lie, stb- iects of discussion. Sonie weeds %%,len <ried make dec- orative -%%inter bouquet s. whiuc others are effective wvhen arranged with garden or hot bouse floNvers. -lDis- plays of this type %vill also be a part of the program. The general information booth con- (lucted for the Garden center bw the Librarv commnittceevill l)e ini charge of MIrs. IMontagne Ferry, the chair- * mîan. andl Mrs. Benjamin Gage of Ev- anston, nex.t M onday. H orticultural *questions %%ill he answered by thli for amateumr gardeners wtmu obli- gation. 24-Ich W ter ainresentatives of that village- were ap- The rojet Ner Fiish n to the committee on parks and Projet Ner Fiish orest peserves, and.F. J. Hohlfelder Te24-inch ivater, main being laid1, tO tue eommittee on transportation. froin the waterworks to Ridge avenue A communication fronitheste 1$ InOW conîpleted as far west as _5ev- dviin f.hghaysasrad ii eniteenth street. Onl - t 1le fact that a diviin ofat body sifedis rwlin- shipment of pipe vas delayed jre-n et dooertew t te omis - vented the completion of the entire i.s ocoeaewt h oms jol . last week. It' is, said thiat the 's'O"n111 working out plans for the supply of water now: available for al cbntrol ýof trafic 0On Sicokie boule- parts of tlie village is more than ample vard. to meet al demands. and that the Thei secretarv was instrticted 4o pressure is e qualized over the entire eall upon -the various, member vil- village. It is pointed out by officials, lages for a portion of the funds ap- that it would have been impossible to propriated to finance, the operations, pump through the distribution* sys- Of the commission. tem the quantity of watér pumped on Monda%- without the added capac- ity of the nle i 24-inrh main1. On that ONE CONTAGION REPORTED day the quantity. amounted to Oùe case of scarlet' fever in Wil-, 2,943,000 cubic feet. If the pumpage mette was reported by the Wilmette rcached at cer tain peakis had heen Health department for the week end- maintained ý; th roughout the day, the. ing july 22. There were also six new volume would have been 9.5W,000 cases of mumps in the'same period, cubic feet. the health department records show. I PRESIDÉNT New. Trier High School Aqks Çitizens of District to Authorize IRatL- Increase A special election bas been Çafled by the board of Education of Newv Trier Townshin High school, to be held Monday afternoon and evening, Augugt 6, from 1 tb 7 o'clock in each of the four villages in the township. fQr the purpose of considering t b". hitvh school tax rates. Polling place'in Wilmette vil be in the Bvron C. Stolp school. 718 Tesitb street, in Kenilworth, the Chicago an)d North Western railwav station., iii iWinnetka. the Horace Mann schoof. [and -in Glencoe, the Central 50()01. Would Rais. Tax Rate The propositions submitted 'for v'oting are to raise the maximum tax rate of the High school district for educational purposes from one per- cent to one and one-haîf percent and for building purposes from tbree- eighths of one percent to one-baîf of one percent. Apparently this is for the purpose of raising taxes to be collected, but the board of educa- tion explains that the real purpose is only to permit the school to bave the same'number of dollars as ini re- cent years. For several years past the tôtal scbool Ievy certified bas been $735,00. It is explained that there is no intention to certifv to a higher levy, but due to certain recent- legislation the. board has been stopped from obtaining the amount for the 1933 levv, to go into collection next winter, and the, 1934 levy which is to -be certified on August 7, will be dras- tically cnt by the- county clerk q iess tbe referendum carnies. The loss under the 1933 levy is estimated at between $60,000 and $70,000 below the 1932 levy now being collected. . Penalied For Econoany The law cansing this confusion went into effect July 1 of' last year and provides that no school district oper- ating under the rates. now-used for Xeiv Trier High school district can bave anl educational ievy that would be produced by-old rate in excess of the average of the educational levies (Cont.inued on Page 5) Wl

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