Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 49

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Buy and ellilà acat- T ý- vtv Buyan Sei nVaaton TruWantýAds thA11 Year Market BOARD AND ROm IN B E A U TIFUL KENILWORTI- near good beaches. New England typj inn.. Homne-like rooms, suites with bath Excellent meals. Moderate prices. Ken. ilworth 5491. 86LTN12-1t( iFOR RENT-APARTrmENTrs IN LENOE ATTRACTIVE 3 ROOM kitchenette apts., tile bath, elec refrig., large rooms, In modern bldg. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 44 #2LTN12-ltc THE LINDEN MANOR HUBBARD WOODS t-5 Room apartments; tile bath, re- frig., roll-a-way bed. Reas. prices. F'RANK A. REID 954 Linden, Hubbard Woods Winn. 1300 - 92LTN6-tfe 4 - 1t0 OiMAPARtTMErNTINT-IHFE--L1 N- q<bn ('rest. Ail beautiful outside~ rooins Iiiand w~est exposure. Free refrig- *-ratifm. I-eas;. rent. -Phone M*ilmette SO).Krotl & Smith, Agents. 921hTN8-tfe Two UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. _%1.80 ONE FURNISHED APAftTM'T. in'iuding Frigidaire. Apply at 819 Oak St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 407. 921ý12-1 tp VERY ATTRACTIVE UNFTJRNISED apartmnent, 2 or 3 rooms. Humphrey Bidg., Winnetka. Also wetl located ojffice. Phone Winnetka 97 or Winnetka 3328. 92LTN4-tfe :: 1,( PRMNT AH N diressing room. (Sarag.p. 11 Wil FOR RENT-HOUSES 9 rins.. 21.,'b's., mod. (East).$125 qý rms, 3b's., stp. pch. (East) ..$12-7 7 ns., 214 Vbs., mod.. oit (E.ast) ..$12i- 9~ rns., 3 b's., slp. pch., oil, 2-car. .$11., ii grynis. b., elec. refr., oit Es) .l 7 rnis.. I.b., nr. transp., 2-c g. rms., 1 b., bung., 1-c g......... $40] rins.. I st fi., Dup. mod., ele. e. heêat, light, water furn'd........ ri 4 rnis., 1 b.,, 2nd fir., L)up. lad . ,... $:',0 -ris., 1 b., Northfield, 2 acres ..$301 t ihther good. values. furnished aniunu îrnihe<l~lJsizes. 13. H. BARNETT1 2 t 'nter St. Wininttka '965 97LTrNI2-Itp Choice New Rentais 2 rinis., 4 bs., Ind. Hilli('lui) grils. $2-14 'rmis., 4 bs.ý, lav., oi., Keni iwort h $2910t 'i rnis., :1 bs., lav.,oil, M'tka. Hts. ISt rns., 3 bs., las'., nr. Lake,t .n $125 rnis., :1, bs., lg. grds..IlIub. Ws.ti 7 rtns., 3 1)., ]av., 2 c. g., t;tn 1 7 rmns.. 2 bs., 2 gi. pelîs., le. Ken- $1 041 ý rnis. 2 bs., s1p. pch., 2 c. g., WNN'. .S 7rnis., 2 bs.,.sun p-11i.,1 x2d.t; n ts t -YTHERS FROM $40 To -1 i «tii 1-IEIXSEN REALTY CO. (Fornerly W. R. R .Avo.) 'enter W\innettku 2,-4 97LTNI 2-1 tIi f rmi. tucco, 2 baths, clos,' ii 7 rni. fr., studlio, piorches SV %Wilmette, 7 rm. 2 b., oïl tt. $ 7; r i., mod. brick, 2 ,2~ r r in., mod. brick,2 b., H. 'Vs$1 qrni. stucco, 2 b., oil, 2 c. g.. ,.$10 ..NA NY OTHERS-PHONE 'US' YOIRýf RtEQ 1IlEM ENTS. A sl>iend(id value in furnislied hiomie forU a year terni, 9 rms., 2 bat'hs. oil liê.at, 2-car garage, wel ocated ont fine. lot., ai $100 a nu-nth. HILL & STONE at:: .incoïn Ave. Winnetka 1.)14 ___________97LTN12-ltî'> FRRENT: SIX-ROOM )Dl;'R-N I)ntcb Colonial 'bouse with 5-acre travut, large lawn, beautiful ltandscaptled. Hibbard Road betweeni LakeA t'ý. and 9';îenvilew Road, Wil.mette. Hot water lîcat. Carage. -N. W. .9teain, North S htîe Etectric and Skokie Xaliev LUnes. Thrt-e bedroomaâ, bath, large living. rooin, fireplace, screened side porcli, dining room, kitchen. $65-00 per month. Mxtra vacant, land canbe utilized for incoilie. A ddress, Owner, 316 N Ridge- lantdAv. Oak Park, Illinois. 97LTN12-tp 6 rins., brk., ex. T. &.L.,,mod ....... $ î5 7 rins., H. Wý. rH. (oïl), sun pcb., gar. , X5 8 rnis., Col., HWH (oit), newly e. 104) 7 rnis., brk.,Il b's, ex. T. & L., gar. 1l10 8 rins., brk., 3 b's, oil, gar. . 125i 7 rns.,-brk., 3 b's, Qil, ex. loc.. 1 > Other good values, furn. & unfurn. . 1. H. BARNE Tip &'-6 Center St. Wnnetka 965 _______________________ 7 L1241tp 6-IZOOM HOUSE IN WILMETTM, .near transp. Nice yard. $60. Avait- able August lst. Ftood. Phone WVil- mette 68. 971LTN12-lti, MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNI SHEI) or unturn. apartmnent, newty dec- orated. Central location. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 2399 or 2427. ________93LTN10-4tp WILL SUBLEASE 414 RM%. FURN. ,apt. in the Linden Crest. Desirable South & East exposure. Rent reas. Ph. Wilnîette 500. Kroll & Smith. 93LTN8-tfe Hot water lîcat, garaze. 180-b limp('lt.- pel (-'t., Nortlibrook.- Also 3.1 îîî. apt. 11437 Wilnîiette Ave., W'itmette. 7 RiMS., E. SIDE, NEAR LAKE, 2 glazed pches., 1 c. g., studio liv. rrn.. 1 yr. tease, mod: rent. Phone Winn. 293 «r 15 75. 971.12-1itp WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WFE HAVE CLIENTS- in fact many of tiien- who want. to rent homes for fal ccusancy. Ir' your bouse is not tisteul with us please cal IlTýhe BILLS REALTY, hic. 529 Davis St., Evanston (Greenleaf 1166 iViliette 3-î40 Attention House Owners W E HAVE CLIENTS Oý' Ot'R WVALT- ing list for bouses on - XNorth Shore, having à to 10 îms If you desire to re-nt .01.11 bouse niow, or as of Otober 1, catI us imieadîately. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. University 2600 !t9LTN12-ltc HAVE CLIENT FOR MODERN 4 OP. 5 bedroom. 2 or 3 bath bouse, oul heat. WVill pay Up to $150. Winnetka or Kenilworth, phone Winnetka 1977 or Glencoe 7,96. 99LTN12-1tc WANTED -. EAST SIDE WILMETTE or Kenilworth. Must have 4 bdrms., 2 baths, for small family. E~xcellent reterences. Write A-120, Box 40, W~i- mette, 111. p 1 WANTED O oRENT-HOUU» WE4AVZ INQUIRIES FOR WiELL located modern homes, unfurn. 'and, furn. 6- to 12 rooms. Fred'k B. Thomas .& Co.' 743 EImr St. Winnetka. 2850 99L12-ltp WANTED-4 OR 5 BEDROOMS, PUR- nished or unfurnîshed, on the north shore for Sept,. or Oct. Write A-l16. Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 991L12-ltp FOR RENT--HOUSE ATT1RCTVERENTALS: )EHAE OST COMPLFUTE LIST 0fNorth Shore homes for immedlite and Fait. occupancy. AUt sizes and prices BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH- 346 PARK AVE,., GLENCOE Kenilworth 4785 Glencoe 1554 Rogers Park 6151 Briargate 1855 97LTN12-Itc CURRENT RENTALS EVAN'>STO.N, 5 bdrms., 3 baths . .-$10 WfIMTTE, 4 bdrms.,. 2 baths . . $100 'WINNETKA, 4 bdrms., 2 baths . .$135 The BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529' Davis St., Evanston (ireenicaf 1166 Wilnîette 3740 971,TN12-ltc ATTRACTI'VE HOME RENTALS E. Keniiworth Col. 4 bdrms, large liv. rm. ,scr'd pcb., wooded grounîds. .$85 E. G-Iencoe, view of take, .5 bdrms., 4 battis, sun rm., oil bt. Interior devorat- ing an outstanding feature. Reas. rentai. . E. E. STULITS 1R1EAUTY [Co. 4s'-0 ýVinnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 S. E. WINN. 4 BEDRMS., 3 BATHS, o il. ga r. $125. S. E. Winn. herî.1 bath, Ige. porch, furn. or n ifti tr$75. N.\N\CY [1,E INSON Wiîtta269 1064 Spruce St. 97 1.1 2-1 tp) til,- bath, sor ielte H. W. lit., 'il btrner, large scr'd It .rchI, fruit tr--.~s. slirubs it wîi, fh,îvers. Nr. lakt- amit t ratnsi). \"#rtv rea. ý. 2:1é North Ave.. ULk. Bluff. Phone i1. . . S~ E. IIBBAIt WO!D 97LTN 121. E. UBBRDWOOSNEAR BEACH. newly decorated, 10 rooni bouse, 3 baths, lav.. porches, gar. Attractive grounds. Econoinîlal to operate. Short 'walk tt> transp. Phone Winnetka 668. _____!)-d9l2-ltp WtNNETKA HOME .%rtistic and modemn, 7rns., 3 batbs, 2 pcbes., 1-car gar., oil ht. $110. MZ S. FLILER & WM.N. PI('KARD 74t; EtaiStreet Winnetka :260', 97LTN12-Ite ; 11M. 141 -N< A LOW VFURNAC E HT. 2-CARýI GARAGE. $40 C. H-. Brethold \ViI. 61 9-7T1.'Ni2-1 tp) 1 FOR SALE-HOUSES 457 ASH STREET CORNER SHERIDAN RD. - BLOCK froni lake. The outstanding offering on the North Shore today. 10 rooms, 3 baths; s6lid brick- tile-roof residence. 2-story detacbed garage with 4-roorn apartment. Large grounds, attractiv.eý landscaping, fine trees. Clear of in- cumbrance. Will be sotd at less tha n haîf c ost to ownem for quick sale. Shown by appoïntment only. MeIGUIRE & ORR Siý'X'1.U'S1Vi. AGE'NTS) 40 years of tlependa hie ser-ic-e 530, [)avis St., Evanston Gre. i10E8t Rogers Park 3213 11.1LTN 12-1 te "1'\\o Winnietka Bargains EXQUISITE GROUNDS SURROUND this unpretentious yet tasteful house. 8 is. witb 2 baths. 2 large porches. Garage. Oit heat. 101x273 with huge oaks, lawn ani fiower gardens. Ab- solutely- unexcetled location near lake $20,000. 95 1EET WITH GOOD CLAPBOARD, bouse in perfect condition. So placed that 40 feet can be sold off. Excel. block. East Side. Rare bu3' at $12,500. Mrs. F3uller & \Vin. Pickar1 746 Etmi Street Winnetka 3603 RIPARIAN RIGHTS LARG.'E COLONIAL ON NEARLY I' acre wooded grounid and beach offers unparaited oi)portunity for beautiful home cornbined with investnient. 10 roins, 4 batbs, 4- fireptaces. Owiier wants. any offer submitted. CatI Miss Cronk. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. .523 PARK L)RIVE, KENILWOR 'TH Kenilwortb 4785 Rogers Park 6151 1IILTNJ2-1te HI<QCK FROM LA,ýKE BEAUtTIFU'L AND 'MODERN TEN- rlt(tii brick andi stone Georgian Col- onial in i East Kenilwvorth. 'anvasseul fi%-e bdrmns., 3%",_ baths, 3-car garage. Finely constructeti, wetl arranget anid priced extre(nîely iow at $40,000. Se#- Mr. Brown. The BILLS REALTY, hue. 529 D)avis St., Evanston o rteiileaf I119;; Wilrnettt. 374ot The Perfect Home A 21ODEL HOME, BUILT IN 1931, OF. earefulty setected materiats, froin prize-winning pilans. I'sed by the buiid- ers as a show'place for. their pmoducts. Air conditioned and doubly insutated. Seveni rms. witb two batbs. In Evans- Lon's linest esidential district. on weit wooded corner. New Engiand style- faithfutly carmieti out. iNspEcrioN IN\rITEI-) lllLTN12ý-lte. AN OPPORT.1%UNITY! 'OMPLETE1' REDI'CORATEïD, EASTr .Kenîtworth, English residence o11 wooded cor. lot, 100x175. 10 rooms, 3% i- .atbs. oïl heat, two-car garage. Near station. and ail schoots. Priced for quick sale at $22,'000. Well flnanced witb sniall down payment required. NORT.1kH W ESi-EaRN REALTY & BLTILL)ING CO. 528 Davis Street Unîiversity 950 111LTIN12-l te *VIL SARIFE ONCCONTOF iii flealtb 8 mm. Col. clapboard. Close to *'I,», North S'hore, Nortliwestern, Public andI Pamochial sclîls. Beautiful - mrees, sliubs and gai-den. Ni> bmokers. Plione Wilniette 3578 for appointment.a - il ILTN12-itp) .JNL'SALV L>N'LY HOME, -4, bedrms.,. 2 tilt- batlîs, brkfst.mii, heattedsun pcb., att. gar., oil lit., sunk- en garden. $21.50)0. ttental $135. Mrs. 1 ..ang, Winnetka H11t-I. lui ITNI 2-1 tip voRé SAL>--HousE AN OPPORTUNIfY- LARGE 7-ROOM COLONIAL PLAN. Iîaving 4 bedrms., 2 battis, slpg. pcb. % f irn, la >.v_ att. gar. fine yard and trees, ln choice Eastside location. Near lake and "L". Exceptional value at $13,500.'Caît Mrs. Mead. The- BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston iGreenleat 1166 Witmette 3740 ll1LTN12-ltc WRITE ýSHINGLE, WITH GREEN shutters, 9 rms., 3 baths, comp. lav.. garden witb stone watl, library on lut fi. and porch, oit ht., 2-car gar. Really eharmning bouse in fine central loca- tion in Winnetka. $20,000. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard r74e) Ili 8treet %Vinnetka 3603 _____1 1 'y 'r\',Q -1 te MODERN HOME. TiL.E CONSTRUC- tion, 4 bdrms.,- 2 baths, htd. sunt and slpg. porches, oit burner, attached gar. t )ily $1 3,52G.. Terms. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. 73Elm St. Winnetka 2850 111L12-ltp choice modern 9 moom, 31 bath bouses for smaller. on Nortb Shiore. F. Wan- ner, 19 S. La Salle St. State 5111 or Kenitworth 5111. 111 1T.N12-Itp WANTED. TO BUY-HOUUE WANT 25,00rTO$50,000 HO'MES IN Kenilwomth or Winnetka. Prefer in bf-st section %with gtnid sized lots. M.%y clients will buy soon. F. Wqtnner. 19 S. L-t Salle St. State 5111 or Kenil- Worth -5111. .I I3LTN12-ltlp WANTED -5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE IN Witmette. Must be bargain. Give ail detaits, taxes, etc. Write Frank Kuhn, 1901, Il So. LaSatie .St., Chicago. 113LTN11-3tp WANTE To BY 3 0OR 4 BEDRM. house, Eàst si(1e Wilmette. $ 10,000.: $2,000 or $2,500 Cash. Address A-121. Box 40, Wimette. 13LTN12-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT HERE IS A SNAP We offer for immediate sale a lot in Hubbard Woods EAST of the electrle R. R., 97 ft. frontage, irregular shaped at $15 per ft. This is a snap. Act quickly. McGUIRE & ORR 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 FO>R RENT-SUPMMER COTTAGES BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE HOME ON- Lauderdale Lake, Wis. 75 Mi. North., 6 Mfaster bdm-ms., slpg. porch, etectric st<tve, running water, bath. Private grounds. Compteteiy furn.. Refs. re. iïuimed. Price for month of Aug. $300., Write A-117, Box 40, Witnîette, 111. ACREAGE AND ESTATES (;ErFNTIEMANsSMALL ESTATE ifIIGH ROLLING 1-6 ACRES. LAND- scaplng, rock pool, attractive 7-room, 2 bath, borne. Owner wants any offer. Mr. Reming- ton. BAIRD & WARNER, mec. 346 PARK VEUE GLENCOE î;îencoe 15-54 Briargate 1855 124LTN12-ltc FOR SALE-FARMS Country Farni E state 230 ACRES DAIRY FARM IN HEART of datry belt; 2%ý mites' N. W. Woodl- stock, McHenry County; best of soit; riew improvements, new 8-room Col- oniial bouse; modem .conveniences; cow ýbarni accommodates 38>& head, steel, stanchions, large maîchine shed; horse barn; within 50 miles of Evanston.. Exclusive Agents NORTH WESTERN REALTY & BUJILDING Co. (J. B. ltltey) 528- Davis Street University 9500 i 25LTN1I2-ltc RIZAL ESTAE LOANs 1ST MORTGAGE LOANS 3 TO 15 YEARS We are in a position to represent you in obtaining Insurance Company Loans atvry tow rates SMART & GOLEE, Inc. LQAN DEPARTMENT 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston University 0283 Rogers Park 0271 127A-LTN10-tfe jtily 26,ý 19ffl_ 1 w 1.1- La e + -r P il Ir in in

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