Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 48

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What'sYor oIbbyPets, PiansAtiqus r ardens j' i STUATION WANTrED-FEMALEC CLASSIFIED AD VER TISEMENTS G nral. Notice- Casge detsmnswili ho charged only Glienoe, Inclusive, whose naines. appearn4t h e telephone directory, or who- areregular subscribers to elther WILMETTE LIPE, WINN.ETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. RateýS_25 cents a line. Advertlsements run in al three papere. 5AaDeS-.dgJNIMUM CHARGE 0ONE DOLLAL Average of five words to the 1une.* No black face type used. 20% discont on ail cash advertlse- monts when brought to aur office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% discont 'on ail advertlsements run four consecutie issues. Deadline for Insertions cet2asfed adv esma y l. Mfo WILMETTE, LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9. P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and ThursdaY ô P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wlmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.). Greenleat 4300 or Sheldrake 1216-1217. LOST ANDFOUND TAKEN, FROM GARAGE AT 700 .Greenwood Ave., Wil. New Ranger bicycle.frame No. L-6378 equippeil with balloon tires, elect. iight and horn. Re~- ward for return or information lead- ing to return. Phone Wilmiette 4849. 31,TN 12-1 te LOST-BROWN, LEATH Elt WA tA ET Sat. night in Wilmette, with iiii R. P. S. containing N. Y. State ilrivers* license and sum incash, also presivril<- tions for Media Drug Store, Phila. Re- turn to 843 Sheridan Rd., WiI. Suit- able reward. 31,TN 12-Iti) LOST - WHITE GOLD WATCH. black ribhonnband, -between Sheridan Rd. and H. W. station, via.Fishers lane, Sat. aftern. Reward. Phone Winn. 21. 3r.TNI 2-1 te ANTIQUES LARG E FRENCH TOILE W%%Alýl hanging $12, very old silk priest's robe piano scarf $25. round Italian liv- ing réom table $35. Phone Wilmnette 2520. 7LTN12-1 t» *EAUTY TREATMENT BEFORE THAT PARTY R.ELAý%X BY having a facial in your own home <lone by an expert. 50 cents. Glencoe 1931. 131,T29-Itc *BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CEMENT CONTRACTOR Ail kinds. of cernent and brick work Leaky basements repaired JOSEPH KNEIP 1714 Washington Ave. Wilmette 2618 15LTN10-4tp BUSINESS SERVICE Rats, Roaches, Etc. P. J. UEDELHOFFEN. EXTERMINAT- ing engineer. Ph. Wilmette 3867. 16LTNI7-tfe CLOCKREPAIRING _ CLOCK EXPERT, CHIME, HALL, AN- tique dlock repairing. Learned trade ln Europe. (Formerly with Tiffany and EIeld's.) Wili caîl. Free estimates. David Johansson. Phone Diversey 2041. ____20LTN9-çitl MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MMI*%E. VIRGINIA LJEE H(iGHT, VOI7E. Culture- dynanîic brt-athiuug, toue placement, rel)ert<ire. Piano) - t beory. acoompanying. Studio, F'hont- Wîuui. 1530; Chicago,- Dearborn 3354.. MASSAGE ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, COM- plete scientlfic, massage, ultra violet &nd infra red Aamp. Special summer offer,.4 treatments for $5. .627 Grove St. Phone Greenleaf 1642. 38LTN7-tfp GRADUÀTE NRS WS E î care for child, invali(i, or one witl. chronie illness. Also practical uîursig. .1Doctorsreîs. Ph., (llenview 1996-W. PAINTING_ AND DECORATING Paint, Paper 5 Rnis.. $34.30 CEILINGS CALC., .$1 UP SANITAS AND) (ANVASING WO . -Rrn. %waliaper ce.aned, $1 bathiroourj é-nameied, $5 up; kitchien paintîqlî, î$6ul). 5 rm. tirs. washîed, varnished, $8. Stueco finish., outside painting, porches $15., Windows, 50v. Refs. Free estinmates. Materials furnished. 7 MELVIN \Vilrnette 3413 421'I'NI2-Itlp PAINTING & DECORATING Firat class work guaranteed Reagonable prices. C. W. Anderson Phone Wilmette 4621 421,TN11-4tp PAINTING AND DECORATING Ceiling Calcimined $1 up P-1. PAPERED $3. KIT. PAINTED $6 up; paper cleaned 75c. Rnis. washed and starched $2.50. Exterior painting with pure %white lead and oul. Very reas. Refs. fumne Louis, Wilmette 5034. 421.12-Ilp PETS FOI, SA1.le'- 1H ETR AE îîedig rteed. 11)uioitlus <<Id. Ieu r animal. . Eý xellent counditionu.l'huonte between f; & 7 P. .11. Wilinette 2891. 441,TN 12-1 t- F01 SAE -SCÇTTim P[UppIE.S, wks. old, îie(tigureed. O wuwd by rs W. S. %liler. C.an be sevn litterworth Kennebz, %W. Park AN-te.. H-ig hla ndlPal-<. Phi. H. Pl. 296i7. 4 11eTNI12- 1 tii FOR SALE-2. BEAU. PEDIGREE Irish Setter-puppies, 4 mhos. old, very lovable and intelligent, price reas. <Geo. De Randaîl, Deerpath Inn, Lake Forest 2281b. 44 LI 2-Il» SACRIFICE MY 10 PONIES. BROKE to ride or drive. 10 saddles, also carte 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Pony Man, Dam No. 1, Wheeling, 111. 44L12-1It1, PuNI ES FOR FIIRE OR SALE'. VISIT Moxley's Pony Rink. L>an No. 1, W heeling. 44LTN12-ltc PIANO TUNINQ Pianios Tuned & Regulated WORK GUARANTEED Factory, Dealer, Accoustic Laboratory ex perience; good references. E. 1. VAN HARLINGEN SWilrnett.e 1323 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2744 Chicago-4218 Lowell Ave. Kildare 864z 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RE- Pair work guaranteed. 22 yearsCtiick- ering. Boston. 1-. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- ve.Park Ridge 699-R. 451;TN7-4tp SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING S EWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL kinds repaired. Established more than fifty years ago. Now located in Wil- mètte. L. E. Blunt, Tel. Wilmette 754 or 4368. _____ 53LTN29-tfc WEARING APPAREL FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repairs, but uncalied for: Black pony coat, $15; brown caracul, $20; gray caracul, $24; leopard, cat, $29; American broadtail, $24; black caracul, $28; raccoon, $25; Hudson Seal, $50 * genuine mink, $150; and many others worth four times their price.. Also 20 jaquettes at $10 and 38 fur scarfs at $2. Economy section,. Miller Fur Co., 166 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, open evenings. 59LTN11-3te LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates MOTLOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldlg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfe SITUATlION wANTrED-FEMALE ELXPIE'RIENCED HELP WJE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. RefQncesin- vestigated. Unlder State supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. WVinnetka 33991I 68LTN25-tfe COM PETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Hoines WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline'sEnp. Agency \VILMETTE 2171 Fourth ancl Linden Opposite !'L"< Ter. 68LTN47-tfc DOMESTIC HELP Reliable .Efficient SH-AY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Established 20 years Two offices ln Chicago 109 E. Oak St. 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Central 9800 ____________68LTNI 2-1ti Scotch., 24, e.!oking and Isit floor. Fin.nisli, 35, geuicrai, 7 yrs. exp. Clermian, 28, gen., 3 yrs. lasit place. Reinhart's Emipi. Agency 748 Elm Street Wýi.nuetka 334!) 68LT'IN12-1tc A CAPABLE OAE 32, COL- 'tege graduate, good l)ersonality, 110 yîiàars' exec(utive, expberience, wants p)osi- t ion on North Shiore. Mo<erate salarv tii start. A-i references. Write A-119, Uox 40, Wiluuiette, Ill. 68LT1N12-Itc- IXP. WHITE GlIIlWISHES WORK as cook and generai hiouseworker. ~Vgs$12. Excellent refs. Phione Glen- cie 1504. 6SLTN12-ltc EXPER. AND RELIA BLE- WHITE woman wishes day work of 'any kind. $3 a day. Refs. furnlshed If desired. Cali Willrette 2719. 68LTN4-tfp SITUATION WANTED--MALE Chauff eur= B ut 1er COLORED, 27. 2 YRS. LAST PLACE. Best references. Reinhart's Eni. Agency 748 Elm "St. Winnetka 3399 69 LTN 12 -1 t p HOUSE CLEANING, LAWN WORK, painting, calcimining, windows wash- ed bath sides 8c each, odd jobs. A-i N. S. refs. Ph. Wilmette 2088. ____________69LTN1O-4tp REÈLIABLE WHT MA WAT housework, gardening, wiurdow v lean- ing or any odd joibs. N. S. refs. Ph1on,4 Wilmette 3254. 691 TN 12-.ltli SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Carlson's Emipi. Agency 804 ELM STREET ýWINNETKA 3328 RE LIABLE HEJ4P Al 'domestie positions No CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS ______________70LT.l 1-t fv COUPLE S orgian, 29 and 24, 7 y rs. exp. Bohiemian, 32 and 30, , Iru . ep i..erman, 35 and 34,' 2 y rs. exp. Reinhart's Emilpi. Agency' Opp. N. S. Station' Winni-tka 3399i ________ _________________ >LN 12-i te HELP WANTED-FEMALE Pauline's-Wlimette SDOME STIC IIELP 9 len: 2 aduitsý, laundry .. ......... $15 Gen. 2. adults, 1. clild, N. 1,....... $13 (xen. 2 adults, no 1aundrsy......... $12 Gen. 4 positions.................... , Gen. s8lpositions ...... .............$11, Pauiline's Enipi. Agency 4th & Làinden Opp. "Tr 1 Blk. Linden Sta. 7 T12U MVAIDt. SCAND. OR011 N;2.5 11l( 35, gen. hisewk. "Must be go<1îd coe] and clean housekeeper. 3 aduits, sinaîl laundry. Private room and bath. Rets. required..$10 to $12. Wilrnette .389. 71'l'Ni 2-1 t,, WANT7ED -WHITEGIR1111EU,2 for general hQusework lu famiiy of' 4. No là undry. Go home nights,;. Itifer- ene.Phone WVilmette 1026. 71LTN1 2-1 tl, COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTEFD with goodreferences. Apply mu person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERtVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTN134fé general housework, a ssisi i1 c l dren, not aver 30. Phone Winnetka 155);)8. .71LTINi2.mltp - NEAT WHITE IRL FOR GENERL, housework. No. laundry. 3 aduits. ('- home nights. Phone Wilmettp 2071. 7 1LTlN12-ltc EXPERIE CDWHITE GltLFOR general housework. References. Cal Wilmette 2216. 71,TNl2-1tcý HXLP WANTrED--FEMALE, WHITE MAID, ýAMERICAN PRO- testant, 35 to 40 years. Generai hswk., .no laundry, but mnust be good cook Srnall family. $15 weekly. Pli. Kenilworth 3230. 71LTN12-1tc(, WANTED C.TI FOR GENERAL. *housework. Go or stay. 2 aduits and sfnall vhiid.* $5.010. Ph. Wi , mette 167. 711,TN12-ltlb HELP WANTED-MALE >CHEVROLET, P(MOTH FORD)tl saiesnien to seill('I vroivts î>n tho- North Slhore. Nlust be capable oif seli- ing an av~erage .f (; cars iper nmonth. Nîbrt h SShore ('hevrolet, 611 Mainu St., NELP WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE I)OMESTIC HELP E'XP. AND WELL' RECOMMENDED Good Openlngs at Once Lindgren Empi. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Winn. 1047 73LTN1-tfc EKN4IISH (COUPLE.' MUST BV 11,00U) brut 1er. Reinihart's Enmpi. Agency 01q). N. S. Station Winnr.tka :t :1l. ) 7:',LTN1t2-1 tc FOR SALE-AUTOS 10-DAY Used Car CL4EARANCE SALE Late ',-odel Cars 19133 ('hrysler 1933 ('hevrÔ5let Coupe- 19.-33 *Pontiac Coupe 1933 Pontiac Touring. Sedan 1933 Pontiac, 2-door Sedan I1933 Buick Sport Coupe, f; %. W. 1933 Pontiac Sport Coupe 133 Plyuýnoutb P. D. I)eiuNî Kt-dail I)RI'VE DL)OWN TONIGH" North Shore Buick Co. .Maffie Ave. 1-', P.. So. D avis. vnit~< 1'ra(te or 'l'erni <an ber arranged '27 Buick 5-Pass. Coupe EXCELLENT CONDITION.$75. CASI only. W. J.j. cDowell, 915 Dempster. ïDavis 7625. 71N2iî FOR UENT-ROOMS PLEASANT ROOM, WITII. PRIV. family, suitable for l'or _), maisf desired. 893 Oak St., Wjnn. C 'hsi- thi transp. Phone Wlnnetka 2468. PLEASANT ROONI, LIGHT, AIRY. Private home on East side. Near transportation. Reasonabie.' 10094 Oak- wood Ave. Phone Wiimette 824-J. 82LTINI 2-1 ti) ROOM IN WELL Ft-INISHÏi' )H(E near *transportation. 11efirenvvs 1 rc- (iuired.' PholiWlmte e3 COMFORTABLE, CLEAN ROOM, 1% blocks to transportation, man or woman, very reasonable. Cal) at 419 <'hestnut St., Winnetka. 821,12-ltp 1, A R Ci E TA'iV BDOO twin i)eds, adjecent to bath. Grg if desired. Phone WVilmette 1542, 82LTN12-ltp) LARCR ¶IIGHT PURNISHl.-D It0<)M ',"» hlock fromn bathing beach. G;ood tranlsportation.,fleas. Phone Wilmet tf 3F1.52. 82r,'rNl2-î ti) ONE PLEASANT BEDROÔM, / biock from transportation, 720 Min St., 3rd floor, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 2480. 821ý12-Il» ATTRACTIVE 't'URI-NSH El> ftON including fireplace> and lav. Centrai location. Phone Wilnmette 2399 or.2427. 82LTX10f-4tlp -NICE A&IRY SINGLE ROOM, NEAR transp. and busines's district. Phone W%ýinnetka 3558. 821,12-tp LARGE AIRY ROOMS IN EAST SIDE location. Gentlemen. Board optionai. R.15 Forest Ave., Wilmette. 82LTNJ 2-lty» FOR RENT-LT. HSKPG. ROOMS 2NICEýLY FURNI1SHEýDROýOMS FOR light housekeeping. Garage if desired' .310 Park Ave., Wilmette. 'Ph. _Wilmette 19 8.__ Ik8P941L'rxîZ2- tp 1, 1 G H HUE<EING A L S (-) sleeping. room, large wreil furnished. Hot water, gàs and light. 12.10 Wil- mette Ave., eveninggs. 8 4LýTN1 2-1 tp uly 26, 1934 ,WI.LMETTE LIFE

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