July 26, 1934 VI LUE TTE L iPFE 45 Jade E hi i rid green-gowned twin figures; Annouùc Purpie Gid orites lh against a Bg Te no. pn F'ron hina j~ A third object of especia noteis cah Saffr13 esneBsetball gamesbetweenth the grape in Promotion of Tom Stidham to uine schools have been a frequent, occur- thjae(rose.,cpustrp f, fark an rd çght chandi addition of Ollie Oison 'and ence in .recent years.* Last season ..Faï,r Pagreen and white). Fruit and 'Feaves. 1L4Jg..g., ~Jakie -Sullivan to, the Freshman staff Marquette defeated Northwestern 24 Vinie and vase comprise h rgl osiue h hne i otwest-fto 22 in a lthrlling game at M'iwu Cotinoisseurs and ail loyers of the exquisite object d'art. The ' ilto-erni university's football coach*n tafk e TeVear previous the.quintets truly beautiful will be deliglited with artist who produèed it spe it two frSitiha, who bas been assistantie ilie jade exhibit ini the Chinese, pav- vears 'in study of the original- piece une coach, ivili1111 te aassisantd i lion at A Centurv of Progress. New 'of jade in or(er to coceiace;a esîgn by uetresigntion of at aned Heavyweights Bid for itemls have irecentlv beeti added bv thiat -would naturally use. the five wolftt eon edcal t Fm sN T ake the Republic of China Exhibitors' sladings of, color it contained. As a wBo toîi uniesie Sihea pl1ael s heante r lasndU. arl association. bringing the total value ýresult. the piece of jade h;ds retained under Coach Dick Haniley, at Haskell Isteeante ilyadM ri oteraedslytoeadà afit original unity, while eaclh coior amongth sophomore tackle candi- millon ollas. he dsply is com ..* . . and came to Northwestern in 1927. dts o Nort.bwestern's football posed of the finest pays its natural part iii uevineThethidmiherof theliasitv staffdteam? 'Four of the new tackle pros- several collections owedon a.hfleforfui.p adoFsh wolas been0 en(l weigh over 200 pounds and pre- famlis a(]firisi the FarEast. The jade exhibit is tîe central por- Çoaclh 'ince bis graduation ii11 1928. dictiosar htotftisq-te iam lie aîd ms n r 4n of a large displav iin the various )f I-oii and Sullivani were mn ie bers. ti on a e t ao u t o f tye s h q ate .Nost spectacular is th e seven-storv Chinese buildings at the fair, 'whichofas year's Wildcat eleveni. the rival the AII-American abilities of pagoda with its altar as the climax iniclude an expensive exhibit of por- former t)lavtiiig quarterback and the Rilev and Marvil, stars of the 1931 tf interest. Ten vears of painstaking celains, linens. ivorN carv'ings, ex-latr afac.Teeaidro chamoionship tegm. These newcomers cffort Ib 150 skilled craftsmcen were libits of Chiîîese gownîs imoderni and the froshi staff consists Of Nlaury are Park Wray, 212 pounds; James i equire(l to carve the delicate. archi- anin1advrou xiissn o et edfehancah n azGreen, 215 pounds; DeWitt Gibson, tecturally- perfect pieces whicli forni ACnuy o rges vtepo - iso a nieniber of the staff since 210 pounds, and Abe Epstein, 2W this slhaIlow, alnost transpArent incial governinents of China: hîs graduation iin 1927. puis rvhisfo hcg pagola. Snîll elîs dî fr ni he _ ___ ___ ___~ but prepped t St. Joli s where hie ,aile tits ()fjadle ïs thle caves., stis- . M at-uette'Rooters Eye was captain of the foobaîl team bis Pedfro . aclr"i poin t f the ee A CORRECTION ,. ' setîtor yar. Greeni's home is in Lima. î>eîîd alroofs. ". i ' Dener Against 'Wildeats 3hio. Hpirepped at Onarga Militarv lit a, featuire atcepublishced ini W\'len North western pla.ys Mar- academ.y. Gib)son' and, Epstein both an t h er eN t irrt t he aîl" or liosue of JMrs12,Jolîticth îî q~6I(uette at [Vche stadiuni next fali it corne from Iowa, the former from and atther fet s te 'paioii o reatinsl 1 ofNfr.. oli 1-li.e v iIlie the first time iin 29 sears that Perrv, and Epstein from Sioux City. arch. likewise carved fronm the' single 1:W\arwick road. Kenilworth, to Lv h football teams of the two schools piecdC f jade from whvIich this, entire. Baxter. teinporary chairman of the have met. Back ini 1905i the Pturple graceful pagoda has been made. t con vention at Jackson. ',f chi.,Ji1 Y def eated the Hilîtoppers,. 30 to 5 OliAREPRNTN %Vas the largest piece of green jade (1. 1854. at tvhich the Reptiblican par- the only gridiron clash ever llaved SasFl nAaaa yCr cver mîniied anvwhere in the world. t% was formied. it %vas stated: 'The hettveeti the schools, Carmer, recently publislied and al- Two Yang Kuei-Fei F1gurine, Aîniierican ancestry of the .Baxter i The, game next faîl will be Ilaygd ready. in its second large printing, fainily dates back to 1640.' The September 29, and will open 'tire sea-lhas been hailed almost unanimously Likewise of great interest in this sentence should bave read : "The s on for both scbools. Milwaukee fol- as a great book. Botb its subiect jade exhibit are two figurines of .\mericati ancestry of the Baxter lowters of the Ililltoppers are e%ýinc- matter and its manner of presenta- \'ang -Kuei-Fei, the 'imperial concu- familv dates back to 1749" The con- ing much înterest in the ganie and tion is' novel and interesting. The luine of the Tanîg Dyiiasty of 618 A- 'D« fusion of dates came through refer- have already reserved a big block of publishers have cooperated by issu- As~ lovelv as the famied beautv ofl ence to Mr. Lind's own Americaîî I eats- Several. thousand will make îng it in one of the most attractive Yang Kueî Feî hierself, these white- ancestry, wbîcb dates back to 1640 the trio to Evanston to see their fav- formats of the, present book -season. Ref resh Your Mem r. -.You May Win a Prie See Cont est .- Rules on Page 35 Caîus M am thew Frneis iai ' 'thw inc' athew Francis Nathew F'ni ahwFrancis Ca.rlos Mathew Francis M th w Frni blathew-Fraiit.is