Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 43

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lilly 26, 1934ý REAL EýSTATE' NEWs WILMETTJE LIFE New Store Leads, Wilmette Permit SITE 0F WHITAKER BUILDING Record for Ju ly Six of the eight building perm its issued in Wilmette ini the month end- i ng Moniday, Julv 23, were for re- miodeling jobs, one wvas for a new store building and the other was fr- a iiew two-car garage. The store building, a one-story b;rick, structure, is being erected at the southwest corner of Lake avenue and Ridge road. Its estirnated icost. as given in the building permit records, is $10,000- The permit was issued to Lachian MacLean on Julv! 18. Carl Hauber is tfie architect. joseph J. Chiappa was granted a permit on July 13 for a two-car garage at 3122 Wilmette avenue. The estimated cost of the newv building i s $200. Following is a summary of the re-Y !11eý nxodeling jobs for whichi permits were issued during the month: 7 Thomas Meyer, alteration. 1537 . Washington avenue, $50. Haig Kashian, frame porch addi-1 tioiî. 1105 Gree nleaf avenue, $250. __________________________________ F. P. AIles,' alteration, i612 XViI- mette avenue, $400.i Anna B. and W. J. Kenney, re-! modeling job, 1045 Chestnut avenue.I $1,500. George E. White, store. remodeling, 825 Ridge road, $1,000. Edgar S. Riedel, frame screenied. porch, 1018 Tenth street, $200.. Break Ground for Enlargement of- Service St7ationr (iround was broken Friday of last si week for final development of the P triangular blôck at Center street and Winnetka avenue, wbich ivas the ob- w ject of long legal controversy a year 1< ago over its re-zoning from residen- là tial classification to that of "C" corn- inercial. Inl Last winter R. D.* Whitman, owner M oi the land, erected a small gasoliine th filling station on the tract, which has ut ,ince been operated by W. S. King. sa Pure Oul Products company, how- w] ever, recently leased the property and ab: has taken out a permit for the erec- 401 tien of a $7,000 addition to the in' present. station building. 0f. brick construction and in de- re: sign similar to the attractive new fal station recently completed byJ the yeý Pure Oul Products company at Linden u avenue and Merrili street, Hubbard vol Woods, the building will haie a frontage of 'approximately 75 feet On ani Center street, with a deep set-baÇk. The four gasoline. pumps are to be pui re-arranged on. a compact, oval island,1 ho: affording eâsy access from ail direc- frc tions. iler The very latest equipment ini lifts *Of for greasing, washing and 'servicing j'Il cars is to. be installed, and the un- en occupied portion of tbe tract will be Par landscaped, it is explained. for The Robert G. Regan companly, ý' Chicago, general contractors, expect pur, to have the work completed in'about N a month. puri W. S. King, who bas been operat- Keil iîig the station, will continue in lac( charge, it is announced. WVa IWinnetka Permit Record $34,500 for Jusly, Report Four building permnits were issued in Winnetka during the past montb for iniprovements totalling $34,50(). Two of the new projects are in busi- ness sections of the village. One of the permits was for the new $25,000 office building wbich the R. B. Wbitaker Coi, of 841 Elm street, is. erecting at 140 Center street, and another was for an addition to the Pure Oul filng station, at Center street «and Winnetka avenue, costing $7j000. W. J. Cook also took out a permit for an addition to bis residence at 136 Cbestnut stret, costing $2,200, and a permit was issued,~ to Dr. Charles M. Jacobs for an addition to a private garage at M6 Burr avenue, costing $350. June Month of Gains ýàQ-OMONO The suburban building survey for lune is a story of gains-the gain of Steam .thovels ýof the WVin>u'îka Teantitig anid Suppl.v comPawsy, 874 june over May, the gain over June Cen 1cr street, Winpietka, are ai work oit the excavation for the two-story a year ago and the gain of the first îwzýeity-roorm buisiness-homte of the R. B. Whitaker compaity, trith rea.( es- sixth montbs of 1934 over the same taie.o~ffices at Kenosha and P41 Elip street, Winnjetka. Groiiod %tu broken period of 1933, according to Straus fori this $50,000 improvernent ai 140 Cente1r street. Winei.ieka, Mopidav morit- Securities corporation. mg.The lune figure, $620,56, rep- resents, an increase of' 26 per cent Baird and. Warner of their Kenilworth office,, were the over May's total >of $491,968. This Exrs pi imonly brokers. iprvmet slageydûe o afew ý P The Chicago Titie and Trust. com- ton leading in a jump from $81,600, Sale of real estate by Baird and pany as trustee, sold the 8-room home in May to $144,500 in June, an in- wVarner, Chicago and nortb shore at 15. Crescent drive, Wilmette, to crease of 77 per cent. Highland ,ealtors, bas sbown a steady and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sachse. Mr. Park is next witb a gain of 263 per ubstanital increase during the Sachse is connected with the adver- cent represènting an increase fromn oast six montbs as compared tising firm of Lord and Thiomas. Baird $20,833 to $73,560. Gary comes next and Warner were the only brokers. , witb a 120 per cent gain, the volume Lth the same period for the years Part of the consideration was MIr. figures being $26,145 in M>ay and $57,- 932 and 1933, it is reported. "We be- Sachse's property at 1720 Isabella 550 in lune. Other communities eve our record of recent sales in street, Evanston. wbich have taken Iively spurts are oth uburan ad ciy rel esateAurora, Elgin, Nules Center, Oak ithalsbr a nd cî btye real estate James D. Shouse purchased the 7- Park, River Forest and Winnetka. diaeamchbterelett room, 2-bath bouse at 225 Vernon i oprn ueo hsya iarket." company officiaIs state. "At avenue, Glencoe, from Alice Kusel. ' oprn ueo hsya e end of the baîf year, our sales vol- Baird anid Warner, represented by with the same month of last, Evans- mxe in dollars totals practically the J. W.Harris of their Waukega rctnag ain as isthplaemoti me as our total volume for the office, were the only brokers. Paul pretg anadi h mutof hole year of 1931 or 1932 and is only Koenig acting for the purchaser and permits issued. Evanston's total for bout 20 percent short of equall.3, the M.jseph Boosel acting in behalf lune, $144,500 was a gain 'of 331 per )taI 1933 volume. The steady and o h sMer. Jo t ea dti cntoe jn flatya ýcreased inquiry ve have had i o sle atnedt egldtils. cn ve ue flstya ith $33,- ine maks us500. The figure, $144,500)lis note- ne mkesusvery optimistic as Mr. and Mrs. P. Hobert Haviland wortby as being the largest turned gards the results wve expect in the bave just comrpleted negotiations for in by any cOmmunitY this: year.. In Il season-and for the balance of the the property at 1116 Locuît road, tbe rivalry of north shore communi- ýar. Our sales for the month of Wilmette.. Baird and Warner wlo ties il is amusing to note that ihis ine were the largest we have had in were. represented by James- Miksak, figure is only $350 ahead of Win- lume for any montb for two'years." Jr., and the Bills Corporation, wbich netka's total. for January, $144,150, Sales reported recently by Baird' was represented by James B. Serrin, and less than $1,00 hedofLk id Warner include the following: cooperated in the sale of this hom.Frs emt o ah $143,Lake Mdr. and Mfrs. Erniest A. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Everette Font'aine ýrchased the attractive 6 room brick Ptirchased. a. colonial home at 75 will cost $20,000 and th e other $18,- me at 239 Lincoln drive, Glencoe,' Glencoe road from the ChicagoTitlee m George Cayen. Baird and War- -and Trust company, as trustee. Baird' 00 r represented by James W. Harris their Waukegan office, were the1 ly brokers. Legal details were tak- care of by Alfred J. Parker of1 rker, Clusman and Rogue acting the. seller and Kurt Solomon, 326 st. Madison, representing the chaser. àr. and Mrs. Wil liam Merkle -chased the 6-room home at 2031 nilworth avenue, Wijmette. from ýo Gordon Severson. Baird and r, ruer, represented by Byron Smithb and Warner, represented by Deane Dodson of their Evanston office, were the only brokers. Mr. Hienslîaw h andled legal details for the pur- chaser. Issue Permits for. Two New Residences Building permits for two new residences. were issued ini Glencoe during the past month, onie of which Th ormer is being erected by Joýih F.' Stringer, at 1018 Eastwood drive, in Skokie Heights 'sube-division. It is a two-story building of brick. and tile construction. The other permit was issued to H. G. Clark, wbo is building a two- story brick veneer residence with slate roof, at 586 South avenue. Lyon C. Jones,of Evanston, is the archjtect and A. P. Bradley, of 587, Lincoln avenue, Glencoe, is the genéral con- tractor. -73

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