40 WILMBTTE LIFE JuIy 26, 1934 .Hàbout 6mingUP tebue Be n îning about it? Now's the tim to get busy. General contracting is my business, Witb no job too large or too. smali. Here are a, few, of Picture of the things 1 do: RaJph Ohnet First, I cleani. aXd> paint your'gutters; then add'a Goes ere' new anid tested device that keeps the pesky leave out. Aiso gýtters repaired and niew ones put Up. Cernent wàlks and driveways, basement decorat- ing', carpenter work of >ail kinds, new -roofs anid roof repairiÎng (flat roof s a speciaity), tin decks painted, tuck pointing and brick work of alkinds.. gôuha'iintiiat to make à nice roor nii the basenent or ;attic Will .be cotiy.. After getting my price vou wili probabiy find that you, 'cati afford to' have the work'done. - p Tell me your home trouilles and sec thein quickly -disappear. Quick service, ail work guiranleed, a defitnite quotation so vou know the fui! price before we start, f ree estinates. Terins 'cati he arranged. 136 Greenleaf Avenue .Wilmette RALPH -OHNETH. Phone Wilmette 5, J It'sfuntowearaFallHaearlyi Picture or GLADYS DE LANG goes here- ... and it's grand -being able fo buy smart ones for so uile ai the Hat Box. There's everything that's chic » .Berets, Turbans, Brims . . . and thée fabri'cs: Velvet., Satfin, Fel. Ektat 1163 Wilmette Avenue .picture of1 bDORO Y KLUNDER Wilmette I1160 FOR WINTER COMFORT use SILVER FLASH FU EL 01L BRAUN BRtOU.'OIL CO* Phone WILMETTE 831 FOR REAL CAR PERFORMANCE use SILVER FLASH - G A SOLIN E 3 Service Stations in Wilniette, 1i fn Kenilworth STAN LINDSTWOM4 goeý- here CO MPLETE Picture of JOHN MYERS goes: here LADIES' and BARBER SERVICE. Plicture of SHORTY URIGHTWELL HAIR CUTTING TRIMMING SHORTY AND MYERS BARBER SHOP .1 Electfric Place Wilmette 5304 Perfect Workmatnship and Picture of C. L. ROGERO goes here SHEJOIE LIN 1215 Washington Avenue Picture of MNRS. P. 8K. FREUND goes here Perfect Service ERSOi< Phone Witm.tte e Specializing in SCHOOL BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES FINE STATIONERY, TOYS GREETING CARDS Pay us a visit when you are planning a party;, we carry tallies, favors, candles and Dennison goods. WILMETTE STATIONERY anid GIFT SHOP Il 55 Wilmette Avenue Iicture of J. J. SCHNICIDER goes here Bring your sboe men. Devoted Parents do not allow tIîeïr children- to be Injured and, perhaps er1 entIy harmed by wearing improperly fiffed shoes'. children to bé fitted by experenced Mony doctors wkoknow recommend PHIL. J. Mi4OPPmANN goes here On These Hot Sizzling Days Your home would have been Picir- if much cooler if. it were wejI insulated. We are prepared to quote ypu on Board- Blanket - or Reflectio Types of Insulation For More Thon 40 Years HOFFMANN BROTHERS I 133 Cetral Avnue Wiletfe8001208 CentralI AvenueWlete3I Pîcture of R. P. DOEPEL. goes here WiImette 3051 SCHNEIDER'S BOOTERY . july.Zý, :1934 LIFE 1133 Central Avenue Wilmelfe 800 Wilmette 131,