JuIy 26, 1934W IM E T E L I FE 3 Mc Car'hy Strag Ware ".ho-uses, ic. 40.31/2 Linden Avenue Wilmette, fillnois. S&rving the Entire North Shore Established -1893 Picture of M. W. MEAMWY goes here Member: Wiîmette Chamber of Commerce Moving - Packing . Storage - -Shipping Telephones: Wilmette 4234 ... Greenleaf ,4234 Glencoe 404... Hollycourt 3800 Pictu re of CAROLYN MILLNmAM Igoes herp. For Sume THERMIQUE $ PERMANENT Sun ... winà . hot weather have i drastic effect on the. hair. drying up the natural oui e vuing the hair doyll and- coarse. Our' permanents revitaliz. !k. ha;r atid restor. ifs natural lustre. MondayTuesdywednesday..Sh ampoo-Fnger Wav. 75c Caro leyn eatSaIo n 1202 Central-Avenue Phone Wilmett. 4050 OUR NEWLY REMODELED STATI ON *AnrT HENCH goes here at your service U -- Il Pure Oil Produ.ct Company V'" TERMINAL STATION Fourtb Street. Just North of LUnd Wilmett. 3878 South Water Fruit.& Vegetable Market 4051/2 inden Avenue Phone WiImtt. 986, Complote stock of the. finest fresh fruits and vegetables always at the. Iowest market prices. Select lino of can'ed goods. Picture of MORRIS YAR@W goes here SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Root Beer, Extua Dry or Pale Ginger Ai. or Lemoný Soda, dozen quart boites ... 89 C * Plus botti. deposit Also Sas, Orangeade. Grapo Juice. White. Rock, etc., by the. bottieor case 1itur.e of IRVING PURWIN goes here GENUINE- HEALTH BREADS OId Co untry Rye Hîome-macle MiIk Bread Old Counfry. Crack.d Wheat Bread Pumpernickel <Especially Doudcous) gourr laâ-erv guoah. niay he had -lit wiIintte at. 1katzeils Groeery and Market 13314 Wilniette Avenue -MannS'Food $hop 409 Linden Avenue Itldgeview Groeery and Market 421 idge Road Zimnier's 4snItry Grocery and Ma.rket 185 Prairie Avenue Or dlrert f rom thbe bakery Mlot bakery goods ail day Suaday Ridge Baking Com'pany, Inmc. 421 Ridge Road, ai Wilmefte Avenu. Phone Wilmette 5424 Midsuiner Clearqnoe Sale Picture of MuSe. ANRMALais goes here of AIl Broken Limes Dorn. Gordon Dresses Eiffel Hosiery Complete Uine of Notions Childrens Dresses Macle to Order Hemstitching and Smocking Ridge Dry Coods Store MRS. ANNA LEIS 725 Ridge Road Plione Wilmett. 411 *1 Publix. Tailors, and Furriers. 1105 Central Avenue Phone Wilmell'e 667 Piecture of WMLLIAM, KAPLAN goes here Expert Furriers - Fur Storage Taloring, Altering, Repai in, R m dln Both Mens and Women's Dry Cleening Twenty-f ours years' contniuous. service in Wilmettej 'n. CHOICE .M.EATS *hat, tempt the Family Appetite picture or goes bore Whon the. family -ets ao liffle hard to satisfy. and bogins to gmt finicky about what you serve, j don't get discouraged. Corne o Pearson's andi sec our huge assortment of new and dsifféent meat Cuts-the finest in town. PEAR 'SO NS MARKET 813 Ridge Road Wilmett. 2800»-152 Picture o! UILWKUsTU goes here july 26, 1934 S IL E V. Phone WIlmefte 411,