WILMETTE LIFE Ttzlv 26. 1934 Pietture'of ETHEL«7M. MANNZRRUD goes here Lest Minute REDUCTIONS on ail summer merchan- dise, including Dresses, Short s, Halters and Accessories. Highest Qualmty BATHING SUITS aTO Clear $3.50 (0*1*ers ai) $2.50 - $3.00 Terry Cloth îATHING SHOES To Clear $ 5 1161 WiImef1e Avenue Phone WàImeI1e 4406 ý.Creat ng LovelinsMfr You *frnsh firm producls'. 0. Convenmient to eu t *Reasonable prices LITTLE FARM STORE il 53 i/zWiImefte Avenue WiImette 1126 Central 1Avenue, Ilicu're (if ARAM K. MESTJIAN go.-s hlert. Ou*r staff :of. expert beauti'cians is a source of satisfac- ion for womerr on the North Shore who always desire the best, in beauty service. Feoturing ORIENTAL RUCS The finest selection on the north shore Also operating the- north shore's finest and largest rug cleaning and repairing plant. Picture of mosS. CAhUtE BUCK goes here Phone Wilmeffe 4582 Picture of M. K. MESTJIAN goes here MAESTJIAN BROS, m c. Floor Covering Contractors and Jobbers Oriental Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum - Expert Cleaning, Repairng, Lày1 WiI. 5050 511I Main Si., Wilmette Uni. 5050 Everything: lor the Automobil.e The Lorgest Motor Repoir Shop in wilmette ,I lu ture of a . VAN DEUSEN goes ir MOTO.RS SERVICE Incorporaied 721 Main Street Wilmefte Phone 2600-2601 Commercial Savings Scafé Deposit, Loans 4 4 F. D. ANDENSON goe.Q here g<.es here Sofety Conven ient Friendly Picture of VIOLET MAWKINSON goes here Wilmette State Bankl Picture of MISS LILLIAN BMBEs -goes here* Itllre of JACK C. SLOWN goes h lere PLUMBING and H-EATING I->iturt <()- WM.B. LUCKE goes hert- We offer a dependable plumbing and heating service based on many years' experience Before vou Remodel, don't fail to Investigate the LUCKE LEAK-PROOF BATH TUB HANGER Manufactured by WILLIAM B. LUCKE Plumbing and Heating Contractor 514 Railroad Ave. Wilmette Phones 2020-2021 Ser vice. Thîp Picture of MARtY BELL goes here WILMETTE LIPE. jùly 26, 1934 1. ,