July 26, 1934 WILMPTTE. I IE ,Mt. Vernon et Fair Helps to, .Build Monumn The Illinois Daughters of' the Amnerican Revolution are Sponsoring the replica of Mount Vernon in the Colonial village at the fair to obtain funds for erecting a monument at the énd of the new Lificoin Memorial bridge in Lawrence county, Illinois, the spot whcre. Linc.oln first stepped on Illinois.'*soul after fording the Wabash river froin Indiana. "" e' nPc n nton At the Indiana end of the bridge The complete personnel of sixty- stands thé magnificent George Rogers five men appeared for the concert Clark niemorial ini a park at Vin- under-conimand of Russell H. Bottom, cennes. When attending- the dedica- Herbert A. Gould, 1130 Lk vne tion of this memorial last ycar Mrs. Limte stedu akor.aeue ,Goodhue, state régent of the D.A.R., Mason iinstructor lof t he corps and wvas imprcssed with the contrast bc- present state champion bugler, was tween the Indiana and Illinois bridge the soloist. terminiaIs, the latter being comprised T oi desolate swamp-lands. hecniThe Evanston corps liopes to retain ferred with Governor Horner andis teith ae chmst onsbe f helda the result was. a Promise from the Peoréi thear. Lst y carfildath state of a twenty-five or thirty acePoi hsya.Lt.yartte 1ark and a 'Promise from the -D.A.R Rockford convention the Evanston of a suitable and costîy monument. group placed first ini the contest for Miusic 4fter having won the samnelhon- lin1s monument is to bé donc by or at the World's Fair ini compétition Nellie V. WValker, the sculptor, and aînong Cook county corps. The Ev- wiIl portray, the arrivaI of, young anston corps is reputed to have the Lincoi and the Lincoln family in the fiziest tenor drum section of any Le- state. In the foreground will bc a gion group in the state. statue of Lincolin, donc ini bronze. Behind the bronze statue will be panel in stone depictinig the menbers A rt IVielsen W-ins oitefamily walking beside a cov- fd "' ered wagon drawn by oxen. More Lurels onl mi DAR1. Memii.,, Help the Tennis Co'r 'lhle entire management of "Mount ArËthur Nielsen ' Jr., of Winnctka, \Vernon" at the Colonial village,- A :ensational young tennis star,- won Century of Progress, is being carried, the boys' sinîgles evcnt'at the 1nian 1,n most successfully by the state state. tournanient last week at Elk- Di.A.R. organization. A total of seven hart. He dcfeated George Coquillard liundred members will have served of South Bend in the finals, 6-0, 6-1. as liostesses by the end of the season, The one gamhe Nielsen lost to Co- five hostesses at a time. Glencoe quillard was the only one hie dropped chapter w'ill bc in charge of "Mount in the entire tournament. \*erno&'" August 19, 20 and 21. . Competing in the junior singles Those of the local chapter Who tournament also at the Indianalstate have visitedl the Colonial Village and event, Nielsen reached.the finals and viewved the Old North church, the Will meet Douglas Coylc of the Chi- 1flouse of Seven Gables, the Benja- cagg Town and Tennis club. Nielsen mîin Franklin . Press, -the vvillage and Coyle wîll play tiîeir final ,blacksmith shopi the ducking-stool match later. They rushed from Elk- and stocks and other characteristic hartto Milwaukec in order to bc in 1 . atures agree that the atmosphere the Wisconsin city in time to com- ut the 'earlY Colonial days is there. pete as doubles partners in the Mil- However, they find that Mount \-"er- waukee cit-y tournament. They played nion with its antique furnishings, is together ini the Indiana state junior the înost instructive and interesting doubles tourney and defaulted in the of ail. Chapter members are scîîing semi-finals, with the match standing Mlount -\Vernon tickets to, their at one set apiece. The reason for friends ini advance, lor Ini this way a the default, it 'was explaincd, was arger_.perceiitage of the bmall ad- that the wcather was unusually hot mission fee goes to the monument and they had- already played in und than if thie ticket is purcliased seven matches that day. at the uuor. According to information recently received by Mrs. J. 1). Lightbody, regent of the Glcncoe chapter, the enterprise is succeeding beyond ex- pectations, and a goodly sum already £ las been laid away toward the erec- tion of the monument. Septuplets Born Here'; 'Tis Family of Rabbits \Vilmettc rnay not be as 1large as Chicago* but as a wild game preserve it has the big metropolis beaten a41 wa.ys of the compass. A recent story, f eatured- with a- photograph, of the findifig of two. baby rabbits in the shirubbery in front of a city home Pales into insignificance whcn coin- pared with an actual happening in Wilmette. -Nielsen and his father, Arth ur C. Nicîse 'I, losti in the finals of the WVestern rathers' «and Sons' cham- lionship event at the University of Chicago last week. prised to ind seven baby rabbits rest- ing snugly among the fragrantgeraný iums. The mother.rabb.it was not then in, evidence, but..was undoubtedly giving ,much thiought to th.e.problem of movîng, for Mrs. Poronto noticcd that two of the babies would be taken away for a time,- and. then brought, back. IThis procedure was followed with the entire famil.y, un til finally they ail disappcared. The thought is that any town which cannot produce at least seven baby rabbits ini shrubbery or flower bcd. should not boast. Mrs. H. E~. Poronto, 90 1 Elmwood Mr. and Mrs. C. G, Litteli, 322 avenue, planted a bcd of geraniums. W 'oodstock avenue, Kenilworth, Ieft Goinig out one morning recently to last Saturday by motor for the north cultivate ber flowers she was sur- woods for a week's vacation.ý iEý -. .- e. -35 Drum .Corps Performe at Pair Celebrati'on The Drumi and Bugle corps. of- the E.vanston Post of the American Le- gion, with. many mfembe.rs living. in Mimette, thrilled the crowds at A Century of- Progreass on Evaniston 'Day (Wedncsday) when it ente 1red the Tweny-tirdstreet gates, formred. irt line and paraded to the Pantheon de la Guerre at Twenty-fourth street on the Street of Villages. A concert %vas givenl in front of the Pantheon building including patriotic and popu- lar airs and in'conclusion, -thé programi was. dedicMfed to 'the World war o9s Do the saine with each of the. others, being sure to 'paste each picture in the right advertisement. la case you are flot positive in which adver. wnîcn of the pictures jis us. After you've conpleted identifying the pictures and pasting dieu jn the Proper advertisements, Write a letter of not more than 100 word. on the subject, "The'Fun 1 Had in Solving This Content.', Send in the. advertisements and the letter. togtetiier observing the rule. below. Valuable prizes await the winnerst JIRE AIME TUE PRIZES GOOD AT AMY PLACE 0F BUSINESO ADVERTISING UN THIS CONTESt RULES 0OF TUE CONTEST limaI ha every case. First Prize. . .. $25 in~ trade Second Prize . $10 in tr ade Thurd Prize . .$s in trde Fourth Prize. 3 in trade Fifth PrÎze ....$2ini trade Sixth to Tenth Pruzes, $ each in trade 1. Anyone Muay enter this. con. test exceptenaployees of Lloyd Hollister luce, or mqmbers of their fa mlies. 2. Prizes to b. aWarded contest- ants Who, Most aearly identify ail pictures and whose letter of 100 word. or legs. où the sub- Wet "Tii Fun 1 Had in SoIv- ing This Conteat" i. adjudged the best. 3. Address ail answers to "Who'à Who Contest Editor," Wu.- METTELIrE., 1232, Central Ave- nue Walmette, Illinois. 4. Adverfisements and letter muât bc naaled or delivered together- to avoid lois and confusion. I 1. . W '.« t- 1111 lu for those who kjaOW 0 N THIS and the following several pages are advertasements of many Wilmette business bouses. On other pages are the. pictures of some member or members of eacii irai having au advertuuement an this section. Cut out each picture and paste it in the advertisem.nt in which t belongs. For instance, Van Deusen's Grocery and Market bas an advertisement in.this section. Among the. pactures is that of A. S. Van Deusen, Jr. Cnt it out and peste it ini the Van Deues' Grocery and Market advertisenîert, over the word. "Picture of A. S. Van w lv' I lý Vahiable Prilzes eM .1 5. Conteet closes at 9 a. in. Tu«.~ day, JuIy 31. Ail answers muet be in by ti.dtne. 6,' Names.of winiers wall, b. pub. lished in WLmusrTT Lxim, issue of August 2, together wath the advertisementi, *ith eaCh pii. tur tiarn its proper place. 7. Arti.tic arrangement aud dec. oration do not helIp you Win a prize. ,Çorrectnesan adentify. ing pictures and. menit of let. ter only will count. 8. The. judges' decision walI b. business peuple P fi