6IIcUvt-s in S cial ice By EANTEN BROECK "SouthJ until 9 o'clock. The innovatin cocktail hour is proving mot. more popular, many member! guests now having their cocktail erings at the club ratier thani at preceding the part.y. Progressive bridge will be1 at- the luticheon and bridge parti ing place at the club Friday afteý of this week. Luncbeon is seri 1 o'clock, followed by bridge. Tuesday, July. 31, the îîext 1. day golf event, prizes will 6e aiw for low net in classesA, B. aý The event this week offered1 for the best score on nine holes, one-baîf handicap. The Clags A ners were Mrs. C. M. Grabarn M rs. W. S. Ruxton, both of Evai who tied with ýa 36. Mrs. Ruxtor the cut. Mrs. Adolpb Luick of Cbicagi Mrs. De Witt O'Kieffe of Eva tied in Class B witb 32, Mrs. O'] winning the cut.. The Class C went to !Mrs. George Montgo of Evanston for a score of 31. At 1IIinoiS Final mâtch çs in the 54-bofe nament for women are being p WVednesday of this week and * nesday of next at the Illinois Coi club. Saturday the men will the. second round for the Il trophy, and Sunday morning compete for prizes, for low gross low net. scores. The regular wg informaI dance takes place S day night. Dance a+ Indian Hill. A' Young People's dance wil held Friday evening of this wec Indian Hill c1ub,* with music fr( until 12:30 o'clock. There. wil the usual bridge Saturday aftert and Sunday night the regular Lb supper., Club Will Ninô Rg Troubadoi South Air purpose oi of Spanis Century c inig to the night. In native the din ner tine, to be hi try club. -mandolins, castanets, c musiçiansN the rhumba Spaniards k: Favors an in keeping ' Night ini A Spanisb disi menu. A special be served d preceding il Junior School Brandi lfo Meet af Clarke Estate T he Evanston branch of- the Friends of Chicago junior school is having its next nîonthly mneeting1 Tuesday, July 31, at the estate of Mr. and Mrs.-Harley L. Clarke, Lake Geneva, Wis. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 with a prograin of. music by' Mm. and Mrs. Harold' MoIter of XVilinette. Husbands and friends of niembers are very cordially invited, the braîich announices. Mrs. Walter A. Hanseni of 2812 Blackhawk road will receive reserva- tions for XVilmette, Mrs. R. G. Bain- of 2759 Broadway avenue, for Ev- anston. Mrs. C. H. Warner, 2414 Isabella street, Evanston, is ini charge of transportation. Mary Pickford af Dance Mary Pickford, the screen star, made a surprise visit to the north shre. Saturday night wben she at- tended the dance at Exmoor Country club. Among the memLhers in hem party were ber niece, Gwynn Pick- fèrd, Miss' Hel'en Dawes, the daugb- ter of Rufus Dawes, Richard Burke of Winnetka, Jchn Trameér .oýIGlen- coe, Pete r Yager of Highland Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Scribn.er of Deerfield. Sororify Luncheon ,Miss Isabel Lovedale and 'Miss Florence Huth entertained tbirty-six - guests of the Alumnae club of Beta Phi Eta at Northwestern university at a buffet.luncheon Saturday at the home of Miss Lovedale, 42 Kenil- Worth avenue, ICenilworth. Amerioen Troubadorm Wiii Gve Mary B. Gunn Wins P rogram at Sunset Ridge 'on Satulrday Wellesley Scholarship ______ 1ary 'Brewster Gunni, .daugliter of IlHave Dinner Dno Mr. ane Mrs. Alexandor H.* Guinn of 'A'Ngcht in Argentine Lido Party Gala Evenit Evanston, bhas been awarded the scholarship of the Chicago Wellesley of ýSummrer af Shawnee club, and will leave the north shore ýealdo and( his eleven in time- tb be at Wellesley by Sep- rsi n p r e f oui The Lido party at Shawnee Coun- tember 18. Her mother, the former Ts, lli orted frilitry club this Saturday night p romises Harriet Willcox, herself,is an alumna nerica for the express to be a popular social event of the -of Wellesley, and served as presidenL- f presenting programis summer. Some of the club memberg' of-ttS-Clicago Wellesley club'f romi di danice mnusic at A who plan, to entertain friends are 1906-8. Mrs. Gunn's two sisters, Mrs. Nelsn ofGlenoejoseph D- Wallace and Mrs. Williami f Progress, are com- Miss Virginia'Nlo ofGec, R. Weakley, also attended the saine northshor Satudav ho wiIl be hostess to a party of colge. eigh, M. ad Ms, . C Hoard Miss Marv's great uncle, Dr. \ViI- of Wilmette who will. entertain a îiam H. Willcox, and bis two daugh- costume they will play fo>r group of fourteen; and Mr. and Mrs. ters, Prof. Marv Alice Willcox and dance, A Night in Argen- R. A. Schakel, also of Wilmette, who Miss Ella Willcox, also are activel%, ield at Suniset Ridge Couin- will have a party of ten. Mr. and identified with the college. Fo-r With marimbas, guitars, Mrs.. Pierre Bontecou, Mr. and 'Mrs. mn years Dr. Willcox servcd as tambourines, trunipets. Allan B. Hussander, and Mr. and chairman of the executive commîiitte orets and gourds these' Mrs. Carl J. Zipprich, aIl of Wil- of the board'of trustees and ivas one will interpret the waltz, mette, will have a party of twenty of the trustees until his death. Pro- Sand the carioca as true guests. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. fessor Willcox was head of the zool- now them. Triggs are also entertaiinnlg a large ogy department at Welleslev for a id decorations will also bc group of friends. number of years and Miss Ella wýýas, ith the atmospbere of "A for y-ears, a mnember'of the Englisli -gentine," with genuine department. hes as a part of the dinner Miss Mary's maternai grandfather, Col. Lous Brechemmin Prof. G. Buckingham XVillcox, wvas a 1Habanera cocktail will WIl known Chicagoan, and for forts' Juin te octal ouFeted a în rParty 3weears was professor at thie Chiicago. he dnnerdanc, frm 8Theological seminarv. .e dinner. A dance,:_ frnm R C t b tg d ti JI il M7 of the A dinner ini honor of -Col. I.oui.,; 'e and Brechemin, who recently arrived to »s ad asum hi dutes s cmmaderof g ath- t'le medical personnel' of. the Sixth home Corps. area and who ig making bis home at 906 Greenwood avenue, XVil- played mette, was given at the Black Heath y tak- Country club. Monday evening of this 'rnoonwek 'e t Among those present at the din- ner, besides Colonel Brechemin, were 'adies' Col. J. W. H. Poîlard, Evanston com-- arded missioner of bea ltb and commander Lu Ad C. of the ll19th General, Hospital, Col. pr7sWillard R. Matheny, -33 N. IaSalle writh street, -Chicago attorney and com- with mander of the Illinois state depart- n an ment of the Reserve 'Officers'. associ- nstond ation, Maj. William E. Buehler of Inson Chicago, retired executi e officer of the 119th General Hospital and, a ,o and member of formner Governor Exk Kieff e Ullestad, 55 E. Washington boule- prize vard, Chicago, chief' of the dental D s r ervice of the i l9th General Hospital, meyand Capt. E. Mann Hartlett, 1242 Asbury -avenue, Evanston, cbief of the medical service of the ll9th Gen- eral bospital. The Sixth. Corps area* comprises tbe states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and tour- Michigan. ilayed Wed- )Untry plà,. Girls ,Have Outing lli Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Abbots- wiIfoed iroad, Kenilworth,, was hostess to Sadtwenty-four girls from thle Park reekly Ridge Scbool for.- Girls Tuesday' of. atrlast week, at the Ware farm, in Hart- ]and. Wis. Mrs. Ware is president of the Park Ridge School board. Il Garden Tea il be ek at >Mir. and Mrs. John McKee and tbe ýom 9 latter's-sister, Miss Mamianb Suits, will Il be entertain some of their friends at a noon, garden tea this coming Sunday1 from îuffet 5 o'clock until 7 at the Suits' borne,1 '211 'Warwick -road, Kenilworth. july 26, 1934 WILMETTE LI.FE C o lege Board at World's Fair" Names Hcostesses The hostesses at the Woman' s Col- lege board booth at A Century of Progress for Friday and Saturdav of thlis week. and Sunday, Monday and Tuesdav of next îveek ivill be as fol- Ju ly 27, Brvn-i Mawr day, Mirs. Robert Brown and Miss Antoinette Broivn of Winnietka, Mrs. Ronald Webster of Evanston, and M rs. Thoinas McEwen of Winnetka. Jtmly 28, Elnîira and Pembroke da,, Mrs. C. G:' Hobart and Mrs. Max Munson,e, Pembroke; Mrs. Fred J. Karasek and Mrs. Ernst A. Stay~runi, Elnira. july 29, Goucher day, Miss Eliza- beth Foster, Miss Josephine Haif of Evanston, Miss Edith Freund anid Miss Florence Edwards. july 30.' Lake Erie day, Mrs. LouIsI J. Braddock of Evaniston, Mrs. E. M. Rice, Miss Gladys Nelson and Ntr's. Donald Miller. July 31, Ilills day, 'Miss Mliriai \Vineburg of Evanstomi, Miss jean- nette Havens, 'Miss Betty Hunt of Evanston and Miss Helen Advelett. Atigust 1, ivill be Milwvaukee- Downer day, August 2, Mount Hol- yoke dav, and Augtist 3, Radcliffe day. SOn Radcliffe day MNrs. Edward NMc- 1)ermiott, Mrs. Ralph Crandaîl of Evanston, Miss Jane Snyder andI Mrs. H. E. Gregg vwill serve as host- esses. ,'Red Riding Hood' Is to Continue at Fair "Red Riding Hood," the J unior league play with the all-north: S'Iore cast, now. receiving three performi- ances daily on Tuesday, Wednesdays and. Thursdays at the Children 's theater on the'Enchanted Island at A. Century of Progress, is winning wide popularity and will extend its iun two weeks beyonj çthe original booking. The league first planned to play "Red Riding Hood"- only during the month of July. Announce- ment is rlow made that the'play will continue, throughout the first two veeks of August. D. A. R. Day at, Post A number of officers and members of -the Skokie 'Valley chapter of the EDaughters of the American Revolu- tion, of ,wbich Mms. J. Kelso Farley, Jr., of Kenilworth, is regent, are plan- ning to attend the annual D. A R. day at Fort-Sheridan 'M onday, July A0 Luncheon wili be served, troops vill drill on the parade ground, and areception will be held in the Officers clumb toward the end of the p.rogram.. Bob Burlingame returned to lais hmre at 812 Greenleaf avenue Sun- lay night after a four weeks' outing at Camp St. John's, the St. John's M'ilitary academy camp at Dielafield, Vis.