Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1934, p. 33

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July 26, 934 I1y I5 ~ C~ i i33 initiated this $ummer. Cunningly a smal caPer illustrated the work ln bird.lore, as did an older boy'describe butterfly lorei .1Fowers, trees,. plants, are Identified and stars are made fascinating study. Student instructors' are Arden Shore girls who are gra du- ated from the camp as tea chers and sent out into cit.y institutions., From the program and reports, it was disclosed that shoes, especialty for girls, bathing suits, and clothing9 of aIl kinds are MOst welcome, as 'are fruits and gifts of ice cream to pro- vide delicacies, for those hô'spitalhized. Picnic- day, lu spite of -the intense heat, acts unfailingly asan inspiration to those who attend. They readil%* see that the camp life itself is reflected in the Arden Shore motto, "Service is> the rent ive pay for the. space We OC- ctmy in the worlhl." Mrs. 0. W. Lowry of Holland. ,Nich., wvho with her children,. Billy and A-nu, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin in Wîlmette, eutertained at a bridge tea at the home of. her parents Friday iii honor of Mrs. Fillmore Campbell 1 1 Of e \W Vimngton, Pa., who is visit- MAazie Hawvxhuist, 738 Eleventh iing ln Winnetka. street, and Junie Ahlsteand, 2109 Ken- ilvorth avenue, left last Saturda.y for a week's vacation trip at Lake Ge- Mrs. E L. Davidson, who sonie fe v teva. The-, are returning this iveek- %veeks ago arrived in Wilmette trom end. lier horne in Newtonville, Mass., to visit hér daughter, Mrs. Huberti Carleton, of 1103 Forest avenue, i,; MNi. and Mrs. Earle Mo ntgomery recuperating at the Evanston hos-. of 'Montana arrived Sunday, motor- pital from an operation undergone a :1injg from their home iu Ferdig, to lîttle more than two weeks ago. vis it the Adolph C. Andersons of 1359 Ashlaud avenue. Miss Iniogenc Kaufmnan, 1029 Eln- wood avenue, is visiting friends lun Mrs. Harold Spinney, 927 Ashland North Loveli,, M1ass. She left fast avenue;* entertained the Monday_ week, and will be gone for a month. bridge club at luncheon July 23. Do you know about this new way., to apply or, a real estate barn? The Prudential Insurance Company authorizes ~Smart & Golc, Imc., as agents for property ownl- ers, to submit to it applications for Mortgage Loans. Our organization, therefore, is enabled to offer exceptional advantages to property own- ers interested in ways and means. of financing their requirements through real estate security. Let us act for you in placing your application with Prudential for consideration. T hre e to five year loans, to be' amortized St i ¼ % quarteÉ,13y. Terms Two - hundred- mlontb boans,ý to be amortized at 1/ of 1%monhy 1564 Sherman Avenue, Evanston PhoneC University 0283 Coflge .adVsfs Hoirs Dr. and Mrs. John L. Hiliman ýof Indianola, Iowa, were guests for sev- eral. days this week of Mr.ý and Mrs. Daniel Stecker, 423 Eighth street. Dr. Hilîman, who is president of Simpson college, came to attend the meeting of the book committee of the Methodist Episicopal churc h held at the Methodist Book concern in Chicago. Coming this, week-end for a- visit of several weeks are Mrs. Stecker's twvo sisters, Miss Grace and Miss Wiliner -Kinuan of New York City, who ivill bc joined later by an- other sister, Miss Marjorie Kinnan, assistant superintendent of schools lu Muskegon, Mich. Mr. and Nfrs. Grant Ridgwa y, 207 Cumnberland avenue, left Kenilworth Tuesday to motor east, stopping off at New York and Boston. They wil spend a week visiting their daugh- ter and family, the William Plumers, at Waban., Mass. Martha and Robert (Bobby> Mer-, rifield, children' of Dr. and, Mrs. FrederickW. MIderrifield,:1014 Eim- wood avenue, .are spending a moputh with their mhaterniai grandparenits, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brooks, at Lake Kezar,, Maine. r irois WISCONSIN-UPpERMICHIQAN-MINNESOTA Board a "North Western" train any evening and early next morning you're dicte. You'ppu"i no time at ail.. . sleep like a top ... an=udenlw discover this old world is a pretty good place after ail. It's vacationland par eacelleuce . . . the Big Woods-smiling1 lakes-pine-scented "sun-treated" air. Boatin, ba king, fishing, golf~, tennis, hiking at their best, la pictizresque settdngs. And this season "North Western's" round trip rail fates are down to a new ail -time JoW. Sleeping car fanes are down a full third. Ask -for "11Summer- Outingi"" folder. (MIAG ENORTIIWESTERN Rmll ne Mac ift i IGrotesque peaksand *33 ereCanyons, trout-Ilid mnotitrir~yeoc streains; brilliant sunshine; ciega., GOM atu8aafpo bracing air ... and over .ail thdi. Udi.Jfn .dv mance of diose advenwus, 4bysom. "9.10 da ' wheu the, crack of Winchesterus md cd nn 'a" us ed dthroug h e.01àHuand -WildGoMWd dffais o But Hack k k. pansd order wîhevrreaIysho tMa rons. wm as . Excellent hotéls, iodges 'sud Camp& 033 àf orl a sâe dc 1*k5 C a N.OF. OUTH DAKOTA Tiket ASent To Go to North Woods Mr. and Mrs.. Ward Starrett and their three children, 221. Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth are leving Fr1- day, Auýpst- ,to visit- Mr. tarrett's mother at *Eagle ]River, Wis. - Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Clark and one of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis and Bobby,,of Kenilworth, and Miss Miriam 'Shattuck of Glencoe, will also be guests of Mrs. Starrett. Mrs. Judson -Large, 1942 Thiorn- wood avenue, entertained at a brid ge- luncheon Wednesday lu honor of Mrs. Fillmore Campbell of New Wil- mington,- Pa., who is visiting ber brtesand their familles iii Win-. netka, the George and Herbert Mc- Kinnevs.i Mnr. and Mrs. Lionel Frank Of Glencoe- are spending the summer w ith Mrs. Frank's sister lu Wilmette. Their sou, Alan Frank, will returu August .18, from Ann Arbor where he has been attending summtr schol at the University of Michigan. PERETT'S - Te largest. mont popular Réeort la *.he North Woods. Fishing, bathing., boating, dancing, sporty golf course.j Wonderful food. American plan. T7he. botan ld w eIsi tofleta maid servie.Ee=-e rates. write todow ta rOM MrnIoTr, EagI. %u r im.. july 26, 1934> y Tic=

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