July 26, 1934 WIMPTTE'.I IP Fowl er-TayIo r Wedding Reception HeId in. Garden At onie of the loveliest wed- (lings held on the north shore, Miss Georgiana Fowler. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laiii- l)ert FoNvler, beèanie the bride of Robert Henry Taylor, soli of 1%r. and Mrs. Henry Glenni Ta-, - lor of Kent, Ohio. The Rev. E;. Ashley Gerhard oUfi- ciated at a four o'clock cerenionv Saturday, Jnly 21, ini Christ cliurch. in Winnetka. A reception in. the gar- den of the borne of the bride's par- 'ents, at 16 Warwick avenue, i- netka, followed the service. The bridaI party recelved in a picturesque spot with a fourtain and. shrubbery for a background. Tbe bride's grown was of white satin trimmed in rose point lace witlî a long train. She wore a little cap adorned with tiny orange blossoms from. which extended 'a rose point lace veil over a veil of tulle, the form- er baving doue duty in tbe same ca- pacity for the bride's mother and ber four sisters.. Madonna lilies were the flowers tbe bride carried. Sbe was attended by.lier sister, Mary, as maid of.honor, wearing a delphinium bIne chiffon dress with liat to match and carrying a bouquet of Shasta daisies and dephiniums. The three* bridesmaids, . irginiia Healy and Doris Aling Kimbaîl of Keniýlworth and Katherine Roach of Winnetka, were gowned alike in skv- blue chiffon with trains and carried bouquets like that of the maid of lion&. They wore pictue biats of pale blue borsehair. The bride's, motber's gown was fashioned of brown chiffon with a shoulder bouquet of brown orchîids.. Slîe wore a brown bat triimied ini green. 'The mother of the bride- groom wore lavender chiffon dress and bat, and a shoulder bouquet of lavender orchids. The church was, decorated %vitlm white Madonna lilies and cibotum ferns. At onîe side of thie garden was a long table'decorated with white and bIne *garden flowers, and a center' piece consisting of the bride's cake completely covered- in white candy roses.- The young couple left on a hione.y- moon in Charlevoix, and ontheir re- turn will make their home ini Daven- port, Iowa. Out of town guests were Mrn and Mrs. Brenton Van Cleave and Mr. and Mrs. Marins Darris of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Andrew J. Wight of Plain- field, N. J., the bride's' grandfather,: Robert Fowler, and Mrs. Fowler's sister, Mrs. S. S. Curry, of Daniville,. Announce Betrothal Mr* and Mrs. Leslie Lawrence Perry of 1127 Greenwood avenue an- nounce the engagément of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Katherinie Perry, to the Rev. Charles. Ritchie Jobnson, pastor of the First Pres- b1yterian cburch of Kiel, Wis. The marriage will take place next autumn., Engaged IliS. Cha ries Ed-zwardl Lof-i of Rofer.ç Park, forin.erly of IVil- mette, annrounces thme eii!laqem>iii't of lier dai.h er. Caftherine Fraii- re'S. to Frederick F. Johnson of ,Fdl ' tcater. Miss Lord is a ilt-iidit- ate of.VNotre I)amn. o.bîr .lass. .1r. Johinson is the Chii- ca * ,io>,zi',îîber of Beneuittf rotiiers ili<i Johnson. bond iotise. The date of the z-<d<iiîy fuis ot i>een set. To Give Plays Three short musical pla«'s-"Cock-- tails for Two," "Sleepy Head," and -Freckle Face"ý-will be given bx' three Kenilworth girls Friday even- ing, July 27, at 7:45 o'clock at the home of the Peter F. McXamees, 98 Robsart road. Those who ivill take part in the entertainment are Grace Mannebach and Margaret and Fran- ces McNamee. John Mannebach and Mary McNamee will be the s tage adjusters and will have. charge of the tickets. Tickets may be obtained at either the Mannebach or the Mlc- Namee home, the young. people state. Enfertoins for Bride Miss Elizabeth Alger of (Uencoe is giving a. linen shÎower Fridayý of -thîis week in honor of Miss Carol Knapp of Evanston, whose marriage to Alexander Lathan: of Sani Nf ateo, Cal., will take place Saturday after- noon. Augnst -4, at St.- Augustine '., Episcopal church in Wilrnette with its rector, Dr. Hubert Canleton officiat- On W.dding Trip Mrs. Ab ram' Dale Gash, '527 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette, announces the marriage of ber daughter, Rose, Marie, to Edward S. Mendun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bedloe. Mendun of 605 Sixth street,. Wilmette. The Young couple are now rnotoning through Wisconsin on a short bonevy- moon. Pre-Wedding Parties for Katherine -Klotz Soon.after hier graduat ion f roui, tli University ofMinot and the announcement, of lier engagement. Miss Katherine Klotz of Kenilworth had a number of parties given ini lier honor, A- dinner, à kitchen, linen, bathroom, and miscellaneous siower were given in Minneapolis. On August 8, Miss Mary Louise Dillon will- entertain at..a. dinner party at Sunset Ridge cifub. On August 10, Miss Jean Rawlins of Evanston will give. a breakfast *at ouxe of the north shore clubs, and the bridai dinner is to be giveni that eveîiing by hier parents, Mr. and Ms Charles Klotz of 550 Ridge avenue, at Indian Hill club. Thursday 'evenning preceding -the wedding, 'the bride %vill have a spinster dinner while lier fatlier îs (linfler hiost to the men 'of the bridai party. Miss Klotz will marry l)onald Lloyd Williams of Duluth and Miinu. neapolis on August 11, in tthe garden of lier parents' home. Shawnee Locale for Taylor-Babb Wedding Shawnee Countrv club will be the scene- of a snîall wedding for the relatives of botl fainilies,.and .a few friends, Saturday afternoon, when Miss Florence Eleanor Tavlor, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Taylor of 508 Cherry street, Winnet- ka, will become the bride of Irving Thornton Babb, the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Max Wellington Babb of NuIl- waukee. The ceremony will be read at Shawnee at 4 :30 o'clock by Dr. Wil- liam Forney Hovis of the Kenwood Mfethodist church of Milwaukee. A reception will immediately follow. Miss Taylor has chosen lier sister, Virginia, as hier maid o«f honor and only attendant, wvhile Max Babb, Jr., wvill serve bis brother as best mani. Miss Jane Gillespie of. Winnetka entertained. at a bridge parTy' Wed- ;iesday evening in lionor of the bride and bridegroom. An evening bridge 'vas also given Wednesday, July il, bY Miss Katherinie Edinger of Win- netka. Miss Helen Blake of Win- netka was hostess at a dinner party' at Exmoor club Saturday, July 14. Mr. Babb and his bride will mà1ke their home in Milwaukee. Shower for Bride-to-Be. Miss Ruth Rice and, Miss Frances Brown were co-bostesses at a. per- sonal* shower and bridge at tbe latter's home Thursday evening, July~ 19, in.honor of Miss Josephine Com'-> fort of 812 Prairie avenue, wvhose marriage to Benjamin Slanger wilP l)eC2 mid-summer event. Is Hostess Mrs. Herbert Morin entertained a few of ber friends at a luncheôn and bridge Thursday, afternoon of last week at bier home, 635 Maple avenue. Arden Shore Friends.,Brave Heat for -Picnic, At Arden Shore camp last Fi- day, littie puifs of breeze cooled b-,- the lake, spurted occasionally thirouigh-the murky humidity of the -day to miake the annual pic- nic a littie cooler place' than nany other spots on the north shore. Braving the heat -was (tilte a representation of village l)oards'and othier' frien(ls of the camp %Iho gathered to see the sumîniier canipers "at borne' anJd through the program- at_-work, in classes, and at play. Out uruler the trees the guests pick-- îuicked, and listene(l to rollicking tunes- fromi the Arden Shore orches- tra ensconced belîind gav vellow and binqe stands, new this vear. For the rs.time, too the orchestra included iirîtý p;ersonnel, girls as wvell as boys. Its playing prededed the afternoon ,Prograun devised to afford a pan- oramn a of the' mati-y angles to Ardeti Shore life- The youngest camper, the eleveni- week-old 'baby girl, and 'the oldest. "Aunt Lou" ' wbose birthday reached the nùîetietb m ilestone earlv this week, were introdnced. Appealing lit- tle dances and songs and s.kits, de- picted the activity of ail of the groups : of the Cubs, the boys and girls too young to be>in groups by' theniselv-es.ý the bovs called the "Tigers," the. girls. the "M-,otber Tigers".; of Boyville' withi its youtiger bioys and tbe older group. whose offering included a tumbling act, an innovatlion this year.: of thie girls. the "Cinders": the 'Scot-, ties." the latter so named because their rattage is a niemorial to M,,rs. John Scott Of Huhbard Woodls: of' the "Mary Janes." and the "Peppy Peppers." The last nanîied groil-1. made up of the oldest girls who serve at camp as waitresses, attire(l in new cap)s and aprons of white and green Nvith an. outlinecl Pepper served a re- fre-slinz ade to the.guests white the pr-oqram ivas underway. One of th e Lroups is of littie girl, m'i re underweighit and. neel sne- ciâl rf'st and diet. *Another. of older girls selt Ont hy tbe Chicazo Board of' Education because their under- nourished condition 'forl),ds their ob- taininp, work.; stays in camp ail sum- mer. This group as, a total, was 400 pounds, underweight when it came to- caImp June 28. It alreadv has, gained 59 onds towards its "goal of' nor- The nurses. thei r assistants, the hi- brarian. the Ruardian of the camp store roomn, th e swimminz instructors. al] of themembers, of the staff Of the friendly 'and bospitable iss ýAnna Belle 'Ferrier, the beloved camp) superinitendent. were introduced. eacli tellii,a~ little of bis or bier work and ineeds. 'the Mothers club) whose mem- bers are tauqlht.to sew. to mend, 'and to remodel donations of citothing into pa;rmeîîts for themselves and th'eir children, was presented, as were the grandmothers. Mrs. Théron Cotton directs the na- ture stnudy at Arden Shore, one of its mo *st popular summer activities. Slie announced that an art ciass bas heen W'ccigs +&ggmet otices. -BU JEAN TEN BROECK vv 1, A. En u e ýA ir. ir ý jwk-