ul 4U3 6,.1934 WILMETF I31 i --3 The second -of the mi xed f .our- some sweepstakes events will be held Tbursday, julY, 26, 'starting at 3 Odclock at Skokie Country club. Two more s imilar events will -be featured in August, one on the ninth and the ote nthe twenty-third.. The golf 1 vili be.followecj as usual with a buffet supper and informai dancing on the terrace. Those who wish may have dinner served» in ýthe. main dining Cocktail Party for Guests *Dr. Maude B. Sands was hostess ta about eighty friends at a delight- fui informai cocktail party Sunday froni 5 o'ciock until 9, in.lier home * . and gardeit at 1024 Central avenue, ini honor of her two house guests, Miss .E dele Bassili, of Alexandria, Egypt, and her brother, Jack, from Canîbri dge univer.sity iii n, I~d Reading Circle Hostess The Reading circle wlii meet with Nirs.- Edward L. Scheidenhelin of 704 Lake avenue, Monday, Julv 30, at 1:15 o'ciock. "Down thie Gardei Path," by Beverly Nicholis, is the book the members are reading. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King of Gar- nen City. Lonig Island, N. Y., were recent guests of the latter's brother, iDr. Frederick WV. Nerrifield and' his famiiv, of 1014 Elmwood avenue. Last week-end Dr. -and, Mrs. Merri- field were guests of. Mrs. George Wisner .of Chicago at her summer cottage at Long Beach. -nd., near Nlichigan City. NIrs. E. D. Parmlee of Utica, N. Y., left iast .Tuesday after a. visit with Mfrs, Rufus Stolp, 336 Leicester road, Keniiworth. She wili be the guest of the George Keehns of the Orring- ton hotel until tomorrow and then is returnfing ta KeniIwQrth for a visit, -with Mrs. J. A. Culhertson. Mrs. Alfred M cDougal, 325 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, is leaving ta- day with her son's wife, Mrs. Alfred NMcDougal, Jr., and their two chil- dren, of Glencoe,, ta spend a week visiting the latter's parents, 'the WV. N. Gilietts _ at their summ er home in Ludington, Mich.' Mrs. Ben. F. Lenick, of St.euben- ville, Ohio, and ber two daughters, Marianne and Marjorie, ieft Iast weekafter a three weeks' visit with Mrs. Lenick's sister and family, the Charles M. Burlinganies of 812, Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and M rs. H. G. Bersie, 1619 Greenwood avenue, and,their daugh- .ter, Marilyn, wenlt on. a combined business and pleasure trip for several days last 'week, motoring ta Grand Rapids, Holland,. Mich., and several- summer resorts., Mr. and Mrs. H.A Wilson of Buff'alo, formerly of Evanston, are guests this week of, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Whitmore, 644 Abbotsford road,. Kenilworth. They w4Jl spend next. week with the John A: Cooks of Evatoen. ELoff at Nf EN...... . TH........ W O RLD CAN'T......... 4 i r ..... .... .... ..... .... ...11.1.. .... ............. ......... .... .... ..... .... .... .... eYou can buy new autô obi es, radios riof clubs but you -y n vr replace "the only pair * f eyes. you'il e a'e. I' ou y s, t o that bring you more. :...pleasure than ail worldly weaithl can buy. Take care of your eyèés. .and they'li take care of;*you. Hv them properiy ex4mined. at peri odic -intervais and above ail, if you need giasses don't skiinp on them, 'because, bargains in ýspeýctacles- are. usually deariy paid for in impaired vision.... To make ueta you are doàing al you can to protect your eyes, select theé."*an that dfits, youùr glasses with care, because it's his honor anid integrity that assure you of comfortable vision throughout life.. Aimer Coe glasses are made to, meet your individuail requirements 'and to standards that.48 years of service have proved ind.isp utabie for quaiity and. accuracy. In fairnes* t o yourself, at least -let us. show. you why Alimer Coe glasses are better. for r eyes. Thère will be no obligation. ALER CO& C Omp IàN TY 105 North Wabash Avenue 18 South La Salie Street 78 Est ackon Buleard1645 Orrington, Avenue, Evanston WiýtM-ETTE, LIPE 78 East Jackson Boulevard Mrs.' Ida Hiammiond o Kansas Mrs. Leonard P. Parsons,,62 Cit, o. frmeiyofWiMette, who Greenleaf avenue,' was. hostesst is visiting friends ïn- theý village, is rmebers of b er. Wednesday. dessertWH1TF dividing ber time between Miss Mary -luncheon and bridge club this week. A. Pope, 90)4 Lake avenue, a'hd Mrs1. U A.. C. Wefiban, 900, Lake avenue. "rou EV&%NSON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS JAn Accredjted Art SchoolSPR1N CARtL SCHUFFLER, Directo, Full and Part Time CoUrsesý LMr. andi Mrs. H. F. Burnie of St Day and ïEvening CI'qe Louis are the gues-ts of Mrs. Burnie's Children's Classes: ~ YV 5 .MLO brother and sister-in-iaw, the George D I Saturdây Mornings - m$U' ^VL Stewarts of 2403 Iroquois rbad. 8ose Chureh St.rGPe. 16.U ILILT ille l 0 m le