ut ~Soýcial:Cre Bu EANTEN BRtOECK 150 Bouquets From North shore Gardens Are Etered. in. Wrnnetka. Flo wer- Show* Enthusiaism of Participants Confrib- Utes fo Success of Show The Little Flover show, SIpon- sored by the gardeîî departinent of the Winnetka Womian's club' at the Garden Center at- Coin- îuunity House on Moniday Jul- 23, wvas held at such an oppor- tuine time that approxiniîatelv 150 bouquets were entered f rom gardens in Winnetka and near- by villages. MIrs. John Uindemiai and lier coin- nxttee, who were responsible for the affair, were delighted by' the enthusi- asm shown by those participating. Mrs. Beverly WVilliams of Glencoe, after judging the contest, gave a shortt talk. explaining the, points upon which she based ber decisions. Mfrs. F. K. Bolîman was the out- standing exhibitor. She received a firstt and two seconds in different classes, %Vhile ber arrangement of. loWers ini purpie shades to harmonize with an old Chinese bowl on a . teakwood stand was considered the loveliest iii the show. A list of ribboü winners in the various classes follows: Shades of one color-M\rs. F. ýK. Bolîman, Chinese bowl and purple - flowers, first;,Mrs. Edward C. Haase, ' silver bowl and flowers in orchid ( -shades, second; Mrs. F. J.. Scheideîi- ii lielm of Wilnxette, old vellow "vase- il line glass"! with yellow flowers, third, and Mrs. M. D. Cahni, old painted pot- C tery bowl and rose petunias, hionor- able mention.E Mixed garden flo-,vers-Mrs. Erwin ir A. Meyers,ý antique Empire vase and fi harmonizing flowers, first; Mrs. Ern- ai est White. old Sivedisti glass with sl -white petunias and yellow nastur- i Iliums, second; Mrs. Woodruff J. Ran-- st kixi, milk glass, and small lowers, tI third, and Mrs. Mlontague Ferry, green Chinese bowl with yellow and blue flowers, honorable mention. s( Miniatures-M rs. Langdon Pearse, ti yellow and green Chinese bowls -withy >'ellow pansies, first; Mrs. F. K. Boîl- C -nan, Chinese rose jar withl fuchsia, C second; Mrs. W. Xance, green glass vase and small flowers, and Mimi rf M Nor-ris, doîl tea service with blue and Si .White flowers, honorable mention. K AIl white Mrs. WVarren Shoe- ni niaker, white metal container, flowvers. a -i shades of cream and whit, ist0 Nfrs.. F. K. Bolîman, Spode vase withi stock and phlox, second; Mrs. W. J. -Lang, large urn ,witb petunjas, and pho,,third, and Mrs.. A.. W. Mer-F field, glass vase and daisies,, honior- able -mention. Unusua! contain er -Ms L. M.'F Weary, liquor bottle with lavender a and yellow flowers,, first; Mrs. Ed& th ward C. Haase, green watering. can p wi th golden gleam nasturtiums, sec-M ond; Mrs. Mtrrifield, small jug with fuchsia, third, and Mrs. A. R. Sutter, .hollowed lemon illed withi ageratum C and achilla. Pairs of vases-Mrs. Samuel Mc- Caulleýy, brass bowls. with formai gr arrangemet, fixst, and Mrs. H. C. n( Edmonds, pale',pink pottery container ai .and matchiug zinnias, second. Hi Affernoon Bridge Is Beneff f-or D.A.R. The Ft. Dearborn chapter of the 1). -A. R.. is, sponsoring an afternooîî bridge Friday, August 3, at 2 o'clock at the Evaîîstoîî Woman's club. Tables for cards wvill be ar- ranged ini the first floor club room, and refresbments will be served in the club garden. -Mrs.,Simon C. 'Miller of Evanston, chairnian, and the 'mémbers of ber wavs and means committeé have de- vised 'this benefit to raise funds to help meet the financial needs of the i1hapter. Mrs. M1iller will be assisted by Mrs. J. H.erbert Van Landinghamn of Evanston, social chairînan, *ini înaking the party one of the best of the summer season. Mrs. Frederick- C. Minkler and M rs. John G. Norris of Evanston are. ini charge of the advance sale of tickets anid-table reservations. Tickets ma%- also l)e obtained at the door. Win Ribbons at Flower Show Tee At the flower show of the Kenil.- worth- Junior Gardenx club held on Wednesday of Iast week at the home of Mrs. H-arold McKenzic, in XWin- netka, the prize inners were ain- nouniced as- follows: Miniature exhibit:- \Irs. Ogdeu i C'ook, first prize; Nirs. Wende'l Clark, second;' and M*ýrs. Howard Knight, th.ird; exhibit of anv flowver c n any container: Mrs. Ogden Cook.,- first prize; Mrs. Otis Heath, second- and Mrs. John Walsh Baldwin, third: shrubbery exhibit: NIrs. Otis Heath, first prize;, Mrs. Herbert Lucas, P second; and Nirs. E lias Johnson,. P hird; -exhibit of sînall table. vith a lower. arrangement:. Mrs. Samuel ilark, first place; Mrs. Otis Heath, second; and Mrs. Herbert Lucas, t( hird; exhibit of unusual container: Il M1rs. Leon Ellis, first ; Mrs. Carlisle el Christie, second; *and Nfrs. Wen1dell c( Clark,. third -prize. The judges were Nirs. Frank Bar- ett, Mrs. James Prentiss, and Ilrs. Sidney BaIl, aIl niembers. of, the p Kenilworth Garden, club.' Eacb junior ienber ivas allowed the privilege of agues.t for the flower show and tea w following. f at lave .Housepairty h Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simimoni s of se ;vaîxstox entertained éight guests at CÇ Lhouseparty over the week-end at sp îe sunimer home of 'M\rs' Simmons' )arents, the C. C. Carnahians, at Lane ffills 'ircIe Meeting The North 'est c 1ircle of the Con- foi .regatildhal church of Wilmette will gr ieet tomorrow afternoon (for sewing BI id tea With Màrs. L. G. Haines, 1745 re! lighland avetnue. -of On Wedding Trip Photo by ('ati<,4s .an <d Ars. Lawrence LIjiro v .llcCarthy3 are exl'eced i Glenco'e the end of, this. week after their honevn.oo, ini Land o' Lakes. [Vis. Thev zvill bk ai hoie ut -490 Park aven ie. Before hlur tveddiîig on 'nue 20. the bride -was Vliss.IaI Are fo Be Hostesses, n Mt. Vernon 'et Fai.r MNembers of the Skokie Vallev chapter of the Daughters of the Anierjcai i Revolution' will act as hostesses at Mounit Vernon, the D. A. R . ex-hibit in the Colonial N'il- lge at A Cenitury of Progress ex- position. They wvill'be on duty froîîi 10 tîtîtil 4 and froni 4 uintil 10 Friday and Saturday, August 17 an(l 18. Mounit Vernon lis the project at the fair conducted bv the Illinois L)auglh- ters as a means of raising ftnds for le Lincoln monument they are to rect at the Illiniois side (if the Lin- -olul Meniorial bridge. 'icnic et Summer Home Mirs. Williamn H. Smythe- 43 Knl 'orth avenue, Kenilworth, invited 1 ity- four guests to a, picnic receiltly htler sumîner home at Portage Point, Onekama. Mich.,, in hotior of ier daughter, Marjorie. Her soni, N'illianî, Jr., motorèd to Chicago to ee the fair and staved a week at the, hicago Atleltic club. iMr. Smy3the pends week-ends with hIis family. Iostess i Black Forest Anne Guinan, daughter of Mr. and *rs. James J. Guinan, 417 Abbots-- rd road Kenilworth, entertained a roup of children at dinnter at the Iack Forest at A Century of Prog- ss Thursday of last Week in honor b ler eigbth birthday. Summer. Social Aids Sisterhood'S PhilanthropyFund In order-that it s'phi lan th ropie fund îîxay be adéquate to inet the inanv deniands pût tupon it by the generous charitable ap- propriations and philanthropic en.te rl)rses, in this year's pro- grain, the, Sisterhood of North Shore Congregation Israel is carefuilly planning its sumnier,. afternoon social at the Moraine hlotel in HJighland Park, Tues- (las, August 7, at 2 o'clock.' The veranda overlooking the teni- nis courts and the large cool ballrooîn adjoininig will be turned over to 'bridge and keno, and will comfort- ably accommodate a large number of people. Additional attractions will lic the refreshments and handsome prizes. Mrs. Alfred Fleshami is the Sister- hood.presiden.t. 'Mrs. Harold 'Moses is chairman of the ways and means committee, with Mrs. Charles Sincere as co-chairman,, and Mrs. William Berger, secretar.v. Sub-comnmittee. as they bave been augmented, follow: 1M rs. Lawrence Stein, Mrs. Felix 'ýRothsclîild, Mrs.. Emil Stern, and Mrts.* Leo Steele, hotel arrangemýents: Mfrs. Sylvan Hirschberg. Mrs. Lester Felsenthal, Mrs. Kirke Becker, .\Mr. Rudolph Morrison, Mrs. Max Living- ston, and Mrs. Casril Barnard.' re- ception committee'; Mrs.- M\ax Wolff. NIrs. Emil Stern, and ..\f rs. Hugo Pick, b)ridge; Mrs. A. L. - Suekoif. MIrs. William Berger, MNrs.- B. I.. Stein. and Mrs. Emianuel Hirsclî, Kenio;Airs. Charles Sincere. Nirs. Samuel' Goodman, Mrs. N. H. An- spacli. Mrs. A. J. Weisberg, and N!rs. Siiiîon Ruwitch, prizes; Mrs. .Jaîe, S. Roscnl>latt, -MNrs. Jacob Weil. Junior Sisterhood: Mrs. Enianual Hirsch, NMrs. joseph K. Arnold, andI Mrs. N. H. Anspach, printing; MrWs.> Herbert Levy, Mrs. H. N. MNiscli. Mfrs.-Nathati Ravmer, and Mrs. Val- ter Hirsc* h, tickets,; Mrs. Frank Sei- der. 'Nirs. Harry BoyelI, Mrs. Harrv Caîîînanî, and Nfrs. Mark Newîuaîî. p ub lici t v "Ilf you have not already inade yoîîr reservations," the committee remark~,, "won't y-ou tel ephone lirs. Herbert Levv, 670 Grove street, Glencoe. so that there wvill bic a table, a-waiting Honor Visitor Mrs. Arthur G. Stanton 1014 Poni- tiac road,- entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday in honor of MNrs.. Walter Riesner of Ardmore., Pa., formerly of- Wilmette, who, is visiting the 'W. D. Nance family i W~ilmette. Teci et Summer Home Mrs. Edward Hamm of Kenilwortli entertained at a tea on Tuesday of last week at ber summer home in Çastle Park, Mich., ini honor of ber new daughter-in-Iaw, Mrs. Edward F. Hamm (Joy Fairman). july'26, 1934 WILMET-TE LIFE